Home » The FBI has been shaken by the failure to charge Hillary


The FBI has been shaken by the failure to charge Hillary — 26 Comments

  1. The comment by “Tom Swift” on the Legal Insurrection piece reminds me that as a cynic, I’m always a little behind the curve. Yes, of course, this talk from anonymous FBI agents is a sop, and costs nothing.

  2. As long as it is anonymous, it will carry no weight. The lack of courage in our political realm in my opinion is a big part of our problem. If one reads the record of what it cost the signers of the Declaration of Independence, personally, one would come away with a heightened sense of the true cost of establishing the principles of our Republic. Then a trip to the museums that tell the story of those who fought our wars (especially the Civil and WWII) and we would again have some notion of the cost of freedom. These people are cowards as far as I’m concerned, and of no value in preserving our country.

  3. Well, I can’t imagine that happening in countries like UK or Germany, even thought UK and Germany are far from being the countries they were years ago.

    But even now, I can’t imagine that happening there. People wouldn’t allow it.

    And that’s the thing; this is happening because American people is supporting it. The news is not what Hillary Clinton does.

    The new is that American people do.

    One of the problems of US is that they have nothing to compare with. In Europe, when a country declines, it becomes obvious because each and every country is comparing itself with the rest of Europe constantly.

    But US has no pattern, no standard to compare itself. Canada? not really.

    Checking the Clinton story, if this was happening in Europe, this would be something like Poland level, or Italy level, or Spain level. You couldn’t imagine this in Switzerland, for example.

    It’s really scary how fast US is declining. Not having way to compare, and having (though not for much longer) the dollar as international currency, its hiding the problem. But you’re now closer form Italy than from UK.

  4. The FBI has been shaken?

    Well, good. They failed to do their jobs, in a matter of utmost importance. And to me, as a private citizen, it does not matter at all if individual FBI agents did yeoman work, while the higher-ups took the coward’s way out to save their political skins. The FBI as a whole failed us.

    It will now be left to low-level FBI agents to do what Mr. Comey did not do. Will someone be brave enough to put his or her neck on the line?

  5. “It is safe to say the vast majority felt she should be prosecuted.”

    and it is also safe to say that not one damn thing will come of this sabre rattling because I believe that a single set of testicles simply does not exist in the entire federal government.

  6. “It is safe to say the vast majority felt she should be prosecuted,” the senior FBI official told Fox News. “We were floored while listening to the FBI briefing because Comey laid it all out, and then said ‘but we are doing nothing,’ which made no sense to us.”

    Made no sense? Made no sense? It makes perfect sense once denial stops about the fix being in from the start. It makes perfect sense once the blinders are removed regarding the Obama administration.

    So the rule of law only applies to the dem’s political opponents. That is a formula for civil war. Not immediately of course but it leaves only three options; a civil/guerrilla war, living on one’s knees or collaboration.

    More evidence that “they don’t even know that fire is hot”.

    “When you surround the enemy
    Always allow them an escape route.
    They must see that there is
    An alternative to death.” –Sun Tzu, The Art of War, Cloud Hands edition

    The Left is leaving the right no escape route.

  7. Set aside for a moment the feelings of some officers in the DoJ and FBI — think for a moment instead of those from whom we are not hearing, for their very jobs require their discretionary silence as a matter of course: the thousands who man the nation’s intelligence services; those who must labor to keep the nation’s secrets secret; those who know they would be prosecuted instantly and to within an inch of their lives were they to conduct themselves in any manner as Mrs. Clinton has done.

    Where will the thoughts of the like of these wander as they toil to return that needful folder to its safe keeping under lock and key, rather than conveniently leave it in a drawer overnight?

  8. The lack of courage in our political realm in my opinion is a big part of our problem. If one reads the record of what it cost the signers of the Declaration of Independence, personally, one would come away with a heightened sense of the true cost of establishing the principles of our Republic.

    Trump shows we hve no stomach for anyone with enough to actually do anything about it…

    all those years of defining the item, has led to a population that cant select anyone who could help them defeat where its going… and more so in the face of the instututions idoctrinating..

    but then again, i warned about the end to the feinberg laws… and other thigns…

    once you pass the event horizon, you dont feel it,
    but by defintion, you lost… your dead, etc.
    it just has to play out.

    and we lost…
    not because we have trump or such
    but because we didnt pay attention to all the other things lining up around us..

    we are in so much debt, we cant borrow to save ourselves if there is a conflict

    our military is smaller to the point where WW# can start…

    our ability to manufacture, repair, build and do things is destroyed by lack of fathers…

    families dont exist and social cohesian is gone

    we fired all the experienced military leaders

    we have about half the nukes and russia has broken the treaty and has a lot more than we and a first strike dctrine…

    our military, science, political realm have all been seriously compromised by ideological termites at best, operatives waiting at worst

    we have let china build isands tha will require war to remove

    we ignore the testing of EMP devices int he pacific
    and another device that can shut down our ships in one shot

    we have not kept up with what new equipment has been made, stolen, etc.

    satelite warfare is ready
    we dont know waht to do with a cyber attack and we have had lots of them, including one nuclear power plant i can mention and other things

    our kids are so unfit, we now can draft women when needed…

    and a WHOLE lot more that we wont bother to pay attention to as its too late even if we did.

