Home » Still think Assange…


Still think Assange… — 15 Comments

  1. It does seem odd that Assange, Mr. Nobody Should Have Any Secrets, is so bent out of shape at the US allegedly spying on the UN. It turns out that the universal and absolute evil of powerful people keeping secrets isn’t so universal and absolute after all. In fact, the keeping of secrets turns out only to be evil when done by people he already hates for other reasons.

    Fancy that.

  2. I heard on Glen Beck (I know. even a crazy prophet gets it right occasionally), that one of Soros’ associates was representing Assange.

    Considering the money he has dumped into politics/media/non-profits, why is Beck the only person talking about Soros and his connection to Assange

  3. Soros is a good candidate for the kook whose financing the other kook’s nuttiness.

    Soros has a history of thinking that he’s “God.” I believe this because I read it in the New York Times (yes I did) a few years ago. It explained a lot.

    When I first heard about Soros after the fall of the Soviet Union, he seemed to be a good guy financing the development of democracy in the satellite countries. I recently met a Rumanian who told me about some good works that he had done, so it’s probably true.

    Later he used his abilities to created financial chaos. Then I saw the directed attacks on Bush and on the U.S. war effort to stop islamism, and I realized that we were dealing with a genuine kook. A Dr. Evil straight out of a James Bond movie.

    So, knowing of Soros’ hatred of the U.S. and talent for evil, I can assume that he is guilty until proven innocent.

  4. Neo, maybe you should just have a category called “Kooks who want to rule the world” and then you don’t have to worry about whether or not they’re anarchists, islamists, or stalinists.

  5. Chalk me up as another one who sees the shadow of Soros behind Wikileaks.

    I saw a quote last night from Wikipedia:

    WikiLeaks was founded in 2006. That year, Assange wrote two essays setting out the philosophy behind WikiLeaks: “To radically shift regime behavior we must think clearly and boldly for if we have learned anything, it is that regimes do not want to be changed. We must think beyond those who have gone before us and discover technological changes that embolden us with ways to act in which our forebears could not.” In his blog he wrote, “the more secretive or unjust an organisation is, the more leaks induce fear and paranoia in its leadership and planning coterie. … Since unjust systems, by their nature induce opponents, and in many places barely have the upper hand, mass leaking leaves them exquisitely vulnerable to those who seek to replace them with more open forms of governance.

    That last part practically screamed Soros to me. See “Open Society Institute”. And Soros is on record as saying that he wants to change America’s system of government.

  6. Both of the maniacs should spend some time nibbling tree bark in North Korea so they can see how open societies really work.

  7. I read this with the odd wince at the Australian connection (I’m Australian). Sadly, the Chardonnay-left is still influential in Australia, and the likes of John Pilger still get treated as credible by much of the media.

    I think the situation is changing, but how much and how fast remains to be seen.

    On the bright side, I see Australia as more-or-less middle of the road. The US Right are to the right of the Australian Right, and the US loony Left is much further left of (and much more powerful than) our loony Left.

    Two years ago, the most senior Liberal (in Australia the conservative party are the Liberals, and the leftist party is the Labor Party) in the country was the Mayor of Brisbane, our third largest city. Today, the Liberals hold government in Western Australia and Victoria, and will almost certainly win New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania, and the Federal Government at the nest elections. South Australia and the Northern Territory will also probably swing conservative.

    The economic issues in Australia are similar to the US, but milder. We had the benefit of a very good (although not so popular) Liberal (Conservative) government which left the economy in good shape. Labor has done a mini-me Obama, spending madly and wasting billions, but even that was more modest than in the US, and it is a big part of the reason they are about to be booted out now.

  8. Gordon Crovitz in the Wall Street Journal said that Assange is more correctly referred to as a radical anarchist, similar to the Unibomber. He believes that he can poison the communication between states, and thus limit their ability to trust each other. Assange’s goal is to bring down in particular, the U.S.

    Those who think of him as a “whistleblower” don’t grasp his intent.

  9. He believes that he can poison the communication between states, and thus limit their ability to trust each other.

    Has it ever occurred to him that that could lead to World War III?

  10. rickl: has it occurred to you that he may not care one iota about the consequences?
    Or that WW3 may be what he wants to start?

  11. How about the Bond file, or Dr. Evil, or the Joker? Soros is Dr. Evil and Assange is the Joker? Assange does seem like he just wants to see the world burn…

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