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More on the Canadian election, and on ours — 45 Comments

  1. “The last capitalist we hang shall be the one who sold us the rope.”
    – Karl Marx

    Variations on that principle.

    By the same token, social organs that serve as Left activist vectors often also provide legitimate goods and services, often wrapped together.

    Like that rope, elections are just ‘buying and selling’ votes.

  2. Was trying to make a case for Cruz this past w/e to an achieved well to do conservative lady.
    Yes, but he is short and has a squeaky voice she said …
    Me: …. …. ….

    We have the government we deserve ….

  3. Rubio seems to be the most able to beat the Democrats in the general election. For me, that is very very important. Also, he is quite informed and hawkish on what I think is the greatest challenge to America – national security. And, that is the issue that the Democrats are the worst on. Rubio can attract Hispanic, young and female voters better than the others.

  4. Canada now has Trudeau, a disaster in the making.

    America will have the choice of Hillary vs Trump. A win-win for continued disaster.

    Europe is committing demographic suicide.

    Western civilization has a death wish.

  5. Geoffrey Britain:

    I was thinking that same thing yesterday. Only my thought was that the West is trying to commit suicide-murder. A lot will probably go down with it.

  6. “Western civilization has a death wish.”

    The unloving and unlovable demand to be loved or else they will open the gates to the barbarians and bring it all down on your head. Better for all to be dead in their judgment than for them unloved and ignored by you.

    Thus you will become responsible for their lives; or they will sell their lives to someone else. ISIS maybe.

    At least if someone is using them, or even killing them, they are getting the attention they crave.

    It may have sounded like a throwaway line, but I am convinced that sublimated sexual masochism is behind much of we see from liberals.

    What is it that Neo concluded the answer was to Freud’s great question?

    To be desired? That is what this political shit on the left wants; to be desired, or else. To be desired, to be “included”. And if no better deal can be found, then to be desired as a slave if for no other reason.

    Different moral species …

  7. G6loq Says:
    October 21st, 2015 at 5:54 pm

    We have the government we deserve:
    Another Obama mystery: He wore a wedding ring as a single man”

    Just looks like squiggles to me. Otherwise …

    Let it burn …

    I kind of agree …

    You get tired of trying to reason with the fundamentally unreasoning. Eventually you just want to say, “Ok, go ahead drive into the brick wall; jump off the roof; put the muzzle in your mouth and pull the trigger; cause I am sick of the fallout from your never-ending stupidity and emotional neediness.”

    I’ve just ended a brief commenting sabbatical which was preceded by one of the most stupefying exchanges I have had with a “progressive” , and I have had a number of them.

    This one, with a self-described, young, “progressive” and “socially aware” Canadian law student (matriculating toward some crap bachelor’s equivalent Euro-degree) whose unrelenting, incessant and single focus in life was on feelings. He spent almost of his energy either applauding his own feelings, or condemning others’ lack of appreciation for them.

    I guess we were not fulfilling our role as an appreciative audience.

    Though half a dozen of us patiently wasted our time trying,
    any attempt to engage him constructively, or to get him to think about his own assumptions was completely futile.

    I suppose some will argue that ardent and zealous young minds deserve special rules, consideration, and allowances. Let them play that loser’s game in their own homes. Because when that game is taken to the street, the players are no longer playing.

  8. ” G6loq Says:
    October 21st, 2015 at 6:14 pm

    DNW Says:
    October 21st, 2015 at 5:43 pm
    “Western civilization has a death wish.”


    I was actually quoting Britain, above.

  9. Did you know that Justin Trudeau’s brother Alexandre is a film maker who has made pro-Iran and anti-Israel documentaries? And that he’s one of Justin’s senior advisors?

    But, hey, they’re both cute.

  10. DNW,
    No surprise there, in fact quite predictable.

    Advocates of any ideology that rejects fundamental principles of the reality within which we exist, specifically life’s essential (and absolutely necessary) “unequal sharing of blessings”, human nature itself and inescapable economic principles… (as all leftist isms do), will eventually be forced by reality’s uncooperative nature, to violently impose that ideology in a futile attempt to make it work.

