Hypocrisy, thy name is Obama
What a difference an election makes.
Obama used to sing quite a different tune on why a strong and bipartisan majority was needed to pass a transformative bill such as HCR. There are lots of previous Obama quotes to that effect offered in this post at Michelle Malkin’s (hat tip: commenter “adrian”). Here are a couple from 2007:
The bottom line is that our healthcare plans are similar, the question once again is, who can get it done? Who can build a movement for change? This is an area where we’re going to have to have a 60% majority in the Senate and the House in order to actually get a bill to my desk. We’re going to have to have a majority to get a bill to my desk. That is not just a fifty plus one majority…
You’ve got to break out of what I call the sort of fifty plus one pattern of presidential politics. Maybe you eke out a victory of fifty plus one. Then you can’t govern. You know, you get Air Force One, there are a lot of nice perks, but you can’t deliver on healthcare. We are not going to pass universal health care with a fifty plus one strategy.
But like almost everything else that comes out of Obama’s mouth, it turns out that it was all a lie. As Bernie Goldberg said a few minutes ago in an interview on Fox, “The hypocrisy is big enough to choke a horse.”
Or an elephant. And even a few donkeys.
Read any of the Spanish Civil war history books.
The Left pushed, pushed, pushed and then …
I just wrote to both of my Democrat Senators and asked for a yes/no answer whether they go along with Obama’s cynical and dishonest call to dismantle our health care system on a simple majority vote considering that Senator and candidate Obama frequently railed against passing transformational legislation with less than 60 votes.
I know, I will get a few dozen meaningless words in response that were likely triggered by an automated system, or at best a staff intern. But, what can we do?
It may be more self-delusion than hypocrisy. Which means we’re even more screwed. The Obamas of the world really believe that if everyone would just calm down and listen to them, we would see that their ideas are much better and we would want to go along in a cooperative, bipartisan way. They really regard their opposition as dead-enders who just need to be allowed to have their say and then coddled along to accept what the adults know is best.
They still do not grasp that they are the adolescents patiently explaining peace and sharing to their stupid parents, who like, just don’t get it.
Saul Alinsky would have been hugely proud of his disciple’s play-by-play adherence to his Rules For Radicals instruction manual today. Obamalinsky is a lying liar who lies. A loathsome, despicable performance today. His nose grew faster than ol’Pinnochio’s own. “Shuck & Jive…Flim & Flam.. 3-Card Monte…Snake & Oil…” Nuthin’more than a Ponzi Scheming Grifter.
He wishes to deminish America to an apologetic, European Junkyard. What’s at stake?? Only American Liberty & Exceptionalism. C’Mon, Americans, Time To Stand.
“They still do not grasp that they are the adolescents patiently explaining peace and sharing to their stupid parents, who like, just don’t get it.”
Very true and until reality smacks America upside the head, really hard, a significant percentage of Americans are going to keep listening to these adolescent fools and believing that “we just have to give peace a chance”.
By November, when the economy is in even worse shape, when Iran has announced that they have nukes and an arms race is erupting in the M.E. and when we’ve been attacked again by Al Qaeda, (Obama’s CIA Director recently testified before Congress that its 3-6 months away) by then, the American people will have completely lost faith in Obama and talk of impeachment will be common.
It’s coming; a recent CNN poll shows only 10% of those polled believe we are better off since Obama took over…even liberals are beginning to wake up.
Once upon a time there was a tavern
Where we used to raise a glass or two
Remember how we laughed away the hours
And dreamed of all the great things we would do
Those were the days my friend
We thought they’d never end
We’d sing and dance forever and a day
We’d live the life we choose
We’d fight and never lose
For we were young and sure to have our way.
La la la la…
Those were the days, oh yes those were the days
Then the busy years went rushing by us
We lost our starry notions on the way
If by chance I’d see you in the tavern
We’d smile at one another and we’d say
Those were the days my friend
We thought they’d never end
We’d sing and dance forever and a day
We’d live the life we choose
We’d fight and never lose
For we were young and sure to have our way.
La la la la…
Those were the days, oh yes those were the days
Just tonight I stood before the tavern
Nothing seemed the way it used to be
In the glass I saw a strange reflection
Was that lonely woman really me
Those were the days my friend
We thought they’d never end
We’d sing and dance forever and a day
We’d live the life we choose
We’d fight and never lose
For we were young and sure to have our way.
