Spambot of the day
Incomprehensible but nonetheless alarming spambot:
Hello there, I found your blog by way of Google even though looking for 1st assist to get a heart attack along with your post looks very interesting for me.
Incomprehensible but nonetheless alarming spambot:
Hello there, I found your blog by way of Google even though looking for 1st assist to get a heart attack along with your post looks very interesting for me.
Who knew that Sky Net would evolve from a spam bot?
If that’s the case, we have nothing to fear from SkyNet. It won’t become self-aware. Ever.
Do you ever wonder what exactly the people who write stuff like this were trying to convey?
I still don’t know what a spambot is, but I suspect Paul Krugman would recognize this as the work of Sarah Palin.
Son of Spambot:
I think the author of this is a native Japanese speaker, and wrote it in Japanese. He then used something like Bable Fish translator to produce a string of characters he couldn’t understand, then copied/pasted them. Presto! A spambot.
I got an email yesterday from, of all places, Argentina (allegedly), wherein this (alleged) woman says that she is willing to share herself and several million dollars her deceased husband hid away before their ranch was seized by the government with little ol’ me. All I need to do is provide the money for her flight to the U.S. For some reason, she cannot access the millions until she is here.
What do you think? Is this on the level? Should I send the money? She sounds soooooo sincere. Inquiring minds want to know.