Hillary must have figured…
…it worked so well for Lois Lerner, it will work for me.
And perhaps it will. Seems to me, though that it’s a potential felony:
While it is not clear precisely when Secretary Clinton decided to permanently delete all emails from her server, it appears she made the decision after October 28, 2014, when the Department of State for the first time asked the Secretary to return her public record to the Department,” Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), chairman of the Select Committee on Benghazi, said in a statement.
Clinton was under a subpoena order from the panel for all documents related to the 2012 attacks on the American compound there. But David Kendall, an attorney for Clinton, said the 900 pages of emails previously provided to the panel cover its request.
Does the accused get to decide what is evidence and what is not, and can he/she destroy what hasn’t been turned over? Sounds a bit—let’s just say, irregular—to me.
As for getting hold of the server:
In a letter provided to the committee, Kendall said Clinton would not be turning over the server to a third-party for review and that the emails no longer exist on the private server located in her New York home.
“There is no basis to support the proposed third-party review of the server that hosted the hdr22@clintonemail.com account,” Kendall wrote. “To avoid prolonging a discussion that would be academic, I have confirmed with the secretary’s IT support that no emails”¦..for the time period January 21, 2009 through February 1, 2013 reside on the server or on any back-up systems associated with the server.”
So of course, we need to take their word for it that there’s no possible way to recover them, and so there’s nothing there to see, move along. The funny thing (and I don’t mean “funny ha-ha”) is that most of the liberals/left will probably support this idea.
Take a look, for example, at the comments to the HuffPo article on the subject. Variations on the theme that I noted on a very quick perusal of the ones towards the top of the list: mockery of the GOP for caring, mockery of Trey Gowdy as a liar, saying Rice and Powell did it, too (used only a private server, and destroyed all emails after a subpoena??), saying the GOP is afraid of Hillary because she’ll win in 2016, and that they’re being especially hard on her because she’s a woman.
I think the saddest and most telling exchange is when one more reasonable commenter tentatively writes, “I agree Benghazi is a sham. But it’s hard to ignore the questions around this, if what he [Gowdy] says is even true.”
The response from the next commenter is, “it is NOT hard to ignore! You simply, well, ignore it.”
O’Brien explained how to do it to Winston Smith. It’s wasn’t easy at first, but Winston learned; he learned.
There is no legal remedy as long as there is a Dem AG and HDR knows it. That fact, along with the complicity of the Press, means the only remedy is a political one. Hillary Clinton must be defeated. HCMBD.
But here’s the thing. When Israel leaks all the hacked emails to Woodward at WaPo, she can’t pull out the server and say they are false. The emails were all deleted!
Hillary is screwed.
Does the accused get to decide what is evidence and what is not, and can he/she destroy what hasn’t been turned over? Sounds a bit–let’s just say, irregular–to me.
In this I believe you will find the concurrence of no less an authority than James Madison:
The legal principle that Obama, Clinton et al repeatedly violate is not a mere statute, nor even the Constitution, but the Magna Carta.
History provides a grim warning.
We can only hope for history’s even grimmer consequence.
“it is NOT hard to ignore! You simply, well, ignore it.”
So says half the American public, increasing the likelihood of eventual violent confrontation.
“There is no legal remedy as long as there is a Dem AG and HDR knows it.”
Absolutely true.
“But here’s the thing. When Israel leaks all the hacked emails to Woodward at WaPo…”
Whether WaPo would publish any emails detrimental to Hillary will depend upon whether they support the Clintonians or the Obamainians…
But isn’t the point that the Left does not accept the authority of Madison or any of the founders, the meme being that they were all racist whites. That this is a factual falsehood is irrelevant, the end justifying whatever means are necessary to power.
The Left’s willingness to violate any principle, legal or moral, ensures that violence lies ahead. If they cannot achieve a decisive dominance through chicanery, lies and criminality, they will resort to force.
If against all knowledge of human nature the left presumes the infantile thought that somehow their clever machinations will finally result in a tyranny which will outlast their pathetic lives, then yes, possibly that may be their point. Others will of course take a different view, which is Madison’s point.
Britain. Some “legitimate” news outlet will published the hacked emails because they will be so explosive and controversial. I guess that the receipient of the leak will be Woodward because he is a respected DC insider and this will be the bookend to his career. Nixon to Clinton.
