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Pam Geller and hate — 37 Comments

  1. Geller should have held a Mohammed pic in urine contest or Finger painting Mohammed in Elephant dung & stood back to see the hippocrits in full flower.

  2. Pam Geller has put leftest (and some rightest) MSM in a box. They can’t dispute her message. You can’t be in the press business and not support free speech in the US.

    Only thing to do is attack the messenger and that’s exactly what they (most of the media) are doing.

  3. Psychological projection plays a large part in Leftist behavior. Their continual search for hate in the words and deeds of others is easily understandable. The hatred is in themselves.

  4. It is time to make the left chase their tails; a national burn the koran and the bible in pork fat day. The left will not know whether they should scream hate speech or cheer for artistic freedom. Useful idiots are easily confused.

  5. I would normally find myself saying, why should we needlessly insult anyone, including muslims, but . . .

    I think it’s time to draw a line, and sooner rather than later. Pamela Geller has been an almost lone voice alerting us daily (through her “Atlas Shrugs” website) to what these muslims are up to, and she is drawing the line for us, as a favor to us.

    Was Rosa Parks needlessly provoking the 1950s southern bigots when she refused to ride in the back of the bus? Why not go along to get along? Why not ride in her accustomed place, go wherever she was going, and not rock any boats?

    Ms. Geller doesn’t need to provoke any more than did Ms. Parks. But there is a principle involved, and in Ms. Geller’s case, the principle, if not upheld now, will be harder and harder to uphold as we the people cower more and more under the ever-escalating demands of the muslims.

    Ms. Geller is right to do what she is doing. I’d like to have her courage — but at least I can offer support, rather than offer what so many, including our guys, are offering.

  6. WaPo’s Social Change Reporter — yes, SOCIAL CHANGE REPORTER and the headline – Event organizer offers no apology after thwarted attack in Texas. Into the article: “If the event was intended as bait, it worked.”.

    Paul Green, over at Gates of Vienna, a cartoon contestant at Ms. Geller’s event, asks:
    “Why is it that cartoons about Islam’s prophet rouse an anger in some of its adherents so intense as to be murderous?”

    and answers:
    ”The answer was actually given by a notoriously corrupt American politician: William M. Tweed, known as “Boss” Tweed, who ran the Tammany Hall political machine in New York during the mid-19th century. Tweed’s plundering ways came under attack by the cartoonist Thomas Nast, whose most famous drawing depicted the portly politician in a fancy suit and a tie bearing a huge diamond stickpin, with a head that was a big moneybag emblazoned with a dollar sign. The cartoons upset Tweed, who said, “Stop them damned pictures! I don’t care so much what the papers say about me – my constituents don’t know how to read. But they can’t help seeing them damned pictures!” That is the key to the cartoon’s power: its instant accessibility. All it takes for a cartoon to deliver its truth and take its target down a peg is one glance – and one laugh.”

    My own comment, riffing off a Geert Wilders observation:
    Islam doesn’t allow free speech because free speech would critically expose the tenets of Islam as pretense for the temporal appetites of its Prophet – all of which are, in essence, anti-human, evil. Islam does not allow humor at its expense because such humor lays bare the tenets of Islam as foolish, ludicrous, and again, anti-human. To laugh at he farcical notion that the Prophet, along with, part and parcel, his temporal appetites – territory, killing, terror, loot, slaves, sex, paedophilia, assassination, should be considered the perfect man (al-insan al-kamil), and the model of conduct (uswa hasana) – according to Islam – discomfits Islam — and for good reason. No one takes seriously that which is fundamentally, quintessentially, risibly, lunatic nonsense. That everything should be as it is, and has been, in Islam, relating to speech/criticism, humor, blasphemy, heresy, apostasy, speaks to the fact that Islamists themselves, first and foremost, and incontrovertibly, understand the flaws, foibles, and frailty of Islam. For that, the burlesque that is Islam, can allow neither sticks and stones, nor satire and sendup. The House of God will prevail against all things. The house of cards will fall to a zephyr.

