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Wednesday was Holocaust Remembrance Day — 32 Comments

  1. The blurb on the USSR and Stalin is entirely upside down.

    What really happened is almost never published: Stalin was directly negotiating with Britain about a pact that would’ve included Poland and France to put down Hitler —

    In July of 1939!!!

    The (secret) deal fell apart because Stalin wanted Warsaw to give him his own axis of advance (across southern Poland) and the freedom of action to conduct his own strategic war policy.

    [ ie He wanted to NOT be under the over all command of any Polish authority nor any Western authority. One could argue that this was the logical beginnings of the Warsaw Pact — note the irony in that.]

    Warsaw could not be brought round by London. At the last moment, Stalin threw in the towel and picked up the phone to Berlin. Hitler sent his boy out post haste — and let Stalin write his own deal.

    That deal is now been exposed from the Russian archives.

    Within it it’s perfectly clear that STALIN not Hitler decided that the war would start September 1st, 1939.

    Further, the deal was that BOTH dictators were to attack on that date.

    Stalin reneged, as we all know, tossing excuses to Berlin about his army not being ready, mobilization troubles, etc. In this way Stalin got the ENTIRE onus of the campaign heaped upon Adolf — while he swept up all of the territories he wanted.

    Indeed, Stalin attacked more nations in the ensuing months than Adolf Hitler! (Everybody to his west and northwest.)

    The actual partition line through Poland was scrawled by Stalin’s fat pencil — followed by his signature with same — all now still on the record.


    As for Prague, in retrospect, it’s was promptly accepted by the German army — especially the panzer troop commanders — that Nazi Germany would’ve entirely lost any campaign against Czechoslovakia. That nation had a MUCH superior belt of forts that beat the French Maginot line. They were dramatically enhanced by the mountain terrain.

    Further, NONE of the German panzers were tough enough to survive Czech guns. (Skoda Works) This entire affair led to an immediate revision of German tank armor — and is the primary reason why German tank production was so SLOW in the immediate months after Munich.

    Guderian had the boys re-tooling to thicker armor all the way around. Because this was a pre-war event, it gets almost no notice even in tank centric histories of the war. You’d have to tease it out of the actual blue prints for the various marks. (Especially the Mark III, which Guderian figured as his main battle tank.)

    Hitler beat France with Czech tanks and Soviet oil. It really boiled down to that.

    This impact gets virtually no play in the common, popular video histories that are still spewing forth.

  2. For those with long memories:

    After Adolf reneged on the Munich deal — and swept east past Prague into Solvakia — Stalin entered Slovakia from the east and started to nibble on it too!

    Adolf immediately squawked… so Stalin stopped his advance with just a nibble… just enough to clear the eastern mountain passes… but not enough to infuriate the locals. He use the exact same pitch that he was to use later inre Poland.

    The reason this did not immediately trigger a Soviet Nazi war was because of practicalities — and timing. Shooting it up to push the Red Army back over the pass was not worth triggering wholesale hostilities — in what amounted to a cold war diplomacy between Moscow and Berlin.

    This EXACT SAME STUNT was pulled by Stalin with regard to Iran after WWII was over! Stalin attempted to severe the northwest of Iran and attach it permanently to the USSR. It had been previously under Red Army occupation for the purposes of Lend Lease and was co-joint with British occupation of the remainder of Iran and all of Iraq.

    Truman had a fit and threatened Stalin with the A-bomb. You can view countless video histories of the period — and they ALL omit that Stalin was forced back out of Iran!

    This was that moment in time when Molotov was dressed down by HST in the most severe way — and Molotov did not take it very diplomatically. (!)

    Stalin always liked to salami the opposition. He salami’d his way to the top of the heap in Moscow, too.

    Right now the king of the salami slicer is ayatollah Soetoro.

    [His salami attacks are neither Kosher nor halal… just hard to stomach.]