A CBS News poll conducted March 21-24, found that “26 percent of Americans now have a favorable view of Hillary Clinton, while 37 percent view her unfavorably; another third are undecided or don’t have an opinion of her. As Clinton weighs a presidential bid, her favorable views are 12 points lower than they were in the fall of 2013, just months after leaving her position as secretary of state. Her unfavorable views have ticked up slightly, but the percentage that is undecided about her has risen eight points.”
Maybe a slight ray of hope that more folks are paying attention and waking up?
It does seem like America is in the grip nowadays of a Cold War between two irreconcilable factions with little crossover of members on either side.
Neo neo-con has changed sides, probably irrevocably, as I have (in the same direction) as well.
“The Left’s willingness to violate any principle, legal or moral, ensures that violence lies ahead. If they cannot achieve a decisive dominance through chicanery, lies and criminality, they will resort to force.”
Let’s get on with it. Time’s awasting.
The Left isn’t just imagining it, they’re doing it and… succeeding. The election and reelection of Obama coupled with a refusal to hold him accountable for numerous ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’ proves them to be succeeding. He is doing irreparable harm to America and half of Americans do-not-care. “it is NOT hard to ignore! You simply, well, ignore it.”
Yes, if the Israeli’s have highly incriminating emails and release them to multiple outlets (especially conservative media outlets) it would greatly increase the likelihood of publication.
As for Woodward, he has in the past mildly criticized Obama. However, I can’t recall if he’s ever criticized Hillary in the past. Placing a ‘bookend’ upon his career is a plausible temptation but I have no insights into his potential susceptibility to such a temptation. He’d probably push to publish, if he thought it certain that someone else would publish, if he did not. The WaPo editors (owner) however would be the prime determinant of publication. I haven’t yet seen from the WaPo (may have missed it) the willingness to trash Hillary that the NYT has recently exhibited.
Tyranny tends not to be lasting, Mr. Britain. Yes they come to be, but briefly, is the point. Why is this?
“Let’s get on with it. Time’s awasting.” Don Carlos
Patience young Padawan, patience.
In any armed conflict between the Right and Left in America, the US Military will determine the outcome. In order for the military to side with the right, they must have clear, unequivocal certainty and evidence that the Left is attempting a coup.
Obama is the ‘lawfully’ elected President and if the right rises up without undeniable proof of a treasonous attempt to impose a coup, the military will be forced to support the lawfully elected federal government.
There’s no doubt that if America continues upon its current course, eventually the Left will seek to violently impose a tyranny that even the LIVs cannot deny. They will do so because they are constitutionally incapable of doing otherwise, as power is all and ideological fanaticism its justification. That will then be the time for armed conflict because the LIV’s blinders will finally fall away and the Left’s true nature be undeniable.
As for the military, their oaths are to the Constitution and only 15% of the mlitary support Obama and the Left. When the rubber meets the road, it’s the colonels and NCOs that run the military not the Pentagon paper pushers.
Tyranny is relatively brief because most people do not wish to control the lives of others. In America today, approx. 9% on the Left desire to do so, while the other 42% have been duped into believing that support for a leftist agenda will lead to a better world. Since that 9% have used lies and half-truths to indoctrinate that 42%, it is not in the long run sustainable.
There are 300 MILLION guns in this country and the great majority of those guns lie in the hands of conservatives, not liberals. The majority of the US Military is conservative in composition. These factors along with fact, logic and reason reside on the right.
Perhaps the definitive factor is that most of the 42% of Americans who voted for Obama still believe in the founding principles of this nation and are voting as they do because they have been lied to in a monstrous campaign of deceit, which cannot remain hidden forever.
So while the Left may initially succeed in imposing tyranny, it cannot be sustained. In the long run, the question isn’t whether the Left can permanently win, for it cannot, rather the question that history shall answer is how much damage will it do before being defeated.
It may be simpler to say that tyranny does not last because it harms people, lots of people, than to say that some benign wish not to control other’s lives is the cause.
And what have we noticed? Why that many harms are in process or are on their way.
So. Will the tyrannical principle that Hillary Clinton presumes to herself, that she be the judge in her own case, be upheld by lots of people in the days to come? This looks very doubtful, wouldn’t you say?
It’s certainly true that tyrannies harm more people and thus engender resistance, nevertheless the desire to control others lies at the heart of tyranny and, that those desiring control are always in the minority.
