Home » Twitter sins: Roseanne Barr bites the dust


Twitter sins: Roseanne Barr bites the dust — 52 Comments

  1. Don’t tweet on twitter, don’t watch network, dish, or cable tv; so I don’t really care what RB tweeted. ABC had the right to fire her for whatever reason. It is the left’s double standard that makes this bruhaha so amusing/disturbing.

    The unmasking continues for those with eyes willing to see.

  2. In recent years, Roseanne Barr has said that Wall Street bankers should be beheaded. She also dressed up like Hitler and, in front of an oven, posed with a pan full of burned Jew cookies. No repercussions.

    Roseanne Barr has a long history of saying outrageous, offensive, even vile things, but none of that mattered until now. So, the lesson we all must learn is that you can’t make a joke about black people, Muslims, or other protected groups.

    There’s a new sacred list and a new religious police, and they tell us what to think and say. Disobey at your peril.

  3. Roseanne is a comedian, it is that which makes her well known and famous. She makes jokes. She thought this was a joke. She didn’t get how it could be taken as “abhorrent” and racist, possibly because she was impaired in some way, or because like Neo, and others I’ve read, there is some non-racist logic to her choice of the Planet of the Apes reference.

    In the end we are responsible for people’s understanding, and mis-understanding, of the things we say. It is quite natural for ABC to disconnect themselves from Roseanne and her awful humor by cancelling the show. Personally speaking, I’ve never found her funny or compelling and so I won’t miss her show (which I hadn’t seen).

  4. Racism is a subset of diversity or denial of individual dignity. It includes other color judgments and is a first-order and progressive (i.e. generational) forcing of prejudice. All of it falls under the twilight faith that debases human life and Pro-Choice religious/moral philosophy that is selective, opportunistic, and politically congruent.

  5. As for the tweet, it forms a close association between terrorism and totalitarian (i.e. left-wing) regimes: Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes, respectively.

  6. One more thing–ABC was probably somewhat uncomfortable with the show to begin with. It may not have taken much for them to cancel it, despite its popularity.

    Sometime in the past several weeks, I had read that ABC was going to have Roseanne de-politicize the show in the future- or at least considerably tone down the political statements. Her tweet may have been an indirect way of telling ABC that she wasn’t going to tolerate corporate interference. (Also see the link in Linda Fox’s comment.)

    On the other hand, her tweet may simply have been Roseanne being Roseanne. Wall Street off with their heads, and so forth.

  7. parker
    It is the left’s double standard that makes this bruhaha so amusing/disturbing.

    But when lefties make outrageous statements, they are speaking Truth to Power.

    You know, like when multimillionaire Hillary calls an unemployed coal miner “Depolorable.” 🙂

  8. There is an over-the-air channel called Laff TV. Yesterday they pulled the original”Roseanne” from their lineup. Doesn’t matter to me as I’ve never liked the show.

    The show that has preceeded it is “That 70’s Show.” One of its stars, Danny Masterson, was accused in Dec. 2017 of rape and battery on at least 4 women and theses were deemed credible. This show was on at that period and never pulled from Laff and is still on while the show he was working on fired him at the time. “Cosby” wasn’t dropped from schedules until he was convicted in court.

    This does seem to show a disparate actions from networks regarding the actions of stars and how their legacy vehicles are treated

  9. I suspect that this is a case of racism being subjectively in the eye of the beholder. I’m not a Barr fan: don’t think I’ve ever seen anything she’s done except perhaps snippets, and wouldn’t recognize her from Adam unless they were in appropriate costume.

    That said, I did not find the tweet racist nor even particularly outrageous. Perhaps I’ve too-thick skin or am not “sensitive” enough. I suspect that it’s akin to to the hyper-gigantic nose on anti-semitic cartoons or the close-set eyes and exaggerated teeth and jowls on anti-german cartoons? Anyway, context should matter.

  10. I don’t see it as racist. But, then, I have long since lost track of the nuances that determine racism. Also, racism doesn’t interest me.

    That said, I found it interesting to see the powers- that-be immediately unleashed to excise the infection to the leftist cause that Roseanne represents by “disappearing” her completely, abject apology be damned. I’m seeing that with bloggers as well. Sites, archives, everything, gone. As if that will eliminate the words and thoughts that appeared there. Talk about having a whip hand.

