Is Hillary in trouble?
There are two newish problems for Clinton, both related to her tenure at State.
The first is the fact that the Clinton Foundation accepted foreign contributions while Hillary was Secretary. The second is that during the time she held that office she never used government email to transact her official business, instead relying on a private email account.
Both things may be in violation of the law. Both things are certainly highly suspicious. I find it curious that the NY Times broke the second story when they didn’t have to cover it, as the paper has demonstrated time and again how adept it is at picking and choosing and ignoring the stories it wishes to ignore.
I don’t have an answer, except that maybe it’s a way to fully address the story now and see which way the wind blows. Hillary is increasingly seen as having some liabilities as a candidate in 2016, and better to find out as early as possible how serious those drawbacks are. However, the MSM and the left have learned from reaction to the Obama administration that the American people do not (as Richard Fernandez might say) “…seem to notice anything; we have the responsiveness of a corpse and it’s interesting to consider how long till we become one.” This may give them good reason to believe these new stories will blow over quickly and to little effect.
Not a pretty picture. But I agree that there is a lethargy abroad in the land, a jaded acceptance of these sorts of things as business as usual—the IRS scandal and Benghazi and Obama’s grab for power in encouraging illegal immigration and perhaps even raising taxes through executive action rather than the legislature (which is the newest plan, apparently). In the immortal words of one Hillary Clinton, the public may be feeling that, “What difference ”“ at this point, what difference does it make?”
The answer is “plenty.” But not if the American people no longer care. Perhaps we have become a nation of men, not laws, rather than “a government of laws, and not of men.” In this article in The American Spectator, David Catron is writing about the pending Obamacare case of King vs. Burwell. But he might have been writing about any number of actions of this administration that have demonstrated a willingness to disregard the law in order to reach the left’s desired ends:
If Roberts is once again cowed, and allows the IRS to rewrite an act of Congress to suit the Obama administration’s political agenda, our President will regard it as a sign that he has safely crossed the constitutional Rubicon. It’s no coincidence that John Adams included Livy among those who influenced his view that a republic was “a nation of laws, not of men.” Livy personally witnessed the events that converted Rome from the former to the latter. If the Court caves again, we will have witnessed the same fundamental transformation of our country.
When Obama talked about fundamentally transforming America, how many people understand that this was what he meant? Quite a few, but not nearly enough. Certainly by 2012, however, it was crystal clear, and still America voted for him.
Hillary Clinton seems poised to continue with the program should she be elected the next president. Why would she respect the rule of law when Obama hasn’t? Why should she, when he has shown Congress (and perhaps the courts as well) to be a toothless tiger? Why would anyone respect the rule of law after Obama?
The reporter must not have got the word that the NYT covers for the democrats. FDR raised taxes by executive action so there is precedent.
As to why the NYT would break this story now, here is Don Surber’s take on it:
The Link [posted 03/03/15 10:o00 AM]:
Setting the record straight on the ‘why’ of Operation Iraqi Freedom will unlock everything else.
Why do deer freeze in the headlights?
for the same reason most people do not act upon things and appear as a corpse… hoping that whatever it is will pass, is a tin hat thing, is what the side that succors says, etc.
the majority just wish to get through THEIR lives and will go along with almost anything if it allows them to get along and perhaps skirt the whole thing that they find distasteful.
the majority of germans did not care about jews either way the same as the majority of americans dont, they just want to go about THEIR lives, attend pilattes, watch sports, get a raise, work… they do not want their lives to be restructured by events and tend to vote for others to do that and to avoid including such alien notions to their own lives….
this is a major thing the left takes advantage of as they mostly are offering the false idea that if you vote for them, they will take care of the things you would like to improve but dont want to work on yourself. (when often the not left says you have to participate whether you like it or not if you want things to turn out right)
why do deer freeze? why does the electorate not act?
“They don’t know what to do, so they do nothing”
Starting to think there may be some on the Democrat side who keeps leaking damaging information – Bill’s trips to Pedo Island, the Clinton Family Foundation’s financial shenanigans, now this – to influence her decision to run in 2016. Sure seems like multiple shots across the bow.
The alternative explanation may be that she wants to get these potentially damaging issues out of the way now so that she can shrug them off as “old news” after she announces she’s running.
“A lethargy abroad in the land” is a very catchy phrase, one that is worth exploring.