The harm is concealed, many imagine that they can exchange security for liberty without a meaningful cost to them.
“Will the tyrannical principle that Hillary Clinton presumes to herself, that she be the judge in her own case, be upheld by lots of people in the days to come?”
She doesn’t need “lots of people”, leftists approve “just ignore it” and LIVs are in the dark without a clue, all she needs is for Obama to hold back his guard dog Holder, or Holder’s AG replacement, Lynch.
Where her political survival is problematic depends upon whether enough further evidence is revealed sufficient for Obama to safely throw her under the bus.
I do not think anyone here has mentioned this, but it seems pertinent: What do you think happened at the hour-long White House meeting Hillary and Obama had on Monday afternoon, March 23?
I am thinking it had to do with more than just catching up on old times. They do not like each other well enough to care about anything like that.
I would not be surprised, at this point, to see her potential candidacy brought to an early end. This whole thing goes way beyond paralleling Lois Lerner. I’m thinking David Petraeus.
The harm is concealed . . .
The contest may resolve on the question whether the harms currently downpouring (as well as in train) become evident to those of even the meanest capacities, or no?
At this juncture it appears to be unwise to wager on behalf of harms remaining hidden, I think. Rather, such harms now begin to appear to be cascading thick and fast, as well as on a steadily increasing schedule. Otherwise, why on earth would the political left be quickening the pace at which they attempt to escape the orbit of our great PresidentIVotePresentAndWonPenPhone? Something is up, and it ain’t ClownDisaster’s favor, nor that of the political left in general. Nope, it looks rather more like the left has bet poorly already, and will be scrambling to escape their mistakes. Like, for instance, Hillary. Chickens, the RevManWright said, coming home to roost.
I haven’t anymore of a clue than you but you’re right, it’s for certain that they weren’t discussing the weather. My guess (and its only a guess) would be a signed formal agreement with both of them agreeing to support whomever wins the 2016 nomination. Thus if Hillary wins, Obama agrees to fully support her but if she loses, she agrees to support Warren or whomever does win.
If something like that actually happened, then I think Obama got the better deal because I’m fairly convinced that Obama is going to do whatever he can to derail her candidacy. I doubt that Obama would ever have agreed to such an agreement, if he didn’t think that he’s got a much better than even chance of bringing her down.
While she’s betting that he won’t be able to derail her and with a signed formal agreement, he’ll be forced to make good on the deal.
“The contest may resolve on the question whether the harms currently downpouring (as well as in train) become evident to those of even the meanest capacities, or no?”
Perhaps but those harms didn’t stop Obama from winning in 2012. What evidence is there that the ‘harms’ will dissuade Obama now?
“Rather, such harms now begin to appear to be cascading thick and fast, as well as on a steadily increasing schedule.”
In the eyes of the right, sure but since his approval rating is just about @ 50%, half the public is ignoring those cascading ‘harms’… and he could care less about the other half.
“Otherwise, why on earth would the political left be quickening the pace at which they attempt to escape the orbit of our great PresidentIVotePresentAndWonPenPhone?”
No doubt that at least on Iran, the democrats are uneasy but what can they really do? Absent impeachment, there’s no viable threat they can advance that would affect Obama and they are NOT going to impeach him absent the most extreme circumstances. Perhaps, maybe, it’s remotely possible that if Iran nuked an American city and Obama refused to retaliate, they might, possibly decide that they had no other choice but to vote to impeach him.
So the democrats are putting pressure on him now while he’s a bit vulnerable to pressure (they want political cover) but once its a done deal, I suspect they’ll drop their opposition like a hot potato.
Dissuading ClownDisaster is not the question. He won’t be, come what may. The question is whether sufficient support exists for his successor(s).
One early indication is simply to look to the results of the 2014 elections nationwide, which is to say in localities and states, as well as on the Federal level. No boon to Democrats there, to be sure.
What harms? Hmmm, let’s think what the jilted black community thinks about the success of ClownDisaster’s race politics, how about? How are things going in Ferguson these days? Or in Chicago? NY? Are we hearing voices the like of Stephen A. Smith advocating openly what once was practically impossible for prominent black men?
Or to turn to the youth vote, how are things going with the over-burdened college debt strapped jobless or underemployed youth? Not so fine, are they?