  9. And this was all foreseeable back in 2003-2004, when Sandy Berger stole classified documents, smuggling them out in his pants then destroying them. Berger was a long-time associate of the Clintons, and the papers he stole had to do with the investigations into the 9-11 attacks. Yet another person willing to go to jail for the Clintons. Why? And yet Berger received only a light sentence. And yet no one at the FBI could make the connection between examples of delay and destruction of evidence like that, and what Hillary did a little later with her secret e-mail server.

    These people are gangsters.

  10. I’ve seen my buddies die face down in the mud in Nam…

    Wait, that was the John Goodman character in The Big Lebowski.

    However my point stands that there are Americans have suffered and died for America. God bless them.

    But find me an FBI agent willing to risk his or her time-in and sweet, sweet pension for his country. So far there are none. And I’m not expecting any to turn up.

    Expletive the FBI and all its pretensions to justice.

  11. Government attracts the corrupt. Government attracts the go along to get along.people. I am not saying all politicians and bureaucrats are corrupt or cowards. but power does corrupt many and makes others cowards. The corruption and cowardice is maximized inside the beltway. The Founders knew this and thus put DC in a Constitutional box. The box has been destroyed starting with Wilson; this will not end well.

  12. This is the most egregious of all in this election.

    FBI Comey clearly stated Hillary Clinton violated multiple statues that did not need proof of intent BUT since the FBI can’t prove “intent” on other statues that did need intent no charges filed.

    That’s like saying …

    1. We have video of you running stop sign.
    2. We have positive tests of you being above the legal limit DWI.
    3. We have proof you left the scene of the crime.

    BUT we cannot prove you intended to kill the person you ran over … so no charges on anything!

  13. I expect the boys and girls at the federal bureau of immunities know from experience how easy it is to stick nasty stuff on somebody else’s computer without the owner knowing it…… until too late.

  14. Yann,

    You are on target about the greenback. As the world’s reserve currency it is all that keeps the wolves from storming the ramparts.

  15. “Government attracts the corrupt. Government attracts the go along to get along.people.”-Parker

    Sad, but true. Someone I’m close to was offered a position w/either the CIA or FBI, but in his association w/the government couldn’t stomach the waste of taxpayer money that he witnessed. Story-after-story. Wanted no part of it.

  16. I’m with several other commentators: as long as the protests come from anonymous sources, then the FBI has no integrity or they are cowards.

    People with integrity are willing to stand for something when standing for something is hard.

    The best example of this is the Saturday Night Massacre, during the Nixon Administration.

    On a personal level, I remember a time when the director of my division in a large company was planning to implement a plan that was unethical. I put him in a position where he had to personally make the pitch about the new plan to our entire group. And that was when I publicly told him and my manager why it was wrong and that I, as the project leader, wouldn’t do it. One by one, the rest of team, without any prompting, agreed that they wouldn’t do it either. Sometime later, the director and that manager left the company to pursue other opportunities.

  17. snopercod,

    That is the problem, the remedy is unintended consequences.


    Is that a less bitter, shrill comment? I wait for your approval..

    Please, please, please pat my squirmy puppy dog belly.

  18. The FBI weasels, along with weasels at DOJ and the State Dept, “go along to get along”.

    Accepting illegal behavior done by the powerful (and now, much richer) weakens “rule by law”.

    Those unwilling to resign, so far all of them, are weasels.

    If I were there, younger than 65, I’d be a weasel too–which is why I wouldn’t be there.

  19. Sharon W Says:
    “Government attracts the corrupt. Government attracts the go along to get along.people.”-Parker
    Sad, but true. Someone I’m close to was offered a position w/either the CIA or FBI, but in his association w/the government couldn’t stomach the waste of taxpayer money that he witnessed. Story-after-story. Wanted no part of it.

    That’s true at every level of government.

    I know a CPA with an impressive resume longer than my arm. Her parents were aging and needed her care, so she moved to Florida near them and took a state government job. Immediately, she had a slew of ideas as to how to make things in her department more effective and efficient. Not only was she shot down by her supervisor on every one, but she quickly became a pariah around the office with everyone else.

    Creativity and productivity were strictly discouraged by the workplace culture.

  20. Yankee Says:
    October 13th, 2016 at 4:28 pm

    And this was all foreseeable back in 2003-2004, when Sandy Berger stole classified documents, smuggling them out in his pants then destroying them. Berger was a long-time associate of the Clintons, and the papers he stole had to do with the investigations into the 9-11 attacks. Yet another person willing to go to jail for the Clintons. Why? And yet Berger received only a light sentence. And yet no one at the FBI could make the connection between examples of delay and destruction of evidence like that, and what Hillary did a little later with her secret e-mail server.

    These people are gangsters.

    Glad I looked in on this thread.

    Your name Yankee, has been mentioned recently.

    The question was whether you were, or saw yourself as, a primary season Trump-first and only man, or whether you were not.

    There is no prize for answering and no penalty for whatever the answer might be.

    It was merely a question of how many, if any of NeoCon’s regular visitors, might have been ardently pro-Trump in preference to all other contenders.

    [I hope this was a fair, representation of the matter.]

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