La la la la…
Those were the days, oh yes those were the days
Through the door there came familiar laughter
I saw your face and heard you call my name
Oh my friend we’re older but no wiser
For in our hearts the dreams are still the same
Those were the days my friend
We thought they’d never end
We’d sing and dance forever and a day
We’d live the life we choose
We’d fight and never lose
For we were young and sure to have our way.
La la la la…
Those were the days, oh yes those were the days
and why does everyone think that he wants to copy europe and stop there?
i guess they can no longer deny what he is doing, and so has to find another arbitrary limit to stake out a line and make a claim that he isnt going to go past that.
and over time, they react slowly and adjust their points, but always way behind the curve of whats happening… as each line is reluctantly moved.
in case anyone but me hasnt noticed, i would note that this process is one of adjusting by history, and cant stop anything, as it waits for the situtaion to be completed before the adjustment.
ie… its always closing the door after the event, not before.
in order to actually do anything about anything, one has to anticipate, and be ahead.
the kind that remain reasonable accepting nothing but 100% proof before conceding, are the one half of who creates this outcome!!! as i have been saying.
just think how much easier things would have been if we could have been able to reach a conclusion way back before he was running for office (rather then eventually ending up having to have a counter revoltuion)
it really isnt that hard.. just out them when they do anything cruddy and say “next!”
* Democrat Representative Gerry Studds molested an underage House Page. Re-Elected nine times by the Democrat voters of Massachusetts.
* Democrat Representative Mel Reynolds, removed from office after molesting a 16 year old campaign worker and planning a threesome with her 15 year old niece, pardoned by fellow Democrat sex offender Bill Clinton(rapist), and given a job by philanderer Jesse Jackson.
* Democrat Governor of Ohio Ted Strickland, employed a convicted sex offender as a campaign manager and vacationed in Italy with him.
* Democrat Representative Barney Frank, allowed a paramour to run a prostitution ring from the condo they shared.
* Thirteen Democrats voted present on a bill condemning the American Psychological Association’s endorsement of “adult-child sex.” (PC-speak for child molesting.) Including Barney Frank and Ted Strickland.
* Democrat Mayor of Portland Sam Adams, molested an underage dude. Still in office.
* Jeff Rosato, an aide to Democrat Senator Barbara Boxer, arrested for distribution of child pronography.
* Democrat Mayor of Racine Wisconsin Gary Becker will be sentenced today for sex crimes involving child pornography, and soliciting sex from underage girls.
* Pervert runs “Sex Ed” workshop where dangerous sex practices are taught to middle schoolers, facilitates sexual abuse of a minor… then is elevated to Safe School Czar under a Democrat President.
we have had being reasonable to the unreasonable normalized… we are acclimatized to the situation, and the most reasonable are the ones who are most acclimatized.
they cant comprehend whats going on…
so they refuse to until there is no other choice
and then make it appear as this is a good rational strategy.
its the kind of thing that makes you wait at the beach when the water goes out so you can be sure you dont waste your time running.
I fail to see the hypocrisy. This is just blatent deception. The fact that he mentioned the 51 + 1 in connection with healthcare as far back as 2007 shows that it is notion that has been in the back of his mind as to how to get things done for longer than his present adminstration. Dirty Harry’s lie that no one’s talking about reconciliation clearly is bigger than first gleamed, as well. They have probably whispered about it in their backroom meetings from the moment they began engineering this beast.
Now that they refuse to call what they’re about to do “reconciliation” and hide behind the euphimism of an “up or down” vote, we can add self-deception to their sins. It’s enough to make you throw up!
Artfldgr: Remarkable brevity there!
On a related note: ‘Do you remember an inn, Miranda?’
“why does everyone think that he wants to copy europe and stop there? …in case anyone but me hasnt noticed” Artfldgr
Acknowledging the possibility that Obama’s goals are limited to achieving a European style level of socialism here in the US is not stating that to be the case.
Plus, Obama and radical leftists are NOT going to seize power and pull a Bolshevik ‘Lenin’…it ain’t gonna happen. No way, no how. If that is Obama’s goal, he is as mistaken in it having any chance of success, as your fear is misplaced that he could succeed in that goal. If he ever tried to pull off a coup, he’ll end up pulling a ‘Mussolini’.
What you fail to appreciate Artfldgr, is that secular or not, “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” and the Bill of Rights with its Constitutional guarantees literally have religious significance for Americans. The vast majority of Americans will die before they will yield up those freedoms, and the American military will willingly die to protect those freedoms.