    I can only hope the new upcoming leftists take note of what can happen if they try to have their own views outside of the hive. Cultural elimination “pour encourager les autres” can be a tough lesson when you truly believe in the collective.

  11. It seems to me that this is a case of lack of situational awareness. By aligning herself with Trump to the degree that she did she was opening herself up to all kinds of possible problems and then she proceeded to walk right into it.

  12. Our president on the matter:

    Bob Iger of ABC called Valerie Jarrett to let her know that “ABC does not tolerate comments like those” made by Roseanne Barr. Gee, he never called President Donald J. Trump to apologize for the HORRIBLE statements made and said about me on ABC. Maybe I just didn’t get the call?

    He never disappoints.

  13. He never disappoints.

    In your opinion, did ChimpyBushMcHitler have the better approach in responding to insults?

    Trim has definitely insulted. Regarding Presidents or Presidential candidates doing the insulting, what is your opinion of insults directed en masse, such as “bitter clingers” or “deplorables?”

  14. I put this in the wrong chain so here it is in the right one.

    I’m convinced that Roseanne was commenting on VJ’s appearance as to having a somewhat scrunched up face and large forehead that reminded her of the makeup in the Planet of the Apes movies. I’m sure she was not meaning to make a racial comment. Unfortunately, as so many do, she tweeted before reflecting on what she’d written and how it might be misinterpreted.

    In this day of political double standards any comment by any conservative (she isn’t one but she plays one on TV) that can possibly be interpreted as bigoted will be deemed so. And, no amount of explaining or apologizing will suffice because everyone (meaning liberals and the press) knows that it’s just the real bigotry of conservatives that accidentally slipped out.

    What a sad commentary on our times it is that so few conservatives are willing to give Roseanne the benefit of the doubt. I have heard very few people comment anywhere that she might not have meant to make a racist comment but was just making a joke about VJ’s looks as so many have done to Trump and his family.

    As I’ve said to my wife of 50 years many times “If something I’ve said can be interpreted two ways and one of them makes you mad or sad then I meant the other one.”

  15. I find the whole thing humorous, and satisfying.

    In my opinion Roseanne has finally received the just desserts that she earned over many years. On the other hand, ABC because of their superior moral righteousness, have canceled their most successful entertainment program. Win-win.

    I haven’t bothered to check; but, I am mildly curious as to whether any of Roseanne’s fellow, foul mouthed comedians have come to her defense. I would guess not. She should have played it safe and stuck to insulting conservative, white politicians–and their families– just as the rest of them have done.

  16. What Roseann was thinking at the time really does not matter at all. What she thought she was saying as a snide funny remark does not matter, I have had this problem from time to time in the past myself. Thinking I was clever making jokes that had an ethnic or sexual humorous ending and then I was surprised that my audience was unappreciative and sometimes offended.

    What matters in this culture battle is what people hear and what they can tell other people that they should be hearing. For centuries black people out of Africa have been compared to monkeys in cartoons and during slavery in the US some who owned them argued that they were less than human. This is a very good reason to take umbrage and make a fuss when going for the day’s win, especially over Trump.

    When I read about Roseann’s twitter comment yesterday morning I laughed out loud and knew she had crossed a line and because she is one of the few lead entertainment celebrities who has been loudly vocal in her support of Trump she cannot be allowed to survive as a successful entertainer.

    No matter that she is nutty as a loon, she has been all over the place politically in the past and she loves to be outrageous and argue, night and day. No matter that her show has been kind of funny portraying her lead as conservative with a colorful cast of all sorts including a 10 year grandson who dresses like a girl. She made the mistake of taking on the high priestess of the Obama administration, a highly successful woman who never let her racial background hold her back, good old VJ is not to be mocked because like the Obamas any and all attacks are racist.

    I watched her new show a few times this year but, to me, it really was kind of a big glop of too many people living in a mess of stupid decisions. My wife and I watched in on Netflix after the fact to avoid commercials and I was unable to take more than ten minutes of the last episode before I turned it off. It was kind of fun to see the old cast a few times.

    Some of my good friends are pilots and they often talk about pilot error being the main cause of a plane crash, bad decisions leading to a crash and burn and that’s the way I see Roseann. Too bad about the rest of the cast since there are a lot of actors and not too many continual series jobs.

    My dear old dad used to tell me that words from out mouths are like throwing rocks, once they head out they are on their way and you really can’t recover them no matter how bad you want to take them back. Some folks live to be injured by words.

