Home » Obama’s press conference: takes one to know one


Obama’s press conference: takes one to know one — 52 Comments

  1. His first public statement of the deal was a masterpiece of deception and spin.

    I would love to see his transcripts as I am sure he took two or three courses in rhetoric and logic. I could spend hours deconstructing his techniques. Neo has hit on a few.

    And since most people are so poorly educated, they get duped and don’t even know it. (And that’s part of the reason Jesuit schools will be attacked in my lifetime. I know when I am getting played.)

  2. So arrogant, so full of himself, so full of it. I long ago stopped watching him, and turn it off whenever I hear or see him.

  3. I can’t listen to him for more than 10 minutes and then I struggle to concentrate because of his style and lies.

  4. I would love to see an informed conservative trial lawyer question Obama. John Hinderaker or Scott Johnson from Powerline would carve him up. And Bill O’Reilly would cut off all the non-responsive stalling and pure BS.

  5. What a narcissistic punk is the boychild. Too bad no one knocked him flat on his ass in high school.

  6. Cornhead:

    O’Reilly had his chance last year and did a poor job of it. There is a lot to be said for the office commanding respect. I acknowledge that. There is nothing to be said for sycophancy, and O’Reilly came very close to that, perhaps even crossed the line.

  7. I’ve only seen a few clips, but he used his tired defense of “none of my critics provided an alternative.”

    First, he always says this, even when others have provided alternatives. Bibi Netanyahu made a point of addressing Congress with detailed statements on exactly why this was such a bad deal.

    Second, this is one of the lamest excuses ever, essentially saying one has no standing to criticize his (terrible) policy because he/she haven’t provided his/her own ideas. No, mr. president, we can criticize your Iran deal on its merits. Period. And the most obvious alternative is NO DEAL.

  8. Forgot to mention that the claim critics didn’t provide alternatives is especially galling considering that this was all done in secret.

  9. Showing respect to the one that holds the office whether president, governor, senator, representative, mayor, council member, judge, or sheriff should always be limited to the degree to which the office holder shows respect for the office he or she holds. I bow to no one, and there are many officials who should bow to me and almost everyone on Main Street America. Them and the horse they rode in on.

  10. Lizzy Says:
    July 15th, 2015 at 6:13 pm
    Forgot to mention that the claim critics didn’t provide alternatives is especially galling considering that this was all done in secret.

    The Left makes an accusation they know, or should know, to be false. And The Right chases its tail correcting the factual errors, as if the facts have ANY impact on The Left. We’ve been correcting the record for decades. Does The Left control more or less of America since we began this exercise? Should we keep doing what we have done while The Left has come to dominate more and more of society or should we finally recognize The Left cannot be deterred by facts. The so-called moderates are only low-info Gomers that substitute social signlas for facts. Since 99% of their info comes from leftist media all they know is leftist dogma.

    Is there any way yelling “eat a sandwich” at an anorexic will cure them? No, but that doesn’t stop us from endlessly documenting recipes and nutritional facts when the problem is our opponent has a mental short-circuit and they see blubber in the mirror no matter how skeletal they become.

    We discuss facts because we prefer that to confrontation and battle. Winning battle is the only way to improve things… which means, 2×4’s.

  11. From this most transparent of administrations it will not be made known what was and was not discussed regarding prisoners in Iran, but based on what we know of Barrack and John et al it would not be too far afield to deduce the following:
    – Because the prisoners release would certainly have added to the glory heaped upon them, the administration tried (and failed) to make a release part of the deal.
    – The administration cares nothing for the prisoners except for their political value. The smirking Obama on the video with Major Garrett is disgusting. Vile creature.
    -The Iranians will not play Barracks’s games. It’s still a thrill to humiliate the Great Satan.
    – Perhaps if Garrett had framed his question wth the assumption that the prisoner release was rejected by the ayatollahs, Barrack would have had to squirm a bit with the “lie” that it was not rejected or that the “lie” that the administration never considered asking for the releases.

  12. The right’s offering compelling facts is what caused me to move towards the right. Political change is not commonplace, of course, but offering persuasive facts can sometimes change a person’s mind. I’m not the only one it has happened to.

