Those “demonic” Obama photos
Rush Limbaugh is talking about this photo of Obama from Drudge:
Limbaugh says:
An American president has never had facial expressions like this. At least we’ve never seen photos of an American president with facial expressions like this.
I beg to differ. When I saw the photos, I immediately thought of Nixon—a president who resembles Obama, not in his policies or his actual face of course, but in a sometime off-kilter-ness of expression.
Note Nixon in his famous “I am not a crook” speech. In particular, take a look at the 17-second mark, when his hooded eyes look way upward and to his left (our right) on the word “obstructed.” His head is down rather than up, and his mouth is sadder, but it looks kinda similar to me:
True. But Nixon didn’t have the marxist anti American with a racist bent caption to go with the pictures.
Nixon is a sweetheart in comparison. However, my video shows BHO’s true demonic force…see 2 minute mark.
In all fairness, if you followed any of us around long enough taking pictures, there would be some strange facial expressions. The other side did this to Bush.
In the photo montage of Obama, the upper right photo puts me in mind of of how Al Gore looked during his famous melt down speech (THEY PLAYED ON OUR FEARS), minus the drooling.
jon, the pictures of Bush were goofy ones. The demonic ones were photoshopped.
The fact that the camera is always on him should make BHO more aware of his facial expressions. He is a deeply angry man and can no longer even hide it very well.
I beg to differ with Neo, and find her comparison unreasonable. The visual evidence does not persuade me.
Aw, Jon, I’m not in the mood to extend “fairness” to The Vicious Party.
E-nuff. Gloves off!
Ha! I thought Nixon too.
I thought of Steve Urkel.
No, no, no…
Obama isnt Nixon, nor Steve Urkel…
He’s Tuvok , from Star Trek Voyager
Nixon didn’t look totally deranged.
And he wasn’t a Communist.