  17. It’s Ann that never fails to disappoint…blind in one eye & can’t see out the other.

    Darlin’ have you read Keith Olbermann’s tweets? And he now is lead gun on his own ESPN show.

    I’m with Esther (although perhaps not as she intended 😉 )

    “The 24/7 stupidity and endless outrage is just so tedious.”

  18. IMO, parker has the right of it.

    steve walsh,

    “In the end we are responsible for people’s understanding, and mis-understanding, of the things we say.”

    As Karl Popper once observed, “It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood.”

    I know this to be true from a lifetime of experience…

    “I’m convinced that Roseanne was commenting on VJ’s appearance as to having a somewhat scrunched up face and large forehead that reminded her of the makeup in the Planet of the Apes movies. I’m sure she was not meaning to make a racial comment.” Irv

    I think that entirely possible and even probably true. Jarrett could easily be put in some makeup and visually play that part. That’s an observation not an accusation.

  19. Who portrayed G.W. Bush as a smirking chimp and Didn’t Bill Maher refer to Trump as part orangutan? Why is Maher still on the air? And Wanda Sykes joked about killing Bush that Obama thought was hilarious? Too bad Roseanne’s tweets are logically indefensible. Hey, she was just joking. Maybe she should joke about Jeffrey Iger of ABC running for President.

  20. By the way, the English used to compare the Irish to apes all the time. In an extremely negative way. Especially during the Famine.

  21. Another careless tweet scandal. Yes, this is getting old. What’s more disturbing than Roseanne’s comment (failed joke?) is the speed with which the mob mobilized and she had her career deleted. This trend is not a good sign for free speech, especially when the rules are so flexible and inconsistently applied (see: Kendrick Lamar setting up a fan).

  22. Funny how folks here had the vapors when Pres. Obama indulged his habit about making everything about himself — the word “narcissist” was thrown around a lot. But now when Pres. Trump does it, hey, it’s super-duper okay, even savvy.

  23. Ann:
    Funny how folks here had the vapors when Pres. Obama indulged his habit about making everything about himself – the word “narcissist” was thrown around a lot. But now when Pres. Trump does it, hey, it’s super-duper okay, even savvy.

    I suspect that when it comes to reading this blog, Ann is better described as Annie-Come-Lately. Those of us who are long-time readers of this blog realize that Neo was rather critical of Trump the candidate. Had Ann been a long-time reader of the blog, she would have been aware of this.

    Did this blog mention “Obama the narcissist” while not mentioning “Trump the narcissist?” Advanced Google Search can tell us. I have configured Advanced Google Search to search for “Obama ABOUT (10) narcissist,” which means “Obama” and “narcissist” within 10 words of each other. Similarly, I configured Advanced Google Search to search for “Trump” and “narcissist” within 10 words of each other.
    Obama ABOUT (10) narcissist: 211 hits.

    Trump ABOUT (10) narcissist : 96 hits

    Sometimes I am getting Trump: 152 hits and Obama: 300 hits, but the result is consistently about twice as many.

    The 2:1 ratio between Obama and Trump is consistent with the respective amount of time both have been either a candidate for President or President. Obama for 9 years: 2007-2016 and Trump for 3 years. ( Didn’t he start running in 2015?) As Obama has been in the Presidential spotlight longer, he should have accumulated more blog opinions of him.

    Annie-Come-Lately can snark with the best of them, but she can’t hide her ignorance: fool. Or was Ann more a knave, where Ann was fully aware of how Neo’s blog called Trump a narcissist, but decided to muddy the waters anyway? I vote for fool.

    By the way, Ann, you never bothered to reply to my previous posting, so I will repeat.
    He never disappoints.

    Gingo reply:

    In your opinion, did ChimpyBushMcHitler have the better approach in responding to insults?

    Trim [sic-TRUMP] has definitely insulted. Regarding Presidents or Presidential candidates doing the insulting, what is your opinion of insults directed en masse, such as “bitter clingers” or “deplorables?”

    Inquiring minds want to know.

  24. Ann,

    Trump is almost as narcissist as the mannish boy, almost. But there is a difference. Trumph loves America. King Barry loathes America and during his tenure did everything he could to undermine it and encourage our enemies. Does anyone doubt he will continue to use his megaphone to promote his leftist agenda to foment hatred of live, liberty ,and the pursuit of happiness?