And what of the trade-unionists of yore, the blue-collar unionists as opposed to the SEIU types (and even the so-called public sector unions are witnessing losses they have not before)? Seeing growth in industry and dues rolls? Not so much.
What about the judicial front as regards that legend of law-writing, the ACA? Is its ass hanging out there in the wind fit to be annihilated by a potential 5-4 majority in a decision on King v. Burwell? Oooh, possibly not looking so robust, is it?
This list of domestic horrors might be lengthened, were one inclined to trouble, even before one would take up the relatively more remote foreign policy disasters on the way, to say nothing of the potential destruction of benign regard for the administration should some unknown and unexpected terror attack befall the nation right at home.
So, I believe we can sense a shift in the prevailing winds, as I believe the Democrat politicians already have done.
What they’re for might be fuzzy. But what they’re against is very clear to them.
A vote can be cast for any reason or none at all. It need not be cast for anything. A vote can just as well be cast against something.
Hillary is winning because we’re discussing what she’s recently done with private email server instead of what potential crime(s) it facilitated while she was still SoS.
Based on the subset of emails between Sid Blumenthal and Hillary retrieved by the hacker “Guccifer” in 2013, it looks like she was running an off-the-books intelligence operation with former CIA officer, and via Blumenthal, even discussed contracting with a retired Army special operations commander to put operatives on the ground near the Libya-Tunisia border back in 2011. This goes far beyond keeping communications out of view of Congress and FOIAs and into shadow government operations.
Think she was doing this for other hot spots around the world? Think she was doing this with or without Obama’s knowledge and/or direction – or someone else’s?
We’ll likely never know now, because with the records erased it can just be shrugged off as crazy speculation by a vast right-wing conspiracy.
HRC had MILITARIZED the State Department.
That’s what we’re looking at… the whole elephant.
HRC and Ayatollah Soetoro were back into black ops — using the State Department as diplomatic cover.
That’s what the weapons smuggling was all about.
It’s what’s gone wrong with ISIS — Lest we forget — MOST of the key muscle within ISIS was trained in the Jordanian desert with CIA funding — with the intention of over-throwing Assad.
Then the ‘new crew’ went ROGUE and turned right instead of left.
Using American night vision gear, American com gear, ISIS swept through the Iraqi western wastes, almost certainly riding the communications grid (American built) into Mosul… spoofing when and where necessary.
THAT’S the reason why ISIS was so astoundingly successful in Iraq — but not Syria. Syria’s communications system — in the east — consisted of camel riders. Cell phones are so 21st Century, you know?
ISIS simply went for the easy pickings.
It never occurred to the brainiacs ‘running’ the show that el Baghdadi would recruit/ turn ALL of their newly fledged ‘freedom fighters’ with the Koran as his tool.
Have you just noticed? The MSM no longer has much to say about the Free Syrian Army.
Because it never existed in the first place. It was ‘stood up’ as a propaganda image (Wizard of Oz style) for the WESTERN PRESS.
No Syrian EVER joined up with the so-called FSA. They all joined up to create scratch units — centered on personal connections — and the ethos of the Koran. These were, and are, the two universals in that patch.
Thomas Jefferson — they never heard of the man.
Islam is the Un-enlightenment.
Well Geoffrey, I have a very hard time thinking their meeting was just to sign a sort of “I’ll be nice if you’ll be nice” agreement.
Blert, I remember that, and I also remember that under Hillary, the State Dept. “lost” $6 billion, though that story disappeared from the news quickly. These email revelations may explain how the “lost” $6 billion was spent.
Hillary is laughing at us. She will not be touched. What we have is tyranny. Doesn’t matter if few realize it. Hillary’s escapades are just Kabuki theater to distract from the real tyranny being continually adjusted. What a tyrant wants is compliance. There is no reason to use the whip if compliance comes without it. This is where we are. This is the path we have been on for decades.
What happened? And what can we do?
First let’s look at those who oppose us and support Hillary.
The supporters of Hillary, the left, are living in their own little bubble. They have been fed lies about those who oppose them. They are told that those who oppose them are evil. They believe because every one around them believes and ‘knows’ the same thing. And these are just the ones who are deceived. These are the useful idiots. We must pop their bubble.
There are others.
Another group are the ones who know perfectly well what is going on but have found it to their advantage to go along. These run the gamut from Ebt card scammers to corporate welfare recipients. They know they are ripping off the taxpayer but life is good. So who cares?
