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Olbermann leaves Kos — 17 Comments

  1. “… did he fail to study his French Revolutionary history?”

    I was sort of hoping he’d stick around for his Robespierre “face up in the guillotine” moment.

  2. I wish Joe Barton would have had Christie type of smarts and articulation to properly state the case against Obama’s extension of executive power in demanding the $20 billion escrow account. Christie would not have used the words “shakedown” or “apology.” And given Barton’s record with Big Oil, he was the worst possible mouthpiece. Republicans: snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory. But Barton is right!

    It’s not merely the escrow itself but the background of the actor and the context in which it occured that makes the event wrong. It is one of those type of events that seems right, given the outrage and need of the people. But more will come of this. More unintended consequences that will show Obama, once again, doesn’t know what he is doing.

    Constitutional scholar? Hah!

  3. Barton hit the nail on the head: “You’re under criminal investigation. Would you …uh… like to agree to make a financial contribution?”

    Is there just a small but noticeable whiff of impropriety there?

  4. Constitutional scholar? Hah!

    I doubt that Obama has ever read the entire Constitution. Looked at the pictures, maybe. Someone should put the Constitution on a teleprompter.

  5. Also from vanderleun’s Wikipedia link:

    A well-educated and accomplished young lawyer, he might have acquired a good provincial practice and lived a happy provincial life had it not been for the Revolution. Like thousands of other young Frenchmen, he had read the works of Rousseau and taken them as gospel. Just at the very time in life when this illusion had not been destroyed by the realities of life, and without the experience which might have taught the futility of idle dreams and theories, he was elected to the states-general.

    Does that remind anybody else of someone recently elected to high political office?

  6. An excellent article by Mr. Jacobson.

    “This is a case where the imperial whim of the President, and the shrewd business acumen of BP, joined forces in the ultimate inside-the-beltway deal.”–quote

    So is Obama a part of this inside dealing or merely a useful puppet? If Obama is a puppet, who is doing the dealing?

  7. What the hell is wrong with these mealy mouth focus group obssessed PC republicans making Barton apologise for his apology? God almighty these people have no idea the coordinated effort it will take to bring these commie b*stards down. Failure to do so is not an option.

  8. AVI wrote: Artfl – yeah, the first words are “We, the people…”

    It’s what the group knows that you don’t know that makes one appear to them a certain way, or to you.

    When a person knows something and is with a group that doesn’t, they think that what he knows is wrong, because they don’t know it and they think they would.

    When a person doesn’t know something, and is with a group that does, they think that what he knows is wrong, because they do know it and they think he should.

    See a heads I win tails you lose paradigm?
    (Which favors the collective whether its full of knowlege or dumb as a post?)

    So what’s my point?

    Warning Labels for The Constitution?

    Wilder Publications, a small publishing house out of Virginia, has put warning labels on reprints of the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Federalist Papers reading:

    “This book is a product of its time and does not reflect the same values as it would if it were written today. Parents might wish to discuss with their children how views on race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and interpersonal relations have changed since this book was written before allowing them to read this classic work.”

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