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A peep of chickens — 17 Comments

  1. This reminded me of a favorite memory from my son’s early childhood. I had always made boneless, skinless chicken which he loved. One day we were eating pieces of chicken on the bone. He asked what it was and I said a chicken leg. He said, “You mean they killed a chicken, cut it up and cooked it?” I confirmed that. He pondered a minute then said, “I’ll be the chicken didn’t see that coming.”

  2. It’s not as creepy as the scenes in French markets where the birds still have combed and feathered heads attached and they stare at passers by. I confess to being somewhat featherphobic.

  3. I love Julia. I think part of it is how un-polished and un-scripted she was. There was a real person, standing there in front of the camera, rambling on about something that she loved. No focus groups, no clever editing, no swoopy cameras, no on-screen graphics. Just one tall, somewhat eccentric woman completely without fear.

  4. How do we know that is not really Dan Aykroyd?

    Or worse yet, Julia doing Dan Aykroyd doing her??

  5. Julia was wonderful! I watch the food channel and I weep for the future. Competitive food preparation, contests for the next hosts, food “babes”, and repetitive themes and sets. Blechh… I knew they were toast when Anthony Bourdain was gone. I miss shows like Molto Mario and when Emril had only one show (and no band) and they appreciated the craft of cooking. Now it’s all flash. Yes the food and the recipes are fine. The slick productions are getting really boring and the same… Thank god she showed up when she did. Sadly Julia wouldn’t stand a chance today.

  6. “I think part of it is how un-polished and un-scripted she was. There was a real person, standing there in front of the camera, rambling on about something that she loved. No focus groups, no clever editing, no swoopy cameras, no on-screen graphics. Just one tall, somewhat eccentric woman completely without fear.”

    Bravo! That captures the essence of Julia Child.

  7. I butchered four roosters a couple of weeks ago or so. Chopped their heads off with an axe. I decided that next time it might be less traumatic if I just shot them in the head with a bb gun. There are two more roosters down there in the pen unaware of their impending sentence….

  8. jon,

    Please report on whether your executed roosters run around like chickens with their heads cut off.

  9. Artfldgr
    i always like the galloping gourmet before he went green.

    I have a cookbook of his where his concern about healthful fats is so pronounced that he has recipes for desserts with LIGHT OLIVE OIL.

    That is the height of absurdity. Or the depth.

    It was worth the dollar I spent on the book to be entertained with such recipes.

  10. jon baker,

    As a farm boy I have slaughtered many a chicken and I suggest you don’t use a bb gun as it might not result in a swift death. A pellet with sufficient velocity would do the trick but who will hold the chickens head still while you take aim? 😉


    Sometimes chickens do run around for a second or 2 without a head. When that happens it means you were not holding the legs firmly. 😉

  11. Parker, well they are bantaams- pretty small and at least one is pretty agressive- figured I could get him to attack the end of the rifle- then Bam!

    expat- I expect they will 🙂

  12. as long as it’s not peepee. Around food, that’s rarely good.

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