Home » Byron York: Sean Bielat has a chance


Byron York: Sean Bielat has a chance — 6 Comments

  1. Down with Blarney Barney, that’s what I say!

    I contributed to Beilat, and so should you. This Frank wizard can be beaten, that’s what I say.

  2. Barney is one of the many reasons why I could not happily live in MA. Other reasons include JFK, etc., etc., etc.
    There is something flat wrong with the majority of MA voters.
    Bielat has some $ from me too. I am hopeful but not optimistic.

  3. By all means, please donate to Sean Bielat’s campaign. Believe it or not, MA is changing, and Scott Brown is an example of that. It will still be a struggle, but we can make inroads one victory at a time.

    Sean Bielat will bring a wonderful, positive change to the seat that Barney now holds. Please go to http://www.retirebarney.com or http://www.helpsean.mobi and help Sean Bielat on to victory.

  4. Sean Bielat will have a radio debate with Barney Frank this Columbus Day on Boston’s WRKO 680 AM (www.wrko.com, click on “Listen Live” on the upper right of the screen) at 7 a.m. The candidates’ stands on the issues and their demeanors should sharply contrast. It’s hard not to like Sean once you hear and/or see him.

    Thanks for your support, Neo-Neocon!

  5. Barney Frank the poster child for the corruption of entrenched encumbancy, the arrogance of this Democratic reign and the failure of liberal policies. He is also a card carrying member of the Democratic Socialists of America and was on their previously published list of 70 members of Congress who were also in their party and working within the US government to advance their agenda and dismantle the capitalist system. He is a threat to our national interests and has already proven the extent of the damage they can do to the US economy…one need only to look what has occurred in the last three years in the US financial, housing and credit markets.

    Besides all the reasons Barney Frank needs to be removed from office, Sean Bielat represents the real hope and change this country needs to correct the trajectory of the country going forward. He is young, energetic, smart and an independent thinker who will work towards fiscal responsibility and limited government.

    We in his district are working to correct the course of the country by retiring Barney Frank and electing Sean Bielat. If you would like to join the fight please:


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