  13. There is really nothing I can do about Obama. He got re-elected. I did my part voting for conservatives in my state elections and the national elections. Now I just wait out the clock for when this terror will be gone.

    Everything he says is a lie. We all know that to be a fact. So why even bother listening to him speak? It only gets me angry and upset. No point in that any more.

    Quite curious about what his post-presidency life will be like. Will he build an empire like the Clintons with pricey speech fees? or will he try to disrupt America without the restrictions of office?

    Looking forward to turning us back around in the right direction. I can’t imagine another democrat winning a presidential election after 8 years of this. No way.

    I am looking forward to the economy actually improving and the job situation getting better rather than *pretending* it has. My kids deserve better than the current economy we have given them. Thank goodness they aren’t quite yet ready to go out on their own.

    Obama will certainly not be looked upon kindly by history. He can pretend all he wants right now, living in the White House on the taxpayers’ dime. But he is absolutely the worst president we’ve ever had. Hands down. No hold barred.

  14. Cornhead,

    We can’t count on the GOPers with legal trial advocacy experience will fisk the President’s narrative when the same GOP has effectively stipulated the Left’s easily rebuttable false narrative on Iraq.

    Any pushback must come from the Right carrying the GOP. The GOP can’t and/or won’t take the lead on its own, especially if big business and big money support the deal.


    The fundamental shortcoming in your comment is a common fault: the scope is limited to electoral politics.

    The Democrats by now are just a wing of the Left. The key to Democrat success is not their voters, but Left control of social nodes. Electoral politics are a necessary element but they are not the primary element. Voting, even winning elections, is insufficient.

    Don’t be sure about history. History is just a narrative. The narrative contest for the zeitgeist is part of the activist game. The Left excels at the activist game in major part because the Right cedes the activist game by limiting itself to Dems-v-GOP electoral politics.

  15. K-E, amen to everything you just posted.

    But, I fear that, yes, we could end up with another 8 years of another Democrat.

    And, yes, there is nothing I can do to end this nightmare.

    From the economy being in such a bad way, despite the MSMs claims that it is good, to the most recent attacks on the “other” (i.e. white males) being carried out by the leftists who have been emboldened by Obama.

    I do see some light at the end of the tunnel in that, while the MSM mocks it, there so many running for the Republican nomination. They all wouldn’t be running unless they thought they could win.

    They all wouldn’t be running unless they thought they could do a better job than Obama. Oh, wait, that is a rather low standard!

    So, yea, all we can do is wait until this nightmare is gone.

    But, the real question is how much damage has Obama done? That is also part of my fear; we really won’t know until so many of his policies bear fruit in a few years – and then it will be the then current President (hopefully a Republican) that will be blamed! (not unlike Bush being blamed for 9-11; while it was Clinton’s inactions for years that allowed things to build up to that).

    It does seem to be the case that Democrats (and Obama is THE worst President ever, and historians will eventually come to that conclusion) screw things up, and a Republican gets elected and tries to clean up the mess only to be blamed for it.

    And, like Neo, I have no stomach for listening to him. Really, I don’t. I do, however, have an in-law who is an Obamafanatic (because he is black!) and that only adds to my political misery.

  16. K-E, I think that’s the whole point of Obama’s “fundamental transformation” of America – that we cannot go back to life as usual when he leaves office. A prime example is the Iran deal, which forever changes the dynamics of ME relationships, and ensures that America can no longer intervene as it has in the past, nor fully protect what used to be one of her closest allies, Israel.

  17. néo-néocon Says:
    July 15th, 2015 at 8:08 pm
    The right’s offering compelling facts is what caused me to move towards the right. Political change is not commonplace, of course, but offering persuasive facts can sometimes change a person’s mind. I’m not the only one it has happened to.

    Yes, but … not when you’re dealing with radicals.

    Conservatives want to convince, Libtards want to eradicate. As such, don’t keep pet Libtards and never be a Libtard’s pet … it doesn’t end well:[insert your favorite cannibal joke]

  18. History is written by the victors, or as we see now rewritten by the new victors. Teach your grandchildren well so they may learn the truth. One day you or yours may need to crawl out of the rubble and ashes to begin quietly slitting throats.

