Home » America held hostage: the Obama administration so far


America held hostage: the Obama administration so far — 122 Comments

  1. I’m not entirely convinced Obama and the Dummycrats are abandoning re-election. It doesn’t strike me as likely that groveling pigs like Franks, Rangel, Pelosi, and Reid are so bent on political suicide. Rather I think they are pushing as hard as they can before the year end deadline to give them time to recover their image to the lapdog media.

    The Mossiah still has a 50% approval even on Rasmussen. The number has held steady more or less for 3 months so the Dums still have a chance to keep their seats in the House and Senate. Gin up some ‘good news’ about ‘saved jobs’ or foreign policy ‘breakthroughs’ and enough of the voting sheep will meekly go along.

    I mean they only need to convince a bare sliver of the wishwashy ‘independents’ to follow their lead over the cliff again. They were stupid enough to do it before, they might scrap enough fools to repeat the mistake. Stupidity and false optimism can be contagiuos. Heh

  2. “Obama’s actions would probably continue to become ever more outrageous as he perceived he had less and less to lose.”

    That is undoubtedly true. The only explanations I can think of are 1) he doesn’t care whether or not he is re-elected in 2012, or 2) he has no intention of permitting a fair election in 2012, which is more probable.

    After all the fraud and mendacity in 2008, I was left with the distinct impression that I had voted in my last free election. Alarming, but true.

    If the election in 2012 is fair, the Dems will be voted out and will not see the light of day as a political force for decades–possibly forever–so badly have they undermined our country. At least, not until they rid themselves of marxists.

    Marxists, however, play for keeps (Lenin, Stalin, Mao). Therefore, Obama and the Dems have no intention of going quietly or permitting fair elections in the future.

    We have a few months–but no longer–left to act before they have finished sealing the exits and we are enslaved. It is time to wake up.

  3. Hong: I believe that Obama is abandoning re-election, not Pelosi. Pelosi is abandoning re-election for certain other Democrats (Blue Dogs) in order to get her agenda accomplished. She knows her Speakership might be at risk, but she probably thinks she’ll retain it.

    And by using the word “abandon” I don’t mean that Obama has entirely given up hope on re-election, either. He just knows it is getting less and less likely, and he’s more than willing to sacrifice it to his agenda. If he is re-elected, that would be just fine with him, but if not that’s okay too. My point is that his actions have become severed from the possibilities of negative political consequences, and that is very bad.

  4. Hong (1:03 above)

    You mention Obama’s popularity ratings by Rasmussen above. I don’t doubt Rasmussen’s polling, but I do question what the results tell us.
    Think about it. People say they like Obama as a person. They don’t know him as a person; they’re not his neighbor, or his relative or his friend. They can only judge him from his public actions because it is only through them that they know who Obama is.

    Day by day they appear to be more against his policies, but polls claim they still like him as a person. One wonders to what extent the “Bradley Effect” may be in play here.

  5. Agreed Neo.

    **Grammar police**:Please check this sentence Neo:

    Obama doesn’t care what most of us we think of him

  6. Neo wrote, “I’ve never thought him anything but intelligent and highly competent.

    As I’ve argued with quite a few “educated” leftists steeped into their ignorance for such a long time, I’ve seen it differently.

    I’ve believed that Obama is quite incompetent and without any experience to have tempered it. His knowledge is shallow and based on theories and platitudes and without knowledge of history or any working examples of his direction….

    The question for me is – is he well intentioned or not.

    With regard to the KSM decision. I don’t know what to believe anymore. All of the unintelligent, inexperienced leftists that I’ve argued with over the years were “well – intentioned”. Yet their policies would spread more misery and weaken national security.

    With this last KSM decision – I’m struggling. I can’t believe ∅bama is well intentioned anymore. I can’t.

  7. I mean if somebody “HONESTLY” charted the pro’s and con’s to the KSM decision – how can somebody even remotely think it’s a decision that should’ve been made…….

    The military justice system given the nature of the confidential information would’ve been the venue.


  8. Baklava,

    It makes snese if Obama is an ideologue. I, personally, believe that he is.

    Think back to his response about raising capital gains taxes even though low cap gains have been shown to create more federal revenue. He said we shold raise them “because it’s fair.”

    His proselytizing for health care has nothing to do with the fiscal good of the country; it’s a moral imperative that the federal mandate health care.

    Likewise, I believe that Obama was never invested in the idea that we are at war with jihadists, rather he is vested in the idea that these events be treated as criminal complaints, not acts of war.

    One may ask why he supports this approach, but that is a different conversation.

  9. Neo,

    Terrific summary. I am extremely upset at what is happening.

    Jamie Irons

    PS – There’s a slight typo (“imput”) here:

    …and the actions of Attorney General Holder. No imput was required

  10. I agree with Baklava,
    Intelligence is relative.

    Obama has no idea how to manage any sort of budget, he has never had to. Running up the deficit to insane levels only shows a disregard for the reality that money does not grow on trees.
    Running the Treasury printing presses 24/7 does not increase wealth, it diminishes it.

    Obama does have the gas pedal firmly on the floor, and looking for ways to punch it through the floor.

    As Bill Whittle over at PJTV points out, it’s all the Harvard types that have wrecked the economy.

  11. Never underestimate the power of a lack of skill/experience. Having a good basic level of experience coupled with training (as opposed to education) allows you to plot a path around setbacks.

    Barack has faced no obstacles in his professional (or personal life since he entered prep school) but more importantly he has never been required to carry a task to completion. Neo is correct that he may have given up trying to whip up public support, but in his chosen MO one only has to play the game out until you are ready to move on. Much of his style may be that he cannot change his style! We keep looking for a plan or any underlying structure, but I think there is none.

  12. Jamie Irons: Thanks for the correction—and the comment.

    ghost 707: thanks to you, too.


  13. Baklava: there is no contradiction between our views. It just depends on what you mean by “intelligence” and “competence.” I do not believe Obama knows anything about history in general, but he knows about Leftist history and the history of power-grabbing. He is intelligent and competent in terms of being able to evaluate a situation and do what he needs to do to get where he wants to get. He knows how to get power, and he knows how to ingratiate himself with the people who count. He knows his strengths, and he knows how to play to people’s expectations and hopes. He did this in the campaign. He’s been doing it his whole life. It takes intelligence.

    And indeed, the KSM decision is a clear case of Obama not having good intentions. There is no valid argument in favor of it. None. In fact, it’s almost humorous to see liberals try to spin it so that it does. Case in point, Alan Dershowitz (no dummy he) who writes an article listing the bad things about the decision and then ends up saying it’s good nevertheless.

  14. True. Yes. He is intelligent.

    He has not grown or gained experience to take the intelligence to a leader or executive level for a better nation.

    He reminds me of many college grads and / or professors. They have intelligence. They can create a mean thesis paper. They care not to listen to alternative viewpoints. Listening is a trait that is hard to learn.

    Lord help us.

  15. I, too, think that the Democrats–having invested a lot in especially crooked politics, ACORN, voter intimidation by Black Panthers, watered down voter registration requirements, massive phony registration schemes, vote suppression of military/absentee ballots, and rigged voting–see the recent elections in Minnesota and, now, NY23 for examples–will try their damnedest to cheat their way to victory in 2010 and especially 2012. Hell, if they ignore the Tea Parties, the million plus people on the Capital Lawn and Mall on 9/12, and the recent gubernatorial elections in VA and NJ, they will certainly ignore what will likely be scattered protests over rigged elections in various states.

    Add to this the little noticed drive by Democrats over the last few years to see to it that Democratic loyalists occupy the normally obscure “Office of Secretary of State” in each of the States, done because it is typically the Secretary of each State who rules on election disputes–as was recently done to the Democrat’s great advantage in the Senate race in Minnesota–and you can see that this Democratic scheme to steal elections nationwide has been long in the making, and is especially telling and ominous.

    Equally ominous are their attempts to get ACORN involved in the Census, pushing for both counting illegal aliens, and also using mathematical formulas–to pick up the unfairly “uncounted,” or “undercounted” homeless and illegals don’t you know–rather than a straight physical count to arrive at totals; all steps intended to bias the Census counts in the Democrat’s favor and, thus, Congressional apportionment in ways to give Democrats more votes in Congress, and to rig things so that more and more than their rightful share of federal money flows to the several traditionally Democratic states and the inner cities.

    Unless those who want fair and honest elections start organizing now to mount a massive effort to recruit and educate poll watchers, massive numbers of lawyers, and alert the public officials who aren’t compromised and the average voter to the danger of massive voting fraud, these upcoming elections will be stolen.

  16. BTW, I don’t normally watch Glenn Beck. However, he had a program where he had a bunch of doctors and kids in school to become doctors arranged into a townhall setting. I was glued to the TV when I saw that.

    Very few of the doctors thought the Obamacare plan was a good idea.

    Man of the students becoming doctors had the well intentioned view that Obamacare is the way to go.

    It’s heartening to see people with common sense and experience see through Obama’s junk.

    They have the wisdom. The students were smart and bright but do not have it.

  17. I believe that at some point in the last few months Obama realized he had gravely damaged his own chances of re-election, perhaps beyond repair

    Neo, you’re the shrink, so I defer to your expertise, but I have to wonder if he has made that realization. Doing so would require some ability to project himself into others’ shoes to reflect on how they view him, and he seems too narcsissitic and solipsistic to do that faithfully. Can someone who talks with a straight face about being the one we’ve been waiting for, and the one who will make the oceans recede, accurately assess what others think of him?

    The only explanations I can think of are 1) he doesn’t care whether or not he is re-elected in 2012, or 2) he has no intention of permitting a fair election in 2012, which is more probable.

    Or the third possibility, that he doesn’t realize how much trouble he’s in. (“And it turns out, I’m rather good at it.”) I think he’s so self-absorbed, and so unfamiliar with quotidian Americana, that he has no idea how most Americans think. And his advisers aren’t going to do it; who is going to tell Jesus he needs deodorant?

    I’ve believed that Obama is quite incompetent and without any experience to have tempered it. His knowledge is shallow and based on theories and platitudes and without knowledge of history or any working examples of his direction….

    I’m with Baklava on this one. I suspect his success in getting power is attributable to his handlers, who packaged and groomed him, fed him his lines, and possibly wrote his books, making him much like a movie star with a good agent and publicist and good scripts. (Note that this would explain his reluctance to speak off the teleprompter.)

  18. neo: I agree that Obama acts in bad faith and that some of his actions — most notably the upcoming KSM trial — are designed to damage the US, but that still does not make Obama “highly competent.”

    You provide no examples of his competency.

    In the meantime Obama has done much to damage his own power and influence — such as putting his reputation behind the stimulus’s effect on unemployment, his declaration of a new comprehensive review of the Afghanistan strategy last March and now the endless re-review that even has his supporters wondering, the Gates gaffe, the Japanese bow, the failed negotiations with Israel, Palestine, and Iran.

    You say that Obama “is able to evaluate a situation and do what he needs to do to get where he wants to get. ”

    Is this what he wanted — a year into his first administration and he has squandered a huge amount of good will, given up his prospects for re-election and yet still has nothing to show for it other than shocking the right and center-right out of depression and into renewed hopes in the polls and in elections?

  19. I think Obama’s true poll numbers are probably in the low to mid 40’s.

    People don’t want to be seen as racist!, so many answer that they like him, but not his policies.
    His real numbers to watch are his policy approval numbers and his highly approve/disapprove numbers.

    Continued high unemployment numbers are going to eat away at him, along with the coming tax hikes and high deficit – which he wholly owns now.

  20. huxley: again, it depends what you mean by “competent.” He was a very competent student and politician, not in terms of tasks accomplished on the job, but in terms of getting the jobs and impressing people. Those were his goals, and he accomplished them. Now he believes he will accomplish his program. I hope he is very incompetent at that.

  21. ghost 707: People cited that, and the Bradley effect, during the campaign. But the polls were very much reflected in the actual vote. So I’m not sure it’s operating now, either.

  22. Neo,
    true, the bad state of the economy is slowly but surely transferring over to Obama ownership and the KSM trial decision should hurt him immensely. Time will tell.

    If his poll numbers remain above 50 a year from now, or if Congress gets amnesty passed, then this country is doomed, and there may be no coming back from it.