And then there are the hardcore leftists who simply hate America and want to see it no longer exist as the last, best hope of mankind. They are simply traitors.
We have to marginalize these groups and it starts with changing the thinking of the useful idiots.
There are two things that must be done first to break the bubble and begin the long road back to the America we thought we once had.
Education is one. You are going to have to teach people what it means to be an American. The Constitution, limited government, individual responsibility, free markets, etc. Underlying these concepts is the question — are we still a moral people capable of self-government? Because if we are not, the experiment that is America may be done woth for a long time.
The second item is getting the media to tell the truth. We have some of the blogosphere. We need more. But we also need television and the old line news media like the NY Times. These are the organs of influence. These tell the useful idiots what to think.
We need to recognize a basic truth. The hard left captured the seat of government in 1932. They got their hooks in then. What has been going on since is a fundamental transformation of the people by hook or crook to make them ready for dictatorship. And now we are there. The fundamental transformation happened while we slept. Obama is just announcing it for all to hear.
I’m sure that some here have read what I posted here before. It is excellent and artful writing. These ideas were destroyed by the FDR revolution. It is called “The People’s Pottage” and comsists of three long essays:
The Revolution Was [1938]
Ex America [1951]
The Rise of Empire [1951]
You will rediscover an America you may never have known. The author is old right, the isolationist antiwar right. Of course we came to a turning point which was WWII and the inevitability of our entry into it. He just foresees the problems ahead. Perhaps there was nothing we could do then. Perhaps there is nothing we can do today. But be sure. We have no chance of doing anything unless we uncloud our eyes and unmuddle our thinking.
Garet Garrett’s “A People’s Pottage”:
Read the forward. Beautifully written. Then ask yourself: why have I never heard of this author or his writing. The answer is this is what was destroyed in the fundamental transformation that has been on going since 1932. What else did we lose?
Now read the essays. They are long and it takes work. But this is part of the “secret knowledge” required to take back the republic. You can jump into these essays anywhere in the text. It will give you a little taste and perhaps whet your appetite for more. You do not have to agree with the author’s interpretation to get somethiing out of these. They are descriptive of history as the author sees it. We are so used to leftists writing the history, we may be very surprised by an interpretation from the old right.
I know there are many of us who expect the phoenix of America to arise out of the ashes left by an economic collapse. I believe you are deceived. First off, paraphrasing Adam Smith “There is a lot of ruin in a nation” and this is more true for the wealthiest nation that ever existed. Is the left concerned about the economic decline so far? No. They just lie about it and suck more of the citizenry dry. It took the Soviet Union 70 years to collapse. Nope. Economic collapse is not in the cards for the wealthiest nation on earth.
The road back requires hard work, time and money. It will take a long time. Will we get there? We wil never know unless we try. So, we first create the will to fight thru education and the media. And we had better open our eyes and get to work. “The People’s Pottage” essays are a good step in that direction.
The concluding paragraphs of Ex America:
“By a long lure of planned grass a society of bison may be decoyed to captivity in the Valley of Security.
In moments of uneasiness its bulls may be soothed by the voices of the herders saying: “You are free at any time to go back to the plains. Remember the grass there? It was poor and many of you were hungry.”
There is no going back, because, first, these gentle herders are rough with the few who try to start a stampede, and secondly, tame grass is sweet poison. From the eating of it the way of life on the plains is soon forgotten. To many whose stomachs were never so full before, even the memory of it is harrowing. If one asks, “But will the herders always be good to us?” another answers, “Nature was sometimes cruel.””
Some people are quite happy with the way things are. There is something to be said for “free stuff” until it becomes unsustainable to provide for you. But will that bother the others? Will the others even know? We have yet to hear much about people victimized by Obanacare. Why? Out of site, out of mind provided to you by the media? Or we got more important stuff to cover like Hillary’s hard drive.
Court Fool: “The road back requires hard work, time and money. It will take a long time. Will we get there? We wil never know unless we try. So, we first create the will to fight thru education and the media.”
This is so obvious to all of us that I’m surprised you are even talking about it. What is not at all obvious is the actual steps to accomplish the goal.