  19. The Demoncrats will never forgive the South for turning against Demoncrat control. They won’t allow Southerners to have the pride of General Lee’s battle flag. Lee and the South, were merely tools of the Demoncrats. They do not forgive their tools rebelling against their authority, any more than they forgave the black slaves for it.

    They will put their boot on your head.

    Ironic that the Demoncrats could mobilize a war in CWI so quickly due to the hate they bred for Northerners and Lincoln Republicans, to the extent that generations of blacks later think Lincoln was a Democrat. It’s ironic because now that the South is free of the Demoncrats, the South became far less violent and thus far less useful as a war tool against enemies like the Left, the true traitors in the South. What happened to the South that cheered the canning of a US Congress critter before CWI? Do such monolithical social constructions only exist if you become a slave to the Demoncrat rule? Can free people exert a pro war influence rather than merely fighting and dying in a war determined by the Demoncrats, as was the case for anti slavery Lee, anti slavery Stonewall Jackson, and pro reconciliation Bedford Forrest?

    What happened to Southern ruthlessness and lack of war guilt from before and after CWI? Can Southerners show that kind of stubborn pride once again, this time for a correct cause and faction?

    Barack Obama will require you to work. He is going to demand that you shed your cynicism. That you put down your divisions. That you come out of your isolation, that you move out of your comfort zones. That you push yourselves to be better. And that you engage. Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual, uninvolved, uninformed.-you know who

    or are Americans going to lay down and be the bi of MO and other Leftists?

    The future is not always predictable.

  20. There is really nothing I can do about Obama.

    There’s no point trying to change the world. It’s better and easier to change yourself. And besides, even if Hussein is unreachable… his supporters are right next to you. You can even spit in their eye, they are reachable.

  21. What really frosted the man child about Major’s question was the fact that Garrett used Obama’s own technique of impugning the opposition and turning Obama’s entire victory lap into the crap sandwich it is.

  22. Serious question: why isn’t this deal a treaty? Because other countries are involved?

    Huge advantage for Obama.

  23. Another question: Does Obama realize he has been ridiculed by a great number of serious and smart people? And on the merits?

    What did Saul Alinsky say about ridicule? The most effective weapon?

  24. Is it just because Obama says its not a treaty and Holder agreed with him and there is no way a federal judge ever consider a declaratory judgment on the issue?

  25. Cornhead Says:

    And Bill O’Reilly would cut off all the non-responsive stalling and pure BS.

    O’Reilly was in the tank when he interviewed Obama. He let him get away with his ‘four corner stall’ method of answering questions, filibustering his answers to waste allotted interview time, and never even lobbed a changeup at him, just softballs.

    No one in the vanity press wants to lose access, so they cave like the craven jackwads they are and never ask hard questions in a one on one interview.

    If I had my druthers, I’d want Trey Gowdey, a former South Carolina county prosecutor, to interrogate President Hissy Fit.

  26. I’m curious how (not if) Major Garrett will be punished? The White House will probably contact CBS behind the scenes and encourage them to replace him with a more “respectful” reporter.

    Neo’s point that Obama opened a window into his dark soul with the statement that “that’s what politicians do” is important. After all these years we know a great deal about the public persona of Obama – which is completely bogus – but we still know very little about the inner workings of Obama’s mind. Obviously Obama does not believe that it is morally wrong to lie. In fact, I wonder if Obama believes anything is morally wrong or is he really an amoral sociopath? He obviously knows how to use other people’s morality against them but is he afflicted with a conscience? I seriously doubt it.

  27. I heard a bit of the bastard’s voice today. Rush is right: it’s a superb instrument, which Rush says is just about the best he’s ever heard. It reminds me of Saruman the White Wizard’s voice:

    Gandalf warns everyone about Saruman’s voice, which has seductive powers beyond their imagination. Théoden, Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli decide to go with Gandalf to get a first-hand view of Saruman.