  7. Palestinian Media Watch “has presented its findings before members of US Congress and to members of Parliament in numerous countries, including the European Union, Britain, France, Norway, Sweden, Holland, Switzerland, Canada and Australia, and has lectured at universities and conferences world wide.”

    So they know. They know and those who turn a blind eye, make themselves complicit in Islam’s lies and violence.

    Liberal fascists do not support free speech, they support furtherance of their agenda and their agenda is to rule.

    The criticism of Pamela Geller as unnecessarily “provoking” jihadist radicals to violence is one part moral cowardice and one part a refusal to admit what in their heart of hearts they know to be true, that regardless of the Muslim majority’s ‘moderation’, theologically, Islam is not a “religion of peace”.

    For such as they, Gellar’s gravest sin is that she insists upon publicizing that the core issue for the West is that Islam is a totalitarian ‘religion’ of violent aggression. People like Gellar profoundly threaten the meme that Islam is inherently a peaceful religion.

    Implicit to acknowledging that Islam is a violently expansionist, totalitarian ideology that wraps itself in a facade of religious pretense is that jihadist radicals are simply Islam’s cannon fodder. And that, the acquiescence* of the Muslim majority to the jihadists makes them complicit and therefore culpable in Islam’s violence.

    *Some Muslim organizations occasionally speak out against the violence but where are the anonymous Muslim voices on the internet deploring and rejecting jihadist violence? Were Islam a religion of peace there would be millions of anonymous Muslim voices on the internet condemning the violence.

    Moderate Muslims are silent because they know that the ‘radicals’ hold Islam’s theological ‘high-ground’.

    At base, leftists abhor Geller’s activism because it threatens to expose the left’s collaboration with Islamic elements both of whom are attacking the West’s social cohesion.

  8. George Pal,

    Much of Geert Wilders’ astute observation can be applied to the Left.

    Islam The Left doesn’t allow support free speech because free speech would critically expose the tenets of Islam the Left as pretense… No one takes seriously that which is fundamentally, quintessentially, risibly, lunatic nonsense.”

    So they lie, obfuscate and indoctrinate the young.

    “When I am the weaker, I ask you for mercy, because that is your principle; but when I am the stronger, I show no mercy and take away your freedom, because that is my principle.” Louis Veuillot (The dialectic of the left)

  9. It’s not just the left, O’Reilly continues to spout the line that what she did was wrong. What happened to condemning the two would be murderers? The world has turned upside down. No, wait, I guess the jihadists have really won…they’ve shut down free speech in the US by intimidation.

  10. Astonishing to me were the number of blowhards, such as Bill O’Reilly chastizing Geller for being STUPID, and disrespectful, while two months earlier defending the French satirical outlet Hebdo for mocking “the prophet” , calling the barbarians who atracked them for exercising free speech animals, savages, etc. The media in this country, including many of the so called conservatives, are cowards and hypocrites.. They claim to defend free speech, but seek to stifle and control it when it isn’t politically correct or insulting. I have heard the likes of o’reilly The Most Fair and Wise mention it’s unhelpful and disrespectful to for non-Christians to debase Christian faith, but have never heard the offenders called stupid, or seen them lectured, and worse, to EXPECT this from Muslims who are offended.
    It’s because of cowards and blatant hypocrites like O’Reilly that ISIS and others will continue to feel justified; this is America and nobody has the right to kill anyone for offensive speech. This “she should have expected it” coming from Trump and others is the same horseshit logic that tries to understand a rapist because the woman dressed and behaved provocatively. Ots time for these people to grow a pair and stand up for everyone’s free speech or they have no right to expect any themselves

  11. Ymarsakar:

    I was thinking this reminds me of the rhetoric used on Palin.