  23. Huxley,

    It occurs to me that an evaluation of Obama’s competence depends upon an understanding of his motives and knowledge of his goal(s). It has seemed for some time that he’s not troubled in any real way by our decline. The economy isn’t getting any better in any real way, and in some real ways it’s getting worse. Our standing in the world isn’t getting any stronger, and in some very real ways it’s getting weaker. Our military men in the field are being brought to the edge of despair–if they’re not there yet, you can imagine that that’s where they’re being pushed. The rule of law is being hammered by thuggish behaviour from both professional and political sides of the Justice Department. Political enemies are being identified and acted against (note the early-stage purge against civil service hires from the past 5 years, noted in neo and elsewhere). If he’s trying to do what most of us would see as the right things for this country, then I would agree with you that he’s showing gross incompetence. But suppose that destruction is what he aims for, and attendant chaos. Imagine (and I see no persuasive evidence to rule it out) that he doesn’t care about being able to command majorities in enough states to carry the Electoral College in 2012. We tend to assume that any sane person would care about that, politcians’ ambitions being as dependable as they are. But what if he has something else in mind? He may not care about losing if in the process he furthers his agenda, as Neo points out. If these things are true, can we call him incompetent?

    Or what if he has some plan of a way to render the 2012 election moot, or suspends it somehow? I don’t know. But enough people are beginning to entertain the thought, people whose perceptions and intelligence I’ve learned to think well of, that the idea may at least be worthy of some consideration.

    If he’s interested in bringing about destruction and creating chaos, he’s showing worrisome signs of extreme competence. We tend to assume out-of-hand that no one would want those things, but can we really rule them out? Again, I don’t know of any evidence that succeeds in doing so.

    Motive is a bit more difficult. Why would he do it? I think he hates this country he fought so hard to rule. If that’s true, motive isn’t as much of a mystery.

    Neo’s post is really brilliant, I think.

  24. I remember the day Obama won the nomination and moved from a very left message to the center at somewhere close to the speed of light. I thought he did so with no regard for what the electorate would remember about what he said only that morning, let alone the day before. I also thought it demonstrated his disdain for us. And, since he was right, why wouldn’t he run the same way in 2012? And win?

  25. Remember, as bad as it is today, Obama promises that it will be worse tomorrow. And, damn it all, every day it is!

  26. Remember, as bad as it is today, Obama promises that it will be worse tomorrow. And, damn it all, every day it is!

    Let’s hope that promise has an expiration date too.

  27. putting his reputation behind the stimulus’s effect on unemployment

    Or consider the more prosaic example: putting his reputation behind getting the Olympics. Ridiculous. And this from a graduate in international relations! Did no one ever tell him that Europeans lay awake at night trying to think up ways to stick a finger in Uncle Sam’s nose, to prove their independence? Even if Chicago had been a lock, Obama’s weighing in would have put the kibosh on the deal.

    He was a very competent student and politician, not in terms of tasks accomplished on the job, but in terms of getting the jobs and impressing people.

    Frankly, I don’t know about this. Presumably, if it were true he wouldn’t mind releasing his transcripts, but they’re in tighter lockdown than nuclear weapons secrets. So I’d say there’s effectively no evidence about Obama’s abilities as a student, because affirmative action completely muddies the water.

  28. As to Obama pulling 50% in the Rasmussen polls. However, Obama always gets 95% support from the thirteen percent of the country that makes up the black community. Leaving that support out of the equation, his support is 37/87ths, or 42.5%.

  29. I regret to say but disdain has seeped in …
    The bane of any relationship …
    CW II on the horizon.

  30. I have a slightly different take on Obama and the intelligence issue. I agree with Occam that Obama likely has no more than a mediocre intelligence. I base my opinion mostly on observable behavior including the look in his dead eyes (dead, blank and lifeless to me) and in his fumbling manner when he is off the prompter, among the many other things / decisions that he has done / made and have been discussed here. I have argued in the past that he is essentially a narcissistic demagogue as many here argued; a demagogue that is intelligent like my cat is intelligent. He is cunning in ways that most of us are not used to evaluating in a president. To be cunning takes a measure of intelligence, of course, but it is not a deliberative intelligence. It is an intelligence of reactions that have been learned in context.

    I’m not given to extreme observations, but I can’t move on from the feeling, from the perception that Obama is a cunning political sociopath. I myself can’t do it anymore, but look into those deadish black eyes and tell me you don’t see the look of a demagogic sociopath.

  31. Those eyes are creepy and unsettling. He exudes none of the warmth Bush carried. Michelle too seems like a cold fish to me. The only savings grace is his two daughters. They seem decent enough.

  32. Once again, Neo, it’s as if you’ve grasped all the thoughts floating through my mind in recent weeks. I was astonished to see all of them printed in this post! (My thoughts, though, are not nearly as organized and readable as your writing!)

    Though I rarely listen to network news anymore I happened to catch a local network affiliate last night when they announced that the White House is now making a bid to control all subway systems in the country and put them under federal authority! This in the name of safety. I did a double take and TIVO’d back to listen again, and sure enough, yep! Here we go again! Another power grab? Ya think? The announcement was followed by clips of Democratic senators confirming this and supporting it by citing the FAA over all flights, FCC – communications, and so on. What they failed to grasp — or more likely purposely ignored, is that most subway systems are solely intrastate ir even intra- and inter-city in some cases. (the PATH train which connects the subway from NYC to New Jersey is exception) and they do not operate INTERstate which would might make federal oversight appropriate. I’m sure all of us New Yorkers would not mind if the federal govt. were to assume financial responsibility for these systems instead of local MTA’s which which have instituted price hikes on a regular basis. However, I doubt that is likely to happen, at least in full. And, as in many cases, the cost in federal dollars would unfairly fall on all citizens, regardless if they lived in areas not serviced by subways or above-ground train service. (Note: Regular interstate railroads are already under federal control).

    The point is, they feel no need to roll back any part of their agenda, and I agree with Neo completely, that this is because they most probably no longer count on an 8-year term. I’m not sure they initially thought this was the case. In his arrogance and narcisstic thinking, I think it is very possible he was convinced that he had mesmerized a huge part of the U.S. electorate and they were under his “mind control” as it were.

    I don’t know if they counted on the public’s weariness of his overexposure and endless speeches, nor did he and his administration consider that the people of the U.S. have many problems of their own due to the economy, and would push back with unexpected strength when they realized his agenda is not driven by their welfare. The Democrats dismissive attitude toward the tea partiers and citizen assemblies in protest just instilled a new awareness among citizens that he didn’t want to listen — nor did he plan to.

    That has not changed, however, and recent polling has indicated a significant loss of independent support — without which he cannot win again. The same goes for the Democratic Congress.

    What I don’t understand, is why or how he can continually find enough support for his far left radical agenda among the Democrats in the Senate and the House. The agenda clearly is bent on dismantling our country as we know it, and castrating it with regard to the power it wields. Certainly their are a number of far left wingnuts like Nancy Pelosi, but I’d have thought that the majority of Congress members — whether Democrat or Republican — believe in American exceptionalism and are very proud of our status as the most powerful nation in the world, even if their ideas of how much the federal govt should control, and how U.S. coffers are to be distributed differ.

    Another thing that’s crossed my mind — and I hate to mention this (Warning: this is definitey NOT politically correct!) but I am seeing it as more and more of a possibility as citizens see the faces of Obama, and administration leaders like Geoffrey Holder, Valerie Jarrett pushing agendas with which they disagree, even fear as they realize the “change” they were promised could be much more damaging than they ever could have imagined.

    Could this result in an antipathy that rolls back many of the advances of the civil rights movement. Obama has pushed his “Blackness” and would never have been elected if not for the estimated 95% + vote of all black voters, along with the political correctness sensibilities of other voters considering themselves progressive (in the literal sense as opposed to the political)? Will this black identity, along with the President’s domestic agenda which overwhelmingly favors the poor (translation: primarily black and poor) with the assumption that it is not their fault, and the rest of the country must share what they have, no matter if they attained it through seizing opportunities available to all, prioritizing education and/or committing to hard work; will this create a feeling of resentment and blame that could result in animous? Certainly I think the experience of Obama as President will make it a harder climb for other black politicians, regardless of intelligence and talent, to reach the Presidency for some time to come — and that is a shame. I’ve personally noted there is growing unrest among the black population as they view Obama not prioritizing their real and urgent needs (like jobs, for one thing) and a realization that just because he’s black (half-Black), he’s not really one of them. I have also noted a steady growth of Black conservatives which appears to be emerging as there are more higher educated persons finding success and joining the ranks of middle, upper-middle and upper economic classes.

  33. He’s going to be our Dear Leader For life.
    The rules are changing, people, and we’ve got to change with them, and change fast. FAST. Enough already with the political science and whether he’s stupid or smart. None of this matters. If you cannot see this, we are indeed lost, because you are far from alone. He is riding roughshold over us peasants, and laughing.
    We have to get creative, not legalistic. Baraq should not be tried in the Senate for all the reasons KSM should not be tried in NYC. We need an American Pinochet.

  34. Competency can be manufactured by a cadre of people always giving good words. those in the know all knew to praise him regardless of details. that can manufacture competency. maybe not meritocratic competency, but socialist competency yes, he did after all, with the help of others, achieve the office. if in terms of how he can do the job he was hired for, thats a different story. as to the job he was put there for, i would say he is doing great.

  35. Tom,

    I go ’round and ’round about whether he is stupid or smart, whether he is the actual motivating force or whether he’s someone’s man (Soros, maybe, or Soros plus a group of others). I always come to the conclusion that while these are interesting questions, and I follow and take part in the discussions both of and on Neo, and discuss them with friends–in the end, you’re right. In the end it comes down to the fact that none of that matters.

    I also agree that the rules are changing, and changing fast. A friend of mine at work and I have agreed that it’s entirely possible, if not quite likely, that if we wait until 2010 and think we are going to throw the bums out, we will be too late. The course of future events goes back and forth from seeming clear to being murky, too. I will say that I saw a program last week (I think it was on the History Channel), about the anti-Christ, and by the time the thing was almost done, I was looking over my shoulder. Yikes! But Obama is sowing the seeds of chaos. I think he knows it, I think that’s his intention. That’s why I don’t think he’s incompetent. He’s after chaos, and that’s what he’s going to get.

    Well, we shall see. I don’t know what sort of a tipping point it will take, or when it might come. Neo has had her fingers on the pulse of this thing since the beginning, and I love her analyses–as well as those of all the commenters here.

    Pinochet, though? Not something to be longed for, is it? How bad must it be before we seek a cure that may be worse than the disease? And would such a cure really be worse?

  36. To Art’s point, thanks to handlers, script writers, etc. Martin Sheen was more convincing at portraying a President, yet on his own Sheen can’t figure out how to operate a Coke machine.

  37. But Obama is sowing the seeds of chaos.

    Not on his own hook. He’s merely playing solitaire, and occasionally turning up the red queen.

  38. Once again, not for the first time, artfldgr nails it. These guys are manufacturing competency–socialist competency. In fact, I have lately decided (and I think I am not the first) that we’re not looking at a piddling socialism. This is the real McCoy, the Big C.

    And yes, he’s doing great.

  39. Neo: That is an excellent post.

    csimon: I remember saying during the Rev. Wright flap early in the campaign that Obama’s candidacy had set race relations back 30 years. I fear it has only gotten worse since then. I admit to feeling considerable resentment towards the 95% of blacks who voted along racial lines. (I don’t blame them for Obama’s election, however, since that wouldn’t have been possible without a lot of white votes.)

    It’s heartening to hear you say that some blacks are starting to realize that he is not one of them. That is indisputably true. Forget the controversy over his birthplace. Culturally speaking, given his early upbringing and indoctrination, he is NOT American AND he is not a black American. I read somewhere that his father was part Arab. Given that the Arab Muslims started the African slave trade, and that his father was African (i.e., not a descendent of slaves) he probably has more slave traders than slaves in his ancestry.

    While I was composing this comment in my mind, I was listening to Mark Levin’s radio show. Tonight there was a guest host. I think his name was Michael Barry and I think he is from Texas. He sounded southern, anyway. One caller was a woman who said she was black and a conservative. She was also a military veteran. They had a great, long conversation, and he ended up suggesting that she think about running for office. She admitted that the thought had crossed her mind.

    So here was the spectacle of a southern, conservative white male talk radio host encouraging a black woman to run for office. I think a lot of standard-issue “knee-jerk” liberals would have a hard time wrapping their minds around that. 😉

  40. Obama is cunning and devious, but that’s only hoodlum intelligence.His real skill has been to mask his personna and have people actively enable him in deceiving others and themselves for decades;he’s the Zelig who takes credit for others work and no portion of any blame for his own shortcomings.It’s impossible to gauge his actual smarts as he goes to great lengths to deflect and avoid engagement with many on a wide variety of subjects.All I see are stumbles from a man who shows his breadth of knowledge is as a shallow as a street thug community hustler, and like any street artist, he doesn’t care.There’s never been anyone so powerful who doesn’t care so much as this dysfunctional punk of a POTUS.

