On the Lauten feeding frenzy
Mollie Hemingway takes the media to task for its misplaced and manipulative priorities. When staffer Elizabeth Lauten posted some criticism of the Obama girls’ demeanor during their dad’s turkey-pardoning ceremony, social media went wild with anger, and the MSM covered it with the sort of attention they failed to pay to Gruber, Obama’s past associations, or pretty much anything else that would reflect poorly on Democrats:
Still, what in the world was the media doing reporting on this non-story and firing up the mob? The Washington Free Beacon reported that “major media outlets are pouring resources into tracking [Lauten’s] moves and digging into her past.” This included two network news vans camping outside of her parents’ home in North Carolina and a search of Lauten’s leaked juvenile records and college writings
And this was after Lauten had left her job as a result of the brouhaha.
The situation could not be more stark. Depart from the PC line in any way and the witch hunt is on—that is, unless you’re a Democrat. Then you get a pass—a press pass.
How come the Left hates the First Amendment?
This incident reminds me of the Mozilla CEO who was forced out for expressing his opinion regarding same sex marriage.
Does this ever happen to a Lefty?
Like Al Sharpton, they get rewarded.
The lefty American media is beginning to resemble a lynch mob more and more each day.
The media long ago stopped reporting the news and became political advocates. People like Ben Bradlee and Arthur Sulzburger turned their newspapers into Pravda for the democrats. I let my subscription to the WAPO lapse years ago because there was no difference between the front page and the editorial page.
Never show weakness to SJWs. It only encourages them, and they’re never satisfied. The appropriate action is to double down and sneer at them.
Yep, Lauten is getting the full “Joe the Plumber” treatment for daring to cross Obama. They’ve certainly grown bolder throughout Obama’s presidency, beginning with their systematic destruction of Palin.
If only they put this much effort into legitimate news stories like Fast & Furious, Benghazi, IRS and EPA shenanigans….
Occasionally, there is pushback against the media.
Some of the comments pointed out that several years ago a NYC suburban paper had published the locations of gun owners. Result: nasty calls resulting in the media person wanting bodyguards. Guess that guns can be good things at times.
@ Matt_SE
I agree completely. Never meet them halfway, never offer to compromise. If you actually apologize, it’s like chum in shark infested waters.
Me: Democrat politicians have recreated Skinner’s behavioral psychology experiments vis-a-vis lever-pulling rats. The only difference is that Black people only have to pull the lever once per year to get the cheese.
SJW or Sharpton: That’s racist!
Me: You think that’s racist? I’m just getting warmed up. Get back up on that porch and listen up.
There wasn’t a similar outcry when Palin’s children were savaged by public and private figures. Perhaps we should just ignore them on their selective principles.
Trial by Press.
It ought to creep out everybody.
Gotnews knows it’s Rules for Radicals – Make your opponent live up to his standards. Now that is pushing back effectively.
Bet most, if not all, members of the media could not withstand the flood-the-zone type coverage they inflict on others.
I no longer recognize my country. We are living in a Soviet nightmare. Every day it gets worse, and the people who are supposed to be standing up for us keep saying they will fight the good fight next time. We are running out of time.
If only they put this much effort into legitimate news stories like Fast & Furious, Benghazi, IRS and EPA shenanigans….
They did put in the effort. Without it, none of those operations would ever have been conducted…
Illuminati, they already are a vast Lynch Mob. And they always have been.
See Orwell, etc.
Unfortunately, like Islam, they’ve tapped a very dark vein in human nature, a powerful urge to mob together and destroy the designated Other.
If you can stomach it, compare & contrast liberal and conservative reactions to the video in question:
Elizabeth Lauten commented publicly that the President’s teenage girls should show a little respect, and was pilloried for it. The reactions on the other side of the aisle were dangerously close to pedophilia — I can’t believe people would say such things on the record — and get no response.
Sorry, my mistake — the Twitter reactions were to a different video. Nonetheless, the contrast is instructive.
ExitRove: “Every day it gets worse, and the people who are supposed to be standing up for us keep saying they will fight the good fight next time. We are running out of time.”
Simply, the people of the Right must accept and embrace the workshop of activism, which is sociology weaponized, including and perhaps especially Marxist-method (not Marx ideology) activism, and come together as a non-stop and always competitive activist social movement.
The people of the Right must accept that the activist game is the only social political/cultural game there is. Winning elections is insufficient. Electoral politics are (now) only a lesser included element of the activist game.
The narrative contest for the zeitgeist is a critical part of the activist game. The narrative contest is not HS debate, ie, inquisitorial. It is maneuver warfare, ie, adversarial. Narrative is as elastic as needed to compete. Narrative is elective truth. Truth is merely a competing narrative. The actual truth can dominate in the zeitgeist, but only if its champions win the narrative contest of the activist game.