  25. Ann:

    Your mild jab at Trump sure got a reaction. It makes me wonder if any criticism is to be tolerated.

  26. Consider that maybe even sensitive, thoughtful and intellectual conservative types are having it up to the eye teeth with teh “criticism.”

  27. The Other Chuck:
    Ann, your mild jab at Trump sure got a reaction. It makes me wonder if any criticism is to be tolerated.

    Ann did not make a jab so much at Trump as she made a a jab at the blog. Ann claimed that this blog noticed-criticized- Obama’s narcissism, but did not notice-criticize – Trump’s narcissism.

    All I did was prove that Ann made a totally false claim.
    Do you have a problem with false claims being exposed?

  28. CNN Int devoted about a half hour to Roseann this morning, including a long interview with Tom Arnold. I didn’t listen to it all, but the point seemed to be that all Trump supporters and Roseanne watchers are racists who have infected Roseanne. I guess ABC and CNN got what they wanted–a chance to bash us.

    A good conspiracy theorist could come up with something about the reason for the Roseann restart,

    BTW, why is no one mentioning the Muslim Brotherhood part of the tweet? Maybe that may raise questions about tthe Mugabe overthrow or the Iran deal.

  29. Never apologise to SJWs. Never.
    That was Roseanne’s biggest mistake.

    And I’ve stopped listening to people who yell “Racist.”
    Since the previous White House occupant…and his getting it wrong every single time on race (and everything else for that matter) I just don’t care anymore.

  30. When you have the urge to share a thought with the world between 10 PM and 5 AM, DON’T! Save it as a draft, wait til after breakfast the next day, read it, think it over, edit it, think it over again and only then, broadcast to the world, via the Internet.

  31. Gringo,

    It’s much worse than merely “deplorable”.

    “You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic — you name it. …

    Now some of those folks, they are irredeemable” Hillary Clinton

    The key word is “irredeemable”. Which comes from the Christian tradition and means beyond even God’s ability to redeem, i.e. beyond salvation.

    I doubt that consciously Hillary realized what she was implying but subconsciously it’s quite revealing. Clearly the “irredeemables” will be among those that Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn concluded would have to be ‘disposed of’ after the revolution happened.

  32. Griffin Says:
    May 30th, 2018 at 4:22 pm
    It seems to me that this is a case of lack of situational awareness. By aligning herself with Trump to the degree that she did she was opening herself up to all kinds of possible problems and then she proceeded to walk right into it.
    * * *
    The point being made by some here, and many more elsewhere, is that the Right must have situational awareness constantly, whereas the Left often gives its own people a “pass” on equally deplorable conduct.

    However, as noted above, the rules of the pass are becoming too fluid for even the Left to negotiate now.*

    Picking up on another comment Lizzy made about the speed of mobilization: the Left keeps mobs on the back-burner for attacking people on the Right* in the same way that newspapers keep an up-to-date obituary in the draft pile for every famous person in their later years.

    *(“Right” is by the Ctrl-Left’s definition: it’s a sliding scale)

  33. Ann Says:
    May 30th, 2018 at 9:00 pm
    Funny how folks here had the vapors when Pres. Obama indulged his habit about making everything about himself – the word “narcissist” was thrown around a lot. But now when Pres. Trump does it, hey, it’s super-duper okay, even savvy.
    * * *

    We take Trump seriously but not literally, and he does too.
    Obama took everything literally and seriously, especially himself.

    One major difference is that Obama was seemingly unaware of his narcissism, obviously believing his grandiose claims while maintaining a mask of fake humility from time to time.

    Trump greatly admires himself and doesn’t care who knows it, but he also recognizes his limits and consults experts when needed.

    Oh, and Trump actually has accomplishments which he can rightly be proud of — which Narcissus never had.

  34. Geoffrey, I also believe the irredeemable part was the worst part of her comment. Especially when her pastor reportedly thought she would be great for the ministry. I can see her in counseling session, “Who did you vote for? Sorry but G-d just can’t forgive that. Get out.”

  35. Reading this link that Linda Fox put out above, I was struck by the similarity with the case of Tommy Robinson in England: fast mobilization and complete disappearance of the malefactor (pulling the old show compares to gag order on the incarceration).

    Standard MO honed in the USSR and elsewhere, of course.