We’re all paying attention Artfldgr and our not seeing things from your point of view is not evidence of lack of acumen or interest or an inability to face the truth.
It gets somewhat tiresome hearing you accuse others of being too stupid to see the obvious. It also smacks of conspiracy theorist paranoia. A not uncommon and completely understandable psychological wound from living under the Soviet system.
No doubt you understand the depths of leftism better than I, please consider that we might know the character of America… better than you.
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I agree that Artfldgr is sometimes tiresome in insisting that none of us are as smart as he is. But on the other hand, I must say when I watch what is going on, such as that splendid show Obama mounted today, I think that these guys are trying to seize our government, and the country it has heretofore represented. I was thinking of a definition of tyranny as an oppressive power. They’re attempting an exercise of power that is without question against the will of the American people, which I would consider to be oppressive, tyrannical. I’m not saying I think they’ll succeed–in fact, I’m getting a sense that the American people have a lot more fight in them than I would have predicted even as recently as 8 months or so ago.
I also watched that display today and thought, “This man is a maniac–or a fraud.” But I don’t think he’s a maniac, not really, except in the sense that his entire world-view is a bit maniacal. The show today was completely surreal, with the props around him wearing their lab coats, supplied by some species of White House Central Casting, and Obama stood there speaking lies as though he believed them–but I don’t think for a minute he did. He strikes me as knowing he’s lying in much the same way an actor knows that the role he’s playing is not real life. He knows the truth, but he plays the part for the crowd. I wonder what he thinks to himself later, backstage, after the show is over for the day. I think he has contempt for the rest of us, even for those in his own party. It’s one of the reasons he feels free to deal with us as with non-entities.
I remember, in one of the episodes of The Civil War series, Shelby Foote’s saying that Lincoln had a particular sort of very high intelligence that enabled him to stand apart and watch himself, and to understand how he looked and sounded to others. I think Obama has the same kind of intelligence. The question is, in the service of what is this intelligence being placed? He will say he’s not an ideologue, but this is a lie. He knows it is a lie, and he knows that all the lies he tells are lies. That knowledge adds to his contempt for us, for this country. He has a vision of what he wants this country to be, and he doesn’t swerve from it, except for the occasional tactical tack. But then it’s back on course.
I don’t know where all this will take us. Huxley stated on another thread here today that this is the only blog he knows of where posters dabble so with the notion that we’re headed for the Democrats’ attempting to maintain control by fixing future elections (and I get the sense that he’s a great blog surfer, and he’s certainly very knowledgeable, so he may be right). I’m not sure about that, though–I think I’ve seen some similar (or worse) conjectures over at Wretchard’s now and again.
In any case, I think we find ourselves in unprecedented times. I’m not much of a betting person, and don’t know how to figure odds. But if gut feelings count for anything, I feel (while preferring to think) that we may be headed for some big trouble before the curtain finally rings down on this Obama fellow.
betsybounds: there’s plenty of similar speculation in the comments section of other blogs. It’s not the sort of thing that would come up on a Google search, but it’s there.
Talk about fueling the Tea Party! Watching this guy is like watching someone drive into a bridge abutment at 100 mph figuring that his momentum will save him.
Thanks. Well I thought that must surely be the case. I know for sure there are lots of people speculating as to why the Democrats, and Obama as their leader, might be so willing to push so hard for something that is so popularly unsupported. They almost must know something the rest of us don’t know about what’s ahead.
Maybe they’re just casting lots, and doing so behind a lot of bravado. But that seems unlikely–to me, at least.
Maybe there’ll be a Reichstag fire. The “teabaggers” will have started it, of course.
Artfldgr & Geoffrey Britain:
Americans have a natural aversion to tyranny and a good number of us are familiar with history, and we won’t put up with it. Whether enough of us are in that category remains to be seen.
We also have the Second Amendment going for us. The Founders were very clear that the point of having an armed citizenry wasn’t for hunting or crime prevention, but as a last line of defense against tyrannical government.
I believe this is what is known as “American exceptionalism”. I think it’s about to be put to the test.
Also, this is by no means the only blog I read where people are concerned about Obama and the Democrats rigging elections. Far from it. Democrats in big cities have a long track record of doing exactly that, and it’s pretty much the first thought I had when Obama announced in his first week in office that the census would be run from the White House. I simply can’t think of any reason to do that other than manufacturing more Democrat voters and creating more solid Democrat congressional districts.