I have no idea how to handle the media, but I’ve worked in academia for over 30 years. I believe in being realistic, so I will tell you bluntly that it’s a lost cause. Almost EVERY academic department is now filled with radical leftists. The exceptions are the physical sciences, engineering and business; biology is firmly in their control now. And even those exceptions are showing signs of succumbing. Do you think that for even one minute that such faculty would hire someone with a different viewpoint?? Further, as they are now 90% in charge of the graduate programs, that insures all new PhD’s conform to the ideology.
I am one of about 3 actual conservative faculty at my school of 160 faculty. There are also about 20 what I call “classic liberals”, that is they are traditional Democrats, but fully understand reason, logic, and the academic freedom…and could always be counted on to support those ideals. They are all over 60 and are retiring; the younger faculty are rabidly radicals.
My own school is in the process of revising its GE and with the radicals in charge you can imagine what it is shaping up to be. My own department is under attack for being racist and misogynistic for teaching actual physics and not the history of why minorities and women have been excluded from physics. The other sciences the same…the radicals want sociology of the science taught as the science itself is racist/sexist.
With such a gutted curriculum, the only way its going to change is with a collapse. Antioch College is an example, but almost all schools are heading down the Antioch path. Once the public figures out what a waste such an education is they stop sending their kids to such a school as is what happened with Antioch. However, this presupposes that in the near future the public actually cares about such and has not already been dumb down to the acceptance point by the education system.
It is truly a bleak situation.
betsy @ 5:54 – – wow, wow, wow.
Or, !!!!!!!!!!!.
That makes so much sense. We shall see if Hillary was given the Bad News (recalling that blackmail is very much a Leftist go-to tactic).
But if it is true, think of the implications, not merely of how BO regards Hillary, but also why (far more than personalities), and as a reflection on BO’s intentions for this country.
Court Fool & physicsguy,
I believe that there are ways to ‘democratize’ both the media and academia.
America’s mass media is controlled and owned by just six publicly held media conglomerates. Since they are publicly held, stock in these conglomerates can be purchased and thus a controlling interest can be gained. Control who sits on the Board of these conglomerates and you control management. Control management and you control the editorial board. Control the editors and you control both editorial opinion and the columnists offered…
Of course, another means to combat the media propaganda of the left is by offering alternative sources of news media. Fox, Drudge, Breitbart, PJMedia and hundreds of blogs like neo’s provide an alternative source of news and opinion.
These have proven however to be inadequate to our needs in one important aspect.
We need to reach beyond the choir and reach the duped LIVs and liberally inclined “useful idiots” who get their ‘news’ and thus their views from those six conglomerates, which is why we need to gain control of those propaganda outlets. This is a critical audience because it is they who provide the Left with the votes that enable their agenda.
Turning those conglomerates from propaganda organs of the Left into providers of objective, comprehensive news and viewpoints is thus critical to reaching the LIVs.
I agree with physicsguy that the traditional outlets of academia are well beyond reform. The way to eviscerate them is to create and offer credible alternatives.
A low cost college environment, absolutely critical to compete, utilizing online education offering degreed certification, along with degreed TA’s conducting classroom discussions is, I believe the answer to the obstructionism of the current radical faculty at nearly every college and university in America. The yearly tuition of college and university attendance is so far past affordability that it has become obscene. It is the astronomic salaries of administrators, tenured ‘professors’ who don’t teach, ridiculously expensive books and a bloated curriculum filled with useless, politically correct indoctrination that is primarily responsible for the obscene cost of ‘higher’ education today.
Eliminate the high cost of education, offer a real education and within a generation, new students will increasingly abandon the current crop of ‘educational’ institutions.
I had more of a Hitler-Stalin pact in mind. If Hillary announces that she will not run nor accept the nomination if nominated, then I’ll believe that Obama has something on her so damaging that she would give up her lifelong ambition.
Academia and the media as we have known them are dead. They are both subsisting on diminishing fumes and fading echos of their former selves. They don’t seem to know it themselves, even though the evidence is all around them. They’re sort of like the Bruce Willis character in The Sixth Sense.
G Jourbet:
No, they’re not the least bit dead. Dead institutions don’t have the kind of influence they have. Academia greatly—greatly—influences the thinking of each new generation. It is absolutely vital to the left’s present success. The MSM has a huge influence, as well. Don’t think—because you might rely more on blogs or other sources of information—that it doesn’t. Yes, the media has lost trust over the past few decades, but it still is read by many many people who trust it.
physicsguy @ 29th, 2015 at 8:36 am
I’m sorry to hear that the SJW are invading your department. There are various ways of fighting this. A head-on assault, pointing out that women have been second class citizens or worse in every society, no matter how disconnected they are from each other in space or time, and that they should be thankful for living in a rich capitalist Western country where they’re treated with respect, won’t work. They’ll just scream at you and force you to attend re-education camp.