    “She is 66 years old. I suspect that at least a little of her Tweet came from her disinclination to be molded into something she is not. By issuing the Tweet, she drew the line in the sand.

    If you couldn’t deal with that, she was outa there.
    Which, 9 hours later, she was.”

    Unlike Robinson, however, she did not hold firm.

    “The quick deletion, and apologies, came from her waffling about the project – which she really did want to do. At least, her vision of it.”

    John Guilfoyle Says:
    May 31st, 2018 at 5:25 am
    Never apologise to SJWs. Never.
    That was Roseanne’s biggest mistake.

    * * *
    That is what Trump is getting so correct about responding to baiting and criticism: hit back harder.

    Ann Says:
    May 30th, 2018 at 5:00 pm
    Our president on the matter:

    Bob Iger of ABC called Valerie Jarrett to let her know that “ABC does not tolerate comments like those” made by Roseanne Barr.

    Gee, he never called President Donald J. Trump to apologize for the HORRIBLE statements made and said about me on ABC.

    Maybe I just didn’t get the call?

    He never disappoints.

    * * *
    Funny how that cuts both ways.

  36. Geoffrey Britain, May 30th, 2018 at 7:52 pm:

    As Karl Popper once observed, “It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood.”

    I know this to be true from a lifetime of experience…

    Absolutely true. Thanks for stating this very important fact.

  37. n.n Says:
    May 30th, 2018 at 2:59 pm
    As for the tweet, it forms a close association between terrorism and totalitarian (i.e. left-wing) regimes: Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes, respectively.

    expat Says:
    May 31st, 2018 at 3:05 am

    BTW, why is no one mentioning the Muslim Brotherhood part of the tweet? Maybe that may raise questions about tthe Mugabe overthrow or the Iran deal.
    * * *
    The Left is adept at the four branches of Arithmetrick: ambition, distraction, uglification, and derision.

    * * *
    And there is this connection that should not be forgotten:

    “FBI files obtained by the government watchdog group Judicial Watch reveal that the father, maternal grandfather, and father-in-law of President Barack Obama’s closest adviser, Valerie Jarrett, “were hardcore Communists under investigation by the U.S. government.”…Dr. James Bowman “was also a member of a Communist-sympathizing group called the Association of Internes and Medical Students,” reported Judicial Watch. “After his discharge from the Army Medical Corps in 1955, Bowman moved to Iran to work.” Valerie [Bowman] Jarret was born in Iran on Nov. 14, 1956.”

    Here’s a Left and Right spin on another prominent connection between Obama and Communism.
    The irony of the first one is almost painful.


    “At his first polygraph test to enter the CIA, the future director had a secret.

    John Brennan on Thursday recalled being asked a standard question for a top security clearance at his early CIA lie detector test: Have you ever worked with or for a group that was dedicated to overthrowing the US?
    “I froze,” Brennan said during a panel discussion about diversity in the intelligence community at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s annual conference. “This was back in 1980, and I thought back to a previous election where I voted, and I voted for the Communist Party candidate,”
    Brennan was responding to a question about barriers to recruiting diverse candidates for the intelligence fields, including whether past records of activism could hurt someone applying for a clearance later in life.
    The CIA director said the agency’s mission is to protect the values of the Constitution — which include free speech.”

    Past activism obviously only hurts you if you are a conservative.


    “As most people know, joining the intelligence community means that one has to explain and be honest about one’s former peccadillos. One must also be aware of what figures in government spied against their own country in the past. Some years ago, as a CIA study of the Alger Hiss case noted, President Clinton’s nominee to head the CIA [Anthony Lake] was rejected partially because of what he said about Soviet spy Alger Hiss:

    Brennan called his support of the Communist Party a mere “indiscretion,” and reminded his audience that the Constitution grants free speech. He then remembered that he said to himself he could either lie and the polygraph machine would “go wacko” or tell the truth and face the consequences, including possibly being rejected for employment. He told the audience he voted for Gus Hall because while in college he was unhappy “with the system” and saw the “need for change.”

    Now a lot of people wanted change–but very few of them, perhaps 1/10th of 1 percent, supported the presidential candidate of the American Communist Party, Gus Hall. Indeed, the CPUSA at that time was dedicated to gaining support for Soviet foreign policy, with the intent of defeating the United States in the Cold War.