  41. Obama sees himself as the great inspirer and leader of men. I think that he is commited to his grand visions, but he really believes he can delegate all the work. Unfortunately, he tells his people to square circles and serve hot ice cubes. He delegated Guantanamo , and his delegate just got the ax. This could continue to happen. I can imagine things coming apart if more people are thrown under the bus, and I can’t see him ever accepting responsibilty for a failure. He always runs away to preserve his self-image.

    Yes he is commited to an ideology, but he is unlikely to credit anyone else, whether Marx or Alinsky or Jeremiah Wright, as being the source. He has unconsciously absorbed the received wisdom of his mileau, but he mouths his platitudes as if they were his own great insights. In the end it is all about him. He must have a million ways of denying failure.

  42. I still think the grande plan, whether Obama realizes it or not, is the serious weakening of the U.S.

  43. Hot ice cubes. Now there’s a thought.

    Speaking of that bus, under which so many now find themselves, I’m reminded of the first time the metaphor was used–of the first unhappy dweller thereunder. It was, I think, his grandmother, she being a “typical white woman.” The speech he gave to mark the occasion of her mention referred to her as having loved him greatly. I was struck at the time by the fact that he has never, either then or since, referred to having loved her. In fact, I don’t think he has ever made any mention of his having loved anyone.

    It may mean nothing, it may be just a trick of rhetoric and coincidence. On the other hand. . . .

  44. Yep, we have our own Allende. And betsyb, what was so terrible about Pinochet? He did what he had to. Saved Chile. Cracked a few eggs to make that omelet. But the omelet was made, and endures. I’d sooner go to Chile than lots of other places on this darkening planet.
    Who says he was soooo baad? Why, the NYT, the Eurocrats, et al; fancy that! Believe them? Never.

  45. Tom,

    Good point, and point taken. The truth is, I don’t know much about Pinochet beyond his reputation, and his reputation has been made in large part by the leftist media in this country. One could argue, I suppose, that at least Pinochet was in a position to make a move when he had to.

    So–who will do that here? You never know, of course, but I don’t yet see anyone I’d follow.

  46. Other than the trial of Aaron Burr, we have never had trials of former government officials for deliberate sabotage or treason (see the definition at http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/treason) in this country (I do not really count Benedict Arnold’s court martial for trivial matters) but–whether such trials are a good idea or not, a good precedent or not–we may possibly see such in the next few years. The Left is presently pushing for such trials for Bush and Cheney–but since “what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander”–if it can be proven that they acted with the intent to deliberately harm and/or weaken this country (see the definitions above) and we all suffer the effects of their success–why not such prosecutions of Obama, Biden*, Eric Holder, the Czars, and other top Obama administration figures?

    I am wondering just when you cross the line from mere incompetence or even active malice to Treason, and whether a lot of Obami want to make that crossing.

    The question of course is, “who will bell the cat?” It certainly won’t be Eric Holder.

    – I include our loudmouth braggart, and dummy, VP Biden because of his very pointed statements before the election calling for patience and steadfastness by Obama supporters when–several months into the Obama administration–it will look like Obama has taken the wrong actions. This tells me that Biden was “read into” and knew the general direction of Obama’s plans all along, and is, thus, just a guilty.

    “Joe Biden shifted things briefly onto what’s thought to be McCain’s turf at a Seattle fundraiser yesterday:

    “It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We’re about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don’t remember anything else I said. Watch, we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.”

    “I can give you at least four or five scenarios from where it might originate,” Biden said to Emerald City supporters, mentioning the Middle East and Russia as possibilities. “And he’s gonna need help. And the kind of help he’s gonna need is, he’s gonna need you – not financially to help him – we’re gonna need you to use your influence, your influence within the community, to stand with him. Because it’s not gonna be apparent initially, it’s not gonna be apparent that we’re right.”

    He meant, presumably, Cuban Missile Crisis Kennedy, not Bay of Pigs Kennedy.

    In any case, Biden told the crowd to “gird your loins.”” (quote from http://www.politico.com/blogs/bensmith/1008/Biden_Obama_will_be_tested.html)

  47. SaveTheRepublic Says:

    “If the election in 2012 is fair, the Dems will be voted out and will not see the light of day as a political force for decades—possibly forever—so badly have they undermined our country. At least, not until they rid themselves of marxists.”

    I agree but then the Republicans would have to nominate real conservatives and would have to actually vote and legislate as such. But have they learned their lesson? We can only hope.

    jon baker Says:

    “I still think the grande plan, whether Obama realizes it or not, is the serious weakening of the U.S.”

    And like others have said, he’s doing great at the job he was put there for.

    Does he have many more stops on his “Apologize for America” tour?

  48. Wolla,

    I recall these statments you quote. I think Biden also said something about Obama having “steel in his spine.”


    You know, it’s one of the things that’s puzzled me. I mean, it’s been a characteristic of leftist heads of state that they do what they do internally to advance their own dictatorships, but internationally they tend to act to maximize their nations’ power and sway. That’s a peculiar thing about Obama, and one I did not expect–in fact, I expected quite the opposite. I did not think, for example, that he would have qualms about doing whatever’s necessary to prevail in Afghanistan. And yet here we are. He cannot even bring himself to shit, much less get off the pot.

    I don’t understand this, it’s a particular sort of disconnect. I think it has to do with his desire to see this country fail in each and every endeavor. But still, it’s a bit puzzling.

    And if he has no desire to enhance our international strength, why should we be “girding our loins”?

    This is not a rhetorical question. I wonder whether it doesn’t presage his intention to lead us into surrender–if not total, uncontested collapse.

    And I wonder what this has to do with nationalistic Leftism.

    And if not that, then. . . what?

  49. huxley: again, it depends what you mean by “competent.” He was a very competent student and politician, not in terms of tasks accomplished on the job, but in terms of getting the jobs and impressing people. Those were his goals, and he accomplished them.

    neo: That’s a serious climbdown from your global declaration that Obama is “highly competent.”

    We’ve all known people who were highly competent in high school or college or within some particular work domain but were flat terrible in any larger context.

    That’s Obama. He is no longer in school. He is no longer campaigning. He is President of the United States and he is not highly competent at that job. He is not very competent at all at that job, though he may well manage to do a great deal of damage.

    Trumpeting Obama’s high competence right now is misleading.

  50. Huxley,

    Again, and as Neo said, it depends upon what one speaks of him as being “competent” at doing. He’s not competent at helping this country emerge from a hard time in as strong a position as may be.

    But don’t presuppose that that’s what he’s aiming for.

  51. huxley: I thought it was understood by anyone who’s read my blog for the last year or so that I think Obama is a terrible president, but that it’s because I think he has different goals from most presidents, ones that go against the good of the country.

    I have no way to evaluate his global competence. When I said he was competent, since it was in the context of about a year of very negative posts about him, I thought it was clear that I meant competent at the things in which he’s shown interest.

    My point (and perhaps I did not make it clearly enough) is that it is a mistake to underestimate Obama, and to take his incompetence at what we would consider the tasks of a president (leadership, judgment, protecting the nation from harm, helping the economy) as evidence of global incompetence. They are merely evidence of lack of interest in those things. For example, if his interest is in harming the economy as a Cloward-Piven strategy, I would say he is quite competent indeed.

  52. Occam’s Beard

    We’ve got our own little Salvador Allende.

    In some ways, we have it worse. Obama has a substantial legislative majority. Allende never had a legislative majority. The overwhelming proportion — not all- of the nationalizations under Allende occurred by decree, not by legislative vote, as Allende knew the legislature would not have supported them. Three weeks before the coup, the aHouse of Deputies passed by 81-47 a resolution titled the “Declaration of the Breakdown of Chile’s Democracy.” An excerpt follows.

    “5. That it is a fact that the current government of the Republic, from the beginning, has sought to conquer absolute power with the obvious purpose of subjecting all citizens to the strictest political and economic control by the state and, in this manner, fulfilling the goal of establishing a totalitarian system: the absolute opposite of the representative democracy established by the Constitution;
    6. That to achieve this end, the administration has committed not isolated violations of the Constitution and the laws of the land, rather it has made such violations a permanent system of conduct, to such an extreme that it systematically ignores and breaches the proper role of the other branches of government…”

    As his party controls both houses, Obama doesn’t have to worry about such a resolution passing Congress by a 6o percent plus majority.

  53. Steve G: I agree. I mark the turning point as when Obama threw away his promise about campaign financing, and did it with such coolness and lack of remorse—as well as blaming it on the Republicans—that I was awestruck. I was stunned also when his supporters marched in lockstep to defend him, and there was almost no reaction in the polls as well. I believe he did that partly because he felt he needed the money, and partly as a test of the American people and how much he could get away with. It probably gave him the idea he could get away with almost anything.

    Here’s what I wrote about it at the time.

  54. Occam’s Beard: I’m basing Obama’s student record on the fact that he graduated from Columbia, and went on to graduate from HLS magna cum laude. That represent a certain level of academic competence. Laurence Tribe, an HLS professor, called him “the most impressive and talented of the thousands of students I have been privileged to teach in nearly 40 years on the Harvard faculty.” That represents a certain level of academic skill, as well. We don’t have his transcripts, but we have that.

    Those things, of course, have nothing to do with judgment, wisdom, or leadership. But, at least in his later academic career, he was academically competent—probably more than competent, I would say.

  55. America held hostage …

    For these reasons (and also the unanswered question of whether he meets the Constitutional requirements), right after the election I suggested calling this administration the “Avignon Presidency.”

  56. Baklava: intelligence vs. wisdom. Very very very different things.

    Exactly. Or, as I might put it, alleged-President Obama is clever, but he is not wise.

  57. So here was the spectacle of a southern, conservative white male talk radio host encouraging a black woman to run for office. I think a lot of standard-issue “knee-jerk” liberals would have a hard time wrapping their minds around that.

    My father was a white Southerner … he grew as as “po’ white trash” … and he wanted to vote for Shirley Chisholm for President. He also wanted to vote for George Wallace.

  58. From Power Line:

    More Liberal Violence

    We conservatives have long talked about our willingness to fight for freedom. In a sense, that’s generally been metaphorical, especially when talking about domestic rather than foreign enemies. With the far left now on the march, however, it isn’t metaphorical any more. It’s just one more sign of the Age of Obama–fighting in the streets, as the extreme Left has been empowered as never before.

  59. Yes, there are many questions.

    One of the more interesting ones is how long it will take Obama to destroy the Democratic Party.

  60. The wealthy liberals in this country who are so thrilled with Obama had better wake up to what their future might be under the Messiah. When the excrement hits the ventilating device, they will have nowhere to run or hide. Eastern Europeans could run to the West and Cubans could run to Cuba. Options for rich Americans will be limited.

  61. I believe that Obama is not particularly concerned with 2012. That’s for his staff to worry about. When the time comes, he thinks he can accomplish whatever he wants. And why shouldn’t he? Everything has come to him, as if by magic, his entire life. His setbacks? To the extent that there have been any, well they were not his fault. More than anyone else, he believes in himself.

    However, if he concludes that his plans are not permanently in place by the time he comes up for re-election – and that re-election is seriously in doubt, then he becomes a real danger to the Republic, for the ends justify the means with him and his ilk. And he cannot be denied because, after all, nothing has been denied him in life.

  62. Question: If he is so smart, why does he let Botox Brain take charge of his most important legislation? Could it have something to do with voting present? His greatest gift is in being all things to all people and creating the phony appearance of consensus. I still wonder what will happen when his truest believers see the underside of the bus.

    I’d love to see a Ditch Nancy Now movement in the upcoming elections. Make it an issue in local campaigns and watch the sycophants run for cover. And pass the popcorn.

  63. Mr. Frank,

    I’ve noticed you’ve had quite a few powerful lines.

    I appreciate this one, “The wealthy liberals in this country who are so thrilled with Obama had better wake up to what their future might be under the Messiah.

    This does not apply to the super rich like Warren Buffet I know.

    But the Marin County volvo driving latte liberals better learn some wisdom….

    Of course – doesn’t matter if they do or not. We have a majority of independents waking up.