Oh, I’m not so sure about that. He seems to have a real tin ear as to how he comes across to those of us who haven’t drunk his Kool-Aid. Either that, or he knows and just doesn’t give a damn. His idea of political compromise seems to be something along the lines of “The discussion is over” and “I won”.
What the democrats know is that 80% of the info the average Joe Citizen hears on the street is controlled by progressives. Television, newspaper, magazines, movies, even the internet of which 80% of people use mostly for entertainment purposes….are all overwhelmingly painting Obama the reasonable one trying to save America.
THATS what they’re counting on as their ace in the hole.
Yes. Well, I don’t think anyone with this kind of intelligence expects everyone to have drunk the Kool-Aid. It’s not essential for everyone to buy it. It’s only essential for most to buy it, and even then, only for long enough to get elected. And as I mentioned, until recently (and probably even now) there’s been some serious question as to how much the non-imbibers are prepared to do about any of this. Obama simply doesn’t care how he comes across to those of us who haven’t drunk the Kool-Aid. He may, in fact, misapprehend our numbers, but he knows something about the societal levels his listeners inhabit. He’s not aiming his drama at those of us who already don’t like it. He’s interested in building momentum among the classes he already owns–the intelligentsia, the MSM, the majority political class. I think you’re right when you say that he knows and just doesn’t give a damn. The thing he maybe doesn’t expect, and which a lot of us didn’t quite expect either until recently, was that there are rather more of us than we thought who aren’t buying it, and may be prepared to do something about it.
And I continue to think that he observes both himself and his audiences from a distance.
Remember that even highly intelligent people can be dead wrong. When I was teaching geology, I used to tell my students that intelligence is no guarantee of anything
I don’t know about that. I think they’re counting on that media control in some measure, maybe to mute the inevitable opposition–but I think that what they’re counting on even more is raw power. They think they have that, and they think it’s really all they need.
betsy b,
Excellent comments that resonate with the concern we all feel.
How does one decipher Obama’s actions? From our point of view they do not make sense. I have tried to put myself in his shoes and, drawing from his books and campaign, see the world through his eyes. He believes he has a mission in this world. IMO, he believes that, as Lincoln freed the slaves, it is his destiny to make our society fair. He is well aware of the travails and unpopularity that Lincoln endured. In his mind he is enduring the same – all for a higher purpose. There is not a shred of doubt in his mind that what he is trying to do for this country is right and possibly divinely inspired. If it were otherwise he would be rethinking his policies. As Lincoln abolished slavery, he plans to bring us a compassionate healthcare system, a less capitalist society that runs on alternative energy and in which incomes are more evenly distributed.
Because he is a “true believer” in these nostrums, anyone who disagrees is either misinformed or evil. Thus he does not have to factor in those opinions. It is, IMO (I’m not a Psychologist – nor do I play one on TV), a Messianic complex of the most severe kind.
Many on the left looked at Bush in the same fashion because he seemed not to care about their opinions on the Iraq War. What made Bush different was that he, unfortunately for good governance, worked with the other side to pass such things as No Child Left Behind, Medicare Drug Coverage, and did not veto McCain/Feingold. Bush didn’t understand public opinion being so strong for tough border security and against amnesty for illegals. But he relented when the people rose up and made their wishes known. Obama is psychologically incapable of making those kinds of political moves. At least that’s the way I see it.
If the radical leftists think that raw power will allow Obama to forcibly impose socialism upon America they are in for a shocking awakening.
But I really don’t give much credence to fears of Machiavellian malevolence by Obama. Not because he wouldn’t do it if he could but because he’s just not a Lenin or a Stalin. He’s not intelligent enough or ruthless enough. He’s a poseur. And the real tough guys in the world; the Putin’s and ChiComs know it. The danger isn’t that he’ll ruthlessly seize power, the danger is that he’ll pull a Chamberlain and invite aggression that he’s incapable of handling.
One factor that has struck me repeatedly is how frequently since taking office Obama and the left have firmly planted their feet in their mouths. It’s like they can’t help themselves. Even when its clearly not in their own self-interest, they compulsively reveal themselves.
A real, live ‘gang who can’t shoot straight’.
That’s not going to change, in fact as protests mount, I think its going to get worse.
Pelosi and Reid are a joke, Gibbs and Jarret as well. Emanuel is an emotional lose cannon and all Axelrod knows is spin and ‘positioning’ on the issues.