Part of its cause is due to creeping, creepy Gramscian takeover, associated with consequent cultural decay.
Part of it is due to institutional bureaucracies, aka “you can’t fight city hall.”
Part of it is the USA has had it too good for too long. Very few people under the age of ~45 have ever seen and lived in a protracted struggle for economic or cultural survival. They don’t know what they have to lose, even as they incrementally lose it.
Part of it is the slow attrition of Christianity
Oddly enough, some of these objections about ourselves are also held by Islamists. They seek to eradicate us for these lapses; we hope to rise above them, recovering, which is likely futile. A middle ground between? Hah! Only in Democrat Land.
Two narratives that will rise and fall and rise again on the Hillary train
1) An unusual dependance on alcohol. (Off we go for rehab and some plastic surgery.)
2) Possible neurological disorders. (Gerry Ford Syndrome only. Yeah right.)
Looking to the coming campaign to be intense enough to bring both into play and to the fore.
Some of that lethargy seems to be learned helplessness.
Remember the loathsome B.F. Skinner’s book “Beyond Freedom and Dignity”? I was assigned that tome in college. I noted, even then, that his view of his fellow humans was animalistic: that we should be conditioned to respond as he saw fit. And as I recall, the book ended with Skinner godlike on a hillside, surveying his work (subjects parading around with lollipops on strings around their necks, which they daren’t lick without permission) — and lo, he said that it was good.
A more perfect illustration of the Leftist Mind you can’t find. What’s beyond freedom and dignity? Why, slavery and humiliation, of course!
Another note about Skinner: he attributed causation of human behavior to “the environment,” a slippery evasion. Because he made the argument that [insert deus ex machina here] should Mold the environment to induce the behavior desired by [d.e.m. — i.e., the Reds].
When you boil it down, he’s just talking about force and coercion to make other people do what he wants. Some insight.
“What difference at this point does it make?” She will skate on this major security breech with the full air coverage of the 24/7 msm excuse machine. I have concluded we no longer live under the rule of law. Laws now mean whatever the messiah and the evil cult of the left arbitrarily say they mean from day to day. This will not end well. Bad moon on the rise.
Did IQs suddenly drop around here?
Barry Soetoro HAS THE GOODS on these critical players.
So, while Sotero’s time line of deceit is officially buried — Barry is in the tyrannical position to ruin the reputations of Robers, Boner, and many another.
All of this ties back into the digital tyranny of the NSA-GCHQ/ Silicon Valley/ Wintel/ hyper-cartel.
Unlike CIS Los Angeles, this digital colossus is oriented towards domestic politics — especially wrong-footing Constitutionalists.
Boner is surely getting kick-back from his caucus — since there are many sinners within it.
Barry not only has filth on Boner — he’s got crippling dirt on a slew of Republicans and Democrats.
Hence, the Speaker’s comment about not wanting a messy Congress.
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Old axiom of trial lawyers is if there is something bad in your case get it out early and you bring it out; not the other side.
This what is happening now. How is this worse than Bill’s sexual activity as Gov?
I think that the greatest danger to Hillary is not the revelation about these contributions, since it has already been proved that campaign finance laws are not, as a practical matter, enforceable on Democrats. But I think the Democrats will be looking for someone new to fall in love with, and Hillary will never really be forgiven for voting for the war. If nominated, she may very well win, but she’ll only be nominated if the nomination is not contested.
“… but she will only be nominated if the nomination is not contested… ”
I think you are correct. Hrc is burnt toast compared to the Cherokee princess.
How in the world did I miss this, via Steve Hayward at Powerline — “One Thing That Might Surprise You About Hillary Clinton”, a February 21 Q&A at ABC with Amy Chozick, national political reporter for the The New York Times:
That is laughing-stock material, and if it actually gets out there will pretty darn hard for the MSM to counter.
Neo: I read somewhere that the committee leaked it to the NYT so that they would have to report it.
Anyone who is not a Democrat in good standing better keep respecting/obeying the law. If the Obamanet gets rolling you’d better watch what you write also.
I’m in the Hillary leaked this to get it out now camp. This is pure Clintonian politics. They can play their games to cover for a lot, but if Hillary doesn’t have the physical and mental stamina to withstand a campaign, can that be covered for?
If Sarah Palin had done this, it would be front page news for a week. BTW has anyone commented on her clothes spending yet? etc. etc.
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