  64. But it would be helpful if the enterprising young talented hollywood celebrities, high end technical people who for some reason don’t understand economics sometimes, and doctors and nurses wake up to what’s good for this country.

  65. Neo,

    This quote is from John Ray at Dissecting the Left. It explains a lot.

    “Leftists are consistent only in their hate. They don’t have principles. How can they when “there is no such thing as right and wrong”? All they have is postures, pretend-principles that can be changed as easily as one changes one’s shirt.”

    I voted for it before I voted against it. One (lack of) principals caught between two of Kerry’s postures. And, he was not the least embarrassed by his lack of principals.

    This is one reason why Obama is so disdainful of us, conservatives (who at least question his motives and positions) AND liberals (who he recognizes as those who are stupid enough to buy his crap, lock, stock and barrel). Because he is such an engaging personality on the campaign trail, he can say what he will, and the crowds love him. Unless the Republicans come up with a dazzling candidate, he will win again in 2012, and by a comfortable margin. I don’t think most people even hear WHAT he is saying. Only that it sounds magical.

    I think we conservatives are talking to each other, a very engaged but relatively tiny minority. We are easily catalogued (and just as easily dismissed) by liberals as “teabaggers”. We overlook that most people are not only not persuaded by our logic, they can’t bother to even open their minds and read our concerns. The world is full of grasshoppers and we are nothing more than ants.

    For reasons that I cannot fathom, Obama’s popularity is swinging upwards (is he more popular out of the country?), even with the decision to bring the terrorists to NYC for trial.

  66. it’s a particular sort of disconnect. I think it has to do with his desire to see this country fail in each and every endeavor.

    there is an overarching set of goals to give into, and they have been normalized so that we embrace the poison and fight to preserve it rather than spit it up.

    a demoralized nation is ripe for the picking.

    the idea is to make it so bad, so horrible, so wretched, that we will BEG for communism

    then we cant blame them, we can only blame ourselves. how can you hold hitler responsible, or stalin responsible, or mao responsible, when it was the free people of a democracy that asked for it?

    i tried to put up documents on HOW these things work. while most are trying to determine if they exist, i have been trying to show you that not only does it exist, but its been formalized and written about and there are how to manials out there.

    its like being an irish street brawler, and then going up against a buddhist kung fu master. the latter is a formalized process which is improved over timne, the former is natural ability writ large and experiecne…

    there is no separation between socialism and communism. none.

    we only believe that so that we would take bites of poison. dont think it possible? how many people enjoy nichotine? ont of the top insecticides.

    you can read bundt… you can read others.

    now its way too late.,.

    we had to have listened to those we still think were crazy back in the 40s and 50s.

    we didnt.

    now we have huge rampant desease, crime, school failure, crippled minds, emotional wrecks, incompetent people. etc.

    you have to realize that if you had 30k in the bank before obama its worth less than 10k now.

    we are headed for germanies hyperinflation.

    except that this time, unlike past things, the people are unfriendly, selfish, violent, incompetent, and incapable.

    no wonder i know mroe than 5 people who have planned their suicides… these are phd doctors, a professor, etc.

    they woudl rather die than relive their past at all. the way they put it, better to go on a high note and remember how wonderful and sweet life was here, than to have that taken away as the people who went to camps, died in wars, starvation, etc…

    they do not want what they have and remember to be spoiled or erasd or debased…

    obviously, the ONLY people that are really taking this seriously are the immigrants, and the state. the rest of america is not, and so will end up where they say they want to be, but never wanted to go.

  67. he graduated from Columbia, and went on to graduate from HLS magna cum laude. That represent a certain level of academic competence.

    lets see… columbia… where the frankfurt school set up shop.. the school with the most spies and traitors of any school in american history.

    you only need communist professors working for the cause. remember, bella dodd was the president of the communsit party USA AND she was also head of the Teachers union. i said to read her book and i gave the link to it, as its free.

    if you can get the system to throw away people with ACTUAL 3.5s in favor of those with a 3.0, you can certainly make a nothing into a magna cum laude… ESPECIALLY if you cant review his work to determine such validity!

    THIS is why the communists think merit is not real. because they can side step it with colluision

    their belief is that this was how the old system actually operated… so they really do (some of them) believe that its only replacing one guard with another.

    The CSSA at Columbia University is a case in point. Its constitution boasts: “Reviewed by: Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in New York.” Until a few weeks ago, its advisory board had only two members: Fanglin Ai and Da Yao, both officials from the Chinese Consulate in New York.

    harvard was co-opted years ago.

    remember when their business school lost its morals? that was the change made to create a form of debased capitalism… and would loosten up business to be receptive to the more negative kinds of states where they would only see benifits, and not the down side (see gm)

    you can read lots of history in

    Spy wars

    “Treachery: Betrayals, Blunders, and Cover-Ups: Six Decades of Espionage Against America and Great Britain”

    “Spies: The Rise and Fall of the K.G.B. in America.”

    “The Haunted Wood”

    An e-mail from April 23, 2002 promised that members would be paid $30 each to join a welcoming group for Hu Jintao. Four years later, before Hu Jintao was scheduled to speak at Yale University, CSSA list members received an e-mail promising a free bus trip to New Haven, Connecticut, free breakfast, free lunch, and a free shopping trip to the Woodbury Outlet Mall. The busses alone would have cost more than $1000, and were not covered by Columbia University.

    and this paragraph reminds me of my conversation with promethea… when she believed that she could never be a part of something that was not what she thought it was.

    A decade ago, Ms. Yanping Lu served as chair of the CSSA at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. She told The Epoch Times that, at the time, she did not fully realize the Chinese Consulate was using her for espionage. She accepted small gifts from the consulate–on the order of $300 each–as a matter of routine and did not think about it further. Eventually, the consulate asked her to collect data on fellow students.

    “Once, the consulate wanted me to collect information on all the students and scholars to compile a list. At first I felt this was a good idea because people could get to know and help each other,” said Lu. “Later, I felt more and more uneasy. When I think about it now, I realize that was actually spying.”

    Morris Cohen – Morris Cohen also known in London as Peter Kroger (2 July 1910 — 23 June 1995) was an American convicted of espionage for the Soviet Union. / He was born in New York. His father was from an area near Kiev in present-day Ukraine, and his mother was born in Vilnius in present-day Lithuania. Cohen received an athletic scholarship as an outstanding rugby union player to attend Columbia University.

    he was connected to BLAKE the CAMBRIDGE spies, which worked across the pond. soviets told them not to talk to each other. blake later was connected to kim phlby.

    Cy Oggins – a Columbia University undergraduate who joined the fledgling Communist Party in 1920. Recruited by Soviet intelligence in 1926, he went to Europe in the guise of an academic…. After 1930 he sailed to China and Manchuria for various undercover schemes, then traveled to Moscow in 1939 during Stalin’s purges…. [H]e was arrested[,] sent to an Arctic gulag and … murdered … in 1947.”

    so many ended up that way.. his story is in the book, The Lost Spy: An American in Stalin’s Secret Service

    then there was the famous RED HEAD GROUP

    Boris Bazerov had hede massing under him, and Paul Massing, scientist at Columbia University’s Institute of Social Research. Defected

    the others i this group were oscar bernstein (lawyer), LAWRENCE DUGGAN (name obfuscated by hollywood using it). Duggan was a Harvard friend of Alger Hiss and Noel Field. He was identified as a Soviet agent by Comintern courier[2] Whittaker Chambers,[3] OGPU recruiter Hede Massing,[4] Venona decrypts and Soviet archives.[5]

    Henry Wallace once said that if he became President, he would make Duggan Secretary of State;[6] had FDR died in 1944, rather than 1945, Wallace would indeed have become President.[7]

    To protect Duggan’s identity, Ignace Poretsky (alias Ignace Reiss) was murdered:[8] A Moscow Center report of Poretsky’s “liquidation” notes:

    “ For now the danger of 19 [Duggan][9] being exposed through Raymond’s [Poretsky’s][10] line is significantly diminished.[11]

    so HARVARD has them too.. both schools do, and their history goes back to the earliest days of last century!

    Poretsky was killed by OGPU agent Roland Abbiat,[12] who would later go under cover as Vladimir Pravdin. New York bureau chief of the Soviet government news agency TASS, in which capacity he would become a contact of Walter Lippmann I.F. Stone and be suggested as the contact for GRU agent “Ales” at the founding conference of the UN.

    Five days after Duggan implicated Henry Collins and Frederick Vanderbilt Field to the FBI,[17] Hiss was indicted by a grand jury and the NKVD again approached Duggan; five days[18] later, Duggan would jump or be thrown[19] from his New York office window to his death,[20] leading his friend (and father’s protégé) Edward R. Murrow to broadcast a scathing denunciation of Red-hunters in the U.S. government for hounding an allegedly innocent man to his grave.

    anyone care to start plinking in names and see connections between these guys and the SDS?

    after all, they were the professors (like in china and tianeman i said to look up), and it was their students, like obama, they were making.

    Alge hiss went to Johns Hopkins, and then graduated harvard law school.

    After graduating in 1926, Hiss went on to Harvard Law School, along with Noel Field and Laurence Duggan. There he resumed his friendship with boyhood friend Henry Collins,[25] and served on the Harvard Law Review with editor Lee Pressman.[26] Hiss became a protégé of Felix Frankfurter, who was at the time the leading champion of the convicted murderers Sacco and Vanzetti,[27] revolutionary terrorists who had become a Communist[28] cause célé¨bre,[29] and whom Alger Hiss would later emulate

    who else served on harvard law review?

  68. expat: it was extremely smart to use Pelosi. She provides perfect cover and deniability for anything that’s wrong with the bill. He can describe (as he did in his speech on the subject) some sort of ideal Obama bill that doesn’t have this and doesn’t have that—both of which the real bill has—and say he’s not lying because he’s describing his bill, not hers. And he knows that Pelosi will do her utmost to include in the bill as many far Left positions as possible (as well as patronage for the special interest groups), which is his real agenda. All the while, he keeps his hands clean and she does his dirty work.

  69. remember if you didnt know these places were a part of all this, you would think nothing of it, but if you are on the inside, or know yuor history, these schools were where you want to get connected. sincve it was the children of the wealthy and priveledged that the soviets worked on first. or havent you noticed how many wealthy peoples kids ended up fighing for their own slavery?

    Algher hiss – johns hopkins, harvard law school. was part of the harvard law review. Hiss’ favorite instructors included Broadus Mitchell and José Robles.

    Robles was a commited stalinist, served in spain, and interpreter for latvian, janis berzins, alias grishin. head of soviet intelligence. he disappeared after berzins was recalled to moscow and shot in stalins purges of 38. robles was abducted and murdered by special section. john dos passos, a former fellow traveler. Before going to fight in Spain, Robles taught Spanish at Johns Hopkins University,

    Broadus Mitchell was a well-known socialist[1] who served as candidate[2] for Governor of Maryland for the Socialist Party[3] (U.S. supporter of the Comintern).[4] Mitchell was also a professor of Economics at Johns Hopkins University,

    so any communist coming into the colleges with their schooling paid by a saudi… would get an easy leg up to the positions of power by all the other termites who have been working and coordinated by sovit russia across the whole lanscape of american politics.

    and we as a people are generlaly completely ignorant of it.

    still think obama earned his degrees?

    by the way, these guys were instrumental in the LAST time they tried to sovietize the US

    dont forget that dewey was also a spy, and he created our state education system modleing it after the germans and soviets.

    here is the kind of thing they did.
    the AAA curtailed U.S. farm production in order to drive up food prices in the depths of the Great Depression

    so the actions of our leader parallels a different time in history that these professors left out of their lesson plans.

    At AAA, Hiss reunited with Collins, as well as IJA colleagues Pressman (who would join the Communist Party about this time)[60] and Witt (who would be identified as a fellow Communist by Pressman),[61] and became acquainted with secret Communist John Abt[62] and the Communist[63] Harold Ware[64]–recently returned from several years in the Soviet Union, where he had been instrumental in the organization of collective farms.[65]

    note how they had eduations in soviet russia.