  3. The other weird fact about Munich: Goring totally frustrated Adolf by arguing for peace — to take the deals on offer.

    Adolf was so furious with Goring that he wouldn’t talk to him for weeks — and weeks.

    It was only after his visit to the Czech forts and all the rest that Adolf came around to accept that Goring had actually saved his (Adolf’s) kiester.

    This ‘freeze out’ technique was used over and over by Adolf there after. The list of top Nazis that he froze out at one time or another makes for astounding reading. They all had one aspect in common: they were right and Adolf was so, so, so, wrong. Whenever such an event transpired, the dictator would put the offender on ice.

    Not surprisingly, this tick ultimately generated a cadre of bootlickers not to be equalled in any other army known to historians.

    It’s then, no accident that Goring was no where to be seen (where it really counted) in late August 1939. Adolf made sure that his fat buddy was entirely out of the loop — kept otherwise engaged.

    The tyrant would not be denied.

  4. The narrative:
    …. That the History Channel’s “Beltway Unbuckled” would yield new information about FDR, then, is illustrative of how media selectively protects the image of patron Liberals, while targeting what were once called mainstream Americans.

    FDR mistress Daisy Suckley’s diary, which was discovered under her bed in 1991, isn’t a secret, as I discovered by searching the term. But, it sure as hell has not been been publicly aired. I’m talking about FDR telling Ms. Suckley about D-Day details a month prior to June 6th, 1944 (“… technically treason”). I’m talking FDR’s plan to partner up with Joe Stalin after the war, to crate a new world order, with FDR running the planned United Nations. Doris Kearns Goodwin, call you office. Here.
    Helped by these clowns.

    I need a shower.

  5. Pretty soon they won’t have to remember. It will be real again. Obama and Iran will see to that.

  6. “The civilized world has sunk into a coma” and is “lying on a bed of illusions,”

    Wow. Churchillian in its poetic succinctness.

    “Netanyahu added that he sees preventing another Holocaust as his responsibility.”

    I wonder if he’s accepted that to do that, he’s going to have to nuke Tehran. That of course, will result in placing Israel in another terrible position. Israel is caught in the proverbial “between a rock and a hard place”.

    I would argue that the Jews are still the ‘canaries in the mine’ with Christians next.

    We never learn the lessons of history because human nature is the stronger.

    Very informative and information of which I was unaware. Thanks. Stalin was so brutal that it’s easy to overlook just how cunning was his ruthlessness.

    Yes, Obama withdrawing American support for Israel in the U.N. will happen before the end of his term. As for how the “media selectively protects the image of patron Liberals, while targeting what were once called mainstream Americans” that’s what propagandists do because the first sacrifice upon the altar of ideology is truth.

  7. The horrible nightmare emerges.

    Putting so many Jews in one place, this place especially, may have been a totally unforeseeable mistake.

    And American Jews in particular are (substantially) blind to their own peril, homage to the poisonous leftist influence among Americans generally.

  8. “American Jews in particular are (substantially) blind to their own peril, homage to the poisonous leftist influence among Americans generally.

    I don’t think they’re blind at all. Oh, certainly they don’t allow themselves to consciously face the truth of the issue but in their heart of hearts they know the truth.

    After reading G6loq’s linked article “American Jewry’s Moment Of Decision.” it occurred to me that the atmosphere and results of the first WH meeting makes clear the truth of the matter.

    Liberal American Jews see the sacrifice of Israel… as necessary to finally establishing their credibility with the Left. They tell themselves (subconsciously) that this will prove beyond doubt that they place loyalty to the Left above any other consideration.

    That they are willing to reject their heritage and demonstrate that proof by ‘signing’ Israel’s death warrant.

    Their motivation is survival because they do sense their peril and this is their offer of appeasement.

    It’s a disgustingly perverted version of Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son Isaac…

  9. It’s a disgustingly perverted version of Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son Isaac…
    Hmmm … painfully Jungian in symbolism.

