Home » Credit where credit’s due: Michelle Obama’s gown


Credit where credit’s due: Michelle Obama’s gown — 18 Comments

  1. Yes, but remember, reports say it was hand made in Inida and took 40 women 3 weeks to sew….and the sequins were sterling silver. Nice to know funds are being spent so frugally.

  2. Nice to see her with a smile on her face. Too often she frowns.

    But who is that geeky dweeb standing next to her?

  3. PA,

    Looking at the photos – I think she’s trying.

    Debating her policies are one thing.

    Talking about the way her face is structured is another…

    Choice of clothing is something that can be changed.

  4. The gown is beautiful, but the hairstyle accentuates her angry eyebrows and overbite.

    The sleek hair style that she has been wearing covers those angry eyebrows. Has she been retaining Andre Walker, Oprah’s hairstylist?

  5. They both look great in this picture.

    This illustrates the crux of the problem. The Obamas represent what we would love to see in our First Couple as a symbol of what we see America to be in this time. This is, I fear a trojan horse for all the baggage that we have seen unloaded since last year’s election. (does it really seem that it was only a year ago?) Hence, the conflict between appearance and reality. Bill Whittle is right – we conservatives are the soul of incompetence at brand-building, and the forces of progressivism have a terrific brand to sell. The marvel is how far and how fast the brand has fallen in the interim.

    As for myself I pay no attention to what Obama says, or how he looks. I only watch what he does.

  6. I agree, neo (as usual). I thought for once she looked magnificent — as great, that is, as she ever could look. When I first saw the picture on the news, have to admit I did a doubletake.

    Shame she didn’t wear something like this to Inaugural Ball. (That white frilly thing w/ waistband not where her waist was was horrific)

    And I, too, don’t have much nice to say about her…so I usually don’t say anything.

    PS (if some of the sequins or paillettes on that dress are really of sterling silver, unless she keeps it in airtight plastic, it will look hideous in no time due to oxidation (tarnishing) of silver. What a shame. And what a stupid thing to use for sequins!)
    (This comes from a longtime clothing designer & jewelry designer — so I know my clothes and I know my metals!

  7. By the way, did anyone know that there is actually a webpage called, “Mrs. O…Follow the fashion of Mrs. O.”


    I found it looking up details on this dress re: silver sequins as beading results in notoriously heavy garments; if truly “sterling silver hand-cut sequins” it must have taken some heavy lifting!
    (But then, the Obamas are not, in my esteem, known for their practical thinking or common sense (as the Pres.’s agenda amply illustrates!)

  8. They’re both giving us the finger, regardless of whatever occasion, location, or activity. I see a blackhearted (no pun) couple who’ve conned the suckers. I can’t see past that. Michelle makes anything she wears look ugly.

  9. That is an elegant gown, and she looks lovely. Perhaps, she will appreciate the positive remarks on her appearance and rethink some of her odd clothes, especially the ones with the huge belts. I imagine she felt quite beautiful in that stunning dress.

  10. That’s nice. She’s still a nasty harpy, and he’s still a putz. Gowns and tuxedos can’t change that.

  11. Tom: when I say that I’m always accused of being envious (or, for some reason, “jealous”. Wha….? I don’t share any love interest with the woman, why would I be jealous? of what?)

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