Home » Netanyahu’s speech yesterday at the UN


Netanyahu’s speech yesterday at the UN — 23 Comments

  1. I grieve for Netanhanyu and Israel. He is definitely “shoveling against the tide” in speaking to the corruptocrats at the U.N. What a vile, group of self-ordained and bigoted “moralists.”

    Netanhayu calls to mind Churchill during WW II. I hope this story, too, has a good ending, but I fear that it can not happen during the tenure of this U.S. administration; perhaps not even immediately after.

  2. How to be a conservative: first, you point out evil, then glare at the demons, then indict them in no uncertain terms. Easy-peasy.

  3. “Seventy years after the murder of six million Jews, Iran’s rulers promise to destroy my country, murder my people. And the response from this body, the response from nearly every one of the governments represented here,” he charged furiously, “has been absolutely nothing. Utter silence. Deafening silence.” Benjamin Netanyahu

    And in that silence, lies their culpability and collaboration. In refusing to do anything, in denying their moral obligation, they render judgement upon themselves.

    What should Israel do? In the face of the world’s determination to make Israel the most ostracized of nations, its genocidal indifference… Israel’s response must be proportional. Do so by tying those silent collaborator’s survival to Israel’s by declaring that the day Israel ceases to exist is also the day that Stockholm, London, Paris, Brussels, Berlin and Mecca will cease to exist.

  4. George Pal,

    It is unclear whether you are being sarcastic or sincere, but in fact, identifying the enemy is always the first step in a long march toward any possible victory.

    As of this writing, Netanyahu is the lone voice on the global stage willing to do that.

  5. I’d like to recommend Caroline Glick’s latest column at The Jerusalem Post (http://tinyurl.com/qdugc9v).

    Even by Glick’s high standards, the column is dense with penetrating observations.

    Her theme: this is no time for an overabundance of caution.

  6. T,


    Identifying the enemy is always the first step in a long march toward any possible victory.

    Indeed. But it must be made clear not merely in your mind, but made evident to all – fence sitters, neutrals, idiots, and culprits. It is a response of war to undeclared war against Christianity, Israel, etc.; a response of war to war by other means (financial divestiture, i.e., economic apartheid, and so on.

  7. Bibi is the leader that the West needs. A man of courage and conviction in perilous times. No other leader in the West comes close.

    I know not what other men will do, but I stand with Israel, our friend and beacon of hope in the ME. We must defend Israel at every chance and in every forum. And we must elect a President who will do the same.

  8. If you read the comments to this video at YouTube, you’ll understand how the Nazis were popular with quite a few people, and still are.

    and not only that, but with people who call others nazis, and do not realize that they are following the same footsteps… from the feminists (ergo femnazis) who copied their tactics… to the marxists who pretend that marx didnt hate jews and that hitler wasnt fulfilling marx jewish question arguments…

    heck.. they even signed on for social justice and have forgotten the nazi antisemit priest father coughlin and his social justice named paper.

    the point is that unless we forgot this stuff, they could never recycle its use and techniqeis.

    Sprachregelung is a German language term meaning “convention of speech”. It refers to a formal or informal agreement, or order, that certain things should be expressed in specific ways in official communications by an organization or by a political entity. Although not the same, it has some overlap with the US-American concept of politically correct speech codes

    [they never say how its not the same other than one is german and the other is english]

    read about studies, the germans basically used the natural and disproportionate hatred of cheating to motivate people to actoin or indifference, as that was helpful either way.

    they said in press that the jews controlled a disproportionate number of companies, banks, etc… and so, were cheating the public. (thats waht the left copied for feminists and racialists and have called it here disparate impact)

    [entryism took over feminism a long long time ago, read erin pizzey for the kind of things they did. including nearly killing her and her family so they could take over the womens shelters and forced her to flee to the US as she wanted the shelters for all who were abused, not just women, and that she saw wome who wanted abuse as people who needed help, not vindication]

    the point of all this was to manipulate the public mind into one flow… (with the remainder being disenfranchised or full of fear they acted indifferent to avoid persecution and sharing the fate of others)

    the end result was that nice term gliechshaltung.. which by its dominance got those who did not liek ir want to be a part of it, etc… to join along as there was no way to leave and no way to oppose.

    since we have forgotten the terms, changed them, forgotten the methods, and ignore that the things we discuss go much farther back than a couple of decades its repeating more and more as knowing is the predicate to defending against something.

    I felt really bad for Bibi
    he deserved a lot more respect even if you didnt disagree with him, but to the left, everything is a propagandic statement, even respect as they see that as agreement…

  9. The precondition for the appeasement of Iran is the prevalence of the Russian/Dems/Left false narrative stigmatizing the Iraq intervention.

