I heard Mark Levin talking about this earlier tonight.
He said that Harry Reid should denounce this kind of rhetoric, if he was truly representing his constituents. The fact that he doesn’t shows that Reid is an inside-the-beltway creature and could care less about the people of Nevada.
Not an apology.
Baraq is bullying the bullies. But no one pushes back. Go figure.
Aren’t gambling and alcohol a big thing in Sin City? And isn’t it forbidden in the Quran? If Obama were actually a muslim, one could see him having a big problem with this city, no?
Obama keeps talking about not spending money we don’t have and yet he keeps flying around in Air Force One, which costs $60,000 or more per trip. He has used Air Force One even more than Bill Clinton. He seems to have no understanding that every time Air force One takes off it throws the air traffic control system into chaos as normal traffic is rerouted, delayed, etc to make way for Air Force One. He is using it as a campaign airplane as he travels from one town hall meeting to another. The fact is he should only travel when absoluitely required by state business. Just one more example of his tone deafness. “You people should stop being so extravagant! But me, well, I’m special!”
I heart Las Vegas. It occupies a special place in the American Soul:
“Vegas, baby! Vegas!”
“Leaving Las Vegas”
“Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas”
It’s egalitarian and meritocratic; it doesn’t care who you are, just that you have the money to open the doors.
I love fixing a well-earned hangover with some bloody-marys and a cigar under the palms by a Vegas pool. I like playing low-stakes blackjack all day and walking away drunk with a couple extra bucks after tipping the drink girls and dealers.
Of course he doesn’t like it: it’s got some Freedom.
Vegas is the Sandbox of the Middle Class and the Playground of the Rich.
Washington is the Litterbox of the Wonks and the Graveyard of Good Ideas.
I think Harry is history even if Obama does have it in for him.
Especially if he campaigns for him, though… 😉
Ya know what would be funny?
If Vegas took a page out of the Ford company’s playbook and actively promoted themselves as something of an anti-Obama entity.
If they did that I bet (pun?) they’d see some sort of uptick in tourism!
Not about Vegas, but there an excellent post today by Barry Rubiin at RubinReports.
Scottie, the mayor of Las Vegas may be doing just that — he has apparently told the press that Obama isn’t welcome in the city and called him a “real slow learner.”
The list of internal enemies is growing! Add Las Vegas to Cambridge cops, the Postal Service, banks, Wall Street, bitter rural clingers, and all the rest. Before too long there won’t be anybody left — in this country, at least.
Again with the lecturing tone about how Americans should tighten their belts and save money, just hours after that latest whopper of a federal budget is released.
And, as the article (and commenter j.j.) pointed out, Obama himself is planning to gas up Air Force One for his own trip to Vegas in a few weeks.
The guy really is tone-deaf, shameless, the list goes on and on.
Mrs Whatsit,
Unfortunately, The Won will always have his boosters in the realm of academia, hollywood, and far left fringe groups.
They will create enough noise in his echo chamber that both Obama and his boosters will continue to think he’s actually quite popular.
Still, it would be funny to see billboards sprouting up in Vegas promoting their city as an alternative to the Dear Leader’s spending directives issued to the masses.
I’m just left wondering how any confrontations between Vegas puppet masters and Rahm Emmanuel are going to go.
So what if Rahm mails dead fish to his opponents?
‘Dose guys in da dark suits outta da Eest Coast may be able to, ya know, teech him a ting or too about professional courtesy to fellow kneecappers..youse knows?
Gots to have some professional courtesy heah……
Internecine struggles.
thats ok.. the treasury department wants lots of new shotguns with 14 inch barrels (us slaves have to have 18 inches or more)
i guess when people realize that property rights = freedom… its going to get messy. (as it did in the old country)
so much is the same… and yet we are waiting for it to match a fantasy before we agree! for what most have in their heads is fantasy, and they have not yet realized that they are using the EXACT same methods that the germans used to get good people exterminatino happy!
why is detroit a mess?
why is sub saharan africa a mess
why, when rule of law goes, do the people riot and clean out every business (do other cultures and people do that when things are down?)
but its not them, we are all the same. right?
then how can they say this?
It isn’t because of their policies, it’s because white folk only let black folk take over after they’ve “hollowed out” the cities of everything worthwhile.
if you read german magazines of the time in question, you would see the same arguments. they aer not even inventing new ones, they are just copying old ones and presenting them as new to the ignorant!!!
Melissa Harris-Lacewell — Associate Professor of Politics and African American Studies at Princeton University
The one place where we have many African-American executives was in the mayor’s office. But one of the things that we saw in cities where African-Americans had risen to the level of city hall, was that they inherited what we call “hollow prizes.” They became mayor of Detroit just as the auto industry was hollowing out the city, just as the tax base was hollowing out.
