Home » Coates’s testimony on the Black Panther case


Coates’s testimony on the Black Panther case — 32 Comments

  1. Anyone here surprised by Coates’s testimony?


    Obama and Holder are both racist down to the very marrow of their bones.

  2. This fits the far left view of racism. Only whites, the oppressor class, can be racist. If there were ever a doubt where this president lies on the ideological spectrum, this settles it. Similarly, the MSM are exposed yet again.

  3. The real expose is of the MSM. This is a clear politically manipulation of the news in order to support a political end.

    When it is covered be sure it will a minor story like “disgruntled anti-Obama DOJ employee vents anger at boss” or some such headline,

  4. There is nothing at ABC’s website on the story that I could see. In a way this is amazing. They are dropping even the pretense of being a news organization.

    Yet their audience is superior to Fox.

  5. The real expose is of the MSM. This is a clear politically manipulation of the news in order to support a political end.

    Bob nails it.

    The MSM has played a key role in the genesis and/or potentiation of the maladies afflicting us. We really need a full-scale, detailed investigation of the Red infiltration of the media. JournoList members babbling about “popular fronts” say it all – American journalism is infested with Reds.

  6. Did not see a thing about it at NBC or CBS either. However there was an awful lot about Stephen Colbert and the controversy surrounding him.

  7. e really need a full-scale, detailed investigation of the Red infiltration of the media.

    your about 70 years late…

    and one revolution short…

    with the next one verging…

  8. There could be sting operations to lure the media into covering only one of two identical stories because of race. Heck it could be a tv show on fox and be hilarious.

  9. your about 70 years late…

    and one revolution short…

    with the next one verging…

    Yeah, I know. It just makes me feel better to state the obvious.

  10. I think the educational establishment is full of Reds, too.

    So is Cincinnati , , , lousy pun, but it is almost playoff time.

  11. So is Cincinnati , , , lousy pun, but it is almost playoff time.

    LOL! In a few minutes I’m going to leave for Petco Park to see the Padres play the Reds. When my 11-year old son asked what city the Reds came from, I told him, “Berkeley.” He wasn’t sure I was kidding until my older son guffawed!

  12. PA Cat:
    There’s an old story which may or may not be apocryphal. During the Cold War back in the 1950s “Reds” was commonly used in newspaper headlines to refer to the Soviets. Someone suggested that the Cincinnati Reds might consider changing their team name to avoid negative connotations.

    The team owner is supposed to have said, “Let the Russians change. We had the name first.”

    Which was true. The name Reds, short for Red Stockings, dates back to 1869.

  13. It just makes me feel better to state the obvious.
    {me too Occam} 🙂

    I am scanning a few places on this and this whole thing is explosive!!!!!!!!!

    He said civil rights attorneys stick to cases that involve minority victims, and he said the Black Panther case was dismissed following “pressure” by the NAACP and “anger” at the case within the Justice Department itself.

    “That anger was the result of their deep-seated opposition to the equal enforcement of the Voting Rights Act against racial minorities and for the protection of white voters who have been discriminated against,” he said. Fox

  14. When are blacks going to realize that voter intimidation by black thugs can be used against them should they deviate from approved group think? Once the thugs rule, other voices are silenced and corrupt black politicians will be even harder to get rid of. I guess this is what happens when black studies replaces civics and history in school curriculums.

  15. O’Reilly had heavy coverage of this story tonight. If you don’t watch Fox or read the blogs, you don’t know the news.

  16. Bob from Virginia: ” “disgruntled, racist, homophobic, islamophobic, Tea Party bigot, nazi, anti-Obama DOJ employee vents anger and burning hate at The Annointed One”


  17. Don,
    A suggestion: Insert Clinton-appointed between anti-Obama and DOJ employee. We may as well give credit where credit is due.

  18. Occam’s Beard Says:

    We really need a full-scale, detailed investigation of the Red infiltration of the media.

    I’m more into building infrastructure for such traitors to our Constitution. Like oh, say, scaffolds.

  19. I direct you to this site – and this particular article – not because of any direct similarity to the topic, but because of the connection that is the unequal application of the law. We have had massive lawbreaking in the financial field (and no, I don’t understand all of the financial stuff, but when laws are not enforced, you might as well not have any. In fact – it’s worse – it’s like thinking you have a roof over your head only to find out that when it rains the roof is full of holes) as well, and what it comes down to is “equal justice under the law” is gone. That amounts to plain and simple corruption. We need to get the law enforcement and courts back to applying the law. Until we do, we’re Third World. Most of us just don’t have enough to have them come after us – but if you do…you’re sunk. There will be no legal protection.


  20. Everyone should volunteer to be a poll watcher, and take concealed video and audio equipment (streaming to server if possible). The fraud must be documented.

  21. The Washington Post had a story about Coates’ testimony. The reader comments section made for dispiriting reading. Most of the comments made the claim – unsupported, mind you – that no white people were inconvenienced or intimidated by the Black Panthers’ behavior outside the polling place, and no one was prevented from voting, therefore there was no illegal behavior. Jeez. That’s kinda like saying since nobody in his district cares that Charlie Rangel is a tax cheat and a fraud, that he didn’t do anything wrong. The law’s the law.

  22. The reader comments section made for dispiriting reading.

    Indeed. The mental gymnastics in which some engaged to defend the New Black Panthers’ actions, and those of the Department of “Justice,” were disturbing evidence of the deepness of the rot. It was a smorgasbord groaning with virtually every red herring fallacy known to man, with heavy use of the ad hominem , tu quoque, appeal to motive fallacies.

    On the other hand, I’m surprised and gratified that the WaPo put this on the front page.

  23. De facto show trials are needed if/when we have more conservatives in the House. Committee hearings to tear down the racist, Leftist corruption of the Federal government step by step. Show the public the testimony, the Congressional condemnations. The word will get out despite the MSM.

    I remain intrigued by the contemporary designation of Red v. Blue states/districts. There is no wiki evidence of intent behind designating conservatives as Reds, but I refuse to believe this was coincidental.

  24. There is no wiki evidence of intent behind designating conservatives as Reds, but I refuse to believe this was coincidental.

    I assumed that this was intentional, because the converse was either too close to the knuckle, or potentially a self-fulfilling prophecy.

  25. I always knew that some african americans were out for blood revenge, but until this year I had no idea it was so intense and so widespread. Silly me.

  26. suek:
    Karl Denninger is a national treasure. He is fighting the good fight, and documenting the crimes and BS for future historians to pick over.

    I’m registered at his site, but as I’m not very knowledgeable in financial matters I don’t comment much over there. I do link his posts regularly, though.

  27. I watched most of the morning session live on C-Span. It was gripping. Coates is a superb and unflappable witness, and he did not mince words. Note also that he began his career with the ACLU, was appointed by Clinton and kept on by Bush. He has devoted his entire professional life to ensuring equal voting rights for all.


    It is a ringing indictment of the Obama administration that a man who does no more than uphold the impartiality of the law is correctly seen to be a hero.

  28. Nothing is out-of-bounds for this administration. Having Colbert do his schtick on the day that Coates was testifying on a serious matter was quite clever. Hopefully, there will be some type of investigation into this corruption.

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