    If Clinton and Bush were wrong on Iraq, then Obama is right on Iran. If Clinton and Bush were right on Iraq, then Obama is wrong on Iran.

    Effectively refuting appeasement of Iran requires setting the record straight on the Iraq intervention at the premise level.

  10. Cornflour Says:
    October 2nd, 2015 at 1:42 pm

    I’d like to recommend …


    Glick’s remarks on the IDF generals are largely ignorant and shallow.

    1) Unlike Glick, they know — from under the hood — how dependent the IDF is on American stuff. Stuff that either breaks down a lot — or which is rapidly advancing in sophistication, so that constant access to new imports is critical.

    2) The IDF also understands that the spanking that Barry would administer would be too terrible to contemplate. He would — without a doubt — succeed in getting Europe to join in an economic boycott of Israel. That would be a death blow.

    3) The IDF figures that they can out last Barry. Then everything that is so bizarro will revert to the norm.

    In the meantime, the IDF is developing — at a rapid pace — counter force weapons suitable for the need.

    That’s about all I can blab.

    The generals figure that it’s wiser to put more cards up their sleeves than to play the hand that Barry is dealing.

    Barry is the ONLY hyper anti-Israeli politician in American life on the Big Stage. The generals are waiting for him to ‘pass the deck.’

  11. Blert, you’re right. I often remember that Israel is tiny, with a smaller population, by 3 million, than that of New York City.

    Five million, with what? 3/5 of them Jewish and the rest Arab? They dare not really kick Obama in the shins, and Bibi is taking it as far as he can. What a nerve-racking exercise in brinksmanship.

  12. It was a one of the great speeches of all time up to and including the 45 minute silence. He is a man alone, as Israel is alone, standing defiantly before enemies and obsequious and cowardly allies who are deluding themselves into believing they can bargain with evil.

    His warning to the West about terrorist cells that have infiltrated even to this hemisphere should be taken very seriously. There have been obvious probes by them with the infrastructure attacks in the Bay Area on fiber optic cables and the transformer shootings. Who knows where they are or how many. We do know that Iran is in Venezuela and its allies in Central America like Nicaragua. Have they infiltrated up through Mexico, or are they being let in the front door as refugees by Obama?

    Why, why can’t we have a leader in this country with the integrity, bravery, and intelligence of Netanyahu?

  13. Kerry met with Netanyahu today. I’m not a Kerry apologist by any means, but I think he shows here in this short video clip much more respect for Netanyahu and Israel than Obama has ever even come close to. Because I fear for Israel’s very survival, I take even such crumbs of goodwill as a sign of hope.

  14. Ann…

    Don’t fall for it. JFK has been a bane, shilling for the PLA// PLO like a true fool.

  15. Blert:

    You may be right that the IDF needs to wait out Obama’s term, because they depend on his approval to resupply Israel’s armaments. I’m not qualified to make that determination. For what it’s worth, I don’t think that’s the IDF’s public position. Am I wrong about that that? If so, can you provide a link to something I can read?

    There were quite a few good comments following Caroline Glick’s column. Here’s one I liked:

    Javanne said:

    “So, the IDF has fought against attacks on the Iranian nuke sites for fear of fracturing US relations? That reminds me of a sick joke I heard years ago. In it, two Jews are about to be executed by firing squad. The officer in charge offers them a last cigarette. One accepts. The other says, “Max, why did you do that. Do you want to make trouble?” That, it seems to me describes the IDF’s attitude to a tee. Of course, the Jews would have been shot anyway. Here, Iran will get its nukes anyway with US’ tacit consent. And Israel may well still be stood up against a wall. Ms Glick is absolutely right when she says that it’s well past time for Israel to stop allowing other actors to dictate Israel’s policies and do what is right for its own survival and well-being.”

  16. JR Says:
    October 3rd, 2015 at 4:16 am
    the ISIS Flag


    According to the British newspaper, “The Mirror,” (http://tinyurl.com/pc7twmz), the image — here provided by JR — is about three years old and has nothing to do with the current massive migration.

    “The Mirror” isn’t the only source describing this. Anyone who’s interested can search Google for the following: “ISIS flag” Germany hoax.

  17. G6loq:

    “Ok then, fake but, accurate.”

    I always suspected that was your standard. Now that you’ve made it clear, we can safely ignore everything else you write. Much appreciated. Saves me some time.

  18. Cornflour Says:
    Apologies I found out also same I wrote to the news paper about it.
    Thank you for your words.

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