    Clearly Stephen Wise and consorts were adopting a similar posture with FDR.

    Here Augean Stables associates the North American Jews aggressive self-hatred to a form of honor killing by proxy.
    Same idea.

    Stay away from the targets, repeat, stay away from the targets …

  10. Folks, do you want to see the ACTUAL Munich Agreement? the very paper that Chamberlain had in his hand and waved about upon his return to England? Complete with Hitler’s and Chamberlain’s handwritten annotations and amendments? (by the way, the differences in handwriting style are as revelatory as those between Beethoven and Mozart).

    Then go to this museum: The Museum of World War II, near Boston (Neo, have you been there? you MUST go, you’d love it). They have the Munich Agreement and a treasure trove of staggeringly famous documents and artifacts from that era. Check their archives for a taste:


    I saw their traveling exhibit here in New York City last year, and was stunned by what I was looking at, just inches from my face! The museum is the life’s work of Kenneth W. Rendell, who realized that, amazingly, the most important documents and artifacts from the war were languishing in dusty archives, little remarked or noticed. He decided to save them, which started him on the quest to collect as much WW II memorabilia as he could — he now has the world’s most extensive collection.

  11. Oh, and Rendell is a patriot of the first water: there are no Red bugs in this sandwich. 😉

  12. Happen to have the hitler channel on this morning. nothing as to the holocaust… and now they have changed the history of hitler too..

    the episode is “dead mans secrets”

    they talk about being swept up in the horror of hitler… then say he was elected chancellor… but it was the next part that caught my ear.. i have it up, so i am directly quoting…

    “Socialists and other left-wingers that oppose his views are arrested and sent to concentration camps”

    so now, hitler isnt socialist
    he did not arrest socialists, he arrested communists…
    he did not send them to camps, as he was just elected and there were no camps.

    i shudder to think what else comes on this show.
    of course, no one will write to the hitler channel, nor will anyone fix it, and it will run more times than the others.

    want to know why we think hitler is like the american founders? its because stalins ideas dominate, and thats because of all the spies and operatives and paid people they have in their pocket in the US, which is why we ignore these people too in our discussions… ie. must not talk about how it really is… must help them have free reign while complaining about what they are doing… never ever expose their behaviors and contributions to the light. pretend they dont exist.

    want to know why the game is over and has been over for decades? for the SAME reason that calling mobs of blacks attacking whites teens and not describing them hides the perpetrators…

    in our disussions here, we pretty much help ide the perpetrators, and pretend whats going on is au natural.

    well, the quote above should be an eye opener…
    poor OWS people do not run the film industry, decide to put lies up over truth, etc… but its well known who has influecne, investments, etc.

    we ignore that more than 30% of facebook is russian owned and it was russia that invested in the dirtball and insures is success as its a direct line feed from people and their lives into the spy networks and information games of russia..

    Facebook Takes That $200 Million Investment From The Russians At A $10 Billion Valuation.

    Meet The Russians Who Hooked Up Facebook And Goldman Sachs

    Russians Spend Big for a Piece of Facebook

    Russians’ Large Stake in Facebook Grows Larger
    DST’s additional $50 million now raises it and its sister company’s combined investment in Facebook to more than $500 million. As a result of their earlier investments, they now own about 10 percent of the company, making the DST siblings among Facebook’s biggest owners.

  13. FDR mistress Daisy Suckley had a hard time growing up given that name… / Its almost impossible to not think of the endless digs one can make in every shape and form…

    On another note, another Holocaust is not necessary, feminism, abortion, higher education for women, putting off children till its too late, STDs causing infertility, failure to find acceptable partners, etc…

    They have been below replacement for a very long time now for the first time in history…

    what kids a lot have are a disenfranchised distracted disinterested youth in which many of them don’t observe, speak the language, and maybe even hate their heritage, completely supporting things that in the long run would not be good for them or others (but don’t seem bad if you don’t think they through or you ignore uncomfortable facts, or use different facts)

    In the year 2000, the overall birthrate for American Jewish women was 1.9, which is below the replacement rate of 2.1
    this is a 10% gap between permanent decline and replacement level.

    in a world of increasing population theirs is fading away without any effort other than ideological positions and goals that all lead to the same end and combine their tiny outcomes into one large one.