Instapundit is absolutely correct: Our mainstream media consists of “Democrat operatives with bylines.”
Short and sweet.
I saw that video of the press conference embedded somewhere and I couldn’t see why Lauten bothered to make those comments on Obama’s daughters.
And I don’t see why she would resign afterward.
Both Bush’s daughters and for sure Palin’s kids have taken far worse in the press vs what Lauten said.
I’ve never understood why the Republicans react so sensitively eating their own trying to appease people who don’t really care. Why not just ignore them?
I’m seeing some profoundly insightful comments here, if only there were some way to get the GOP out of it’s delusional daydreams and get some fire in this fight. Real fire, an existential fire storm of righteous patriotic fury.
We truly are in a Neo-Stalinist construct that is beyond Orwellian. You can feel their fervor for the show trials and death camps. No cruelty is too low, no denial of reality too twisted, no hypocrisy too far. The Communists created endless unspeakable barbarities in their tormenting of their chosen damned. I feel the same vibe in their current iteration of the seething madhouse of self-appointed gods of destruction.
“This world is too dark.”
The GamerGate kerfluffle is another great example of pushback against the SJW MSM media complex. Even Klavan has a video about it now. If you want to see how to fight, gamers know.
Just two more years. This administration will continue to shock our political sensibilities each and every month during that time, and I believe it will cement in even the dullest mind that these guys are wacko socialists bent on screwing up our country.
We can survive two more years, just hunker down.
Neo: The situation could not be more stark. Depart from the PC line in any way and the witch hunt is on–that is, unless you’re a Democrat. Then you get a pass
I suspect the same was in play in hitlers germany if you were a Nazi, or in russia if you were a party member. after all, being immune to such is a way of rewarding those who follow, and hint of the kind of rewards one can expect if one joins, and what one can expect if one does not.
gulag archipeligo should be seeing a resurgance…
Cornhead: How come the Left hates the First Amendment?
thats easy to explain… when you control the inputs to a being, you control the beings perceptions and you control what they think without having to use force.
without alternative ideas and thoughts, one could literally train and tell people that being a slave is normal and that their families have been slaves for millions of years and thats how its always been… and how would they have the material to question it, prove it otherwise, or even come up with reasons thats not right?
All the ideas/concepts, terms, and behaviors that the Left excoriates and attributes to the Right are actually projections of the actual thoughts and actions of the Left itself, and the accusatory buzz words used by the Left offer us clues as to what the Left is actually thinking and doing.
One such concept, often thrown around by this Administration and the MSM, is that of “distraction,” and that is what Obama & Co. and particularly the MSM are engaged in 24/7.
Thus the relentless, piranha-like feeding frenzy and focus on this and a succession of other vastly inflated, trivial, non-stories that are used by the Left/Obama & Co./the MSM as distractions trying, in every way they can, to deliberately divert our attention from the increasing number of genuine, consequential crises in an increasingly chaotic and violent world, actual and important crises that have been either created or exacerbated by Obama’s statements, policies, or actions; real crises which threaten the U.S.
And while the press, like a magician, wiggles the right hand to distract us and to focus our attention on it, the left hand does the trick, and Rome burns.
Who doubts all the massive collection of phone and email data by government gets used on people like Ms Lauten? I’m sure democrat operatives already know what she bought on ebay last month and what dinner guest she had on Thanksgiving.
Ben Carson stands by comparison of U.S. to Nazi Germany
Neurosurgeon Ben Carson stood by his controversial comparison of the United States to Nazi Germany in an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Wednesday.
Asked by Blitzer whether he would amend or take back his comments, Carson said “Absolutely not.”
Pressed by Blitzer on whether the comparison was appropriate, Carson argued his focus on the specific words was “part of the problem.”
“What you were doing is allowing words to affect you more than listening to what was actually being said. And that’s part of the problem,” he said.
“You are just focusing on the words ‘Nazi Germany’ and completely missing the point of what is being said,” he added
Burn the Heretic! That is the Leftist fanatic’s nature and passion. Burn the Heretic!
And yet they speak about the stupidity of Christian beliefs… heh. They should know, right, the fatal flaws of fanaticism and passionate faith…
and I believe it will cement in even the dullest mind that these guys are wacko socialists bent on screwing up our country.
So why did Staln and Hitler’s people not prevent such screwups?
Because they couldn’t? Because they weren’t aware? Or because they were like us?
I consider most reporters to be a member of the media wing of the Democrat Party
I thought progressive morality, homosexual pride, etc. was intended to remove simple shaming from the public domain. Instead, progressive morality is notable for public lynchings through executive, judicial, and civil activism. It seems that progressive morality is actually quite selective, as well as dysfunctional.
re: progressive morality and dysfunction
Ladies and gentlemen, rational and reasonable have left the building.