    In rejecting reality itself, they disconnect themselves from the essential feedback that reality provides and are thus incapable of internal reform.

    Totalitarian ideologies, by the very ‘rabidness’ of their nature allow for no other response than violent resistance.

    “What can be done against force, without force?” Roman statesman Cicero

    This is why another civil war is coming and, is unavoidable.

  11. If the West had a death wish what better way than give $150b and allow it to make nukes?

    Below is supposedly from the hacked email of CIA head John Brennan. Earlier in the same memo he details all the terrorist activities of Iran. And this guy is in charge.

    “The gratuitous labeling of Iran as part of a worldwide “axis of evil” by President Bush (date?) combined with strong U.S. criticisms of Iran’s nascent nuclear program and its meddling in Iraq led Tehran to the view that Washington had embarked on a course of confrontation in the region that would soon set a kinetic focus on Iran.”

  12. The Republicans have no idea how to appeal to working class and lower middle class whites (such as the man neo describes) other than through decreasingly effective appeals to cultural issues. The party is uninterested in developing an appeal to working class/lower middle class material interests, or in presenting candidates who can relate to such people. Romney, as a corporate turnaround artist with many layoffs under his belt, was dead on arrival with these voters, and never even tried to respond to BHO’s vicious early summer ad campaign portraying him as a heartless, tax-dodging plutocrat. Among Republican politicians, discussions of the ordinary people’s economic problems almost always end up focusing, like the late Jack Kemp, on helping “the poor,” i.e, the minority underclass, who are not going to vote Republican under any circumstances. Helping “the poor” is a particular obsession of the egregious Paul Ryan, a disciple of Kemp’s. Meanwhile, at the behest of its donors, the GOP keeps trying to sneak through immigration “reform,” which hurts voters of ordinary means, besides ensuring a permanent Democrat majority. This is why the Republicans most likely are never going to elect another president. At this point, I don’t think most of the party even cares about getting in the White House again.

  13. I am a long-time conservative Canadian voter who did not vote Conservative this time. I did not vote liberal but I guarantee you it wasn’t because of a personality contest or because most of us agreed with the Liberal platform. We did not collectively decide it would ‘cool’ to have the Dauphin as Prime Minister as much as we needed to punish the Tories.

    And why did we want to punish the Tories? Simple really, for doing things like sponsoring third world trade training programs rather than funding our own, loaning taxpayer money to companies like Volkswagen to produce cars manufactured outside of Canada, signing trade agreements which ruined local industry and sent thousands of Canadians out of work, extending lines of credit to the Banks, who turned around and laid off Canadians and outsourced their jobs to the third world. Then there is the mother of all boon doggles; the abuse of the Foreign Temporary Workers Program. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg of our dissatisfaction with the Tories — there is/was a lot more.

  14. DNW Says:
    October 21st, 2015 at 6:20 pm

    G6loq Says:
    October 21st, 2015 at 5:54 pm

    We have the government we deserve:
    Another Obama mystery: He wore a wedding ring as a single man”

    Just looks like squiggles to me. Otherwise …


    Yes, yes…

    That’s the beauty of it.

    Just like gay signalling is invisible to straights…

    That’s essential to its character.

    Only the cognoscenti ‘get it.’

    Similarly, kafir// infidels absolutely do NOT ‘get’ the significance of the vertical index finger.

    It’s the ‘gang sign’ of the fanatical Muslims.

    This political finger sign is identical in import to that of Churchill’s famous V for victory finger sign.

    Indeed, BOTH finger signs are salutations of either victory or impending victory… over the opposition.

    It’s of record, Ahmed the clock disassember and his sisters made the V for victory sign in their ‘selfie’ on the way home from his school arrest stunt.


    It’s a symbol of success we’d all recognize, yet it would not resonate in the Middle East.

