New Years Day
I’m taking the day off, just relaxing. At the moment I’m enjoying my new computer, which is finally connected and running.
Once again, Happy New Year to you all–and see you tomorrow!
I’m taking the day off, just relaxing. At the moment I’m enjoying my new computer, which is finally connected and running.
Once again, Happy New Year to you all–and see you tomorrow!
I wish a Happy DeLay and a Merry Merry Abramoff to all of you!
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Irish Blessing
Happy New Year! I really enjoy your blog and will be a frequent visitor. Don’t worry about what frogg said; your ideas and beliefs are quite clear and very easy to interpret -you have to look past the words on paper.
First of all. Happy New Year!
Had a look through your blog. I am sure that you are a very interesting person with your own ideas but I just don’t get that from your writing. You seem to be on the defensive a lot, often focusing on your past and the subsequent conversion. What exactly do you believe in? What are your ideas? What are your solutions? Isn’t that what matters, instead of what you call yourself or what side you are on? Let your ideas speak for themselves.
In the words of Norman Podhoretz – well, I forgot the words , but I hope that you enjoyed your day off. However, please hurry back. The world needs saving! 🙂
A day off? What’s that like!?! LOL
Enjoy! 😀