Home » And how odd that Democrats didn’t think this disqualified Obama


And how odd that Democrats didn’t think this disqualified Obama — 26 Comments

  1. BTW, on hypocrisy, the USA Today is doing its best to cement its right to sit at the cool kids table.

    Even the stories with headlines that looked to be indicative of fairness or even support of Kavanaugh turned out to be out-right hit jobs or the more dangerous stiletto jabs to the heart.

    One exception (not surprising) is this one by Jonathan Turley.

    Published 4:28 p.m. ET Sept. 19, 2018 | Updated 8:22 a.m. ET Sept. 20, 2018

  2. The brazen hypocrisy and absurdity is obvious. The left knows it and doesn’t care. In a sense, they welcome it. Such is a key test of faith and loyalty for SJWs: you will surrender all pretense of objectivity, fair mindedness, critical thinking and intellectual honesty; you will believe and espouse what we say, when we say it, without hesitation. ANY deviation will be severely punished.

  3. Kavanaugh’s drinking is relevant to the truthfulness of his “virgin choir boy” narrative. It occupies roughly the same space as Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky. To most of the Right, it’s not the act itself that’s disqualifying, but rather it’s the lying about it.

    So no one really cares if Kavanaugh actually drank illegally. It’s that he said it was legal..or iirc he did a Clintonian parsing: “the drinking age was 18.” Now, even that’s not enough for a perjury charge…he may have thought he was grandfathered in. But when placed along side other possible lies, like the meaning of Renate Alumni, Devils Triangle, or boofing, one can easily see how Dems think they are being lied to.

  4. There is a portion of the Democratic Party, and the left in general, for whom consistency of belief and behavior is entirely irrelevant. What was said and done on Tuesday is irrelevant to today, unless it can be used to effect. All that matters is power. The past in annihilated. The destruction of History as an academic discipline is not incidental to this, it is central. Those who are unmoored from the past have no firm place to stand and are at the mercy of those who control the present. These people do not actually care in the least whether Dr. Ford was assaulted or what dignity she is entitled to – they proved that by not quietly reporting the letter to the FBI, along with the request of anonymity. Nor are they at all bothered by Kavanaugh’s behavior, even if it were true. They care only how it might used, how it might be spun, how it might be made to appear.

    It is not yet all liberals who are like this. Many are sincere but misguided, childishly a little impressed with their own moral appearance rather than substance. Yet every year this grows worse, as those who once had standards rationalize ever-greater offenses by the others against norms of civic decency. It is a very Screwtape/Belbury/Great Divorce world, where morals erode slowly at first, then all at once.

  5. Prove he was not a virgin in college and hs by finding women who could debunk that, not proving he liked to drink beer which he never denied.

    Watch liberal women start coming forward claiming they had one night stands with Kavanaugh in college that could never be substantiated.

  6. Instead of saying 1970, how about 1968 and the feminist sexual revolution?

    “What I’ve found is that polarization has been steadily getting worse since the early 1970s,” he explains in a university release. “Today, we’ve hit the ceiling on polarization. At these levels, it will be difficult to make any progress on social or economic policies.”

    For the study, Neal examined the legislative networks of every U.S. Senator and Representative between 1973 and 2016. He also reviewed bills presented before Congress during the period, specifically looking for bipartisan legislation that was co-sponsored by members from both parties. He found that while polarization was still strong in the 1970s, it’s continued to worsen, particularly since the early 1990s.

  7. FIRST they divided by economics
    THEN they divided the sexes
    then they divided the ages
    then they divided the races
    then they divided…

    and no one wants to put pieces together..
    they like playing with the puzzle pieces alone

    He showed that strong polarization actually dipped in the early and mid-1970s, only to take a steady turn for the worse by 1980. In effect, fewer lawmakers are coming together to co-sponsor attempts at bipartisan bills, and instead, more are taking time to rail against the other side of the aisle.

    Which shows contrary to popular belief, the ladies have made a constant inroads to changing this to the kind of communist state they have openly said they were making…


  8. when placed along side other possible lies, like the meaning of Renate Alumni, Devils Triangle, or boofing, one can easily see how Dems think they are being lied to. –Manju

    Right, and don’t forget being left out of the fun! Because everyone knows that what adolescent boys write in yearbooks is highly accurate.