Yeah, and, Guess Who else’s failures are excused because of the Hollowed Out Prize theory?
Barack Obama, in becoming president, inherited a hollow prize in the United States.
and on needing an event to make the signing statements all come into effect. (and give a reason to use all those new shotguns, new armor, and such agains the people)…
its a CERTAINTY within 3 to 6 months.
hows that for planning?
of course the kids are all now raised under the progressive feminism ideal (regardless of what we believe, this is who and what did it! its not reversing, its just one step back before 2 steps forward)
Surveillance video from a minimart near Vallejo High School shows the 46-year-old city of Vallejo worker in a back hoe being hit with rocks by some kids. He then drives back to the location at Nebraska and Broadway streets to confront the kids who begin attacking the man. The city worker gets knocked down and eventually a crowd of up to 40 people begin beating the man while he is on the ground.
notice the race of the mob, and the race of the man. kind of matches the violent events in colorado (26 crimes of assaulting whites and spanish and putting them in the hospital)
THIS is the same social justice game from germany
these kids were raised by the progressive model a la lukaks. they, will seal the deal.
remember i said that they created mobs of teens, violent groups, sociopaths, and such… which is why we copied them and now have our own teens as enemies of us in our own country.
no different than the ends of the khmer rouge who used children too.
this is why hugary fell to the communists before
of course we donft believe that its the same
its missing the required german accents.
we have hot troops on border with russia..
not good (the russians increased the amount of tactical nukes on that site)
we have troops deployed in columbia, as farc and chavez are going to lock them up
and we are using all the material we would need to fight a real war!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to an enemy thinking action, think of this list
idiot in state with predictable behavior from the play book you wrote.
surrounded by no experience, other than bs power games internally
has broken up the organs of state to protect
has pissed off the criditors so they cant borrow to pay for a war and material.
has used up materia, and defunded replacement
has taken that money to buy weapons for internal forces over external ones.
attack now is certainty.
yeah… i know… be reasonable… we didnt kick russia when she was down.. nor japan.
so they aer not going to kick us when we are down… right?
meanwhile, you can find articles all over that get surpressed. tax hike on middle class article pulled. articles on race attacks by those that the feminists and other say “have a right to class hatred agfainst their oppresors” (that was a feminist pointing out that its ok for women to hurt men arbitrarily and its not a crime bu justice. she got that idea from the same people last century)
none of this counts.
no reason… they are just used to accepting that.
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I heard Mark Levin talking about this earlier tonight.
He said that Harry Reid should denounce this kind of rhetoric, if he was truly representing his constituents. The fact that he doesn’t shows that Reid is an inside-the-beltway creature and could care less about the people of Nevada.
Not an apology.
Baraq is bullying the bullies. But no one pushes back. Go figure.
Aren’t gambling and alcohol a big thing in Sin City? And isn’t it forbidden in the Quran? If Obama were actually a muslim, one could see him having a big problem with this city, no?
Obama keeps talking about not spending money we don’t have and yet he keeps flying around in Air Force One, which costs $60,000 or more per trip. He has used Air Force One even more than Bill Clinton. He seems to have no understanding that every time Air force One takes off it throws the air traffic control system into chaos as normal traffic is rerouted, delayed, etc to make way for Air Force One. He is using it as a campaign airplane as he travels from one town hall meeting to another. The fact is he should only travel when absoluitely required by state business. Just one more example of his tone deafness. “You people should stop being so extravagant! But me, well, I’m special!”
I heart Las Vegas. It occupies a special place in the American Soul:
“Vegas, baby! Vegas!”
“Leaving Las Vegas”
“Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas”
It’s egalitarian and meritocratic; it doesn’t care who you are, just that you have the money to open the doors.
I love fixing a well-earned hangover with some bloody-marys and a cigar under the palms by a Vegas pool. I like playing low-stakes blackjack all day and walking away drunk with a couple extra bucks after tipping the drink girls and dealers.
Of course he doesn’t like it: it’s got some Freedom.
Vegas is the Sandbox of the Middle Class and the Playground of the Rich.
Washington is the Litterbox of the Wonks and the Graveyard of Good Ideas.
I think Harry is history even if Obama does have it in for him.
Especially if he campaigns for him, though… 😉
Ya know what would be funny?
If Vegas took a page out of the Ford company’s playbook and actively promoted themselves as something of an anti-Obama entity.
If they did that I bet (pun?) they’d see some sort of uptick in tourism!
Not about Vegas, but there an excellent post today by Barry Rubiin at RubinReports.
Scottie, the mayor of Las Vegas may be doing just that — he has apparently told the press that Obama isn’t welcome in the city and called him a “real slow learner.”
The list of internal enemies is growing! Add Las Vegas to Cambridge cops, the Postal Service, banks, Wall Street, bitter rural clingers, and all the rest. Before too long there won’t be anybody left — in this country, at least.