    When Saruman does appear, his voice sounds like the sweetest anyone has ever heard. All that it says seems reasonable and just. Those who hear him feel an almost overwhelming desire to agree with him, and if anyone challenges him, the challenger’s voice sounds as harsh and unpleasant as a crow’s caw in comparison.

    He speaks to King Théoden and tries to persuade him to be his ally. Gandalf doesn’t say a word while Saruman talks, because he has to let Théoden make his own choices: either succumb to Saruman’s wizardry or fight it. Gimli is not taken in, and neither is é‰omer. Eventually Théoden is able to master himself, and he rejects Saruman’s appeal.

    Théoden’s men, however, have also fallen under Saruman’s spell and are confused and angered by their leader’s rejection. Saruman is furious, and when his voice changes, the men realize their mistake in falling for his tricks, and the spell of the Voice is broken.

    Gandalf gives Saruman a chance to discard his evil ways, but Saruman not only does not take Gandalf’s offer, he even tries to persuade Gandalf to join him, using all the powers of his Voice. Those who listen in despair, sure that Gandalf will succumb.

    But when Gandalf asks Saruman once more to come out of Orthanc, Saruman turns away. Gandalf raises his hand and commands Saruman’s wizard staff to break. Saruman’s staff breaks and he falls back. Now the spell is truly broken: they have seen Saruman come at call, and then crawl away, dismissed.

  28. More here on the sycophantic press’s reaction to the reporter’s “disrespectful” question about the hostages.]

    The fourth estate is exactly what I thought it was.

  29. ErisGuy Says:

    The fourth estate is exactly what I thought it was.

    Fifth Column.

  30. Obama was twice chosen by the American people for the presidency, and is exalted by the intellectual and financial elite of this nation.

    He is finest and most admired of his generation. The pinnacle of the ’60s, and everything the self-proclaimed radicals wanted (but without the mass murders Ayers proposed).

    They won. You exist in their world at their sufferance, you typical white homophobe racist sexist (mental) rapist.

  31. Dennis Says:

    In fact, I wonder if Obama believes anything is morally wrong or is he really an amoral sociopath?


  32. Hypnosis can be conducted via the Voice, and most weakling humans will succumb without realizing it. It’s a way to re engineer the mind’s protocols from outside the system architecture, much like a remote system operation or hack.

    The reason why welfare is superior to Jim Jones’ mind control techniques using force and violence, is because welfare weakens a population’s ability to resist. So when they are Overtaken, they still think they are free. For Jim Jones to obtain that amount of control, he’d have to kill millions. A superior form of control does not allow for resistance at all.

  33. So when they are Overtaken, they still think they are free. For Jim Jones to obtain that amount of control, he’d have to kill millions. A superior form of control does not allow for resistance at all.
    None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

    We should know by now …

  34. Cornhead Says:
    July 15th, 2015 at 4:58 pm

    “His first public statement of the deal was a masterpiece of deception and spin.”

    I think they actually think in these illogical ways; so its self deception to some degree. but yeah….

    I’ve been seeing a lot of pro agreement people talking about the Iranian people this and that. to which… I say Wow; that would be totally relevant… if they had a say in their gov’s foreign policy….

  35. If I’d ever had doubt wondered how a ruler could ever inspire/incite/dupe a country into doing despicable things, or to accepting something totally illogical and/or irrational need look no further than to study Obama.

    I don’t understand how he does it, because his techniques fall completely flat on me, but he does. He’s still got tens of millions of voters held in the same spell that he rode to prominence in 2007/2008. It’s astounding.

    Since the Republicans can’t even come up with a principled conservative with the fire in his belly to explain his beliefs as if he actually believes in them, and to call out his opponents for what they are instead of treating them with deference and the benefit of the doubt (as if there could be any doubt), how can they possibly complete with this kind of literal mind control?

    While we don’t hear the ridiculous messianic language we heard in 2008, that effect is still strong. I bet Obama could still win another election today.

    Meanwhile, I’m getting really tired of hearing Israel and Netanyahu disaparaged as a bunch of warmongers who are just looking for a chance to pre-emptively attack everyone around them. And I’m tired of hearing how wonderful the leaders of Iran are, in complete contradiction to their constant drumbeat of “Death to America!” and “Death to Israel!”

