Home » Another stabbing in Israel


Another stabbing in Israel — 9 Comments

  1. Meanwhile, in Gaza and in the high counsels of Israeli Defense — Caroline Glick: Israel’s dangerous consensus

    And only yesterday we learn that Donald Trump cannot distinguish between the Israelis who hope to live in peace with their Arab neighbors on the one hand, and those Arab neighbors who only hope for the eradication of Israel altogether, on the other.

  2. I have nothing constructive to say on this that would not turn into a political rant; other than to extend sympathies to the family.

  3. This is why you do not leave a dedicated enemy able to threaten you again. Internally, almost all of the death that Israel has experienced, since it won its independence in 1948 is due to not expelling the enemy within its midst. It may yet be the death of Israel, a nation and people sacrificed upon the altar of political correctness.

  4. Let me post a video of what happens when a blind man asks for change in Israel.


    You’re right, citizens were wearing weapons there. But Israel is a society with high core values and threatened by external elements.

    Now do the blind man experiment in Detroit. Or Baltimore. Or Chicago.

    Free weapons need an homogeneous society with core values. US used to be that way. It is not any more. Different societies need different rules. And US is becoming a society less and less able to handle free weapons, every day is less of a western society. Maybe you should deal with the fact that US needs new rules, more suitable ones for third world societies.

  5. The age of the attackers does not surprise me. Alas, teenagers are very easily led, as we all know. Hence the importance of taking over education to the Left. Think Hitler Jugend and Hitler Madschen.

  6. Two other details: Weissman was not initially attacked by the terrorist – he ran to help the man who was being attacked. And it cost him his life. The other detail: Weissman was an American citizen.

  7. Disgusting!

    Too bad the second attacker wasn’t finished off at the scene. There comes a point where one has to draw a line between those worthy of being treated according to the laws of civilised behaviour and those who are not.

    The world being such a sick place, at this point it makes almost zero difference to the lies that the left write about Israel. Never going to get any credit for doing the altruistic (and self-harming) thing, so why take a chance?

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