    As a Georgetown junior, Clinton inherited his antiwar orientation from his part-time employer, Senator J. William Fulbright. Fulbright’s views on Vietnam had in turn been influenced by scholar Bernard Fall. Fall had an academic background at institutions linked to Chinese Communist apologist Owen Lattimore. He had recently co-authored a book on Vietnam with Marcus Raskin, cofounder of the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), which disseminated Marxist propaganda aimed to sway Fulbright and other decision-makers. Fulbright’s office was also in regular contact with Igor Bubnov, a KGB operative on Capitol Hill. President Johnson had ordered the FBI to monitor Fulbright and his staff for suspected Communist contact at the time Clinton went to work for Fulbright

    so clinton went to soviet russia for training instead of vietnam.

    and look at the organizations.. IPS.. hey! what KNOWN spies were there?

    here is just ONE GROUP… (out of literally dozesns)
    do note how many are in the area where mrs clinton serves.

    Members of the Karl group:

    Noel Field, United States Department of State

    Harold Glasser, Assistant Director, Division of Monetary Research, United States Department of the Treasury

    Alger Hiss, United States Department of State

    Charles Kramer, Senate Subcommittee on War Mobilization; Office of Price Administration; National Labor Relations Board; Senate Subcommittee on Wartime Health and Education; Agricultural Adjustment Administration; Senate Civil Liberties Subcommittee, Senate Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Labor and Public Welfare Committee

    Victor Perlo, chief of the Aviation Section of the War Production Board; head of branch in Research Section, Office of Price Administration Department of Commerce; Division of Monetary Research Department of Treasury; Brookings Institution

    Ward Pigman, National Bureau of Standards; Labor and Public Welfare Committee

    Vincent Reno, mathematician at United States Army Aberdeen Proving Ground

    George Silverman, Director of the Bureau of Research and Information Services, US Railroad Retirement Board; Economic Adviser and Chief of Analysis and Plans, Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Material and Services, War Department

    Julian Wadleigh, United States Department of State

    Harry Dexter White, Director of the Division of Monetary Research Secretary of the Treasury

    Viktor Vasilevish Sveshchnikov, United States War Department

    thats one group and only a partial list of those who were run by Balentin Markin… he was an nkvd illegal (alien entering the country illegally and taking up residence. no wonder they like illegal aliens). he dies and the group was then transferred from nkvd to GRU under boris bykov.

    these were members of the ware group:
    Alger Hiss
    Lee Pressman
    John Abt
    Charles Kramer
    Nathan Witt
    Henry Collins
    George Silverman
    Marion Bachrach
    John Herrmann
    Nathaniel Weyl
    Donald Hiss
    Victor Perlo

    The Ware group initially consisted of young lawyers and economists hired by the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA), a New Deal agency that reported to the secretary of agriculture but was independent of the Department of Agriculture bureaucracy.

    so, like yesterday, the people in office were just fronts for these people to provide them the documents to put in place. they didnt need skills,.

    after all, without protection and such, do you really think barny frank would stay in office? he was compromised years ago… just read the crap aroudn him.

    The members were initially recruited into Marxist study groups, and then into the CP itself. They shared a belief that Marxist ideologies were the correct way to approach the problems of the ongoing Great Depression. The agents not only provided classified documents to Soviet intelligence, but also used their political influence to further the CP’s goals.

    sound familiar?

    history is repeating for about the 6th time, but most here only know 1 and not much of that time.

    the silvermaster group:

    It was investigated by the FBI spanning the years 1945 through 1959. Nathan Gregory Silvermaster was the leader of the spy ring which consisted of 27 principal KGB operatives gathering information from at least six Federal agencies. The group operated primarily in the Department of the Treasury but also had contacts in the Army Air Force and in the White House. Sixty-one of the Venona cables concern the activities of the Silvermaster spy ring.

    In 1942 the Silvermaster Group delivered 59 rolls of film to their handler. In 1943, it was 211 rolls, 600 in 1944, and 1895 in 1945.

    elizabeth bently defected…and we foudn them out.
    Igor Guzenko gave more, and venona even more.

    Nathan Gregory Silvermaster, Chief Planning Technician, Procurement Division, United States Department of the Treasury; Chief Economist, War Assets Administration; Director of the Labor Division, Farm Security Administration; Board of Economic Warfare; Reconstruction Finance Corporation Department of Commerce
    Helen Silvermaster (wife)
    Schlomer Adler, United States Department of the Treasury
    Norman Chandler Bursler, United States Department of Justice Anti-Trust Division
    Frank Coe, Assistant Director, Division of Monetary Research, Treasury Department; Special Assistant to the United States Ambassador in London; Assistant to the Executive Director, Board of Economic Warfare; Assistant Administrator, Foreign Economic Administration
    Lauchlin Currie, Administrative Assistant to President Roosevelt; Deputy Administrator of Foreign Economic Administration; Special Representative to China
    Bela Gold, Assistant Head of Program Surveys, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, United States Department of Agriculture; Senate Subcommittee on War Mobilization; Office of Economic Programs in Foreign Economic Administration
    Sonia Steinman Gold, Division of Monetary Research U.S. Treasury Department; U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on Interstate Migration; U.S. Bureau of Employment Security
    Irving Kaplan, Foreign Funds Control and Division of Monetary Research, United States Department of the Treasury Foreign Economic Administration; chief advisor to the Military Government of Germany
    George Silverman, civilian Chief Production Specialist, Material Division, Army Air Force Air Staff, War Department, Pentagon
    William Henry Taylor, Assistant Director of the Middle East Division of Monetary Research, United States Department of Treasury
    William Ullman, delegate to United Nations Charter meeting and Bretton Woods conference; Division of Monetary Research, Department of Treasury; Material and Services Division, Air Corps Headquarters, Pentagon
    Anatole Volkov
    Harry Dexter White, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury; Head of the International Monetary Fund

    and you can do some research on geithner, and indonesia, and obamas mom… she was running a fake oil company.. so things are not what they seem at all.

  70. Betsybounds:
    Your reply led me to google Pinochet. You may wish to do the same. I am left firmly convinced that his “crimes” have little substantiation. They are Leftist allegations, pure and simple. He was re-elected as Pres by 65%, and even the Left doesn’t claim vote fraud. Course I don’t read spanish.

  71. Harvard Law not so much.

    VERY wrong..

    i just listed three super bigges from harvard law who also wrote and led the review, like obama.

    alger hiss…

    you just dont know the history.

    so you assume that it wasnt much

    ANYWHERE there was a way to influence, soviet people were there. it was and is that big.

    the ACLU, which its roots as a communist organization by its founders is well known, was also tightly connected.

    john pemberton was there… as was nadine strossen… (she sits on council of foreing relations – her career is as blessed as obamas) Strossen graduated from Harvard College in 1972, Phi Beta Kappa, and then graduated from Harvard Law School in 1975, magna cum laude. In law school, she served as an editor of the Harvard Law Review.
    Strossen is married to Eli Noam, a professor at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Business.
    Noam attended Harvard University, where he obtained several degrees, including an A.B. 1970 (Phi Beta Kappa, Summa Cum Laude thesis), an A.M. 1972, a J.D. 1975 and a Ph.D. in Economics 1975. His dissertation advisor was Martin Feldstein.

    want to know who they are tied to?
    Harvey S. Rosen
    Lawrence H. Summers

    go figure.

    you only have to see who was in whose classes. or who was a professor, and who married whom.

    Feldstein may have made one of his greatest impacts through the remarkable concentration of his students in top echelons of government and academia. These include: Larry Summers, former Harvard president and US Treasury secretary; David Ellwood, dean of Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government; and James Poterba, MIT professor and member of Bush’s tax reform advisory panel. Lawrence Lindsey, formerly Bush’s top economic adviser, wrote his doctoral thesis under Feldstein, as did Harvey S. Rosen, the previous chairman of the president’s Council of Economic Advisers, and Glenn Hubbard, Bush’s first chairman of the council and now dean of the Columbia Business School
    As a member of the board of AIG Financial Products, Feldstein was one of those who had oversight of the division of the international insurer that contributed to the company’s crisis in September, 2008. He has also served as a board member for Eli Lilly and Company.

    you then get a sinking feeling…

    you can find this kind of thing literally everywhere since the 40s… from business to colleges, to orgnaizations and charities, to even the arts.

    i mean… summers is up there, and who taught summers, the guy from AIG… who caused the crisis, whichi started the big change. right?

    On February 6, 2009, Feldstein was announced as one of U.S. President Obama’s advisors on the President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board.[9]

    John Edward Sexton was at harvard law review… and he is chairman of the boarrd of the fed reserve. Sexton co-authored Civil Procedure: Cases and Materials, a textbook on civil procedure, which has become the most widely used legal textbook on any subject – used by two-thirds of law students in the United States.. president of nyu

    the fun thing is when you look at who their parents are.

    the list of those who were there is interesting.
    eliot spitzer has the creds too. dean acheson… and more

    though they tend to leave the convicted spies off the list.

    my fav is franfurter… ..bet you dont know him!!
    Felix Frankfurter (November 15, 1882 — February 22, 1965) was an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court. He also served as counsel for the National Consumers League arguing for progressive causes such as minimum wage and restricted work hours.[2][10] He was involved in the early years of The New Republic when it was founded by Herbert Croly.[2][12]

    harvard law review became communist in its goals and ideas way way back.

    how do you think they created a president who thinks the constition is a old paper, and that it should be editable by those in power like the soviet unoin?

    how come they always went after progressive/socialist/communist causes.

    i mean really… do you know who herber croly is?

    Herbert David Croly (January 23, 1869 — May 17, 1930) was a progressive-liberal writer and leader of the new liberalism movement in early twentieth-century America. He is best known for co-founding the magazine The New Republic and for his book The Promise of American Life.[1] His political philosophy influenced many Progressives including Theodore Roosevelt, as well as his close friends Judge Learned Hand and Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter.[2]

    you mean the liberalism we follow now (communism) was from these guys?


    and you can find DIRECT Connections to the SAME PEOPLE, their students or children!!!!!!!!!!


  72. just to give you how intertwined thsi is…

    Timothy F geithner. currently in obamas group, as treasure secretary, right?

    who is his father?

    Peter F. Geithner. he was in charge of micro loans as he worked for the ford foundation. the same guys that created the council on foreign relations.

    the council of foreign relations was started by the american bankers, and still is how they control the US and other areas. obama is a member, so is almost every president in my lifetime…

    obamas mom was well connected… she never lived on food stamps, and of course her son would go to the best schools and be well connected to.

    Geithners father was director of the ASIA program at the ford foundation… (a NWO thing) he oversaw microfinance programs…. which were developed by ANNE DUNHAM SOETORO.

    Geitheners maternal granfatther was charles F moore. president of ford motor company, and adviser to eisenhower.

    and remember this group was connected to the soviets thorugh kenya politics… and lots of other connections too.

    there are even connections to AIG… funny eh?

    it gets more interesting in that the clintons, also have real estate connections… after going to soviet russia for education (bill), he came back here. well, if you look it up, clintons were also connected to indonesias micro financing.

    and even vunker… fanny mae and freddie mac, are micro financing schemes.

    the idea is that they are grabbig power through real estate. resko was laundering 100 mill for obamas..

    Peter F. Geithner is an advisor to the Asia Center at Harvard University and a consultant to the Asia Pacific Philanthropy Consortium, Rockefeller Foundation, Sasakawa Peace Foundation, and other organizations. He serves on the boards of the National Committee on United States-China Relations, the China Center for Economic Research (Peking University), the Center for the Advanced Study of India (University of Pennsylvania), Clemente (Holdings) Asia, Inc., and the Institute of Current World Affairs.

    The Asian angle on the Geithner nomination

    “First, his Asia background. Geithner’s father, Peter Geithner, was a development specialist who opened the Ford Foundation’s China office – the first foreign NGO here, under a special agreement that continues to this day. That was just before Tiananmen Square, and the father was part of the Foundation’s difficult but, ultimately, undoubtedly correct decision to remain engaged. Tim apparently also studied Chinese, was posted in Tokyo for Treasury, and focused on Asia studies as undergraduate and graduate student. This is all great background for Treasury’s international dealings in the coming years.” M

    no wonder obama bows to saudis and asians…

    as another blogger puts it:
    Now you can see why China is lending us all this money for Socialist/Marxist agendas? China knows that if the US is to become Socialist/Marxist, our country will no longer lead the world in innovation and technology. China has their own plans for world “hemogany”. In fact, Chinese leaders know that Communism doesn’t work, and this is why they have adopted a simulation model of Western government through their “Strategic Moderization Objective”.

    There is also a solid link between the Islamic Banking Cooperative, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, The Ford Foundation, Devron Bank of Chicago and the Bank of Indonesia (Stanley A. Dunham was a research coordinator at this bank and a program officer for the Ford Foundation).