    In the wake of the holocaust, the phrase “never again” was coined. Well, I believe it could happen again. The West is consumed by a diabolical influence that gets worse every year and my fear is that the only thing that will snap us out of it is something really, really terrible.

  36. They rationalize.

    In the narrative contest for the zeitgeist of the activist game, narrative is elective truth and truth is merely a competing narrative.

    Of course, the activist game is the only social cultural/political game there is.

  37. In the last couple of months I’ve read GUESTS OF THE AYATOLLAH by Mark Bowden, BEYOND BELIEF by V.S. Naipaul, and revisited and sent to everyone I know the once-viral Youtube video you’ll find if you Google “girl dances Tehran metro,” in which an anonymous teenager is filmed on her phone while dancing to catchy British electronica and allowing the hijab to fall off her head, an act of defiance the bravery of which can bring tears to my eyes every time. I fervently hope she’s not been tracked down and arrested — and never is.

    Bowden’s book on the “Iran hostage crisis” may be his best. I had no idea of how dynamic the situation was — for instance, how often the prisoners were abused. That then-President Jimmy Carter did declare war on Iran early on goes down as one of the most shameful failures of nerve by any American president, despite whatever Vietnam hangover undoubtedly lingered. The rescue attempt, very late in the game, was a joke, which from its initial conception had a very low chance of success.

    Naipaul’s book deals with the ordinary (male) Islamic enthusiast, and how the Shia faith in particular points towards martyrdom as an ideal.

    Ayatollah Khomeini looms over everything here, and in a funny way someone you may not blame or even connect has a great deal to answer for: the French philosopher Michel Foucault, who was all the rage as the “hottest” philosopher influencing discourse on American campuses of the 1980s. He met Khomeini in France when Khomeini was still in exile, and was wildly enthusiastic about the Iranian revolution in articles appearing in France. As in effect the successor to Jean-Paul Sartre, he was enormously influential — and this carried over to the intelligentsia of the U.S.

    Anyway, I’ve had a lot of recent input about Iran, which I sought out in connection to a project of my own, not really contemplating that anything would of these absurd Obama/Kerry genuflections to the mullahs.

    The matter seems right now too dreadful to think about for long. Because: What can be done?

  38. ConceptJunkie: “Since the Republicans can’t even come up with a principled conservative …”

    Again, the premise of this statement is wrong.

    It’s not up to the Republicans to do this.

    The Democrats don’t. The Left does it and the Democrats follow suit by doing their part within the social cultural/political conditions established by Left activists.

    By the same token, it’s up to the Right to play the activist game to win control of the zeitgeist from the Left and set the stage for Republicans to do their part. Winning the zeitgeist also means winning a significant measure of control over the Republicans, the same as the Left has over the Democrats.

    The activist game subsumes electoral politics.

    Calling on Republicans to do the critical part that can only be done by Right activists is ignoring the rules of the game, passing the buck, and tantamount to preconceived failure.

  39. correction to my above:

    “That then-President Jimmy Carter did declare war”

    Of course I mistyped “didn’t”. Please forgive.

  40. miklos000rosza: “Because: What can be done?”

    Any effective opposition to the Iran deal must first set the record straight on the Iraq intervention as fundamental premise.

    The fundamental premise justifying the Iran deal is that the US-led enforcement of the terms of ceasefire by Clinton and Bush, especially the disarmament mandates of UNSCR 687, was wrong, while the Russian, Chinese, and French were right to oppose and actively undermine the US-led enforcement of Saddam’s compliance with Iraq’s ceasefire obligations.

    Simply, if Bush and Clinton were wrong on Iraq, then Obama is right on Iran. But if Bush and Clinton were right on Iraq, then Obama is wrong on Iran.

    To argue against the Iran deal shaped by opponents of the US-led enforcement with Iraq, the premise that the US was right to enforce Iraq’s compliance must be established. And it must be established that Russia, China, and France were wrong to oppose the US-led enforcement while encouraging and enabling Saddam’s noncompliance with the disarmament mandates of UNSCR 687.