  9. Do people know that there is a drinking game called Russian Roulette? Many Drinking games take on names that had other meanings or identify other more dangerous and inappropriate activities.

  10. Manju”

    Do you ever get sick of your own BS?

    That’s a real question, by the way.

    Here’s another related one: do you ever have a thought of your own, rather than the talking points du jour? I think sometimes you do, but most of the time not.

    As Trump would say: sad.

    By the way, sometimes virgins drink. And choir boys are no longer choir boys past the age of puberty, when their voices break. I believe at the time in question, late high school and college, Kavanaugh was already past puberty.

    But I know you don’t mean “choir boy” in the technical sense. However, Kavanaugh didn’t present himself that way in any sense, except that he was morally upright. In case you weren’t aware of it, morally upright people drink—did you know that? And not all drinkers are rapists. Perhaps you didn’t also know—because you pay no attention to what you don’t want to pay attention to—that during his testimony Kavanaugh made it crystal clear that in his teen and college years he sometimes drank and drank to excess. That would make him the same as about 93% of all Americans of that age. Kavanaugh never presented himself as some sort of squeaky-clean guy who never drank. That’s your lie, not his.

    And give me a break on what Kavanaugh said about the drinking age . He never said he was a perfectly legal drinker, he said the drinking age had been 18, which meant some people at the parties could legally obtain alcohol. But he never said that he himself was a legal drinker at those parties, and in fact for much of the time he was in high school the drinking age in Maryland was in fact 18. It was changed to 21 on July 1, 1982, but all his friends who already WERE 18 at the time would have been grandfathered in and able to purchase liquor. I doubt Kavanaugh remembered all the ins and outs of the law, and he seems to have made an error in saying it was 18 all the time in high school (horrors, he must be a rapist then!), but he certainly didn’t imply that he never drank illegally in high school. Kavanaugh said ““My friends and I, boys and girls. Yes, we drank beer. I liked beer. I still like beer… The drinking age as I noted, was 18, so the seniors were legal. Senior year in high school, people were legal to drink.” That was true at one point in time but later became true only for those who had turned 18 before July 1 1982.

    As for boofing and the rest, you really ought to get yourself some better things to do. Slang is local and varies, and changes constantly. What a word might mean in 2018 in one part of the country and with one group can be very very different from what it meant in Kavanaugh’s group in the early 1980s. Our society has coarsened tremendously in the years since 1983.

    And keep ignoring the far greater and more material lies of Christine Ford.

  11. Someday Democrats would say any white people who played hangman as a child are racist and supporters of lynching.

  12. ckler on October 3, 2018 at 2:40 pm at 2:40 pm said: The brazen hypocrisy and absurdity is obvious. The left knows it and doesn’t care. In a sense, they welcome it. Such is a key test of faith and loyalty for SJWs

    artfldgr on December 14, 2012 at 1:46 pm at 1:46 pm said:
    So? All this says is that when they ask “what do you think of my purple horse”, they all say yes.

    Artfldgr on March 30, 2009 at 7:43 pm at 7:43 pm said:
    A while back i told a story of a chinse emperor, who one day, came in and had all his generals come in, and at some point in the meeting asked them all into the garden to see his new horse….

    Artfldgr on December 10, 2008 at 4:01 pm at 4:01 pm said: as i said, there is an old story of a chinese general. he came out one day with all his lesser generals and said i will show you my new horse.

    Artfldgr on November 11, 2009 at 12:38 pm at 12:38 pm said: why doesnt any one understand the tale of the chinese general and the purple horse? [its a better explanation than how many fingers do i have up… or the emperors new clothes. there are about 20 stories that we seem too dense to ‘get it’]

    Artfldgr on April 27, 2011 at 4:47 pm at 4:47 pm said: those who are part of the body politic will say whatever the leadership claims, no matter what they see in front of them.. ie.. they pretend to see the purple horse and complement the emperor on it.

    Artfldgr on April 4, 2011 at 6:25 pm at 6:25 pm said: but as i said.,,
    look and find a thread, and they ALL lead back to the same people, ideas, and blind followers, and concepts…….or as marx said..

    that can be fixed with a bit of dialectics..or as orwell said how many fingers do i have up or the chinese general how do you like my purple horse

  13. arfldgrs on March 9, 2018 at 2:42 pm at 2:42 pm said:
    [in this case the STEELE document also tested who was loyal much as the deer that was a horse did in China]

    The chinese translates to:

    If a corrupted individual tries to explain his riches and expenditures as the result of honest and gruelling difficulties, how many would disagree; how many people would call his words a deception of “calling a deer a horse”?

