Home » This is why illegal immigration has become such a flash point…


This is why illegal immigration has become such a flash point… — 19 Comments

  1. I’m more concerned about the gang bangers and rape squads the Left likes to import from over the border, to replace their population aborted black thugs and unionized police zombies.

    But identity theft, as a white collar thing, might also be interesting, as far as it goes.

  2. The Yahoo headline says it all. This “crackdown” will result in illegals not seeking healthcare. That was the same basic rationale for sanctuary cities. A crackdown would discourage illegals from reporting real crime to the cops.

    This story was planted in order to counter the murder of Kate in SF. Sanctuary cities must stay.

  3. Getting benefits is now a big, big part of illegal immigration

    So this is can be called economical immigrants, isn’t

  4. I’ve been the office manager of our company for 16 years now. Formerly when we hired people on a seasonal basis (construction) I regularly had to fill out the I-9 for employees. So for years now, I have been aware of the canard that “businesses are responsible for the hiring of illegals to save money”. Utter nonsense. We have always paid above minimum wage for entry-level. But the important thing here is that I’ve always recorded the documents as provided and when I would be contacted by Social Security that “there is a discrepancy”, the only directive was to notify the employee. My hands were tied. Our federal government has been overlooking this FOR YEARS, because the funds going into SS (the employees and our matching “contribution”) have indeed kept that pyramid scheme afloat. Corruption on the government’s part is the biggest reason for the past and present debacle that is our border breach.

  5. Notice how drivers’ licenses and affordable healthcare (not just plain old healthcare) have become “basic rights” for everyone

    the point is to convince people that the source of rights is the state… once they believe that, then whats given can be taken away by the state…

    thats the point…

  6. Illegals won’t seek health care? The Affordable Care Act has made my insurance so unaffordable that I don’t seek healthcare. My emotions were curiously untouched by that argument.

  7. New York Board of Regents chancellor Merryl Tisch announced in a public radio interview on Tuesday that education bureaucrats are “toying with” the possibility of a new statewide name for the perpetually unpopular Common Core State Standards Initiative, according to the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle.

    “There is so much politicization about those words – ‘Common Core,’” Tisch said in the interview. “So we can call them the Empire State Standards, or New York’s Higher Standards.”

    these people who think they are smart are really idiots. from immigration to education the same nasty superiority complex turns complaints of substance into complaints over labels.

    pick the right lables and you can get women to wear their underwear on the outside of their clothing, illegal invaders become wop immigrants (but you cant use wop so they use undocumented), terrorism becomes man made crisis, communism becomes democratic, inalienable rights become gifts of the state…

    no wonder they like the soviet union
    nothing like beating up, and torturing someone who understands a synonym changes nothing.

  8. Illegal aliens are criminals so why should they be allowed to profit from their crime? We should treat illegal aliens the same way Mexico does.

  9. http://www.voxday.blogspot.com/2015/09/the-blessings-of-diversity.html

    Shades of the Hitler Youth and that guy who took in teenage females and turned them into serial killers or close enough. Forgot his name actually. Manson?

    But some people starting to talk about fighting an actual war these days. I wonder what they’ll do when they find out that half the population they expected to fight for their side, are killing their families because they’ve gone native. Well, Muslim at least.

  10. The pro-choice doctrine is constructed on the development of congruences with notoriously selective moduli.

    Whether it is planned parenthood, planned retirement, planned immigration, or planned corruption, the euphemisms are flying from the left, right, and center, but mostly from the left.

  11. This story highlights what the open borders folks carefully hide: coming here (or staying here) illegally sets one down a path of breaking other laws – SS fraud, tax fraud, fake IDs, etc. Makes it hard to portray it as a victimless crime, especially when these laws are broken willingly, defiantly. Even famous illegal immigrant journalist, Jose Antonio Vargas, ran afoul of tax law (http://tinyurl.com/nwot3fj) – not sure whose ID he was using for taxes before he came out of the shadows.

    I’m reminded of another inconvenient example of this from two years ago: Vivencia Bellegarde (http://tinyurl.com/obkv6sh).