A better approach would be indirect using the observation that if women ran the world, everything would be fine until the first oil change, when everything would collapse. Point out that all the maintenance people on campus are men. It’s guaranteed, from the guy who takes out the trash, to the electricians, plumbers and everyone else who keeps the place from falling apart. Insist that the university is discriminating against women who should be doing these jobs and that the men be replaced immediately with wymn who should get high living union wages, say $20/hour. Insist that the IT people who deal with female faculty should be women too so that the darling wymn aren’t subjected to micro aggression and sexist comments and stares.
There are other things to do as well. Since there is undoubtably a “rape” epidemic on your campus, how about a campaign to notify parents about how dangerous it is for their daughters to come your college. Ask how the administration can responsibly deny parents information about the safety of their children when they come to your historic campus with its charming old buildings surrounding green quads?
I have to think about how to teach that class about physics as a racist misogynistic field of study. Maybe require that the class be taught in an environment that has not been contaminated by men’s scientific and technological contributions. Do it at night, out in the middle of some quad with only candle light. Hire a few wolves to prowl around the class… As I said, this requires some cleverness because it has to be presented in such a way as to undermine the SJWs but so that they can’t object to what you’re doing and saying.
Regarding the consolidation of old-form media (newspapers, TV, and radio): It was only fairly recently (maybe 12 years ago? or as much as 20 years?) that the laws were changed, permitting one entity to own multiple outlets in a given market.
Any chance we could get our “duly-elected”s to try to reverse that?
(I know, I know — they won’t stand up and oppose our Petty-Dictator-In-Training, but still — they OUGHT to be doing SOMETHING for us while we’re paying them…)
Academia is unsustainable price-wise, and will in any event have to retool itself technologically in ways that minimise teachers, or eliminate them altogether, something that is being resisted, and resistance will only speed its demise.
The media as we know it is deader than that already. Millennials don’t watch TV or read newspapers. At All.
People have far more choices now in accessing both of these institutions, and in the future will have even more.
G Jourbet:
As I see it, you have too restrictive a definition of “academia” and of the MSM.
First of all, it will take a while for any of that to happen (the actual death of academia and/or the MSM), and in the meantime we are losing our liberties now. Secondly, academia may be changing (and I believe to a certain extent it is, although not nearly as much as you say, because elite colleges will still survive for a long time to come). But exactly how the message is delivered in the technical sense is not important—the point is that the left controls that message and that delivery. Academia may die (or certainly change) in its present form, but that doesn’t change its ability to greatly influence young people, nor does it change the fact that the left is almost totally in charge of it.
The same is true for the media. The left controls the MSM but it also reaches many people online and that message is augmented through TV and movies. Whether those periodicals and movies, for example, are read vs. summarized and linked or referred to online, or watched on a big screen vs. online, the message is the same. Yes, there are alternate sources on the right, but far fewer and far less influential; preaching to the choir for the most part. If millennials get their news from John Stewart instead of the Times, it’s certainly no better. Millennials do not ignore the MSM at all, either (see this for some figures). It is merely a matter of degree. They get their news somewhat more frequently from other sources, but they very often get their news from news websites (which are mostly run by the MSM or feature articles from the MSM).
And in the meantime, the current institutions you say are dead still reach enormous numbers of people.
G Joubert,
“Academia is unsustainable price-wise”
Not if the tax payer foots the bill as Obama is pushing for, education is a human right! Didn’t you get the memo?
Technology can be as easily bent to the purposes of the Left as to the Right. In fact easier as, “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.”
“Millennials don’t watch TV or read newspapers.”
Quite right, they get their ‘news’ from the Huffington Post, NPR, PBS and Politico and their politically correct views reinforced by ‘snark meisters’ like Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert and David Letterman…
People do have far more choices today but neither the Millennials nor the LIVs are watching FOX or visiting Drudge. They’re going to leftist outlets for their ‘news’. Add in Hollywood’s movies and TV and you have a truly ‘comprehensive’ propaganda campaign.