    Been trying to cover demographic endings for a while, but its one of those lets avoid discussion things, an ignorable fact supported by many small reasons, some of which are to protect the list of reasons above, making it hard to change them.


  14. The French have a certain talent for anarchy. They are even worse than Texans, for example, about flashing head lights to warn oncoming traffic about speed traps. It is a minor thing, of course, in comparison to their passive resistance to the deportation of their Jews. About half of French Jews survived the war. I have known a few of them, and their reports make the whole thing sound like a great game, which is in sharp contrast to the sufferings of German and Polish Jews. The ability to obtain false papers, the large swaths of the country that were mostly no-go zones for NAZI troops, such that they only entered certain Departments en masse, making it fairly easy for the Jews to hide in forests and mountains, all contributed to the survival of many French Jews. Even the deportation of all the Jews in Paris, intended to occur in one night, was only half successful, as word spread quickly, and the Jews hid out with neighbors. Sure, the NAZIs could search the neighbors’ apartments, but not all of them. Knowing what I know now, I have a greatly heightened respect for the French. Oh, yes, there were collaborators, I understand that. What is amazing is that, even before they knew the fate intended for these neighbors, and with fewer resources than the Danes, and hampered by a traitorous government, millions of quite ordinary French men and women, quietly saved their neighbors lives. It can never be said often enough: It is the quiet virtues, including courage, kindness, ingenuity, that matter. OTOH, It was, as we have said constantly, the quiet vice of voting for Obama, that brought us to these dire straits.

  15. Artfldgr:

    It is a given on the right that Russia continues to work around the globe to undermine us in a host of ways, and often does it secretly. I don’t think there’s anyone here who would argue otherwise, and it certainly has been discussed here. Romney said as much during his 2012 campaign and Obama mocked him for it; that has been discussed here as well as how wrong Obama was.

    As for the Hitler channel—which I don’t seem to get in my cable package—I find that the idea that Hitler was elected is some sort of ubiquitous lie (or error). That’s certainly an example of how history has been purposely distorted and/or the simplest and most basic things are no longer known, even recent events like that.

    As far as the camps and political prisoners go, Dachau was actually fairly early in the game, established in March of 1933:

    Heinrich Himmler, in his capacity as police president of Munich, officially described the camp as “the first concentration camp for political prisoners.” It was located on the grounds of an abandoned munitions factory near the northeastern part of the town of Dachau, about 10 miles northwest of Munich in southern Germany.

    During the first year, the camp held about 4,800 prisoners. Initially the internees consisted primarily of German Communists, Social Democrats, trade unionists, and other political opponents of the Nazi regime. Over time, other groups were also interned at Dachau, such as Jehovah’s Witnesses, Roma (Gypsies), homosexuals, as well as “asocials” and repeat criminal offenders. During the early years relatively few Jews were interned in Dachau and then usually because they belonged to one of the above groups or had completed prison sentences after being convicted for violating the Nuremberg Laws of 1935.

  16. Lest we all forget: Dachau started its existence as an SA establishment NOT an SS establishment.

    After Rohm and his (homosexual) crew were liquidated by the SS, Hitler put them in charge of Dachau.

    It’s THAT Dachau that we all think of: the one with barbed wire beds.

    Its new SS commandant was Theodor Eike.

    BTW, if you read the Wiki on Dachau and the players — it’s all fouled up! The SS didn’t get control of Dachau, AN SA FACILITY, until Rohm was dead. Wiki has dropped that detail into the memory hole and even re-worked the launch of the camp as being Himmler’s idea.