Again with the lecturing tone about how Americans should tighten their belts and save money, just hours after that latest whopper of a federal budget is released.
And, as the article (and commenter j.j.) pointed out, Obama himself is planning to gas up Air Force One for his own trip to Vegas in a few weeks.
The guy really is tone-deaf, shameless, the list goes on and on.
Mrs Whatsit,
Unfortunately, The Won will always have his boosters in the realm of academia, hollywood, and far left fringe groups.
They will create enough noise in his echo chamber that both Obama and his boosters will continue to think he’s actually quite popular.
Still, it would be funny to see billboards sprouting up in Vegas promoting their city as an alternative to the Dear Leader’s spending directives issued to the masses.
I’m just left wondering how any confrontations between Vegas puppet masters and Rahm Emmanuel are going to go.
So what if Rahm mails dead fish to his opponents?
‘Dose guys in da dark suits outta da Eest Coast may be able to, ya know, teech him a ting or too about professional courtesy to fellow kneecappers..youse knows?
Gots to have some professional courtesy heah……
Internecine struggles.
thats ok.. the treasury department wants lots of new shotguns with 14 inch barrels (us slaves have to have 18 inches or more)
i guess when people realize that property rights = freedom… its going to get messy. (as it did in the old country)
so much is the same… and yet we are waiting for it to match a fantasy before we agree! for what most have in their heads is fantasy, and they have not yet realized that they are using the EXACT same methods that the germans used to get good people exterminatino happy!
why is detroit a mess?
why is sub saharan africa a mess
why, when rule of law goes, do the people riot and clean out every business (do other cultures and people do that when things are down?)
but its not them, we are all the same. right?
then how can they say this?
It isn’t because of their policies, it’s because white folk only let black folk take over after they’ve “hollowed out” the cities of everything worthwhile.
if you read german magazines of the time in question, you would see the same arguments. they aer not even inventing new ones, they are just copying old ones and presenting them as new to the ignorant!!!
Melissa Harris-Lacewell — Associate Professor of Politics and African American Studies at Princeton University
The one place where we have many African-American executives was in the mayor’s office. But one of the things that we saw in cities where African-Americans had risen to the level of city hall, was that they inherited what we call “hollow prizes.” They became mayor of Detroit just as the auto industry was hollowing out the city, just as the tax base was hollowing out.
Yeah, and, Guess Who else’s failures are excused because of the Hollowed Out Prize theory?
Barack Obama, in becoming president, inherited a hollow prize in the United States.
and on needing an event to make the signing statements all come into effect. (and give a reason to use all those new shotguns, new armor, and such agains the people)…
its a CERTAINTY within 3 to 6 months.
hows that for planning?
of course the kids are all now raised under the progressive feminism ideal (regardless of what we believe, this is who and what did it! its not reversing, its just one step back before 2 steps forward)
Vallejo city worker brutally attacked by mob
Surveillance video from a minimart near Vallejo High School shows the 46-year-old city of Vallejo worker in a back hoe being hit with rocks by some kids. He then drives back to the location at Nebraska and Broadway streets to confront the kids who begin attacking the man. The city worker gets knocked down and eventually a crowd of up to 40 people begin beating the man while he is on the ground.
notice the race of the mob, and the race of the man. kind of matches the violent events in colorado (26 crimes of assaulting whites and spanish and putting them in the hospital)
THIS is the same social justice game from germany
these kids were raised by the progressive model a la lukaks. they, will seal the deal.
remember i said that they created mobs of teens, violent groups, sociopaths, and such… which is why we copied them and now have our own teens as enemies of us in our own country.
no different than the ends of the khmer rouge who used children too.
this is why hugary fell to the communists before
of course we donft believe that its the same
its missing the required german accents.
we have hot troops on border with russia..
not good (the russians increased the amount of tactical nukes on that site)
we have troops deployed in columbia, as farc and chavez are going to lock them up
and we are using all the material we would need to fight a real war!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to an enemy thinking action, think of this list
idiot in state with predictable behavior from the play book you wrote.
surrounded by no experience, other than bs power games internally
has broken up the organs of state to protect
has pissed off the criditors so they cant borrow to pay for a war and material.
has used up materia, and defunded replacement
has taken that money to buy weapons for internal forces over external ones.
attack now is certainty.
yeah… i know… be reasonable… we didnt kick russia when she was down.. nor japan.
so they aer not going to kick us when we are down… right?
meanwhile, you can find articles all over that get surpressed. tax hike on middle class article pulled. articles on race attacks by those that the feminists and other say “have a right to class hatred agfainst their oppresors” (that was a feminist pointing out that its ok for women to hurt men arbitrarily and its not a crime bu justice. she got that idea from the same people last century)
none of this counts.
no reason… they are just used to accepting that.