    Then, with that fundamental premise established, it can be shown that OIF opponents like Obama and Saddam’s enablers like Russia, China, and France are the wrong parties to shape an Iran deal.

  41. ConceptJunkie:

    Yes, Obama’s presidency has been extremely instructive in that way, hasn’t it? One picture is worth a thousand words.

  42. ConceptJunkie Says: July 16th, 2015 at 12:08 pm
    If I’d ever had doubt wondered how a ruler could ever inspire/incite/dupe a country into doing despicable things, or to accepting something totally illogical and/or irrational need look no further than to study Obama.

    Look no further than germany:
    Imagine being a middle-class German in 1933. No one’s talking about exterminating millions of people – I mean, that would be just “lunatic” stuff, wouldn’t it? And you belong to a people that regards itself as the most civilized on the planet – with unsurpassed achievements in literature and music and science. You might, if you were so minded, call it Teutonic Exceptionalism. And you’re “progressive”, too: you pioneered the welfare state under Bismarck, and prototype hate-speech laws under the Weimar republic. And yes, some of the beer-hall crowd are a bit rough, but German Jews are the most assimilated on the planet. The idea that such a society would commit genocide is not just “lunatic”, it’s literally unimaginable.

    Exerpt from: The Stupidity of Sophisticates

    its not hard to understand, your watching it
    what was hard was to know that this was what was going on decades ago, not now, when its pretty easy to tell. mostly it has to do with people not knowing the mechanics, and only being told surface stuff, and mostly focusing on the end attrocities, not the begining.

    after all… somehow they moved people from being normal and smart and that, to murdering their own countrymen when they were told X was responsible for things (like they do with whites, jews and christians now in the US), and that X cheats cause we are all equal, and that X has illegal privelege and we have to take that away, and help the poor people cheated by X, and if X is removed we will all be happy in a world as X is the source of all evil

    of course, i tried to even bring up the german terms… it was interesting when i brought up Gliechshaltung, as others picked it up and started writing articles (neo, your being read by lots of people who write but dont post!)

    then i brought up this term: Sprachregelung which was the nazi version of PC or politically correct.

    the parallels to what is going on now to nazi germany would make you pee in your pants if you knew how many and what items and what point they played and so on… but we dont get that in our history, we get child morality plays that say x is bad… this is so wacko and wrong that we think that hitlers socialism is on the right, and communism on the left, and that freedom exists between two totalitarianisms.. or even that the left does not realize in its hatred of authoritarains and despots that that is the point of their efforts…

    i wish neo would go over the salient parallels, they would shock… from gun control, the big lie, helping opposition to achieve goals, secret treaties, banning cultural things, vegetarianism, health movements, doctors getting state to intervene to help children in the future the way mengele did, schooling system, hatred of religion, destruction of cultural things, the abuse of social force molded by the administration and the 5th column, feminism, infertility, abortion as a means to social power and race perfection, post birth abortions, hatred of jews/christians, and on and on and on and on…

    the list is so huge just listing it like that would result in my being cut down to size…

  43. i would suggest going way back to the early days of neos posts and see what people were saying when one asserted the communist/socialist/fabian/progressive roots of Obama and whats been going on in society… like a million termites each doing their tiny job slowly tearing down what they live in by consuming it, and all so slowly that people dont see or feel it as its under their perceptual radar.

    way before i came here i was part of la russophobe, which was discussing all of this almost a decade in advance of it, but then things got too hot. some were worried that we would be targeted, people showed up on my driveway telling me what not to do… and the discussions went behind a closed wall, which i did not want to be behind..

    but i think this one is most interesting
    and i will bet that neo forgot it
    go back to 2009

    Obama defends Iran’s right to peaceful nuclear energy

    anyone remember this point i made?
    Falling is to impact as socialism is to communism.

    they are the only people who could jump off a roof and think that the time between that and impact is freedom from oppression from gravity.

    they think that they can hover in an indeterminate state and avoid the consequences.