    Try Rohm’s idea, instead. There is no record of ANY idea having ever occurred in Himmler’s head. He was famously easy to sway — by the last person to talk to him. (Speer) His expertise was chicken coops, with a minor in astrology.

    (He probably could read chicken entrails, too.)

    When Dachau was launched — ALL of the guards were SA men — in SA uniforms.

    None of that changed until after the SA was DISBANDED with the death of Rohm.

    Then the SS was rapidly expanded by absorbing the ‘right’ kind of (former SA) troopers into their ranks. This was the moment that a lot of fat beer slobs were ejected from the marching ranks.

    As you might have guessed, the SS absorbed PLENTY of homosexuals from the SA.

    It amazed the British to discover — by disclosures from Hitler’s personal bodyguard detail at the Eagle’s Nest (one fellow) — that that ENTIRE detail was composed of homosexual men — on Adolf’s specific demand.

    He didn’t want his guard to engage in pillow talk with women — as it would soon turn to Adolf’s truly weird ‘sexuality’ with Eva Braun… As in there wasn’t any.

    Hitler had long reached stage IV syphilis — and was entirely dysfunctional below the belt, too.


    So the weird reality is that Adolf embraced both socialists, socialism and homosexuality. He didn’t tolerate criticism.

    Consequently, he was out for blood against Bolshevik Communists — and satirists — of whom no small number were out of the closet gays.

    If they’d only known — they would’ve had even MORE material to work with. (!)

    Eicke turned Dachau into the SS graduate school for torture, terror and feral behaviors. With inspection, you will find that every nasty player had been rotated through Dachau for some ‘duty’ there.

    And Eicke recruited directly from criminal prisons, too. He was explicitly looking for human demons to staff out his hell.

    Eicke also raised the 3rd SS division — the Death’s Head division — which notably went into battle wearing grey uniforms in 1940. It was this feral outfit that spawned one atrocity after another — where ever it served. When its officers were transferred to yet other SS divisions, they brought their feral tactics with them. Soon, all of the SS divisions became known for wickedly cruel battlefield brutalities.

    ( Hence the nic names: Blowtorch Battalion, etc. )

    To set the record straight: none of the super twisted antics at Dachau got rolling until Rohm was dispatched. Then his policy set was tossed into the trash can… Eicke was given free reign.

  17. Michael Adams Says:
    April 18th, 2015 at 12:04 pm

    millions of quite ordinary French men and women, quietly saved their neighbors lives…

    Yes. Finally acknowledged by Rabbi Gilles Bernheim, here:
    Mr. Bernheim told reporters. “But three-quarters of the Jewish community survived, thanks to the help of French families. (…) We must not forget brotherhood and heroism of all those French who helped Jews to survive “…

    Goes against the narrative … so rinse and repeat until blue in the face.

    I blame the voters, then and now ….

  18. G6loq, Michael Adams:

    About a quarter of the Jews of France were murdered in the Holocaust. That we think of that as a relatively small number is sad, given that it’s a big number, but it is indeed “small” compared to the toll in many other countries such as Poland. The Nazis treated different occupied countries differently, and the French were allowed a measure of autonomy that the Poles were not. The Poles were treated with extreme brutality, and almost all the Jews of Poland died as well, and Polish defenders and hiders of Jews were treated far more brutally in Poland than in France.

    That said, many French acted to save their Jews—and although the Germans were more willing to be patient in France than in Poland (which had FAR more Jews to begin with), the Germans did not expect to be patient forever. Note that I wrote “their Jews,” because there was a difference among Jews in France in the way different groups were treated:

    The arrests of Jews in France begun from 1940 for individuals, and general round ups begun in 1941. The first raid (rafle) took place on 14 May 1941. The Jews arrested, all men and foreigners, were interned in the first transit campas at Pithiviers and Beaune-la-Rolande in the Loiret (3,747 men). The second round-up, between 20—1 August 1941, led to the arrest of 4,232 French and foreign Jews who were taken to Drancy internment camp

    The majority of the French Jews who died were refugees from other places who had taken shelter there and were relatively newly arrived in France. French citizen Jews, who for the most part were considered Frenchmen, were more protected, although not entirely so.