    Devron began selling Islamic home refinancing products for Muslims to Freddie Mac

    its all in the open..

    but if you read it, you cant talk about it.

    it wont match the dialouge on harvard review, law school, columbia, etc.

  73. Laurence Tribe, an HLS professor, called him “the most impressive and talented of the thousands of students I have been privileged to teach in nearly 40 years on the Harvard faculty.”

    Neo, neo, neo. Please. You take that quote seriously? It is for to laugh.

    Let’s review Tribe’s background. According to Wikipedia (I know, I know),

    “…Tribe is noted for his extensive support of liberal legal causes. [snip] Tribe continues to strongly support liberal political causes. [snip] He actively supported the candidacy of President Barack Obama, and, [snip] served as judicial adviser to Obama’s campaign.”

    So he’s pretty much in the bag for Obama, big time. He made his quote on election eve, for crying out loud. If he’d made it years ago, I’d give it some credence. But on election eve? Please. It’s the election equivalent of a litigation-induced opinion. Spread Tribe’s quote on the wheat fields of Kansas and you’d double the crop.

    Consider further the matter of Obama’s HLS transcripts. Obama graduates magna cum laude, and yet keeps his transcripts secret? On what planet does that make any sense? Since at that point there could be no ambiguity about citizenship status (the only other reason for being cagey), there is only one tenable conclusion: his transcript belies the narrative.

    Last, let’s compare Obama with fellow HLS alumnus Cass Sunstein. Seriously, read Sunstein’s entry. Sunstein did more in an average year than the Messiah has in his life.

    If Obama were considered then 1% as good as Tribe would now have us believe, Obama would have been deluged with prestigious Federal clerkships and lucrative offers from top drawer law firms, guaranteed. Obviously that wasn’t the case.

    Simplest explanation: Obama’s admission, law review presidency, magna cum laude graduation, and gushing tributes from Tribe all result from …galloping liberal guilt/do-gooderism, of which Harvard has a plethora. My guess: Obama was the class mascot.

  74. Aftfldgr–so, to rephrase what you have been saying, there is a parallel but true , “secret history”–hidden in plain sight–of the last century or so which, if understood, would throw our entire recent history into an entirely different light, and show it to have been totally different, and much darker and much more sinister, than what we have been taught to believe, with the result that we are in a totally different situation and position that we thought we were; our heroes were villains or dupes, our brightest pathfinders–if they were really such, and not traitors themselves–were blinded or deliberately disoriented and lead down the wrong path, and we have been sold out and manipulated from the word go; just as the Postmodernist “thinkers” have said, we were sold out, but it was they who did the selling out.

    As I have written here before, but only in reference to small parts of the great canvas you are painting, from what I have found from many decades of intensive research and comparing sources, you are right, but I see that Hollywood and horror, science fiction and other novel writers have prepared a vaccine against believing your picture, by writing about and portraying —over and over again–“nuts” disclosing just such “secret histories” in stories in which these secret histories are portrayed as just fantasy or obviously wrong and delusional. Thus, there have been things like the current “Fringe” series on TV, the “X Files,” Dan Brown’s “the Da Vinci Code” and others, the film “Conspiracy Theory,” F. Paul Wilson’s very entertaining “Repairman Jack” series, the “Indiana Jones” movies, von Daniken’s books, the “National Treasure” series of films, etc., etc., etc.

  75. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_International_Corporation

    Business International Corporation (BI) was a publishing and advisory firm dedicated to assisting American companies in operating abroad. In 1986, Business International was acquired by The Economist Group in London, and eventually merged with The Economist Intelligence Unit. BI has been known to be used as a CIA front company, and was where Barack Obama first worked upon graduating from Columbia University.

    so obama, bush, bush senior, and who else ended up being president after having big connections through the CIA.

    dont think the calvary will save us, they are in on it.

    The company has been identified as cover organization for the Central Intelligence Agency, e.g. see Lobster Magazine, issue 14 in 1987. According to a lengthy article in the New York Times in 1977, the co-founder of the company told the newspaper that “Eldridge Haynes [the other founder] had provided cover for four CIA employees in various countries between 1955 and 1960”.

    obama also worked New York Public Interest Research Group… which i think is what helped him with ayers.

    look at ayers history…
    He is the son of Thomas G. Ayers, former Chairman and CEO of Commonwealth Edison

    oh… another power energy person..
    here is timothy ayers stuff…
    Ayers served as chairman of the Board of Trustees of Northwestern University, the Erikson Institute, the Bank Street College of Education in New York City, the Chicago Symphony, the Chicago Community Trust, the Chicago Urban League, the Community Renewal Society, the Chicago Association of Commerce and Industry, Chicago United, the Leadership Council for Metropolitan Open Communities, and Dearborn Park Corp.,[1] and served as vice president of the Chicago Board of Education.[2]

    Ayers also served on the board of directors of Sears, G.D. Searle, Chicago Pacific Corp., Zenith Corp., Northwest Industries, General Dynamics Corp. of St. Louis, First National Bank of Chicago, the Chicago Cubs, and the Tribune Co.[1]

    so this is a tiny clique of people that evolves but remain connected.

    how about Diana Oughton?
    Her mother was Jane Boyce Oughton, and her father was James Henry Oughton, Jr., vice-president of the family bank and owner of a successful restaurant.[5]

    oh.. another banking power famil;y, like soros and ford? her great grandfather William D. Boyce founded the Boy Scouts of America

    her turn came after she went to germany and lived in a place she retned from Gerhard Weber.

    i have no names for the teachers that obama studied under, or i could tell you some of their pedigre.

    how about ayers friend and sds guy, ted Gold? he was the son of Hyman Gold. Gold was a red diaper baby. He was the son of Hyman Gold[1], a prominent Jewish physician[4] and a mathematics instructor at Columbia University who had both been part of the Old Left. His mother was a statistician who taught at Columbia. His parents lived in an upper-middle-class high-rise apartment on Manhattan’s Upper West Side.

    so right there is one direct connection to a soviet family at columbia.

    its not hard to see how people are connected to things.

    If some other campus leftist would argue against a political position of his by stating that “Lenin wrote” or “Marx said” or “Mao says” however, Gold would generally reply by reminding the other leftist that “Marxism is a method and a tool, not a dogma”.

    funny… i remember i was saying somethig like that. but then again, i learned, others didnt.

    Obama also worked as a consultant and instructor for the Gamaliel Foundation, a community organizing institute (and another micro loan group).
    Gamaliel Foundation works in the community organizing tradition of Alinsky, who began his work in Chicago with the Back of the Yards Neighborhood Council in 1939. Following Alinsky’s death in 1972, his Industrial Areas Foundation, under executive director Edward T. Chambers, moved toward a congregation-based organizing model, emphasizing training and leadership development. Gamaliel has developed along a similar path under the direction of Galluzzo, a former Roman Catholic priest who got his introduction to community organizing in the early 1970s in Chicago, where he worked with the Pilsen Neighborhood Community Council, mentored by such organizers as Tom Gaudette and John Baumann (the founder of PICO National Network).

    oh… so obama is once removed from the sources. that is, he is not a person who read saul alinsky, he was a person what worked with the organizations that saul created just before he died.

    Alinsky’s first organizing project was the Back of the Yards Neighborhood Council, founded in 1939 as the Packinghouse Workers union was organizing Chicago’s meatpacking industry

    right… and communists are not part of americas union system…

    The name Gamaliel is the Greek form of the Hebrew name meaning reward of God.
    In the Christian tradition, Gamaliel is celebrated as a Pharisee doctor of Jewish Law, who was the teacher of Paul the Apostle[3]; the author of the Book of Acts portrays Gamaliel with great respect[4].

    symbolism is very big with these people. after all if you dont have substance, everytrhing is symbolism.

    In Kabbalah and Gnostic writings Gam(a)liel is the name of a great aeon or luminary, a beneficent spirit associated with Gabriel, Abraxas, Mikhar, and Samlo. In the Revelation of Adam to his son Seth (a Coptic apocalyptic manuscript) Gamaliel is one of the high, holy, celestial powers whose mission is “to draw the elect up to heaven”. Eliphas Levi in his Philosophie Occulte rates Gamaliel as evil, an adversary of the cherubim, serving under Lilith.

    ah… a bit of scholarly humor… like other symbol games (like the greenies who want to self exterminate now, carry a peace sign, which is an inverted death rune!)

    like the words arbeit mach frei, over the gates of auswitz… (work harder, die faster, be free is the joke).

    (“Gamalielese”, a term coined by H. L. Mencken to mock President Harding’s speaking style) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H._L._Mencken

    Obama entered Harvard Law School in late 1988. He was selected as an editor of the Harvard Law Review at the end of his first year,[30] and president of the journal in his second year.[31]

    oh.. he got the same job as Alger Hiss… and he did it his first year!

    and he worked at a law firm… of course no one cares to know what law firm it is. (Actually two).

    Sidley Austin

    familiar with it?
    is one of the oldest law firms in the world. It is the sixth-largest U.S.-based corporate law firm with over 1,800 lawyers, annual revenues of more than one billion dollars, and offices in 16 cities worldwide

    so if any company was with the old and powerful… the carnegies, the soros, the vanderbuilts, the ayers, geithners and such..

    they would know this company, a commoner wouldnt..
    is a full-service law firm, with broad experience in transaction and litigation matters. Its original predecessor firm was founded in 1866 and had Mary Todd Lincoln, the widow of President Abraham Lincoln, among its earliest clients.

    he was placed.
    as i said long ago.
    he is a post turtle
    and if you study soviet spy rings
    one sign of that situation is a person that rises to promenence, and no one can figure out how or why…
    they build these amazing CVs that are impossible to believe. and they are all surrounded by well eduycated people with their own conenctions.

    i regret not realizing i was invited to the table 3 times… and now there is no room for me.. 🙁

    obama wiki has him as a constitutional law professor… when he never was a professor at all, and he certainly does not like the constitution… after all, the course now teachers that the us constitiotn rather than the proginator, is just another one

    even more interesting..

    if you really know the history, these groups are at war with each other. they want to prevail. and they are all intermixing for power reasons, and of course, the future we will suffer is in their games.

  76. Wolla Dalbo

    we have been sold out and manipulated from the word go; just as the Postmodernist “thinkers” have said, we were sold out, but it was they who did the selling out.

    how else could they be so sure, except if they were the ones doing it? and even they are being used.

    and i said… “tin hatters” as a term is a term of control like “fascism” or racism.

    or HEEL to a dog..
    we respond in kind…

    the movies thing everyone knows.
    why produce bombs that fail whe you can produce winners? why prodiuce soviet realism when peopel dont want it?

    the term for what your pointing out is

    To make so confused or opaque as to be difficult to perceive or understand: “A great effort was made . . . to obscure or obfuscate the truth” (Robert Conquest).

    once nuclear weapons were the game, one could only take over another place by subversion, inversion, confusion, sowing dissent, division of the peopel against themselves, demoralization, etc.

    NOT ONE FACT I HAVE PUT UP IS CONSIDERED TIN HAT… THAT IS, YOU CAN LOOK THEM UP AND SEE. is who geithners father a secret? ayers father? etc?


    but we no longer know how to asemble information that pertains and then asses.

    if we did, i would never ever ever have to waste my time in my life trying to teach.

  77. heck we cant even see a person who has such heinious freinds with such pedigrees is a part, and not separate from it!!!!!!

    in the old days, we would not elect someone with such freinds just in case… today we ahve inverted that, and we elect them despite.

  78. Occam’s Beard: Of course Tribe is partisan. But the statement is still an extreme one, and it’s backed up by the fact that Tribe was a big Obama promoter even back in law school. Also, Obama’s magna status was apparently authenticated officially by Harvard.

    Again, none of this means that Obama is a genius, and certainly not even a legal scholar. I don’t think he’s either. But it does mean he was a competent student in his later academic career (the point I was attempting to make). I don’t think there’s any doubt about that.

    [Just did a very short check—back in 1990 Tribe was already a big Obama fan. And here’s what I was talking about: Obama was Tribe’s research assistant at Harvard Law. You don’t get that position—no matter what your politics—unless you are at least academically competent.]

  79. Wolla,

    Actually, some of this reminds me of the heady days of the mid-1970s, when we were all reading The Illuminatus Trilogy, working to immanentize the eschaton, and swooning over the numeralogical symbolism of the sum of the numbers in the dates of the JFK assassination. But the whole thing gradually came apart and no one believed any more, even though there were still those odd symbols on the back of the dollar bill. . . . It was all a pretty effective innoculation against taking conspiracies seriously, even when one encountered passing references to Freemasonry, Rosicrucians, and the Trilateral Commission in subsequent years.