    The single index finger raised, however, would be uniformly taken to mean ones alignment with jihadi fanatics. It’s the sign you’ll see time and time again in ISIS media.

    Most kafir// infidels would NOT believe the number of Muslims that have ‘seen’ Islamic calligraphy in ordinary objects. In that culture it’s EXPECTED that one should see Arabic script of an Islamic nature embedded in such a way that the kafir does not see it — but that the faithful (Muslim) does.

    BHO appears to have acquired that ring EARLY in his life — when he was without means. It must be apparent to you that it’s a high carat gold band… not a Cracker Jack prize.

    The logical conclusion must be that someone wealthy gave it to him. The logical source is obvious: his patrons when he was in Pakistan — 1981. If this conjecture is correct, it’s no wonder why it would have an Islamic inscription, no wonder why Barry won’t part with it.

    It may well reflect Barry’s ‘wedding’ to the Islamic cause, something that would mate perfectly well with his anti-Colonialist bent and his Big Man Localism bent.

    The latter being a perfect description of the politics of both Indonesia and Pakistan during his experiences there.

    In contrast, the Snopes theory makes absolutely NO SENSE.

    Why even purchase a HIGH DOLLAR abstract ring ?

    Why would any patron — in the Muslim world — give Barry a ring that was purely secular in nature ?

    BTW, Islamic rings are ten-a-penny in the Islamic world.

    They are sold like rosaries.

    They signify that one is ‘married to Allah’ — as his submissive.

    Islam = submission …

    But you knew that.

  15. Shoshana,

    So basically, you decided the frying pan was to hot to stand in, so you jumped into the fire instead.

  16. Shoshana:

    I have to say I do not understand that impulse in the least.

    I understand anger at a party for not doing what its constituents might want, although of course no party is going to do exactly what you want, and that’s just reality.

    But punishing the Tories by electing an inexperienced liberal who is likely to do the opposite of what you want in far more ways is the equivalent of (to paraphrase Orwell) a kind of playing with fire by people who don’t even know that fire is hot.

    We have the same exact impulse here among conservatives.

  17. blert Says:
    October 21st, 2015 at 9:35 pm

    DNW said: Just looks like squiggles to me. Otherwise …

    Read the above and Ah just slowly shook mah head … they have it coming.
    Babes in the woods … too good for too long and,

  18. Shoshana, there’s a very old saying: “Don’t cut your nose off to spite your face.”

    In re: U.S. Persons, as the 0bama calls them, who vote in American Idol-fashion, we are surrounded by idiots and fools. People who’ve been made so by the Leftist indoctrination combine. But American Citizens are also partly to blame: we let it all slide for too long. No hill was “the right hill to die on,” and pretty soon, you’re all out of hills.

  19. G6loq Says:
    October 21st, 2015 at 5:14 pm

    Was trying to make a case for Cruz this past w/e to an achieved well to do conservative lady.

    Yes, but he is short and has a squeaky voice she said …

    Is Perot running AGAIN ?

  20. G6loq Says:
    October 21st, 2015 at 9:03 pm

    The end of Zeropa:
    How the Mohammed retirement plan will kill Europe.


    Eric Hoffer: The True Believer:

    “Emigration offers some of the things the frustrated hope to find when they join a mass movement, namely, change and a chance for a new beginning. The same types who swell the ranks of a rising mass movement are also likely to avail themselves of a chance to migrate. Thus migration can serve as a substitute for a mass movement. It is plausible, for instance, that had the United States and the British Empire welcomed mass migration from Europe after the First World War, there might have been neither a Fascist nor a Nazi revolution. In this country, free and easy migration over a vast continent contributed to our social stability.

    However, because of the quality of their human material, mass migrations are fertile ground for the rise of genuine mass movements. It is sometimes difficult to tell where a mass migration ends and a mass movement begins — and which came first. The migration of the Hebrews from Egypt developed into a religious and nationalist movement. The migrations of the barbarians in the declining days of the Roman Empire were more than mere shifts if population. The indications are that the barbarians were relatively few in number, but, once they invaded a country, they were joined by the oppressed and dissatisfied in all walks of life: “it was a social revolution stated and masked by a superficial foreign conquest.”