    40 years plus of freefall…

    reality is now rushing up to give us the grade on out theoretical papers.


    back then we heard from FredHJR as we battled people like huxley… who was always trying to take the reasonable position…

    and i pointed out, that it was the reasonable germans that made hitler possible. they did not want to take a side and then do something, they always wanted to take the middle and wait, and see… but never realized that by the time they would know, without a doubt, it would be way too late to see…

    i even quoted eli weitzel (weisel) who has pointed out that he really didnt grasp the seriousness of this all until suddenly everything changed in one day (like in latvia)
    but i also recommended reading Night by Elie Wiesel as well. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_%28book%29

    we all remember or hear what was over the gate of auswitz… arbeit mach frei… work will set you free..
    i guess being worked to death would do that and it was a kind of joke…

    but what was over buchenwald?
    Jedem das Seine
    Literally “to each his own”, but figuratively “everyone gets what he deserves”

    in a way, this will be true again…
    after all, if the left fails, they will keep trying till they succeed – and if the left succeeds, jedem das seine…

  44. Artfldgr:

    I wonder whether you’re familiar with Leonard Peikoff’s book The Ominous Parallels? Peikoff was/is Ayn Rand’s successor, and the book is an interesting one. It came out in 1983.

  45. yay! a book i havent read!!! yay!!! 🙂

    the problem with all this is that no one listens to warnings… period, exclamation point… cassandra syndrome is the norm

    which is why you see the left and its academics going nuts coming up with warning after warning after warning, diluting the idea because they are abusing warnings. but also, it doesnt matter the rational parallels to things… no one will listen. they did not listen as to the long telegram, they did not listen as to the expansion of hitler/stalin, they did not listen as to the water in lousiana (Despite scientific american doing a huge spread on it a few years before the incidents).

    they cant even comprhend that we live in an empirical world that operates by reproducible principals… ie. do the same thing, your going to get the same outcome…

    somehow, they think – when i do it, its different
    or when we do the same thing, its somehow different than when the other evil x did it
    (this is made more trajedic comic by the fact that the leaders ARE doing the same thing with the idea of the same or similar outcome they think they can control, limit, or benefit from)

    the other part of this which i suspect is NOT in his book, would be the idea of how perception works. things too slow, or too fast are outside of our perceptual band…. (just as there is a formula in which a difference has to be exceeded or you cant tell the difference)

    so if you do things slow enough, people wont notice it… percieve it, or be able to make the calculation of what your doing…

    if you move too fast, they wont comprehend and will stand there waiting for a pause for their turn to act…

    if you think of the left and the hitler thing, think hitler was blitzkreig, too fast to take it in, think, act etc… at least till your in it too and operating at the same speed.

    now take the same thing and slow it down so that its not too fast to be percieved, but too slow to be percieved… now, the issue is pushing to the point of reaction, then stepping back… in this way, you get to act, and the victim sets the limits of their perception

    of course, people in the population are not all on the same page so there will always be people who are perceptive and if you move slow enough to trick them, your so slow you wont benefit in your lifetime or several… so you have to be slower than most, but faster than a few, and the few you marginalze by making fun of their perception of things that would warn others!

    i could have told you where we were going as far back as high school… in the late 70s and early 80s… why? because of being a refugee family of immigrants which are not the same as other immigrants (though i would say illegals are close, but different)

    illegals eventually want to go back, so they are more like people traveling to make a fortune then return home, and can… ahd home is there.

    regular immigrants say goodbye, and while they may visit, they are not much interested in going back, they want to be part of their new home and do assimilate for the most part, holding on to the best parts of their old culture, like holidays, or foods, etc.

    refugees? they want to go back home, they are akin to a person being kicked out of their house they love. they didnt want to leave, they would have stayed. and they also put this on their kids as well, the “dream that was” like when i said to read freda utley.

    they raise their kids they tell them the best of the old things, they tell them what it was there, and they instill in them this desire to go back… but sadly, unilike the other two, there is no place to go back to. it no longer exists, as the conditions that forced them out, destroy what they loved and what they loved is gone. so they pine for a place that isnt anymore, they dream of returning to.

