Server cache problem now
The Bing bot attack seems to have subsided—for now, anyway. But that’s certainly not a result of anything my host did to fix it, which was basically nothing.
But now there’s an intermittent problem with comment autofill, in which every now and then a previous commenter’s data is being autofilled on someone else’s computer. This happened once before a year or two ago, and involves a cache problem at the host’s server. It went away fairly quickly the last time. But in the meantime I’m suggesting that people put in false email addresses if they’re concerned about this.
I am also about to migrate to a new host because I am very dissatisfied with my present host. However, the migration will take a few days. I apologize for the problem and the inconvenience, but I trust it will be better soon and I hope that with a new host these problems will not recur.
Sorry you are having such frustrations. Of course, when we can’t reach your site it frustrates many of us.
Neo, amongst all the news ranging from lousy to catastrophic, we saw this on FB last night and it cheered us up considerably, so I hope you will enjoy it. (even The Evil FB is good for some things!)
Other posts of this dancing man are on Youtube, but this shows his foot action the best — maybe not Fred Astaire, but better than I will ever be!
This is one of those other views, because mine doesn’t identify the venue.
Mix – Boogie-Woogie Bugle Boy – KY Honor Flight