    More here:

    During the interwar period, France was one of the more liberal countries in welcoming Jewish immigrants, many of them from eastern Europe…

    In the 1930s, however, unnerved by a significant influx of refugees fleeing Nazi Germany and the Spanish Civil War, the leaders of the French Third Republic (1870-1940) began to reassess this “open-door” policy. By 1939 French authorities had imposed strict limitations on immigration and set up a number of internment and detention camps for refugees, such as Gurs and Rivesaltes, in southern France.

    The Vichy government cooperated in persecuting all the Jews of France, including the ones who were French citizens:

    In March 1941, the Vichy government created a central agency, the General Commissariat for Jewish Affairs (Commissariat Général aux Questions Juives), to coordinate anti-Jewish legislation and policy. Anxious to ensure that material goods and assets confiscated from the Jewish population did not fall into German hands, the Laval government, in July 1941, instituted an extensive program of “Aryanization,” appropriating Jewish-owned property for the French state. Aryanization left most Jews in France destitute, affecting foreign Jews particularly severely. French authorities interned thousands of Jews under deplorable conditions in French-administered detention camps–Gurs, Saint-Cyprien, Rivesaltes, Le Vernet, and Les Milles–where at least 3,000 individuals died during the war years…

    By the autumn of 1942, some 42,000 Jews had passed through the Drancy transit camp on the outskirts of Paris. Nearly one third of these individuals came from unoccupied France. A significant percentage of these victims were foreign or stateless Jews, sacrificed by the Vichy government in a vain attempt to spare France’s indigenous Jewish population.

    Here’s where the civilian (and church) protests came in:

    Deportations of Jews from France in the summer and fall of 1942 spurred significant protest within the Catholic Church, a mainstay of the Petain regime, and among the general population. The brutal nature of the roundups, such as the razzia and incarceration in the Velodrome d’Hiver, stirred public anger. The initial decision to separate children from their families during the deportation process met with particular criticism.

    The calculated strategy of the Vichy administration to collaborate with German deportation efforts in order to gain more independence for unoccupied France had failed. The Petain government’s willingness to surrender foreign Jews in hopes of shielding French Jewish nationals had increasingly obligated Vichy officials to fill all deportation quotas demanded by German authorities, who did not concern themselves with the niceties of nationality and citizenship.

    Interestingly, it was the Italians, who of course were allies of the Germans, who were extremely important in saving many of the Jews of France, at least for a while:

    In November 1942, German troops occupied Vichy’s formerly “free zone.” As German allies, Italian forces had occupied the southeastern corner of France in 1940. As elsewhere in territories they controlled, Italian authorities refused to enforce antisemitic legislation seriously, or to hand over Jews to Germans officials, despite repeated German demands. Thousands of Jews sought and received protection in the Italian zone until its occupation by German forces with Italy’s surrender in September 1943.

    In the end, of the Jews of France who died, a third were French citizens and two-thirds were not:

    As deportations resumed in 1943, German administrators noted that French police seemed less committed to rounding up indigenous Jews, while Laval himself refused to strip French Jews of their citizenship to facilitate deportation. Thanks to the obstruction of French officials, the vast majority of Jews with French citizenship survived the Holocaust.

    Yet the cost paid in lives was still enormous. Historian Michael Marrus has noted that although the “’Final Solution’ in France was a Nazi project from beginning to end,” it is unlikely that German authorities would have been successful in deporting such a large number of Jews from France without the aid and cooperation of French police and administrators.

    A mixed record.

  19. Holocaust Remembrance Day – just go do a youtube search and be amazed at all the videos that have been uploaded showing how traffic – both pedestrian and cars, even on the highways – come to a complete stop for two minutes while a eerie siren covers the whole of Israel.

