Home » Oh, and by the way…


Oh, and by the way… — 7 Comments

  1. The vapors, hysteria, and general couch fainting that resulted over the Senate letter were so over the top that I’m pretty sure the White House was looking for an excuse to go nuts. I suspect that if Cotton had decided to keep the letter in his file cabinet instead of releasing it to the public on his website, we’d still be hearing about it.

    The response has just been absurd.

  2. Not that they need an excuse, being nuts already, but cover, no matter how gauzy, is welcome.

  3. I was wondering about the logistics of sending a letter to the Mullahs of Iran.

    The fact that the letter was never sent anywhere emphasizes that the Democrat response is pure farce.

  4. I think we have to use the marketplace more vigorously. Boycott the fishwrap , Time. the Economist, the New Yorker. You know the ones Cancel your subscriptions and get others to do the same.
    Breaking habits is hard to do. Don’t watch lovcal or network news on the stations owned by the Minn Trib, Chicago Trib, LA Times etc.
    Wean people with cable or satellite off of the MSM channels. show ’em al Arabiya. Organize a boycott like the one against South African Apartheid.

    Gannet and the NYT own the local papers in this part of the gulf South. Shut them down. Their employees are leftist…I know from personal contact.

  5. RE: “The Cotton letter signed by the 47 Republican Senators was never “sent” anywhere”
    Correct. There are numerous reasons why they cannot be prosecuted under the Logan Act:
    1. Senators are “authorized persons”.
    2. The second paragraph expressly permits First Amendment privileges to all citizens.
    3. They are, in every sense, seeking a “redress of grievances”.

    But the simple defense is that an open letter is free speech — not correspondence.

  6. Why would a little matter like what the law actually says ever bother the Lefties?

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