Geoffrey Britain:
I see we were saying more or less the same thing at the same time.
The only response possible neo is that great minds think alike 😉 However, I must acknowledge that you were a bit ‘quicker out the gate’.
The education I was speaking of is education in being an American. Education is not just done in classrooms. It starts early. For instance, Independence Day use to teach little kids something about being an American.
Suppose everyone knew why America is exceptional. Or what that even means. Now I’ll give you my answer but first I ask you to answer it for yourself. Do you have a specific answer?
My answer —
First off, exceptional does not mean what you think it means. It only means different. It does not mean better than all others. OK? We are exceptional because we are the only people who are sovereign and as a result, we are the only people in the world who have ever truly been free.
Let’s try another. What is the primary purpose of the Constitution? Go ahead. Answer it for yourself and then I will give you my answer. OK.
My answer —
The primary purpose of the Constitution is to prevent tyranny. We also call this checks and balances and division of powers.
Now my answers are simple and are certainly open for debate but these are the sort of questions that help with learning to be an American. There is no reason that kids should not be exposed to these concepts when they are very young.
When I was a kid, I loved the Star Spangled Banner. It made me feel something everytime I heard it. I have no idea where that love came from. But it was there. I doubt I was born with it. Must have been the air was permeated with a love of country and it just flowed into me. You think you can get a kid to like something like Whitney Houston singing the National Anthem at the Superbowl?:
Quite a bit to teach kids there, isn’t there? No reason they can’t start on it before kindergarten. You think they’ll ever forget it? Do you think you as a teacher could add some pointers for parents that might help them teach their kids to be Americans?
Being an American means doing it yourself. It does not mean you wait around for someone else to tell you what to do. You have to be a self starter and millions are needed.
I suppose here I could give the Lenin quote about getting the kids early. But I won’t. Because that would imply that I think that monster had something to say and I don’t. We will learn nothing from leftists except how to be un-American.
Now do me a favor and at least read the introduction to a People’s Pottage.
And, of course, thank you for your reply. It was very edifying.
Court Fool,
Of course real education begins at home with the family, and I am very proud of both of my daughters (junior and freshman in college) at how they are navigating their way through the leftist swamp. So I am not disagreeing with any of your points or interpretations.
I just think you are “spittin’ into the wind”…you are ignoring the breakdwon of the family structure which undermines your tactic. All those kids go to school and are subjected to the indoctrination and the problem grows. Lenin was quite correct when he noted that all he needed to control a country was to control the education system for a generation. They’ve now had control fro at least two generations.
GB offers a route to undercut the higher ed stranglehold. Increasingly higher ed costs are tied into the every growing cancer of administration…just google The Chronicle of Higher Ed articles over the last few years. As Boards of Trustees are unwilling to undo this trend, then a low cost college as a competitor would be attractive. the problem is getting such an institution off the ground. Also, there is a great deal of inertia in the system with regard to “reputation”. A new startup would be viewed very sceptically by parents and high school students.
It can take a long time for education markets to move toward better quality and lower cost. Home schooling and the Khan Academy are examples working today. The internet itself is a huge learning tool. Being in the field, you probably know more. Education is not going to stay as it is forever. Brick and mortar schools may become a thing of the past or they may have to improve their quality to respond to market forces. Remember what the founders gave us in terms of division of powers. Essentially even today control of the schools can be wrested from the powers that be and returned to local town/city control. This could be a fight and a big one. And it may just happen naturally as more and more people become disgusted. These forces could create the impetus for political change. The revolution that is the American experiennce has never happened fast. It is always evolutionary. The left understands this. They have had patience and success followed. Of course, they cheated. They presented false choices and they made people hate their own country and all it stands for.
So, if we want the country back, at the least the one we think we had, we are going to have to work for it and we may be unsuccesful. But at least we will go down fighting in the spirit of the great men who got it all started. You don’t think they foresaw this day? They did. And they gave us what they could to deal with it which boils down to The Constitution and their heritage. It’s a lot. It’s more than any other people ever had. It is our fault if we lose it. Remember that they pledged everything for the sake of the revolution and some lost it all.
Is anyone besides me wondering whether the reason that the Obama administration has been so quick to throw Hillary under the bus might be to make room for a new candidate who’d offer the trifecta of being black and female and having great name recognition and besides that, would circumvent the 22nd Amendment — that is, Michelle Obama?