Home » Republican senators introduce bill to pause Syrian refugee acceptance


Republican senators introduce bill to pause Syrian refugee acceptance — 9 Comments

  1. From Instapundit comment section…

    Nice use of the Overton window by Mr. Trump. He’s about the only Republican who gets that. Too bad the rest of the Pubs, from the presidential candidates to the Congressional leadership, are clueless as to how it works.

    Realize that you are not a Trump fan. I am. He is the only republican who understands how to make things happen.

  2. Mitch McConnell has to run the bill past his masters at the Chamber of Commerce before proceeding.

  3. “How many divisions does the Pope have?”
    — Joseph Stalin

    “How many divisions does the Senate have?”

  4. Short of water boarding, it is impossible to vet ‘refugees’ from Syria or Iraq. ISIS has its own passport service. In a war torn jihad zone there is no way to verify anything about those seeking entry into America or Europe. Even with a 99 percent effective vetting process 100 out of 10,000 would remain potential terrorists. Just say no.

  5. Let’s see. Who first suggested this? Why no? The universal buffoon of this campaign suggested this.

    But is he such a buffoon?

    Trump is cunning like a fox. When Hillary claimed ISIS was recruiting off videos of his speeches, he lit into her. He explicitly warned her not to play the sexist card. She did, and he brought up some of Bill Clinton’s sordid history. That will be news to millennials, such sensitive creatures, who never knew Bill got blow-jobs in the Oval office from an infatuated intern and lied about it before the American people.

    The Clinton camp can come back at Trump on his two divorces, but the obvious riposte is why didn’t Hillary divorce Bill after the Lewinsky business became public knowledge and a national embarrassment? She could have waited until after his term was over, but any self-respecting wife would have had him screwed over by the best divorce lawyer in the business. Instead, they stayed married, even while he jetted off with Epstein, another sexual predator, to do who knows what. The answer is that her only accomplishment is her marriage to Bill Clinton and she couldn’t afford to lose that.

    The media is forced to cover Trump and can’t control his message. Do the Clintons want to see headlines where Trump links Bll to Epstein and his underage sex-slaves?

    Talk about a preemptive strike. You didn’t see it; the media didn’t report it; but the Clinton camp is reeling.

  6. Events in France — and the rest of Europe are forcing Congress to stop the President.

    The French have discovered a HUGE almost endless chain of terror cells that networked like Face Book.

    As a NATO member — France is letting the others in on many shocking discoveries.

    These are not on page one of the daily news because such publicity would ruin the campaign.

    The scale of the networks has stunned Paris.

    It’s a pretty good bet that Hollande is going to extend his emergency powers.

    Some of the new information is triggering official remarks — such as that of the Swiss official warning his countrymen to arm themselves.

    I would also expect that border controls will continue to ratchet up.

    Any further ISIS exploits in the West — will boost up Trump.

    The fact that HRC was happy with Donald at the top has to mean that her oppo research was massive.

    A lot would turn on how many Trump-Clinton love fests she’ll air.

    They have clips of Trump praising HRC to the rafters — and much more.

  7. The fact that HRC was happy with Donald at the top has to mean that her oppo research was massive.

    HRC is happy about Donald being at the top? Proof? Cites? Anything? Though I admit that it could be possible, after all the Republicans are vastly underestimating his brilliance at controlling the message. He has tripped everyone up at every single turn…OF COURSE republicans would be upset with him…he isn’t stupid like they are.

  8. JPJ…

    You may have been at sea…

    But her brain tank sent an urgent panic alarm to her faithful when Cruz pupped way up.

    This doubled as a plea for money, no doubt.

    But the point was plain. It was a clarion call to team up and research dirt on Cruz, rather like a returning honeybee notifying the entire hive of a major strike, this was an alert to the Leftist hive to swarm on Cruz… THE threat to the hive mind.

    Perhaps you over looked this beacon of distress?

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