    it was this attitude that many many people came here from the war with. which is why the refugee immigrants are the more sensitive to whats going on and what it will lead to… the other two dont have that radar… and the resident population who are victims of this thing, they dont have it either as they never experienced it. put a penguin in a room with a poisonous snake and the end is preordained given the penguins lack of knowing to stay away.

    when the left fihts this, they are not actually making a rational argument as to yse or no. they are fighting to preserve their belief and faith and are denying that it can be any other way… the former is safe warm predictable and expected and they wrap themselves in it… they are very hard to budge because they have to accept they are wrong first, then accept that their is no warm blanket and so on. which is why people dont actually switch sides, they only wake up and realize that they are sitting with people that never actually represented their ideas or ideals – and then through learning realize who did, and so they join. (the left wont do that until things are so plain to see, but that is the counter revolution the leaders are prepared to stop as they know what their victims behavior will be)

    i will see if i can get a copy of the book… it should be interesting… but it probably will be a lot i already know and i may even know more.

    i see books like that, kind of like stories from afar that try to break through the wall of ingorance and faith belief… they preach to the choir, and hope that the pews read too, but seldom do.

    however, they often fall short given that if they unload the full monty, only a few readers will bother, as the idea of belief and faith is not a digital yes or no, but a spectrum, and too much truth causes incredulity.

    to paraphrase carol king, our lives are but a tapestry of rich embroiled hue, and ever changing…

    most of the reasoning of people on things can be shown to be quite faulty… for instance “russia would not do that, theyw ould hurt their own people”… to which “what makes you think that a society willing to exterminate 100 million of their own in slave labor cares a whit about what will happen to that slave labor – and why would that restrict them at all?

    to draw an analogy, they wont do that as they will get their disposable paper towel wet… its only because the speaker values X that they blieve X to be valuable and put it in their equation – they do not think as the other, they think as themselves in the others shoes, which is not the same thing by a wide margin.

    thanks for the reference..
    hopefully i can find a copy..

    but i wonder, have YOU yet read the freda utley books? and Ruta U “dear god i wanted to live” which would make anne franks diary one of many not just one…

    one is a curiousity / two is amazing / three or more is commonplace.

    you can download freda’s books… they are free. as is the history of the hayes tilden election… which is a BIG eye opener as to the UNCHANGING behavior of the democrats!!!! it is not they who have changed over the years, its those who watched and know that died out and were replaced by babes.


    The Ominous Parallels Part 1

    and i just looked and now have a copy

    though i would also recommend reading the golitsyn books, and the mitrokhen books…

  46. I feel the hand of fate. America was only given the title and responsibility of superpower status because America upheld the world’s righteousness and some of its laws.

    When America stopped passing down freedom to the next generation, as happened in Vietnam and Iraq and Afghanistan, did people really think the divine power that protected America in the past, would continue to hold?]

    People are mighty fickle and weak and spoiled, if they think the prosperity and security they have is merely because of national and patriotic powers.

  47. i wish neo would go over the salient parallels, they would shock… from gun control

    Neo already went over that. What were you doing, not paying attention?

  48. Yeah, I didn’t mention that those parallels are very apparent because I assume that’s given at this point.

    But to spell it out: I can see something similar to what happened in Germany in 1930s happening in the U.S. In fact, I don’t think it’s all that implausible. I won’t, however, say it’s already happening, nor precisely what form it will take, although I think we can all guess. But we are heading in that direction.

  49. I don’t understand how he does it, because his techniques fall completely flat on me, but he does.



    The key methodology is NLP, essentially mind control.

    As for how I know, it’s not merely abstract knowledge to me. Like most things, I test out the veracity of people’s so called educated claims. That requires me to be capable of doing various things in various fields, but only incompetents fail to do the basics. It is well within the realm of feasibility for hard work, talent, and jack of all trades.

    His techniques don’t work on you because

    1. You haven’t met him, so the bandwidth required to condition a person isn’t available.
    2. You may not be susceptible to hypnotic techniques to begin, meaning you already have an Authority controlling your heart or maybe you’re just pig stubborn and refuse to listen to anyone.

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