Brennan and Napolitano can’t open their mouths without revealing their cluelessness and Obama, outside of political rhetoric, can’t think on his feet. He’ll crack like an egg when unexpected developments erupt in his face and he has to immediately respond. Rhetoric is all he knows, there’s no there, there.
These people are basically lacking in seriousness, they’re dilettantes playing at being adults.
In an entire year, with majorities in both houses, all they’ve been able to accomplish is to fill the political trough with ‘stimulus’ pork for special interests.
Now, they’re trying to ram through a radical reorganization of the health care industry without majority support from their own party. This has political disaster written all over it.
By this time next year, incredibly, Obama’s approval numbers may be in the single digits. Consider this political omen; in a recent CNN poll only 10% agreed that things are better since Obama took office.
After the mid-terms in November, if he doubles down and starts to-rule-by-fiat using executive orders, serious talk of impeachment will begin. That, whether implemented or not is political paralysis for a President and, will last until he has but months to go in his term.
He’s a one term President, and in another year he’ll be a lame duck President as well. The American system is designed to stymie just this type of power grab when the people balk at political cooperation with leadership that has lost its confidence.
It’s not tyranny we face, its simple incompetence.
Wow. Dan Riehl is pissed. Really pissed. And rightly so.
Read the whole thing.
“How does one decipher Obama’s actions?”
Let us ask ourselves what the realistic alternatives are. It is one one the of the following:
1) Obama and the Dems do not care if they are ever re-elected again.
2) The Left is confident the media will support them strongly enough to prevail agaiinst all opposition, regardless of public opinion.
3) They feel confident they have nothing to fear; i.e. , they have an agenda that, if successful, will effectively assure a one-party system.
4) They know something we don’t know.
I’m tempted to think it’s number 3. Can anyone think of anything else?
“This neophyte, this joke we have in the White House has absolutely no idea of the force and the rage he is about to unleash on him and his entire political party. If there are not enough responsible adults left within his party to rein in this accidental, affirmative action jerk, this self-styled, extremely flawed little man, then his party is worthless to America. It deserves to be marginalized electorally and, ultimately, utterly destroyed, before being relegated to the dung heap of history with the rest of the marxist, socialist clowns Americans have dispatched before.”
Yes, if Obama’s goal is the fundamental transformation of America into a socialist state and he intends to, if necessary forcibly impose it upon America, it is rebellion that he shall have.
The political firestorm’s embers are waiting for the winds of rage to ignite them into an inferno of protest which will be impossible to extinguish.
That said and though he may try, he’s just not ruthless and intelligent enough to pull it off folks. He’s a poseur and a dilettante.
“Can anyone think of anything else?”
Sure, they really do believe their own rhetoric.
So, all of the below;
1.) Obama and the radical dems don’t care if they are reelected, if they can turn this country socialist, they’re ideologues, one and all, true believers intent upon reaching the holy grail.
2.) The Left is confident that the media will support them strongly enough to convince the public to “give it a try” and then, convince the public that it’s actually working.
3.) They feel confident they have nothing to fear; i.e. they have an agenda, which when people see how fair and equitable it is, will effectively assure they continue in power with the Republicans relegated to rump party status.
The thing to keep in mind is that Democrats really don’t understand economics, they haven’t a clue as to just how badly their ‘solutions’ will hurt Americans economically. When conservatives try to tell them, their foundational premises about reality do not allow them to truly consider their opponents objections objectively. They just discount it as the rationalizations of greedy capitalists and stupidly gullible ‘tools’ of capitalism’s lies.
Nor do they have a clue as to how badly they are hurting national security. Just as Chamberlain hadn’t a clue as to how Hitler perceived Chamberlain’s ‘reasonableness’ as appeasement and an invitation to aggression.
We’re about to ‘repeat’ history’s ‘lessons’ because 50% of the American public sat in school and actually thought that history had no value. They shall learn otherwise.
betsybounds: there’s plenty of similar speculation in the comments section of other blogs.
neo: True.
Even though I be a mere commenter myself, I give more credence to pundits and blog owners than to commenters.
Nonetheless, however much the pundits and owners may dislike Barack Obama and his polices, few will go out on the ledge and say that the Democratic leadership has got the bank shots in this pool game all figured out and expect to recover from unpopular policies by cooking future elections.
My thinking continues to be that if it were that easy for Democrats to cook elections we would have seen it by now and Scott Brown couldn’t possibly have won Ted Kennedy’s seat by five points.
