Home » Selling the Libyan rebels the rope


Selling the Libyan rebels the rope — 22 Comments

  1. Two questions:

    1. Has Obama considered that we might be playing a role analogous to assisting the Bolsheviks in 1917?

    2. If so, would he look on playing such a role with satisfaction or horror?

  2. neo, I know you speak of selling in a mostly metaphorical sense, but it’s worth noting that when the chaos of war overwhelms a country, even one as unpleasant as Qaddafi’s Libya, some things become free for the taking. (Especially when there are no boots on the ground.)

    I posted this link on another thread, but I think it’s worth repeating here.


    One of the jobs done by Qaddafi was to control things like this. Though we suspected him of arming terrorists, there’s no instance I’m aware of where he handed over this sort of weapon to anyone.

    Even assuming many/most of the rebels are embryonic Tho. Jeffersons, there is no organization on their side performing this function.

    How soon before one of these missiles shows up in Afghanistan? Or Gaza? Or Europe? Or at Sky Harbor in Phoenix?

  3. Occam’s:
    1. Yes.
    2. Satisfaction.

    I’ll say it again: When Muslims are killing Muslims, we should stay out of their way and let them get on with it. It will save us some trouble later on.

  4. Obama is our Lenin. Lawerly phrases leading to cold blooded murder, yet too much of a coward to get his pinkies dirty. I hope all who voted for the man child enjoy the Gulag

  5. A month ago every thing was as it has been.

    There were some protests for freedom, we’re told, by over-educated yuppie wannabees.

    Withing weeks they the yuppies were a well-trained irregular army marching to Tripoli.

    They retreated and today they started taking towns back!

    That’s the fastest yuppie to disciplined soldier turnaround time in the history of history.

    Note Again: Obama throws the weight of American military support behind the rebels in Libya. They will be our enemy again. Maybe worse than Q. But nothing about the protesters in Syria. That is because they might be better than Assad and open things up for Lebanon, Israel, and possibly us.

    If you are Iran or Syria, you are on your own against two of the most oppressive and vicious regimes in history.

    If you are Libya you’re golden.

    We know who the foes of America are. One of them resides at 1600 Pennsy avenue. He may yet defeat this great country.

  6. Lenin: “The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.”

    I wonder if Allende ever said that.

  7. Actually there is a way of assuring the Al-Qaeda types are marginalized. The French used to give their former colonies independence but left a few of their people around just to keep them friendly. A battalion or two of foreign legionnaires could serve the same purpose in the new Libya, out of sight but not out of mind. The tribal divisions within the country could be exploited to enable a government that would retain their presence. Of course the main player here would be France. If wimp- traitor in Chief ever figured out what was going on he’d have a stroke.

  8. Gerard Vanderleun is right: Hussein Obama is acting from deep malice against our nation.

    Once you realize that, all his actions make sense.

  9. I wonder how long until we’re told that we have to conduct ourselves in a manner that wins the “rebel’s” hearts & minds. The better question is, have they won our hearts and minds? They have not won mine – I want nothing to do with them.

    Whatever happened to those good old days when Obama said revolutions should be composted or organic or whatever it was he said? Maybe on Monday Citizen-of-the-World and Peace Prize winner will pronounce the kinetic action “wholistic”. I’m just not smart enough to keep up with the smartest President ever!

    I want him to address the issue of what we’ll do if France surrenders.

  10. I’m just beginning to feel that the entire Muslim world, especially the Arab world, is not worth the bones of a single American soldier. After a while the relentless backwardness and barbarism of these people just gets to you, and all you can feel is ice cold hatred for them.

  11. Abdul7591 . . .

    That’s what I think too. The Arabs, with their unending whining and Jew-baiting, have used up all my supply of sympathy.

    It’s time for Arabs and Muslims-in-general to decide to try to join modern civilization. Otherwise, the hell with them.

    If a single American soldier dies in Libya, I will be very very angry. Obama is backing the Muslim Brotherhood. Our president is a traitor and should be treated accordingly.