    Now–who knows? Once again what goes around comes around, and it doesn’t seem quite so unbelievable anymore. One doesn’t want to be too credulous, but artfldgr does push a few old buttons. . . .

  80. well, the trilateral commission is still around
    and the organization that runs it has a president in office (again). and the bilderburg just met.

    however, the rosicrucians, the freemasons, and other groups are just groups that people belong to. churches and their similar orgs have a lot to offer in the way of manipulation, which is why russia used them and wanted to destroy them. and an interdenominational church can allow people to meet that never could, and they can talk while services go on.

    this is why i tend to stick to facts and try not to actually draw conclusions. i can say with confidence that obama is a communist. what that will lead to i can say with confidence only if it follows history, so its a conditioned one.

    who knows?

    well, look at it this way.

    this is how its always been.
    and after the royals lost their power..
    its been a power struggle of bankers, and states
    brokers, and manipulators.

    the only ones who know are the guys on top..
    and if they are on top, tey are not going to oppose the group.

    history shows that no one is safe…

    the biggest stuff has come from members who like several members of congress who hinted, spilled the beans, or let information out. the quotes are now famous.

    but once you start to connect the dots, you realize that they are in control. however, i went out with a girl who was part of all this (a deb from the social register), its all manipulative games. some play in the big game, others try to live and avoid it.

    and nothing stays…

    after all, the chinese were not part of the western system at all, till recently. isnt it nice they made them players with a stake rather than outsiders with nothing to lose? thats the bankers protecting their stuff…

    heck…here is the process as seen from 1928…

    yes its nafarious, but no more than the rest of history. and yes its always going on. conspiracy is the norm… my boss talks with the vice president, and my future changes. thats technically a conspiracy. obama talks to the leader of china… we dont know what tey said, thats a conspiracy.

    i still remember when state leaders werent allowed to have private time together to collude. now its the norm.

    In some departments of our daily life, in which we imagine ourselves free agents, we are ruled by dictators exercising great power. A man buying a suit of clothes imagines that he is choosing, according to his taste and his personality, the kind of garment which he prefers. In reality, he may be obeying the orders of an anonymous gentleman tailor in London. This personage is the silent partner in a modest tailoring establishment, which is patronized by gentlemen of fashion and princes of the blood. He suggests to British noblemen and others a blue cloth instead of gray, two buttons instead of three, or sleeves a quarter of an inch narrower than last season. The distinguished customer approves of the idea.
    But how does this fact affect John Smith of Topeka?
    The gentleman tailor is under contract with a certain large American firm, which manufactures men’s suits, to send them instantly the designs of the suits chosen by the leaders of London fashion. Upon receiving the designs, with specifications as to color, weight and texture, the firm immediately places an order with the cloth makers for several hundred thousand dollars’ worth of cloth. The suits made up according to the specifications are then advertised as the latest fashion. The fashionable men in New York, Chicago, Boston and Philadelphia wear them. And the Topeka man, recognizing this leadership, does the same.
    Women are just as subject to the commands of invisible government as are men. A silk manufacturer, seeking a new market for its product, suggested to a large manufacturer of shoes that women’s shoes should be covered with silk to match their dresses. The idea was adopted and systematically propagandized. A popular actress was persuaded to wear the shoes. The fashion spread. The shoe firm was ready with the supply to meet the created demand. And the silk company was ready with the silk for more shoes.
    The man who injected this idea into the shoe industry was ruling women in one department of their social lives. Different men rule us in the various departments of our lives. There may be one power behind the throne in politics, another in the manipulation of the Federal discount rate, and still another in the dictation of next season’s dances. If there were a national invisible cabinet ruling our destinies (a thing which is not impossible to conceive of) it would work through certain group leaders on Tuesday for one purpose, and through an entirely different set on Wednesday for another. The idea of invisible government is relative. There may be a handful of men who control the educational methods of the great majority of our schools. Yet from another standpoint, every parent is a group leader with authority over his or her children.
    The invisible government tends to be concentrated in the hands of the few because of the expense of manipulating the social machinery which controls the opinions and habits of the masses. To advertise on a scale which will reach fifty million persons is expensive. To reach and persuade the group leaders who dictate the public’s thoughts and actions is likewise expensive.

    Propaganda (1928) by Edward Bernays

    when it all started..

    want to know why girls are sluts now when feminism promised so much?

    because the promise turns the key of license, and by the time we figure out that they are not doing waht they said when we granted license, its too late and they are offering good intentions and asking for another license for us to grant them.

    now they are past that point and only do that to keep a lid on problems.

    The important point to the propagandist is that the relative value of the various instruments of propaganda, and their relation to the masses, are constantly changing. If he is to get full reach for his message he must take advantage of these shifts of value the instant they occur. Fifty years ago, the public meeting was a propaganda instrument par excellence. To-day it is difficult to get more than a handful of people to attend a public meeting unless extraordinary attractions are part of the program.

    so is it no wonder that obama and the left uses town halls? they are still using a play book from the 1930s.

    there is so much…

    and the more i mention the more tiny people feel for what they dont know, and how they will attack the tall poppy.

    what do you think the trillions spent in tavistock, mi5, mi6, cia, nsa, kbg, gru, die, and on and on do? just sit aroud and play spy games with each other so we can make movies? (did you know that 007 was based on a real person?)

    the children of the elite do this becvause thats what puts them in the history game! like pirates, and lords and ladies. they are a player by acting. its an old game, adventurism… they ran out of land, and now seek territory in the mind…

    its just darwin…
    they know it, and we are not permitted to think it.

    but i will guess that pelosi’s 5 kids will do better than the average kid who now has no father, has a mother who works, a state school cripling them, and a life of economic servitude.

    so how is this different than, that?

    obama is just quoting other famous leaders.

    L’estat ce moi

  81. one sign of that situation is a person that rises to promenence, and no one can figure out how or why…
    they build these amazing CVs that are impossible to believe. and they are all surrounded by well eduycated people with their own conenctions.

    But the statement is still an extreme one, and it’s backed up by the fact that Tribe was a big Obama promoter even back in law school.

    Evidence? I’d need context to evaluate this. The extremity of Tribe’s statement, far from making it more credible, makes it less so in my eyes, because it bespeaks emotional investment.

    The magna status was apparently authenticated officially by Harvard.

    I wasn’t clear. I don’t doubt the magna status for a second. I doubt how it came about. I have some familiarity with such things, and know perfectly how this sort of thing works. Let me put it this way: suppose the starting running back of a Division I football team was about to lose eligibility on academic grounds, and the alumni think he’s the best thing since shoelaces. Do you think that somehow he’d end up eligible? Replace “running back” with “minority student” and “academic eligibility” with “magna cum laude.” That’s what I’m talking about.

    Hell, I’ve been involved with this sort of thing myself, being personally involved with carrying a number of women and minorities across the finish line because flaming them — the correct course of action — would make the department look bad, and wasn’t worth the hassle (including, potentially, litigation) it would cause. In two cases we actually met unofficially (on the QT, of course) on how we would put in the fix while maintaining the pretense that the outcome reflected the candidate’s performance.

    So when I read “magna cum laude” and “most brilliant student ever” but learn that the person in question is cagey about releasing transcripts, the antennae twitch uncontrollably. I just hope the guy gains a lot of yards next Saturday.

    Again, none of this means that Obama is a genius, and certainly not even a legal scholar. I don’t think he’s either. But it does mean he was a competent student in his later academic career

    But consider the logic, which has the form of a Moebius strip. Obama was presumably a competent student because an ideologically sympathetic professor characterizes him as “the most impressive and talented of the thousands of students I have been privileged to teach in nearly 40 years on the Harvard faculty?” How does that work? What would Tribe have said if Obama really were a legal genius? Would Tribe’s head have exploded? You’re implicitly admitting that Tribe, at least, if not HLS generally, would move the earth for Obama. Now about that magna business…

    I turn it around. Tribe’s obviously hopelessly partisan. I therefore discount his opinion entirely, as I would that of a relative. To the extent that Tribe is representative of HLS, which is probably no small degree, I heavily (but not entirely) discount their opinion — in this case, the magna designation — as well. I similarly discount the law review business, since that could easily be (and by some reports, was in fact) a popularity contest/liberal feel-good matter.

    So having discounted all of the easily-gamed socially-derived criteria as likely unreliable, I turn to objective evidence. I don’t want to hear fish stories, I want to see the fish. What did Obama do that we know he did? Publications? Zip. Bupkis. Remarkable, the only time in HLR history that’s ever happened. Course performance? Won’t release transcripts. Hmmmmm.

    It stinks.

  82. betsybounds–as I said many months ago–and it looks like my postings helped convert Neo to my view–we have been using the wrong “template” or lens through which to view Obama and to judge his actions, we have been looking at things the wrong way, but once we use the correct lens, look at things the correct way, all of his seemingly random, nonsensical, ineffective, and off target actions make perfect sense. To put it another way, once we get up close enough and look at things just right ,the picture, the 3D Stereogram that at first looked like just random blotches, resolves itself into a very detailed, comprehensible 3D picture.

    Artfldgr is merely asking us to look at one, all encompassing 3D Steriogram.

  83. Sorry, the first paragraph above doesn’t belong there. I was about to agree with Art about meteoric apotheoses.

    Puts me in mind of Hollywood stars who burst on the scene for no apparent reason – not especially attractive, no discernible acting talent – only to find out that they’re some bigshot’s relative. Mystery solved. I call it the “Tori Spelling effect.”

  84. Occams’ Beard–you bring to mind a certain meeting of the student/faculty admissions and scholarships committee at a certain prominent professional graduate school, at which the Dean–in the most subtle but unmistakable way–it was hard for me to even remember exactly what he said or how he said it afterward–told us that since applicants were likely to decrease, because the number of credits needed to graduate would increase, as would tuition, we would have to lower our admission standards to keep those admission numbers up!

  85. Laurence Tribe

    dig a bit deeper…

    what is missing? you will notice that who the parents are, are missing for SOME people.

    you can find that he collapsed in 1980 in virginia.

    it was tribe who concieved of the concept of more rights than the constituition and would of course eventyually lead to other things in our system changing.

    he did this as his father died…

    In the Goodwin controversy, Tribe suggested that presenting fantasy as fact was a terrible offense for an academic – worse, indeed, than plagiarism. In the Green Bag essay, published a year after his defense of Goodwin, he appears to have committed precisely that offense while also taking credit for the achievements of others (Chief Justice Burger and anyone who actually influenced him). It is a sad and curious thing. Laurence Tribe has had an extraordinarily successful career. He has won many cases in the Supreme Court. His influence on the legal academy is deep. No one could reasonably ask for more in the way of fame or honors. Yet he can’t seem to resist gilding the lily.

    Laurence Tribe — Mr. Tribe was one of Barack’s professors/mentors at Harvard. He co-founded and is on the board of advisors of the American Constitution Society (ACS), a leftist counter to the Federalist Society. The ACS defines itself as promoting the “progressive” agenda in law. Mr. Tribe has been accused of plagiarizing in one of his books and believes animals should have legal standing to sue humans and businesses. He is on a short list of possible Supreme Court nominees if Obama wins the presidential election and is currently an advisor to his campaign.

    talk about firm in a camp.

    other names to read into are
    Linda Darling-Hammond
    Charles Ogletree
    Cornel West
    Alice Palmer
    Antoin “Tony” Rezko
    Rashid Khalidi
    Robert Malley

    Charles Ogletree — He is another one of Barack’s Harvard professors/mentors and an advocate for reparations for slavery, despite the fact that he believes reparations could cost the government trillions of dollars — and the fact that those trillions would come from the taxpayers, including other black people. He has also been accused of plagiarizing, like his colleague Laurence Tribe, and is currently an advisor to the Obama campaign.

    who says its not consistent?

    Darling hammond.. she is another one with no parents in the history books.

    the best i can come up with fast was virginia darlings and the hammonds.

    anyway, her and the other woman teach social justice..

    but ya got to love alice palmer

    Alice Palmer — She is a former executive board member of the U.S. Peace Council (a communist front group), which is an affiliate of the World Peace Council (a Soviet front group). In 1983, she attended the World Peace Council’s Prague Assembly. Palmer wrote an article in the People’s Daily World — a CPUSA newspaper — describing how impressive the Soviet system was when she attended the 27th Congress of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union. When she decided to give up her Illinois Senate seat in an effort to win an election for U.S. Representative, she identified Barack Obama as her successor in the State Senate. She held a “meet-and-greet” at the home of Bill Ayers for Obama’s introduction into the Illinois political arena.

