Home » The rats of New York


The rats of New York — 6 Comments

  1. The largest rats I’ve ever encountered was when I was stationed in Korea, in the early 70’s. They looked to be about 14 inches long, without tail. When staying “downtown” they could be heard scurrying on the roofs of the hooch’s at night.

  2. The biggest rats reside in D.C.

    Sadly, that’s the case in every nation’s capital.

    Rats always gravitate to where the trash is foulest…

  3. Seattle is having an upsurge in its rat population. There was a three minute segment about it on the news last night. The experts opined that you never get rid of rats, you just do your best to control them.

    One thing creating opportunity for them in Seattle is the burgeoning number of homeless encampments and the garbage created by them.

    We live near a wild area and had a big increase I rodents about three years ago. I began a control program, but after a year my wife decided to bring in the experts – a pest control service. I’m happy to report that they did a better job than me. No rats sighted since they took over the job.

  4. Rats once took over a room. All kinds of black droppings and the wood on the doors were being chewed on.

    When people would go down there during the night, sometimes a rat would be hiding in the toilet room. And the grain/food store room would have these increasingly loud skittering and chittering noises as the rats moved around brushing across the material.

    It’s not too much of a problem for warriors, as they just need the reflexes and accuracy to slap/pat a rat if it gets near them. That will stun it. Got to protect the fleshy bits though while you do so, as rats will gnaw on you if they can’t escape.

    Cats exist so that rats don’t get rid of us.


    Cats also have a very alien biology compared to the alkaline preference of humans. It is no wonder the Egyptians liked cats. All those grain stores of theirs in pyramids and next to the Nile…

  5. So how does one tell the difference between the East Village and the West Village without sending a rat specimen to the lab?

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