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Trey Gowdy tag team — 18 Comments

  1. Gowdy seems a decent chap. Is it just my mind playing tricks on me or do all his investigations peter out inconclusively?

  2. I had great hope in Gowdy once. But altering his haircut must have seriously injured his brain.
    He is no longer worth a bucket of warm spit. He is bailing out, returning to conservative upper SC to practice some kind of law…maybe criminal defense. Ya think?

  3. DC. Make your bones doing nothing, then leave when things get hot.

    For the family, of course. Track these people afterwards then ask how they managed to game the system without getting more good men killed in the process.

    Beady eyes are a tell.

  4. I too have found him curiously ineffective, never going for the throat when it seemed to be the obvious next move. I’ve always assumed that my ignorance prevented me from seeing what prevented him from pursuing the matter any further.

    But now… I can see no honorable motivation for his defense of the Deep State, as he has to know of its depth of corruption.

    I suspect he’s preparing to be a future lobbyist and not wanting to offend any prospective client, on either side… if so he’s smart, personable and amoral.

  5. You are right Art Deco, his investigations were “full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”

  6. “Gowdy’s on the way out, I know, but he appears to have checked out prematurely.”

    Or finally caved to whatever pressure was applied to him. I’m becoming more and more cynical by the day.

    I had high hopes for that guy initially. He said ‘All The Right Things’. Unfortunately, he didn’t actually do anything worthwhile.

  7. I suspect he’s preparing to be a future lobbyist and not wanting to offend any prospective client, on either side… if so he’s smart, personable and amoral.

    Don’t think so. He never brought his wife and children to Washington. She’s been employed in Spartanburg this whole time. IIRC, he, his wife, and his children received all their tertiary schooling in South Carolina. You can follow his entire pedigree back to 1850 and not fine one strand resident outside South Carolina. Deep deep roots down there. If he’s going into the lobbying business, I’ll wager he has a target pile and when he’s made it, it’s back to Spartanburg.

  8. I am as confused as everyone by Gowdy’s statements. I don’t know whether I have been adding 2 +2 and getting 5 as events unfolded; or whether he lost his way here at the end.

    I will say that I don’t know that he could have done more in the Congress. Congress can hold hearings, they can air the dirty laundry, but I suppose that any punitive legal action depends on the Justice Dept, et al.** Unfortunately, our Justice Dept, and our Federal police, are looking more and more like third world or Soviet style entities.

    ** The asterisks are meant to call attention to one potential caveat related to my statement. The one action that I believe Congress could take, although it would a hard political sell, would be to use their funding power to choke such ridiculous activities as the Mueller witch hunt.

  9. Most of these former prosecutors like Gowdy and McCarthy bend over backwards to take the prosecutor or law enforcement side in most of these matters. For the longest time McCarthy was giving the benefit of the doubt to Comey and other FBI-DOJ guys and treating them like the obvious stand up guys that all these people are. McCarthy has come around but maybe not Gowdy.

  10. I have to cut Trey Gowdy a little slack. I understand what he was dealing with. And Yes Art Deco his investigations did just peter out inconclusively.

    These are the people who can never find motive when someone like Michael Adebalajo cites verse after verse (ayat) from Surah 9 for killing Drummer Rigby. Nidal Hassan? Just generic work place violence. They couldn’t find a political motive when James Hodgkinson shot up a baseball field of Republicans despite the fact his social media (there’s an oxymoron) was full of hate for Republicans. Oh, and the FBI couldn’t find a motive for why Hillary Clinton set up a private server and used it exclusively for her official email.

    I was tempted to scream at my TV when Jason Chaffetz kept appearing, saying that he didn’t trust Lynch r.e. the Clinton email invetigation. But if Comey said it he’d believe it. And I’m like, “You stupid f*** you just told Obama to send out to lie to you!”

    I can tell you as a former Naval intelligence officer the country would be better off if CIA HQ was razed to the ground and the earth salted so nothing would ever grow there again. I can’t tell you why. Also, the State department must be destroyed. And finally the FBI needs to be defunded and if necessary the feds can offer grants to hire the many good agents as I do not want to put them out of jobs.

  11. Now the statute of limitations will kick in. The b@st@rds have run out the clock. They get away with it again. There’s a five year statute of limitations on the crimes I know they committed. And a presidential term only lasts four years.

    Hey, anyone wonder if that’s by design? That the swamp protects itself?

  12. Don’t forget Gowdy pulled the thread which revealed Hillary’s treasonous email server without which Trump would most likely have lost.

  13. Does Gowdy have long term aspirations, maybe for a later time if Trump eventually implodes or even after he has a successful term or two? Maybe Gowdy is playing a long game thinking about coming back sometime in the future for the number one spot. No matter if Trump lasts one or two terms, his last year in office will be a very difficult one and someone on one side or the other will have to pick up the pieces.

  14. I have mixed thoughts about Gowdy. But a sharp prosecutor in congress has little to prosecute. Holding hearings, asking tough questions, and winning debate points does not move the ball. Congress has long ago decided it was not a co-equal branch of DC. It has relinquished its power to declare war by rubber stamping executive requests, it has allowed a president to make foreign alliances without going through the treaty process, and it has allowed federal courts (which exist with their permission) to over rule the perogatives of the legislators and the executive branch.

    No guts, no glory. Just 90 seconds before the msm cameras.

  15. The silence from the other Republicans (at the meeting) speaks volumes.

    It’s Birtherism again. Trump promises evidence of the crime-of-the century…then nothing.

    Of course, the lack of evidence becomes evidence of a conspiracy to cover up the crime of century. As far as I can tell, that’s Mollie Hemingway’s take.

    Gowdy’s not running for office anymore. He’s probably;y telling it like it is and if that’s not good enough, ain’t nobody who was at the meeting ripping him a new asshole.

  16. Manju:
    We shall see. Gowdy is leaving, we do know that, why would they beat a dead horse? Were you born yesterday?

  17. Deep deep roots down there. If he’s going into the lobbying business, I’ll wager he has a target pile and when he’s made it, it’s back to Spartanburg.

    Why the obvious untruths then? Unless, like OldTexan, you think Trump will fail. I don’t see it but, if that happens, the country will have a violent civil war.

  18. Huxley said:

    Don’t forget Gowdy pulled the thread which revealed Hillary’s treasonous email server without which Trump would most likely have lost.

    I disagree. It might have been a closer run thing. But there was so much baggage she brought with her, she was perhaps the vilest candidate ever. If I had to choose between Hillary Clinton and Judas Iscariot reincarnate, I’d have to give serious consideration to Judas.

    That’s the only match up I can imagine where I’d conclude, “Yeah, maybe Hillary is preferable over the man who betrayed Christ.”

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