    Anyone who watches The Americans, perhaps the best drama on American television, knows this. And it was revealed long ago by Harvey Klehr and John Earl Haynes that Moscow regularly gave Hall thousands of dollars to enable the Communists in America to carry on their work.”

    Hard to escape the deduction from his own words, that if Brennan thought he could have gotten away with it, he would have lied.

  38. Ann:

    Trump’s narcissism is both extremely obvious and very well-discussed, both here and elsewhere. People defend not his narcissism itself, but other traits: his love of America, his ability to fight, his not-being-Hillary, his foreign policy, his tax cuts, his judicial nominations, etc. etc. etc.

    Obama was not only a narcissist (as are most presidents and politicians), it was his policy that was the real problem.

  39. The Other Chuck,

    I’m afraid we’ve fallen out of the circle in that circle dance described by Milan Kundera, and once talked about at length on this blog, like here.

  40. Ann:
    The Other Chuck,I’m afraid we’ve fallen out of the circle in that circle dance described by Milan Kundera, and once talked about at length on this blog, like here.

    Golly gee whiz, that is a rather interesting 🙂 response to my proving you made a false claim re Trump/Obama narcissist.

    Like they say, Denial is a river in Egypt.

  41. Ann:

    You’ve never been in any circle dance here.

    Unless the circle dance is this one: defend your assertions with facts, and speak as clearly as possible. That’s the only circle dance of which I’m aware, except that there’s a general tendency to be in the middle or on the right. But both pro-Trump and anti-Trump voices are quite welcome here, as long as they show their work and keep a civil tongue in their head.

  42. Hi Romey…I live on the other side of the planet. It’s always after breakfast somewhere.
    2 cups of coffee in my morning later…remember that former community organiser once said, “punch back twice as hard.”

    That cancellation cost maybe $1 billion…likely more. SJWs will jump in front of a bus to virtue signal their alleged goodness…and if they’ll do that to themselves, what are they willing to do to you? In fact, I have to wonder if the shareholders have a class action suit they can file for failure of fiduciary responsibility…? Put Iger in the dock?

    Never apologise to SJWs. I care not one whit if Roseanne or some idiot rapper hates people of a different colour. Do they produce a product I am willing to buy? In Roseanne’s case like the idiot rapper…nope. So I don’t care.

  43. Ann:

    Despite Neo’s generous denial, I think you are right about the circle. So many who posted here during the run up to the election have left. A similar thing is happening in congress with Republican retirements. As Boehner says, there is no longer a Republican Party, only a Trump Party.

  44. The Other Chuck:

    Actually, the vast majority of commenters who left this blog during the 2016 campaign and after were pro-Trump and they left because I was perceived as too critical of him. But we still have people here who are pro-Trump and people who are anti Trump.

    Also, since you are not a blogger, you probably are not aware of the fact that commenters are always coming and going. I’ve been blogging for over 13 years, and the turnover has been immense and constant. There are only a few old hands here. That’s the way it is. It has nothing to do with Trump or circle dancing, and it is not a new phenomenon. People get busy—a move, a new job, a family. People get sick. People even die. People get bored with blogs. All sorts of reasons.

  45. Neo:
    Actually, the vast majority of commenters who left this blog during the 2016 campaign and after were pro-Trump and they left because I was perceived as too critical of him.

    Along the same line, I greatly reduced my reading and commenting during the 2016 campaign because of Neo’s anti-Trump blogs. It wasn’t that I was all that pro-Trump, as he wasn’t my first choice.

    It was rather that I, a former Democrat, who would vote Democrat over my dead body, didn’t see the point of getting into an extended discussion about Trump. I was already quite aware that Trump was a blowhard plutocrat. I saw no point in further discussing the issue. Trump wasn’t my ideal candidate, but compared to what the Democrats had to offer, the choice was easy for me.

    Thus far I have been pleasantly surprised.

  46. The best comment on this controversy yet: Any photo of Jarrett on the internet should come with a note of caution: “Note: this person is officially black, and appropriate privileges must be extended.” These privileges include interpretation of any criticism of her as racism. The best article on the matter is written by Sarah Hoyt: pjmedia.com/trending/stop-buying-the-lefts-pseudo-freudian-analysis/.

  47. There is no racist tradition of comparing white people to apes

    The years since 2000 say otherwise–tradition has to start somewhere, sometime.

    If some future brings the Nation of Islam to majority, a tradition that whites are created subhumans.

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