  14. Zhao Gao was a man who was hungry for power.

    After declaring Huhai Qin Er Shi, he decided to control the entire government. The man brought a deer to a meeting. He showed that deer in front of the emperor and the officials, and said it was a great horse. The emperor, who regarded Zhao Gao as a teacher and therefore trusted him completely, thought it was a deer, and many officials thought so too. Some were afraid of Zhao Gao, but seeing that Qin Er Shi also regarded it as a horse, said nothing. Others agreed to its being a horse.

    Zhao Gao murdered the officials who remained silent or called it a deer.

    Zhao Gao later killed Li Si with the method of execution that Li Si invented himself.

    Then Zhao Gao killed Qin Er Shi and declared Ziying emperor when Liu Bang arrived at the capital.

    When Xiang Yu arrived, Ziying killed Zhao Gao and surrendered, thus ending the reign of the Yings as well as Zhao’s rule.

  15. that is histo ry rep ea ting…
    if you think i am being bru sque, wait till you meet the new lords…

    if you think you can win with out kno wing
    then try to go to atla ntic ci ty, and play po ker with out know ing and see wh at happ ens!

    [t hey know what your going to do bec ause they know the first reac tions of the igno rant… ie. they are usu ally the same… ie. so if you keep them igno rant you are only refi ing your expe rtise against ne wbs th at alwa ys make the same mistakes… chess in 5 moves anyone?]

  16. Chinese Idiom: Point to a Deer and Call it a Horse (????)

    The idiom originated from the Qin Dynasty (??) (221–206 B.C.) following the death of Qin Shi Huang (???), the first emperor of the dynasty and first emperor of a unified China after the state of Qin conquered all of the other states of that period.

    it dominated like the US does
    and so could only be taken down one way

    During the reign of Qin Er Shi (???), literally the “second emperor of the Qin Dynasty” in 210–207 B.C., the prime minister, Zhao Gao (??), was a man with greedy ambitions bent on usurping power.

    just like our left, who need to coordinate in front of their opposition

    Later generations used the idiom “point to a deer and call it a horse” to describe a situation in which someone reverses black and white and turns the truth upside down in order to deceive others.

    but the story is much more
    it was a loyalty test
    if you were loyal to the left you would agree…
    if you tried to use logic and tried to argue its irationality

    you show yourself to be the enemy
    and so, disposable…

  17. Artfldgr:

    The title of this post is sarcastic, by the way.

    Also, I’ve written something related to the basic concept before (the one I think you’re trying to get at with the purple horse quote), in this post from 2006 about the Communist erasure of history by erasing photos of people who have become unpersons.


    So why was Clementis erased from the photo, if his presence was so easy to remember? For future generations, of course, it might be possible to eliminate even the appearance of any jarring notes in the supposedly harmonious symphony of the history of Czech Communism, and so some of the erasure was undoubtedly for them.

    But for those contemporaneous with the incident, who knew better, those rewriting history must not have cared how transparent their actions were, because their real aim was probably to teach a different object lesson. Perhaps what they were really saying was not “Clementis the traitor didn’t exist” but rather, “Take heed: if you become a traitor like Clementis, you’ll become an unperson, too.” Perhaps they meant the erasure to be transparent, to demonstrate quite graphically how they had the power to crush a person–not just the body, but the history of the life, as well.

    In so doing, they were also relaying another message. They were exhorting the Czech populace to practice what Orwell called “doublethink,” saying, in effect, “Even though we know that you know full well that Clementis existed and was even a member in good standing of the Party at one point, we are also saying that you must will yourself to unremember. If we say he didn’t exist, then he didn’t exist. Who are you going to believe, us or your lying eyes (and your lying memory)?”

    Orwell wrote that “doublethink” requires a person:

    …to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again: and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself. That was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed.

    The havoc that such mind games wrought on the people of Czechoslovakia is a major theme of Kundera’s work. The effect was pervasive, and the tension reached into almost every endeavor, including love and sex–subjects that occur with great frequency in Kundera’s work, as well.