    Outspoken conservative women seem to raise particular ire. Palin was hated a special amount because she hunted, and had a declasse accent. Geller is hated a special amount because she is a conservative (or rather, libertarian, which most people see as conservative) New York Jewish woman.

    Even some on the right (or who presented themselves as being on the right) hated Palin, although not as much and not as many as on the left. Same for Geller.

    They both are quite attractive, too, and don’t try to cover it up (au contraire). I wonder if that’s part of the hatred, too?

  12. http://the-american-catholic.com/2013/10/13/twanloc/

    An interesting look at TWANLOC from another community.

    Ots time for these people to grow a pair and stand up for everyone’s free speech or they have no right to expect any themselves

    Not having a spine, what does it matter if they grow a pair? They’ll just sag down to the earth without a backbone.

    Pundits are often spineless and even the intellectuals like Charles Krauthammer acted very weak and limp on various Leftist operations.

  13. They both are quite attractive, too, and don’t try to cover it up (au contraire). I wonder if that’s part of the hatred, too?

    For these males lacking spine or attachments, fear easily gives way to anger, and anger to hate in order to justify their guilt.

    Many Republican staffers and political boyos wouldn’t survive a 1 on 1 deathmatch. They don’t got what it takes. They quiver inside, they rely on society as a crutch. They are weak, and not merely weak, but also disgusting and wretched.

  14. Just as Islam finds women Israeli soldiers strange, unnatural, or fearsome, so the same can be said for American society, Republican or Leftist in nature. When they see a truly exceptional individual, someone who Refuses to Obey their Authority, they don’t know what to do. Except kill em like Islam or banish em or exile em or whip them until they obey like many black families do.

  15. Geoffrey Britain,

    Re Islam and the Left.
    Yes indeed, which makes their de facto alliance one of affinity and not, except tangentially, utilitarian, i.e., the enemy of my enemy… .

  16. “both are quite attractive, too, and don’t try to cover it up”

    There’s attraction and attraction. The added attraction, to the virile male, is the girl’s with guns appeal. What man could not be seduced by their like? Gives new meaning to loaded. I’d promote Ann Coulter to that level. What man could not have an affection for a woman who can lob mortar rounds for effect? It’s a damn shame more women on the right make greater use of their 5% allocation of testosterone than conservative men.

  17. Weak boys desire weak women to dominate and lord over. But that’s not going to protect anyone really.

  18. Weak boys desire weak women to dominate and lord over. But that’s not going to protect anyone really….
    Methinks it starts the other way around.
    The women raise the boys.
    Boys raised by shrews or faghags don’t turn out too well…
    We have a women problem in this “civilization”.
    That is why real women like Sarah and Pam are so …. controversial.

  19. If the left had the equivalent of Palin, Geller or Coulter on their side, the three would be worshiped as divine goddesses.

    But the left does not. Clift, Tumulty and Dowd … omg … pom pom girls with the charm of Rosa Klebb.

  20. parker Says:
    May 7th, 2015 at 4:15 pm

    It is time to make the left chase their tails; a national burn the koran and the bible in pork fat day. The left will not know whether they should scream hate speech or cheer for artistic freedom. Useful idiots are easily confused.

    Heh, I like that. You may be onto something there.

  21. “They both are quite attractive, too, and don’t try to cover it up ”
    I think they are both gorgeous women. I think a lot of what we see is envy. Hatred is a large component of envy. Look at the feminists and tell me they are good looking. The joke is that women became feminists because no man would date them.

  22. Pam Geller’s motives have been widely questioned by those on the left, and even some on the right.

    However, if one believes that her motive was to expose the depths of Islamic hate, and the Leftist Media’s hypocrisy, then she succeeded beyond any reasonable expectation.

    It is really sad that the messenger is under attack, and the would-be murderers are somehow excused–or at least overlooked. I am sure that they are martyrs in the Islamic world; it is disgusting that they seem to be also in that part of the world which pays lip-service to freedom of expression.

