Home » Obama is delusional about tyranny, or lying


Obama is delusional about tyranny, or lying — 19 Comments

  1. Obama already was positively reinforced for making substantially the same statement as a state senator in opposition to the Iraq intervention, essentially that left to his own devices, Saddam’s terrorist regime would fade away on its own. Remember that statement, which was equally dumbfounding, was held up among his supporters as a principal credential for his presidential candidacy.

  2. delusional or lying? Oh, it’s probably both. And yes, he is a nasty syptom of an even bigger problem. 401 days until the lancing begins. Unless it’s Dr Hillary.

  3. President Obama is rationalizing anti-competitive neglect by the leader of the free world.

    To be sure, the underlying concept is an attractive sentiment.

    You find the same sentiment common among mainstream conservatives who rationalize their anti-competitive neglect of activism in the face of decades of accruing gains by Left activists who simply take, as competitors, the social ground that’s ceded to them by the Right.

    Now challenged from the other side by alt-Right insurgents who have picked up the activist game using the vehicle of the Trump phenomenon, the same mainstream conservatives have adapted the sentiment to rationalize their anti-competitive neglect of activism in the face of competition coming from the other direction.

    In both (or the three) cases, the method to win is known. The choice is whether to commit to the method to compete or decline the method and rationalize defeat, instead.

  4. Barry IS a child of the MSM.

    His idiotic belief structure was COMMON thirty-years ago on the Manoa campus of U of H.

    It’s for this reason that Barry actually thinks his a hip Muslim.

    He thinks ISIS are not so much the JV — but that they are UN-HIP.

    Barry always hung out with the cool kids — and still is doing so.

    Being COOL defines Soetoro.

    He’s the Man — yet is still anti-establishment.

    His personal cognitive dissonance is exceptional — no?

  5. Lots of Blood on Obama’s hands, lots.
    Think of how many innocents have been systematically slaughtered, many on whims even ! Recall that female *aide* worker from a Lutheran Church in the So West, hostage for a year, raped, wrote letters home, then they said she died in a US bombing. MS. basically ignored.
    How does the man sleep each night ???
    Totally tunes it out, says in his best Hispanic accent, “Hey man, it’s not my job”

  6. When 98% of the evidence all points to the same conclusion, no matter how unsavory, how unlikely that may be, one must accept it.
    Barack Hussein is a Muslim.

  7. Of course he’s lying. Narcissistic sociopaths are not delusional. Nor is he an ivory tower intellectual. He’s an activist with a carefully planned agenda. His ‘ivory tower idealism’ is a carefully calculated act directed at his base and the LIVs.

    [U]ltimately these terrorist organizations will be defeated because they don’t have a vision that appeals to people”

    “Ultimately” is the ‘keyword’. That ISIS’ terrorist attacks destabilize the West isn’t a ‘bug’ in his agenda, it’s a feature. Obama is fine with Islamic terrorist organization’s “ultimate” defeat, once they’ve done their job. Until then, Obama will continue to see to it that America is as hamstrung in its responses, as he can achieve.

    The truth is as simple as it is appalling. The American people have elected an outright traitor to the Presidency, twice! And the majority of Congress is complicit in that treason.

    Barack Obama fully agrees with George Soros’ opinion that, “The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.”

  8. But he’s lying for a higher purpose.

    The US must be weakened, defanged, brought down.

    And if one must lie to the hilt to achieve this (and one must), then it’s entirely justified.

    The Manchurian Ideologue-in-Chief is perfectly placed.

    File under: Taqqiya for Dummies.

  9. NeoNeocon Says: Has Obama never heard of North Korea, for example, or the USSR in its Stalinist heyday?

    A long while back i explained that you have to look at what they say and do and think in terms of what their facts are not what YOUR facts are, and what they believe, not what YOU believe.

    To the average person who is not a true believer and not a leader, the soviet union was a horrid place in which millions were killed by the state to build roads, make war, etc… Venezuela is seen as another socialist experiment that is dying and the same outcomes have visited the people. Cuba is a repressive state that volunteered its land for the soviet union to park some nuclear bombs and where people die every year trying to touch land in the US so they can stay.

    but to a true believer those things are not the same at all. Cuba is a country that was put upon by the oppressive colonialist imperialist state which, for its own reasons like white supremacy and racism, prevented its growth and economy by walling it off. the Castro bros. have done what they could with what small bones the US has allowed them for their soup. Venezuela was going great before the capitalists and other factions were able to sabotage the revolution as they always do, horde and refuse to sell product, and all that stuff you hear Chavez/Maduro claim is the reasons why their stuff isnt working. And Russia, that ideological enemy in which the US surrounds it and in paranoid agitation paints it negatively and as a threat to the world, disenfranchising the state that won wwII, the Great Patriotic War, and saved the world (England and usa only played minor parts compared to soviet sacrifice), and on and on given the rhetoric of that area

    Once you understand WHICH history that he is believing in, then you know what he thinks in these things that are confusing. To Obama and many other true believers the narrative of the great conspiracy of capitalism (invented by Jews as Marx said), bankers, and various alternative explanations for things (not talked of in front of the rubes), has in various ways kept socialism, Marxism, communism from fully being able to function, with its failures blamed on the west and its manipulative games, and not the result of policy, world view, dysfunction, etc…

    oh. the explanations i have heard for Stalin is basically he did what he had to do in the face of the fascists, and if it were not for them, he would have been different.

    [if you know your enemy, know yourself, etc. ]

    Why so many Russians still love Stalin

    a recent conference held by the Russian Orthodox Church, which was persecuted by Stalin’s government, one speaker told an audience that “the nation must be grateful to Stalin for the ‘sacred victory’ over Nazi Germany,” according to Reuters.

  10. Rush Limbaugh had an interesting take on Obama. I think he mentioned it on his program only a week or two ago. He referred to a way of thinking (academic-related) about democracy/fair gov’t in the late 80s. This was a liberal mind set that instead of war, we could ‘defeat’ our enemies merely by having a society that worked and that had gotten rid of poverty, injustice, racism, etc.. And that our enemies would see that our awesome way of living was working and that they would fall in line with this type of government.

    I probably did not express this very well, so if someone could clarify that idea, I’d be grateful. It did make some sense when you think about when this idea came into being (the 80s, when Obama was just coming into his adult self and was still in the academic scene) and how he approaches everything.

    Anyone hear that segment on the radio?

  11. If Obama is delusional as Charles Krauthammer contends, he could be, if we didn’t have a corrupt government, removed from office under the 25th Amendment. He is like the Bavarian King Mad Ludwig who spent all his royal revenues on artistic projects, borrowed extensively, and defied all attempts by his ministers to restrain him.

    Per the 25th Amendment: Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

    Make it so!

  12. Yep, after a century or two and a few million skulls rolling around the desert, the people will say, “Thanks for your hard work, but we’ve decided to go in a different direction.”

  13. ” He is like the Bavarian King Mad Ludwig who spent all his royal revenues on artistic projects, borrowed extensively, and defied all attempts by his ministers to restrain him.”

    The response I like best is the one made to the Prussians: We still have our castles, but where are your armies?

    (Unfortunately I no longer remember the book where I read that, and the internet doesn’t know either, so it may not be true, but it is accurate 😉

  14. The power of the Left is not to be underestimated. An election cannot fix tyranny and totalitarian beliefs, any more than it did under Saddam Hussein or Bush II’s Iraq occupation.

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