“Can anyone think of anything else?”
Sure, they really do believe their own rhetoric.
It may seem unbelievable to those of us on the other side, but, as far as I can tell most Democrats really believe their side has the superior position.
They possess some cynicism but basically they do believe what they are selling and if they have to cut a few corners, well that’s part of the game, but really they do believe.
It’s not a complicated head fake.
In order to fully understand and participate in current goings on, and to get things back on track, one has to be fully embroied. No time for hobbies, relaxation, vacations, even going out to dinner at a good restaurant. If this is what I am being forced to do, then by God, I will do so in a manner to beat this stuff down in order to live my life as I see fit.
Truly, we have reached the “enough is enough” stage. And as Artfldgr says, we need to stop moving the line.
“”as far as I can tell most Democrats really believe their side has the superior position””
Pretty much like the slave owners in 1860 were cock sure too. Except the democrats think enslaving us till June 14th every year to pay for people who voted not to pull their own weight is an acceptable compromise.
They really have no clue that their bottom line position is just flat out immoral? Thats really just a sad side note. History is full of people who got destroyed without a clue in the world why God allowed such Hell to come raining down on them.
I’m wondering whether the Dem’s ability to play race isn’t losing its effectiveness. ACORN’s shady voter registration no longer seem so fair. Whites may not have Sharpton to kick them around anymore. Dems have used this issue for a long time, but maybe now they are over-relying on it.
”as far as I can tell most Democrats really believe their side has the superior position””
As I mentioned in another post, I can confirm this with a conversation I had with a longtime friend who is an old Dem. When I asked him why the Dems were intent on committing political suicide, he looked at me as if I had two heads. He believes they are right on health care, and the possibility of backlash doesn’t enter into the equation. As he said, “We have the majority, why shouldn’t we pass it?’ This fellow is generally more rational than this, so his statements were particularly illuminating to me.
It is a grave mistake to be sanguine, blase’, when facing an empowered, totalitarian-striving political force because we believe we will take back Congress in November.
Even with an electoral tsunami in November, is it reasonable to project veto-proof majorities of the Right? No. So, as long as we live within the rules, while our domestic enemy does not, we lose. No impeachment, no revocation of Executive orders or ruinous legislation.
Chavez remains in power, Lo! These many years.
So let’s stop with the BS.
I believe Obama is a desperate man because he sees his dreams for hope and change fading away. Which is why it has come down to “now or never”.
Had he and congress exercised a little fiscal restraint with their new power instead of acting like drunken, pillaging pirates (during the great recession, no less) with our tax dollars he might have more sway than he does now.
Even the most politically passive people have become concerned with the crazy spending and the barrage of freedom crushing bills. It takes a hell of a lot disturb that kind of complacency. Obama may have achieved his promise of “hope and change” afterall, just not the kind he was pushing.
A bit off topic, but does anyone besides me find it outrageous that even Fox News reports 469,000 first time unemployment claims last week is a sign of GOOD NEWS because its a miniscule drop from the week before? I’m frankly offended by the whole premise that such dismal numbers get spun in such a way, and by people supposedly of a conservative bent!
If a conservative were President you’d never see such reporting of an ongoing economic collapse in a 100 years.
“It is a grave mistake to be sanguine, blase’, when facing an empowered, totalitarian-striving political force because we believe we will take back Congress in November.”
I haven’t seen anyone suggest that concern is not warranted. Nor that Obama et al won’t do all that they can to move us further down the road to their socialist/communist utopia.
A declaration that they are incompetent does not equate to an assertion that they are therefore not politically dangerous.
An observation that they really believe their own rhetoric is not an assertion that their wrongheadedness will prevent them from subjecting the country to great harm.
But their incompetence and “a ground unsuitable for planting a crop of socialism” will prevent them from taking over the country in a coup which denies the franchise to all but liberals.
Call it a President’s perogative. Just as he changed his mind about the 60% majority, after finger-wagging at a Republican Senator for his use of props, he had a line up of “white coats” for yesterday’s Healthcare speech. Were they even doctors? Or does that even matter? He’s been shown up in a lie over this thing all over the internet, and it’s just ignored. It’s not Reconciliation anyway just a good ole thumbs up or down vote.