  23. G6loq

    That’s a good point, although it’s hard to tell one way or another given the Left’s historical influence and black ops.

    For example, a lot of homos report being molested or having had bad relations with the opposite gender. And feminists report being afraid of rape or having been raped.

    So who is doing the raping and molesting? Christian Catholic priests?

    No, I think it all goes back to the Left. Heck, even the Catholic priest thing could be traced back to Leftists in 1930.

    Check out 1980s regressive hypnotic “memory recovery”, also known as mind control, brain washing, and false memory implantation.

    What memories did Leftist agents implant, what were they experimenting with?

    Childhood rape and molestation trauma, that’s what they implanted.

    So who are the rapists and molestors creating male fearing and hating feminists? Who are the rapists and molestors creating women that can’t secure their kitchen, domain, and families? Who are the rapists and molestors creating shock homos?

    Leftists. It’s always the Leftists, somehow. It’s like they have all kinds of power they don’t show us, all kinds of ops and agents we don’t know about.

  24. Neo, part of it is the aura of authority, personal authority, around them. Certain individuals have magnetic personalities or auras which can be seen or felt in the same room.

    Since the Left obeys no authority other than their Messiah or priests of death cult, when they see that aura from an enemy, it is not something they can ignore. They know that they are in the presence of an enemy priest, someone that can call in troops from our side.

  25. the Stasi’s of the world-“Islamophobia kills more than terrorism!”

  26. Pamela Geller gave a test on the First Amendment and the MSM (as well as too many conservative pundits) failed. Not really a big surprise. Free Speech was endangered even before Obama came into office. It’s gotten much worse under him, though.

    May God (or Jehovah) bless Pam Geller. The woman is a fighter.

  27. “Ray” mentioned projection. Some time ago I was in a FB debate when I saw someone on the other side say something like “We need to accept the fact that in or to love someone you must accept everything they do” or words to that effect. As I was thinking about that later on I realized that person was projecting that they did not love anyone that disagreed with them on something. There is no one in the world that I am in total, constant agreement with…but I still love many people in spite of that. I have come to suspect that the reason many on the left accuse people on the right of being “haters” is that we disagree with them and it is a natural thing in their mind to hate anyone they disagree with-hence if we disagree with someone-we must hate them (in their way of thinking).

  28. Leftists can only love drones and women prone on the ground that are helpless. That’s basically how they are.

  29. jon baker: a good point!

    Please note also the language used: “we need to accept the fact that [insert indefensible assertion here]”. (Yes, I realize you’re paraphrasing. Let us stipulate that you are doing so with reasonable accuracy.)

    This is a debating tactic I’ve seen used again and again, primarily by the Left but solely by them — assuming that which is to be proved and shutting down argument. It would not be any different, logically, had your Facebook opponent said “We need to accept the fact that my position is correct, and that you’re an immoral scumbag”. I think an appropriate response to that is contempt: “No, I do not accept your premise. If you want to convince me, you’re going to have to work at it. Good luck.”

  30. but I still love many people in spite of that.

    It would be difficult to respect anyone if they killed their own conscience in order to agree with Authority or with me. That is something to be despised, that weakness. Buttering up a Californian kiss up. They do that a lot there.

  31. I have yet to grasp what is so ‘wrong’ about hating islam? The teaching encourages deceit, discrimination, brutality and murder — why wouldn’t everyone hate that? Pretending that it means ‘peace’ when it actually means ‘surrender’ is beyond stupid.
    It explicitly require followers to “get along’ as long as they are in the minority, then permits violence, when they are in the majority…and fully sanctions lying as a way to further their agenda …who wouldn’t hate that?
    Believing that the Twin Towers, Ft Hood or this event in Texas was ‘justified’ is totally insane.
    They simply look for an excuse to do what they plan to do in the first place. Blaming anything or anyone but this primitive barbaric and savage cult is ridiculous!

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