  18. neo on October 3, 2018 at 3:19 pm at 3:19 pm said:

    Do you ever get sick of your own BS?

    That’s a real question, by the way.

    As for boofing and the rest, you really ought to get yourself some better things to do. Slang is local and varies, and changes constantly. What a word might mean in 2018 in one part of the country and with one group can be very very different from what it meant in Kavanaugh’s group in the early 1980s. Our society has coarsened tremendously in the years since 1983.

    And keep ignoring the far greater and more material lies of Christine Ford.
    * * *
    Wow, Neo! That was like, totally rad, and in the groove.
    It was, like, really Baaaaaad!!!!
    Hey — you go, girl !!
    Abyssinia, hep cat!

    “Burgess never finished the dictionary, which Penguin Books commissioned in 1965. “I’ve done A and B and find that a good deal of A and B is out of date…I could envisage the future as being totally tied up with such a dictionary,” he said.”

    Coarsening doesn’t even begin to describe the changes in our language.
    I am continually checking on-line to make sure that some idiom, slang, or acronym that was perfectly respectable, if casual, in my youth is now a hot-button pervy porn reference.

    And as early as the 1980s I had to self-censor when I read books to my kids’ classes in grade school because they all laughed at words that they no longer knew had any other meaning.

    For instance, would anyone take this title at face-value today, for what it meant when published in 1942?

    And a more recent example of subterranean double-entrendes at work:

    AesopFan on September 27, 2018 at 1:20 pm at 1:20 pm said:

    (that’s the worst they could do, because Kavanaugh was very believable, so they took what they could get, since he didn’t have any binders of women handy)

    Hmmm. I’m slow. I just got why the Dems latched onto that anodyne statement of Romney’s. Think about the popularity of “Shades of Grey” and “Game of Thrones” and “The Handmaid’s Tale.” Their minds just work that way.

  19. AesopFan:

    Thanks for bringing back a pleasant memory (a recovered memory, as it were). I read the book Our Hearts Were Young and Gay when I was quite young, and remember enjoying it very much. Don’t remember a thing about it, though, other than that.

  20. Ackler,

    Dumbing down the rank and file makes them fit only for cannon fodder. Mobs are easily dealt with by those prepared to be ruthlessly decisive. “Those who call the tune, pay the piper”.


    Is Artfldgr a relation? Perhaps a brother of a different mother?

  21. Re: variations across regions and across time with slang. Our family has often watched Say Yes to the Dress together, and it never fails to crack us up when we watch the version that is filmed in Atlanta. When a bride-to-be is trying to make up her mind about a particular dress, the proprietors will often swoop in to add the final touches such as jewelry and veil to give her the complete picture of herself as a bride. In Atlanta, they refer to this embellishment as “jacking her up.” “Monty, are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Yes, I think we need to her up!” But in Philadelphia, to jack someone up means to beat the crap out of them. Hilarity ensues.

  22. Orwell’s 1984 turns out to be one of the most important books in history. I read it in 1972 or 1973. I though 1984 was in the distance.

  23. no, neo, you got it wrong..
    erasing people is different

    this is what you do before you erase them
    you hvae to first figure out who to erase
    the deer that was a horse lets you know that

    just as, if the state changes, and gays are not favored
    they suddenly have a big list of outed people to go after

    ie. read history please… and not third hand accounts… dig a bit

    this was a test, erasing is after the test.
    in fact, the person who offered the deer as a horse, erased everyone who wasnt alined with him, and that night… and took control of ALL of china

    oh well

    rignt now, there is nothing to do but strap your butt in and ride it
    10 years ago, you might have started an argument that today may be heard
    but waiting 40+ years to evne bother “getting it” as they slice the salami and repeat history you dont want to read (i tried), and keep moving you over

    the most hysterical part is that in this game your the hog
    and the hogs always argue with their rescuers that they trust things or something when they should trust nothing, not even themselves sometimes…

    not my monkeys
    not my circus
    i have no dog in this fight
    if someone helped i might, but they didnt

    which is why i really dont write like before to try to change minds
    or do much other than point the missing things from years ago

    NOW they are pertinent, but decided..
    no one spoke before, so no one is an expert now
    ie. you were erased by lack of participation as we all were


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