  12. its not so much a case of selling the rope. For things like this the thing we miss is the object. and the object is to put the ball in play. ONCE its moving THEN you can steer it, but until its in play, not much can be done. THIS is why they mobilize young people and so forth to cause havoc or protest, NOT because the young people can succeed, quite the opposite since they do not organize and are easily manipulated. the point of it is to put the ball in play, once that is done then something can be grabbed.

    cant whack the mole unless the mole sticks its head up, and whoever gets the moles to stick their head up, may or may not be who will be prepared to do the whacking.

    in this way, students are key enablers of despotism and totalitarian change. historically speaking they have never been enablers of anything else.

  13. “As in Kosovo, we’re do-gooders in a land with no good guys.”

    No, Mr. Steyn, your analogy fails. Libya now is Muslim vs. Muslim (black spy, white spy, same same but different triangle-nosed spy), while Kosovo then was Muslim vs. non-Muslim. Intervention in Libya now is a waste of money and (God forbid) American troops, while Clinton’s intervention in Kosovo was also a crying shame, a scandalous provision of aid to enemies (as all Muslims are) against those who, even if you couldn’t consider them friends, were no enemies.

    The Serbs were wronged. They had been libeled by the hostile media, then assaulted by outside politicians all too ready to believe the media’s lies. It grates on me personally because my country is being subjected to the same process.

  14. It is time, now, to exploit the division between the atheistic Utopians and the Muslims. (I mean the term atheistic in the sense of denying the personal God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Many communists have traded in strict materialism for a “human potential” outlook.)

    This conflict shows in Obama. He’s not really a Muslim because he’s just not submissive enough. “Muslimity” for him, is just a means to an end. I don’t know, perhaps he thinks he could pose as the 12th Imam, the final revelation. He sure did suck up all the worship our welfare recipients and “want to be” slaves gave him.

    But Islam has its book, its founder, its dogma. It is extraordinarily fluid and rightly considered more a political ideology like Nazi fascism than a religion–but it can’t be stretched as far as the Utopians would stretch it. Perhaps, just as in WWII, the greatest amount of slaughter will occur between those two parties.

  15. Another place we sold rope: At home. We turned into Communists and then hung ourselves.

    Evil laughed when Atlas shrugged. It’s what he intended.

    Evil’s laughter would not be ironic, just triumphant. There’s only one place that tells us, unequivocally, that although this laughter will occur, it will never occur as a final end.

  16. ziontruth says, “The Serbs were wronged. They had been libeled by the hostile media, then assaulted by outside politicians all too ready to believe the media’s lies.”

    I agree, the Serbs were demonized. They did commit atrocities in some cases, as did the Croats and the muslims in the aftermath of the break up of Yugoslavia; that is what happens when there are multiple ‘tribes’ fighting for control of a piece of real estate. The so-called liberation of Kosovo was inspired and backed by Albanian separatists. Clinton decided to act as their air force.

    For some reason many people are unable to accept the idea that in some situations there are no good guys or bad guys and we should keep our nose clean. As rickl notes, “I’ll say it again: When Muslims are killing Muslims, we should stay out of their way and let them get on with it. It will save us some trouble later on.

    “It grates on me personally because my country is being subjected to the same process.”

    This is one of Obama’s goals, that seems plain as day to me. However, in this case there are also plain as day real bona fide good guys and bad guys.

  17. “What if the Republicans tried this?”

    It would mean the evil republicans were committing war crimes, destroying democracy, shredding the Constitution, instituting a police state, and feeding the poor to the rich.

  18. Beverly, actually, I kind of like the mental image of a MSM reporter going docilely into the closet. Imagine Ernie Pyle, Ed Murrow, or one of the old lions doing that. For anyone.

  19. My belief, as callous as it sounds, is that when muslims are killing muslims, we should fall back on our capitalist roots and open popcorn concessions.

    Now when it comes to Libya, we should have killed Qadhafi years ago. Other than that, we should stay out of the place, unless they go exporting that terror stuff again. In that case, we should use our air superiority to take out whoever they have that passes for leadership. Then promptly leave.

    I’m beyond caring about muslims anymore. Especially when they’re killing each other.

  20. The islamists are organized, but the rebellion was economic. Most Arab nations (and most muslim nations in the world) have horrible economies. Poplulation has increased dramatically without any similar increase in economic growth. Most muslim countries have little oil, and those that do have not managed it well.

    There are two things necessary for stable, growing economies, A large amount of personal economic freedom and a robust rule of law (which tends to minimize corrouption). No Muslim country has these two elements. Islam is a strong break against both. The current cycle of rebellion will not likely change this.

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