    Every mass movement is in a sense a migration — a movement toward a promised land; and, when feasible and expedient, an actual migration takes place. This happened in the case of the Puritans, Anabaptists, Mormons, Dukhobors and Zionists. Migration, in the mass, strengthens the spirit and unity of a movement; and whether in the form of foreign conquest, crusade, pilgrimage or settlement of new land it is practiced by the most active mass movements. ”


    The fellows that are surging into Europe would be, without a doubt, the source of a total upheaval of the Muslim madness that pervades the Middle East.

    THIS. This surge, was triggered — not by Bush 43 — but by Osama bin Laden.

    The kicker is that the activists have gone totally off script. OBL wanted his revolution to overthrow the House of Saud.

    He never imagined that his followers would flee the battlefield — en masse.

    Even this leading wedge is firing up Europe’s cultural anti-bodies.

    For this Muslim hijrah is shaming and belittling Europeans no less than the Nazis stomped on their victims.

    For it’s an across-the-board stomping:

    Insult and crime; retail and wholesale, cultural and genetic.

    (Militarized Rape)

    (Desecration of the Dead)

    A campaign whose end state is the extirpation of all targets.


    Merkel has lost her mind.

    Truly a total war.

  21. The fellows that are surging into Europe would be, without a doubt, the source of a total upheaval of the Muslim madness that pervades the Middle East.

    IF they stayed put. !!!

  22. This is biological warfare — with humanity as the vector — and the disease is Mesolithic culture — aka Mohammedism..

  23. Neo:
    WRT your ibertarian friend: Some libertarianism looks like childishness dressed up in some kind of political jargon, amounting to “I should be able to do anything I want.” The requisite concession that it shouldn’t hurt others is usually qualified by arguing the potential hurt isn’t actually a “hurt” or the guy deserves it or something.
    This kind of person wants the Czar to know he exists and to love him. “If Stalin [or the Czar] only knew…..”

  24. “In rejecting reality itself, they disconnect themselves from the essential feedback that reality provides and are thus incapable of internal reform. ”

    That is an important point that is occasionally and usefully made, but which is usually overwhelmed in political whirlwind generated by the magic words pronouncements of those who are “creating the world we dream”, fiat lux style.

    And yet they call themselves the “reality based community”.

    “Reality”, if you are a termite magician.

  25. “…but as a leftist Democrat she’s got that built-in assumption of caring.”

    It seems that this is a case of “That was then; this is now.”

    Seriously, Clinton caring?

    I think that this record of “caring” can be and ought to be attacked for everything it’s worth by the GOP contender.

    Democrats caring?

    Maybe once upon a time. And maybe some still do.

    Sanders caring? The man is an utter goofball, who cares about the common man (income equality?) like any good Stalinist apparatchik.

    But the record of seven years of Obama’s lies—and this ought to be publicized to the hilt as well—that record is: a very much weakened middle class, no advancement to speak of for the underclass, and a tsunami of immigrants, which will make an already untenable situation totally impossible. Add to that a bloated deficit and a failed “recovery”—though given Obama’s M.O., it was designed to fail. Big time.

    And all this without even starting in on Obama’s foreign policy “achievements”.

    The GOP candidate must do this or else be considered utterly unserious.

    And if such an attack on Obama is called “bigoted” or “racist,” then that juvenile, victim-playing sandcastle ought to be kicked over good and hard.

    It’s all just staring everyone in the face.

  26. “I remember how important the “he understands me” vote was in 2012”

    No, dear, if Choomie had been winning, they wouldn’t have had to crank up the vote fraud machine.

