Home » Still another reason not to let in Syrian refugees


Still another reason not to let in Syrian refugees — 8 Comments

  1. This isn’t new, since the story of the captured consulate office and its cache of passport blanks is months old. What is new is that only now are Americans being widely apprised of the story. Weird, right? That is, that information relevant to the national security of a people is either withheld or suppressed? The question, as usual, returns to “why?” Why is this so? For what purpose, to what end?

  2. I still say that the Congress Critters who want to take in the Syrian refugees should personally accept responsibility for the results. If just one of the refugees turns out to be a terrorist, they should be forced to resign in disgrace and lose all their pension benefits. Accountability, it’s a simple concept.

  3. Wouldn’t we properly demand similar things from those who assure to us that the Islamic Republic of Iran will never obtain nuclear weapons due solely to the imposition of their noble policies, when come some day the Iranian government openly declares they are in fact in possession of deliverable nuclear warheads, J.J.? And yet we know no such demand will ever be fulfilled. Quite the contrary: these knaves and fools will be rewarded with wealth and celebrated as great peace-makers.

  4. Seems to me that J.J.’s proposed Congresscritter penalty (loss of position and pension) is a rather modest price for the slaughter of Americans.

  5. Frog,
    I think the proposal is meant to make these people think a bit before they vote. After the fact, it won’t matter.

  6. Those mysteriously ‘radicalized’ terrorists are bho’s Christmas present to America for always being naughty and never nice.

  7. We could not confront the Soviet Union directly. We can deprive the terrorists of safe havens. The refugee crisis follows from the social justice movement (e.g. “Arab Spring”) that left two continents in chaos and threatens to expand the humanitarian disaster to two and possible three more.

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