Home » How do they give mice Alzheimer’s?


How do they give mice Alzheimer’s? — 5 Comments

  1. Transgenic mice have been a fundamental tool in medical research for decades, especially for cancer. Take a look at the Wikipedia entries for “genetically modified mouse” or “knockout mouse” or “oncomouse”. You can buy mice that are heavily susceptible to many different specific diseases from specialized breeders.

  2. For some reason, this reminded me of the old sci-fi short/novella “Charly”. Lord, that was a sad one.

  3. Richard Aubrey:

    That IS Flowers for Algernon. The movie was called “Charly,” but Flowers was the story on which it was based.

  4. Neo. Thanks for the reminder. There was something bugging me about that but I couldn’t quite recall. Hey, wait….
    I read the story in, iirc, the old Fantasy and Science Fiction, which I later abandoned for Analog.

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