    Yes, Netanyahu is right in saying that Israel MUST prevent another holocaust because this time there is the possibility of it being nuclear which means it might very be the last one – for us all.

  20. Neo
    Very good. You put this together quick!

    Yes, non citizen were preferentially turned in.
    People were tucked in everywhere south of the occupation line. There were many Le Chambon in one form or another.
    Children were comparatively easier to hide, so they were oftentimes by themselves.

    Food was a big problem. Those giving shelter had to pool their ration tickets. That was hard, specially for security reasons.
    Denunciations were rife. There are horror stories.
    So I was told.

    It took a long time for the French social fabric to come back together over WWII. Until about 1975 I reckon, when I then witnessed some end to the shunning.
    I recall a fist fight around 1972!

    With the modern publishing/printing capabilities more local history is revealed. This book for an example.

    Never thought about the Italians in all this. Nobody ever talked about them except for some of their planes participating in the strafing of refugees on the roads.

    The blood bath finally ended. Europe become a huge brothel for a few years and then … they all went back to their old voting patterns.
    Including Leon Blum who somehow survived the war ….

    WWII was a Socialist civil war ….

  21. G6loq…

    It was a religious war — but without Faith.

    Folks, this is what happens when the First Commandment is grossly violated.

    Which see the White House right now.

    OfA is the acronym with the duality:

    Obama fxxx America.

    This is the boy that gives the finger from the podium, is it not?

  22. MyPointNeroIsNotThatWeKnowRussiaDoesThings
    WeLeaveThemOut… BarelyAcknowledging

    And HitlerWasElected
    ItWasTheLadiesThatElectedHomeAsThereWere ManyMoreOfThemThanksToTheWarThatCreatedHitler



  23. sorry bout that, the phone does that when i post. i am at a desk now…

    all one has to do is see the DEMOGRAPHICS…
    hitler was elected (chancelor)…
    if he was elected dog catcher, he could never rule

    as far as women voting for him, just compare the demographic population pre WWI, to post WWI…
    in some cities, the ratio was extreme

    of course… we dont know this as leftists have hitler as right…and feminists deny womens roles in that… but note… whn your not the one getting killed, its easy to vote the fate of another.

    OBVIOUSLY you have not bothered to read the speeches given at the time. they were not directed to men, they were directed to women!!!

    German women, German men !

    It is a happy accident that my first speech since taking charge of the Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda is to German women.

    Although I agree with Treitschke that men make history, I do not forget that women raise boys to manhood. You know that the National Socialist movement is the only party that keeps women out of daily politics.

    This arouses bitter criticism and hostility, all of it very unjustified. We have kept women out of the parliamentary-democratic intrigues of the past fourteen years in Germany not because we do not respect them, but because we respect them too much.

    We do not see the woman as inferior, but rather as having a different mission, a different value, than that of the man.

    Therefore we believed that the German woman, who more than any other in the world is a woman in the best sense of the word, should use her strength and abilities in other areas than the man.

    read the speeches..
    when i posted the populations rather than the percentages you cut them out… censored them… (for other reasons naturally)

    here is some more exerpts from geoebbles speech

    The feminization of men always leads to the masculinization of women. An age in which all great idea of virtue, of steadfastness, of hardness, and determination have been forgotten should not be surprised that the man gradually loses his leading role in life and politics and government to the woman


    A characteristic of the modern era is a rapidly declining birthrate in our big cities. In 1900, two million babies were born in Germany. Now the number has fallen to one million. This drastic decline is most evident in the nation’s capital. In the last fourteen years, Berlin’s birthrate has become the lowest of any European city. By 1955, without emigration, it will have only about three million inhabitants


    The main purpose of the exhibition “The Woman” is not only to show the way things are, but to make proposals for improvement. It aims to show new ways and new opportunities. Clear and often drastic examples will give thousands of German women reason to think and consider. It is particularly pleasing to us men in the new government that families with many children are given particular attention, since we want to rescue the nation from decline


    read the speeches… politicians spent a lot of time on the people who could influence outcomes.

    see the british white feathers, who shamed young men to go die

  24. Artfldgr:

    Hitler was not elected. Only approximately a third of the German people voted for him, and at the time of his appointment as Chancellor, the Nazis were actually on the downswing as a party.