While a few Democrats may well be engaged in Machiavellian election-cooking schemes, I am certain that most of them do believe their own rhetoric, think that they are in the right, and are fully persuaded that those of us who haven’t embraced their Holy Grail have been misinformed and manipulated by those evil wingnuts on the right into failing to realize what’s good for us. These folks truly believe that we will come around once we realize how blissful life is with them in charge. Furthermore, they do not hear what the rest of us are saying; they have successfully blinded and deafened themselves against even the possibility of encountering any actual facts that might shake up their certainty by branding anyone who hasn’t drunk their Koolaid as a kook, an undesirable, an idiot, or worst of the worst, a Republican.
reaching across the aisle faciliates progressive control of both ends against the middle. we have an adversarial system, and so collusion by both sides should not happen easily…
when they do this they facilitate playing both sides and asuaging us of the collusion as a good thing.
in truth, it allows a progressive hidden in the opponents side to vote against his side, and not be seen as a traitor to the side.
otherwise we might be wise that they should nto be behind closedd doors, should not collude, making deals selling out what we elected them for..
the whole methodology is what allows them to not represent anyone and yet appear to represent them.
i explained it with feminism.. you ahve womrn for porn, and women against porn… if they stay apart, they will debate and side with those that side with them… but if you wrap both under a higher order umbrella, then both oppositions are now still oppositions, but they are under one choice. .. and since they push both ways, the umbrella gets to choose whatever it wants without any need to do so in regard to the people..
its a case of they want both things, so i dont have to listen to them to choose, i pick what i want.
in this way… you get democrats, and republicans… they are in opposition.. but if you put them both under progressive, then progressive gets to decide what gets done, as the higher order set controls both ends… (against us the middle).
we have no choice because we are stupid enouhg to stand under the same single statist ideal, of progressive (communism,socialism,etc)..
it puts us in the position of arguing whether we will be communist totalitarian, or facist totalitarian… but goes pass the question of totalitarianism!!! it avoids it completely..
if the left yell fascist
nad the right yells communst
where is the small government free argument?
its not even on the table.
they are fighting in front of you as they did in germany… over two totalitariansms, not whether it will be totalitarian.
they want the chinese model
(only looking at the 200 million not the whole)
so much i could say… why bother.
i am wrong because waht i say is not entertaining, isnt useful after the fact, and generally is a downer to the perpetual party.
huxley—about Obama cooking future elections through various shenanigans (the census, ACORN, illegals voting)—regarding your 2:11 AM comment:
First of all, although I have wondered at times whether that is a plan of this administration, and I have thought that indeed it might be, never have I said it will occur or that (as you write) “the Democratic leadership has got the bank shots in this pool game all figured out.” You are misrepresenting my position if that’s supposed to refer to me. I continue to maintain that it might indeed be a plan, however, and that there is a distinct possibility that it could be successful, and that it is certainly a valid thing to think about and be aware of.
As for other blogs—all those thoughts are often discussed in blogs. I’m not about to do some sort of exhaustive search, but a very quick one revealed, almost immediately, this from a well-known blog, this from a well-known media source, and this from a blog with which you might disagree, but which is certainly a very popular one. And that only took a moment. The possibility has been discussed on many, many blogs, by many, many bloggers, and an even larger number of commenters.
Abe Lincoln and Barack Hussein Obama? Similar intelligence and the detached ability to look at themselves from a distance?
Mr.Hatter, Mr.Bunny, Mz.Alice. Um, is there more room at your table?
Someone is cordially invited to Shady Oaks Asylum.
It’s not tyranny we face, its simple incompetence.
I don’t think you understand what your saying.
If they were competent, they wouldn’t need tyranny
your statement implies that we can only fall to a Tyranny of the competent, but there is no such thing, that’s a contradiction.
this is why all over the world, the tyrannies are pretty poorly run. they put the brute in brute force. and that they mobilize the larger mass of people who are less intelligent to over throw the more intelligent the people naturally selected in a meritocracy. its why its about feelings not logic. (to the dull you appeal emotionally, to the smart you appeal with logic (or what sounds like it with a dash of authority washed down by their own naivete))
watch out for the tyranny of the brutish and dull minded Malthusian Luddite of cargo cult mentality, of few morals (mostly situational), afraid and paranoid of regular people (who have a competency they don’t understand), who believes that there really is no such thing as merit, that others are like them, posers and fakes who pretend to be smart, inventive, capable and such.
Artfldgr Says:
March 4th, 2010 at 6:26 pm
Yes, I see it. You’re exactly right.
try watching/taping Glenn Beck. He’ll grow on you.