  27. The GOP needs to stop bringing a ‘derder’ to a knife fight. [cardboard toilet paper roll]

    As Evan Thomas said in 2004, journalists’ bias for Kerry was worth 15 points at the polls. But the point people seem to fail to grasp is that the damage doesn’t happen during the campaign. It is the drip, drip, drip of daily left wing BS that is ingested 365 in non-election years that does all the harm. Voters are more tuned to look for bias during the campaign. It’s the ‘news’ which isn’t overtly political which sets the stage for making the GOP look mean or extreme.

    Declare war on the news media. Refuse to deal with them. Use the internet, talk radio, etc to communicate with the voters. Draw the battle lines. Will they get ridiculed? Sure. But they no longer would provide cover for the “refs” who are constantly bashing them in the head with a chair, or sucker punching them in the back. By pretending the news media is fair, the GOP endorses all the dirty tricks that are inflicted on them.

    Tell the truth. If nothing else, the base would begin to have a tiny bit of respect for the spineless wimps.

  28. Russia’s Winning the Electronic War (Russian tech jams comm and drone NATO signals)

    that “you can’t but come to the conclusion that we’re not making progress at the pace the threat demands.” Lt. Gen. Edward Cardon

    Dealing with falling budgets, a lack of EW equipment, and a force that is shrinking by tens of thousands of troops, Church says that he has managed to train only a few hundred soldiers – a fraction of the EW forces that are fielded by potential adversaries like Russia and China

    “They have companies, they have battalions, they have brigades that are dedicated to the electronic warfare mission,” Col. Jeffrey Church
    [edited by n-n: repetitive belittling content omitted.]

  29. I think criticism of Shoshana’s remarks 1) overlooks her statement that she did NOT vote Liberal, and 2) ignores the fact Canada has a Parliamentary system, not a two-party rig like the USA. It seems entirely reasonable to me to punish the Tories by not voting for them, and also not voting for the Liberals, but voting for some lesser, trivial junior party. Doing that does not guarantee the massive victory the Liberal received. Far from it

  30. Frog:

    Whether or not Shoshana herself voted liberal, I assumed that she was describing why other conservatives voted liberal. Perhaps I’m wrong in that interpretation. But why else would the liberals have won with such an enormous increase in their votes? Where else would their votes have come from?

    The Prime Minister in a parliamentary system can still do a lot of good or a lot of damage, both in the country and in the world at large, even in a less-influential country such as Canada. And of course, in this country, a president can do that much more damage here and abroad, and is that much more difficult to get rid of.

  31. Neo:
    What Shoshana said:” I guarantee you it wasn’t because of a personality contest or because most of us agreed with the Liberal platform. We did not collectively decide it would ‘cool’ to have the Dauphin as Prime Minister as much as we needed to punish the Tories.”

    Actual Results, by # of seats in Parliament:
    2011 2015 change
    Liberals 34 184 +150
    Tory 166 99 -67
    New Dem 103 44 -59
    Green 4 10 +6
    Quebecois 1 1 0
    Total# Seats 308 338 +30

    Source: BBC
    So you see the Parliamentary effect at work. The # of Seats (total) increased by 10% in 4 years (I have no clue why). The Libs took those, apparently. The New Dems got killed, losing over half its seats. The loss of Tory seats accounts for only 39% of the 150 seat Liberal gain. Everything else held constant, the Tory loss by itself was not enough to give Liberals a majority.

  32. Frog:

    Also look at the popular vote –

    LIB – 39.50% (Trudeau)
    CON – 31.90% (Harper)
    NDP – 19.70% (Mulcair – Socialist)
    REST 6.00% (Green etc)

    Again, hardly a rout for Harper.
    p.s. the seats went up cos of population increases although you must remember that in Quebec (ONLY) these numbers can never go down below 75 regardless of population.

  33. Jacques Brel nailed Obama and Trudeau a long time ago in his song Jacky:

    If I could be for only an hour,
    If I could be for one hour every day —
    If I could be for just one little hour,
    Cute, Cute, Cute in a stupid ass way!

    A somewhat overblown cover, by a singer I never heard of — Scott Walker!


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