  12. Want to get steamed about illegal immigration?
    Read Ann Coulter’s book, “Adios America.” Very well foot noted and documented, it exposes the way this country is doomed to becoming a Banana Republic unless something is done.

    In another comment on a previous thread I linked to a video by Milton Friedman where he explains why uncontrolled immigration (both legal and illegal) is very bad in a country with a welfare program that’s accessible to immigrants.
    What happens, of course, is that the producers are eventually overwhelmed by the non-producers. See it here:
    The part about immigration starts at 9:30 into the video.

    Why has this been allowed to happen? Cheap labor for agriculture and the meat packing industry mostly, but also for construction workers, maids, landscape workers, etc. I live in a mainly agricultural area. We have lots of illegals here. Most of them are hard working, decent people. However, this being a blue state, they are receiving a lot of benefits paid for by the taxpayers.

    Way back in the 1970s we had the Bracero program. The workers came in the spring, worked the fields until harvest and went back to Mexico. The farmers were happy, the Braceros were happy, and both Mexico and the U.S. benefitted. The Bracero program was killed by the United Farmworkers union led by Caesar Chavez. But there weren’t enough American farmworkers to work the fields. So they came back illegally and began to stay. With illegals coming, staying, and tapping into the welfare state only the farmers and Mexico are happy.

    The farmers and the Chamber of Commerce like the present system. The democrats have realized they can develop a new voting constituency among the illegals, so they like the present system. Then there are the big L Libertarians. They like open borders because it provides the maximum of liberty or some such claim. That is why nothing has been done about it. Both sides of the aisle like the system but for different reasons.

    As to healthcare for illegals. The last time I was in an ER at night (about 4 years ago) it was loaded with immigrants. Many of them were no doubt illegal. Since EMTALA was passed back in the 80s that is where the poor go for medical care. They get it free and the cost is passed on to patients who can pay. (Those with insurance.) This is another reason healthcare is a mess.

    Close the border. Track visitors who come on visas to make sure the leave when they should. Stop providing welfare benefits to illegals. Stop the sanctuary cities by denying federal funding to them and prosecute their mayors if they don’t comply. Change the anchor baby system. When the border is closed, ask the illegals to come forward and register. Deport all the criminals. Provide guest worker status to those whop agree to pay a fine, learn English, and pay taxes. No citizenship, ever. Want that to happen? Elect a conservative President and Republican houses of Congress.

  13. This is the same thinking that leads to the migrants DEMANDING to be let into Europe and fighting when someone says no. It’s their RIGHT.

    The ABC reporter/advocate today pushed all the buttons: crying children, the “horror” of tear gas, etc. Not a word about how this is basically an invasion.

  14. There is a “city” in Saudi Arabia called Mina. Look it up on Google images if you do not know about it. It is, literally, composed of tents. Fully functional, AIR-CONDITIONED, tents.

    There are 100,000 of them (ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND, you read that correctly). They are used by pilgrims during Hajj every year. That is their whole purpose. Otherwise they are EMPTY.

    So, we have a geographically close, culturally close country which ALREADY HAS the logistics and the material conditions covered to take a few MILLION people. True, they would have to renounce or seriously scale down Hajj for the duration of the crisis, but one would have thought that they would find it prioritary to take care of their brethren first and foremost (and sort out the real refugees from economic migrants).

    Nope. Not happening.

    The smallest percentage of the refugees and the “refugees” are women and children, but you would not necessarily say so from the photographs that are being pushed by the media. MOST of them are able-bodied, militarily-capable young men. Curious how we extend the word “refugees” to them; my parents swear that the word for this phenomenon used to be “deserter”. That is the population that is supposed to DEFEND their country, while they send their women and their children someplace safe, if necessary. According to OUR cultural norms, at least.

    In their universe it seems to be the other way round. Leave women and children to be sexually enslaved, tortured, killed, used as policial pawns, and send the strongest, able-bodied members of the population to seek asylum. Interesting, even when we keep in mind that most “refugees” are economic migrants profiting from the situation.

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  16. “….human and civil rights.”

    Are inventions of the Marxists.

    The only real rights are God given inalienable rights.

    Anyone interested in becoming part of the Republic of Texas?

    Just do not Californicate Texas.

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