    See this for details of the demographics of how the vote went:

    …[E]ven at the peak of the NSDAP’s popularity before this moment, almost 63 per cent of the German electorate did not vote for the Nazis. What is more, in November 1932, the Nazi Party actually lost 2 million votes. This means that Hitler was not directly voted in to power; for in the Weimar system of absolute proportional representation, 37 per cent of the vote in July 1932 gave the Nazis nothing like a majority in the Reichstag.

    Only a third in free elections. After that, of course, the elections were not free, nor were the people.

    More on the demographics of the Nazis’ support:

    Although Hitler’s political career began in Munich, in the elections of 1928 to November 1932 the NSDAP won a higher share of the vote in Protestant than in Catholic Germany. In the Catholic Rhineland and Bavaria (apart from Protestant Franconia) it polled disproportionately badly. In fact in July 1932 the Nazi share of the vote was almost twice as high in Protestant as in Catholic areas…

    There can be no doubt that the NSDAP recruited across a broad social spectrum. However, its support was not random. We have already noted the over-representation of Protestants, rural areas and small provincial towns, as well as of the Mittelstand, in Nazi support and there was a similar structure to the movement’s working-class constituency. The working class, however, was under-represented in the Nazi ranks when compared to the German population as a whole.

    The working-class presence among those who voted for Hitler can be made to correlate positively with the proportion of working classes in the electorate as a whole only when foremen, daily helps, workers in domestic industry and, significantly, agricultural labourers are included in the definition of working class. When rural labourers (who inhabited a world quite different to that of the city dweller and factory employee, often paid in kind or subject to landlord pressure) are removed from the equation, a slight negative correlation arises between Nazi support and working-class presence. And if workers in craft (as distinct from factory) sectors are also removed from the equation, the correlation becomes even more negative. It is negative, too, in the large cities where, the closer we look at the factory working class, the lower the percentage support for the NSDAP becomes.

    Furthermore, only 13 per cent of the unemployed — who comprised some 30 per cent of the manual working class in the middle of 1932 and who were over whelmingly concentrated in the big cities and in large-scale manufacture — supported the National Socialists.

    What about gender differences? It’s an interesting story, actually:

    The relative unattractiveness of the Left to female voters was compensated by a propensity to support those parties close to the churches, such as the nationalist DNVP in the case of Protestants and, to a much greater extent, the Centre Party or BVP in the case of Catholics. In Cologne-Aachen in 1930, 18.9 per cent of male and 33.1 per cent of females voted for the Centre Party. In Augsburg in the same year, 24.8 per cent of men and 39 per cent of women gave their support to the BVP. Desertions from the Catholic camp to the KPD and the NSDAP in the Depression were almost exclusively male.

    Until 1930 women remained unlikely to vote for the Nazi Party. Moreover, in the presidential election of 1932 a clear majority of women preferred Hindenburg to Hitler. However, the early 1930s did see a narrowing of the gap between male and female voting patterns, especially in Protestant areas. Indeed, in some of these by July 1932 the NSDAP was winning a higher percentage of the female to male vote. In that month some 6.5 million women voted Nazi, many of them probably with few or no previous political ties. Where they came from the working class, they were likely to be non-unionised textile operatives or domestic workers.

    In other words, although a higher percentage of women than men voted for Nazis, it was more because fewer women voted for the left (and fewer voted in general) than that there was such big support for Nazis among women. In fact, at no point did the majority of women (or, of course, men) favor the Nazis.

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