  86. You don’t get that position–no matter what your politics–unless you are at least academically competent.

    or others put them there, like the assistant to the man who ran our nuclear bomb program.

    if they coudl do that to the manhatten project, doig it for some connected kid they are grooming is a nothing.

    its a blind assertion based on an assumption that isnt valid when intrigue, communism and state control are at play!!!!

    the only way its true is if he was unknown and earned his lift… but he was connected decades before he was born!!!!!!!!!!!

    remember Rosenberts code name with the soviets was “Liberal”

    and that the man who headed the thing for general groves (Robert Oppenheimer), had a soviet girlfriend… when she committed suicide… anyway… he refused to spy, but he allowed them to plant an assistant..

    planting an assitant is a common way for a teacher to grant to people like you, credentials.

    that is, who, even you, would question that. when the truth is that he could have given obama no work at all.

    Truth Teller
    The nuclear scientist the Left loves to hate.

    [i am a physicist, so thats why i know these things]

    Fresh evidence reveals that Teller’s concerns about Oppenheimer were in fact justified. A pair of new books, Brotherhood of the Bomb by Gregg Herken and Sacred Secrets by Jerrold and Leona Schecter, reveal that Oppenheimer was a secret member of the Communist party as late as 1942. “The evidence is getting heavier that he cooperated with Soviet intelligence to some extent,” says John Earl Haynes, a historian who specializes in the American Communist movement. This is not to say Oppenheimer was a spy in the familiar sense of the word – that is, a direct source of information for Soviet agents, which is what KGB general Pavel Sudoplatov alleged in 1994. Yet he does appear to have been a facilitator of espionage who was aware of subordinates who did spy for the Soviets. He also seems to have changed his mind about all this in 1943, when he apparently abandoned his Communist party membership and provided a few names to American security officials – though the information he volunteered was minimal.

    so the keeping close of operatives under their person is a common practice.

    how would one know what one never gets to read about?

  87. Outsiders think university faculty members are high-minded, head in the clouds, Gyro Gearloose or Ferdinand the Bull types, unworldly, whacked out, just smelling the flowers. Jeff Goldblum has made a living portraying scientists of that ilk.

    It’s hopeless incorrect. Used car salesmen in tweed jackets is a better zeroth-order model.

    A friend of mine negotiating terms for his first faculty appointment was told by the department chairman that “he could expect X and Y” if he came there. Despite my warning, he took that to me that the department would provide X and Y. After he got there, and went to collect X and Y, he was informed that they had meant that he had a good chance of getting X and Y….from someone else, not them, and they wished him the best of luck in his endeavor.

    Gotcha. And I had warned him!

  88. Artfldgr–When the normally nasty Senator Leahy quickly and with courtly good humor moved forward the Sense of the Senate bill, S.Res. 511, affirming that Senator McCain was a “natural born citizen” and thus eligible to run for and to be President, a bill introduced by Senator Clair McCaiskill and co-sponsored by Leahy, Hillary and Obama–who took an uncharacteristic interest in this bit of Senate business, and came off perpetual campaign mode on the road to make an uncharacteristic visit to the Senate chamber to actually do Senate business–the two brief paragraph long opinions included in the legislative history, giving the opinion that McCain, though born overseas, was a “natural born citizen,” were by Ted Olsen and Lawrence Tribe.

  89. Wolla, that whole thing was political kabuki. Of course McCain was a natural-born citizen – his parents were citizens. “Natural-born” is obviously defined by contrast to “naturalized.”

    The only reason for going through that kabuki was to provide overwatch for the Messiah. Until that happened, there was no reason to wonder whether the Messiah had a citizenship problem.

  90. Occam–that is of course, my interpretation too.

    Obama just setting things up ahead of time so that, if that pesky ol’ Constitutional “natural born citizen” requirement should get traction–say, when people just want to get rid of Obama and are frantically searching for some way to do it when the Democratic controlled Congress won’t Impeach–he will have foreclosed that option.

  91. I just linked this thread to a thread at Grouchy Conservative Pundits and recommended it. That thread features several videos about the history of Soviet Communism.

    It’s only fair that I also link that thread here.

    The Soviet Story

  92. Neo:

    And what might his agenda be? … punishment for enemies (Republicans, rich people, capitalists and capitalism).

    Don’t forget the middle class. I think they (we) are a prime target, if not the prime target. Communists always destroy the middle class when they take power.

  93. Wolla,
    that only works for someone who doesnt have the creds. if ya have em, then that all becomes unecessary.

    i went to the village to see soviet story, its by a latvian. 🙂 my wife went with me. i was interested on several levels. one was history. two was wondering if i was seeing where my family was now. three was to see the reaction of the leftists who attended. village leftists are not really a hard lot to miss.

    the documentary is good.. not great… though i can understand its trumpeting, given all the stuff we dont commonly know and has been left to disappear till now we only have a broken record and the people who could fill in so much truth are dead and have not been heard by any but their families.

    [want to know why bankers are the ones who make the wars? because they are safe, and when its all done, they get to keep the money in all the accounts of those who cant claim them, nor the family know to claim it. wars need be financed]

    i didnt know that the whole thing was up.

    for those who dont know the history, it can be a bit of a shock. some of the scenes were very hard on me as i had family and so the people speaking had accents i had not heard since i was a child. the patterns on little things like doilies on arm chairs also.

  94. Neo: I agree that using Pelosi was tactically clever, but it shows that Obama’s committment to health care reform only meant that he wanted his name associated with it, not that he took any real interest in the specifics or that he had a well-thought-out set of objectives Indeed, he has promised so many contradictory provisions that he doesn’t care what the bill says. He probably thinks anything will be a step toward fully socialized medicine and put his name in the history books.

    But if Obama is squeezed and Pelosi suffers from his accomodations to her opponents, she won’t be happy with him. We have to weaken his supporters and stir up more distrust within the leftist camp and among more moderate dems.. Even Jesse Jackson got mad at him. There must be a tipping point in this unquestioned support. We don’t have to convince the other side of our position. We simply have to make Obama unattractive enough that they stay home on election day.

  95. I think it would have been more clever to have driven the bus and used Pelosi as the foreman/leg breaker to get it passed.

    The person overseeing the writing of the bill controls who gets what, and is in a powerful position. Obama should’ve used the opportunity to cement his power base in Congress.

    I suspect he did not for a simple (if ironic) reason: he didn’t have enough experience to do so.

  96. Occam’s Beard,

    I don’t know. You make a good point, but it occurs to me that there’s a method to this seeming madness. Pelosi served–and was intended to serve–as the foreman/leg breaker to get the monstrosity passed through the House in any case. The case in the Senate was a bit different because of the nature of the institution, but the truth is that Obama, Reid, and Pelosi all know what the essentials are. They’ve been able to work it as a shell game by keeping the bills separate–there’ve even been multiple versions in each house of Congress. The result is that no one knows what the bill actually will be, everyone is able to say what their version both is and isn’t, and the essentials can be kept from full view by varying the headliner provisions in each version. It operates by Obama’s favored method: create confusion, and power the thing through with the essential pea(s) placed here, there, anywhere, everywhere. Obama can talk about “my plan” without having an actual plan. But when the rubber hits the road, so to speak, it will be what they all actually want, and the rest will be decoration. And hardly anyone else will have a handle on it. It will be a fait accompli by the time it passes and goes through reconciliation. Merry Christmas, America.

  97. betsybounds: Did you see the difference in poll results (I think Rasmussen, but I can’t remember where I read about them) when people were asked about health care reform alone and when they were asked if they supported it if it cost so and so much? Support was much higher when the pie-in-the-sky question was asked than when people were asked about trade-offs. I don’t know how we could use this, but it’s interesting.

  98. expat,

    Well it’s interesting, all right. But the thing to remember is that these wizards don’t give a fig for polls. If they did, they wouldn’t be doing any of this. The truth is that they have contempt for our notion of Americans as a self-governing people.

    If we want somehow to use this differential in poll results to our advantage, we’d better damned well hurry.

  99. betsybounds: Their contempt for us is so great they think we are incapable of making good decisions. Arrogant b**tards!

  100. Their contempt for us is so great they think we are incapable of making good decisions.

    They’re obviously studying election results.

  101. Good read, good information.
    So far with every thing being exposed no one in a
    position who could make a difference has stood up
    to make an issue of this and to stop it before it
    goes any further.
    Obama has said if he cannot get his agenda done
    the first two years, it wont get done. And he’s said
    if he succeeds in his first term, he is not really interested in a second term. He already knows he’ll be unelectable.
    So does the leftist in the democrat party. Their intentions is to seize total control of this country in the first two years. They are blatantly open about this one thing.
    But the best laid plans of man can be undone by the smallest of mice.
    God Bless America

  102. Whether competent, or incompetent, Obama’s attitude and actions have been causing alarm bells for me, since I first listened to him debating.

    Either state of competency is clearly a danger to America.

    Neo-Neocon, One observation I’ve had, is that the firmer I stand my ground, the more I’m accused of changing.

    Just like cars on the freeway, whether traveling in equal, or opposite directions, or even different speeds, including stopped, differential velocity is a matter of perspective: if the distance between two people is changing, one might observe the relative distance, person to person, while the other might observe only absolute positions.

    Political philosophy, moral values and/or religious belief will determine which point of reference is important to an individual.

    Do you have absolute, or relative values?

  103. I believe Obama has lvied his whole life as a lie, using various props, including his heritage and skin tone. His marriage is a prop, his kids are a prop, his church was a prop. Obama has never loved anything in his whole life except himself, being the egotistical narcissist that he is. He can only defend himself in the casual manner of a coffee-house discussion. I do not believe Obama has ever had his opinions and actions held to real world criticism or ridicule. To do otherwise, he would have pulled out the racist card, for which as he has already shown his proclivity. The sad thing is that Obama is a creation of the culmination of our current PC multi-culti United States, a snake of our own creation. As to Obama, I am reminded of this conversation from I, Claudius:

    Tiberius: I will make you my successor, Gaius Caligula. Rome deserves you.
    Caligula: Is that a joke, uncle?
    Tiberius: Not yet, but it will be.

    Then there is this quote from an angry Caligula: Would that the Roman people had but one neck!

    That sentiment applied to America, I fear, lives in whatever passes for the soul of Obama. Our destruction gives Obama great pleasure, of that I am certain.

  104. Tax Cheat Treasury Secretary Tim Giethner used $27.1 Billion in taxpayer money to bailout his friends and buddies at AIG, Wachovia, Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street firms.

    and read what i said the aig connections were above…

    As a member of the board of AIG Financial Products, Feldstein was one of those who had oversight of the division of the international insurer that contributed to the company’s crisis in September, 2008. He has also served as a board member for Eli Lilly and Company.

    you then get a sinking feeling…

    hey… who was head of eli lilly?
    they are all connected, and pretending to take different sides. but when you loko below, they are all colluding… playing both ends against the middle is waht its called. the left, us, and the right.


    so the whole idea that we are living in a new age with a clean reset is a complete lie, as we are really living the continuation of the plans that were set back when communism was a bad name, and they intended to bury us.

    we are about 4 feet into the hole now..

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  107. or a while, I thought each day that I’d finally seen the worst Obama had to offer.

    No, neo, you haven’t seen nothing yet.

  108. You provide no examples of his competency.

    You don’t want any examples of his competency. He being competent at revolution and subterfuge would make him a threat, something to be taken seriously.

  109. But, at least in his later academic career, he was academically competent–probably more than competent, I would say.

    Affirmative action would dispute that, however.

    Especially if you know what’s being produced from such schools due to affirmative action.

    A good argument I heard is that if Obama was academically brilliant or even close, they would release such records and crow about it. Obama has never refused to make it about his own glorious self. Except in cases where he didn’t perform as might be expected, of himself.

  110. We don’t have his transcripts, but we have that.

    But, of course, you just said that Obama is very good and skilled at manipulating people and creating impressions on them that he wishes them to have. Resulting in positions and so forth. Of course, he also has the black mail side locked up tight, as well. If not personally, then certainly Wright, Ayers, and his other hatchet men will get something done.

    So all we have is an example of somebody that was duped by Obama. It’s proof Obama is a malignant narcissist, that he can manipulate people. But manipulating people isn’t the same as connecting points of data to form a valid conclusion based upon the facts.

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