Home » The wit and humor of Go Fug Yourself


The wit and humor of Go Fug Yourself — 32 Comments

  1. Neo, you got me hooked on GoFug about a year ago when you posted several times about them. I agree….my reader is full daily of woe and distress and anger. The GoFug entries ever bring either a smile or a ‘what was she thinking!!’ that help things stay in perspective.

  2. Being a rather visual person, I find all the verbosity in the caption unnecessary – it is enough just to look at the girl in a dress. Who, by the way, has the legs that need to be shown as a public service, for aesthetic education. And her face is of the type beloved by Hemingway – seemingly wholesome but with a dark promise. The dress, on the other hand…oh well. I feel sorry for those poor designer crazies, I really do – ever since I had been observing them at FIT. Their life is a nightmare.

    For my own entertainment of this kind I just look at the “society events” pages in popular design magazines – Town&Country, Metropolitan Homes, Veranda and such. All those fundraisers, balls and premieres. The total absence of taste, inability to find clothes suitable to one’s figure, weird postures and comical couplings – in the circles where money is no problem – never seize to amaze me.

  3. You are so right about the Fug Yourself girls almost never failing to entertain. They are delightfully imaginative and snarky and I, too, wonder how they keep it up. Sometimes I get out of the habit of checking in on them and it’s always a treat to get reacquainted.

  4. Fabulist and Fabulist! You are hereby granted 3 indulgences for really embarrassing typos in recognition of your contribution to The Oscar Wilde School of Celebrity Journalism.

    Thank Warhol for RSS! Already signed up.

  5. One thing led to another…

    At least that’s what the wise man at the top of the mountain said…

  6. Not my style.

    I don’t need to read a blog to conclude that fashionistas et al are ditzes. Waste of time, at least from my utilitarian male point of view.

    My fashion sense: I have a forty four year old sweatshirt that will soon be patched up, “almost” like new. I treasure it almost as much as my great-grandmother’s wine glass.

  7. I just love “Go Fug Yourself”.

    I have a huge soft spot for celebrity gossip, fashion and a good car crash with fatalities.

  8. Sorry, one more:

    I’m wrestling this feral cat for seriously I don’t even know how long, like at least twenty minutes.


  9. Gringo said: “I have a forty four year old sweatshirt that will soon be patched up, “almost” like new.”

    well, you have me beat, though in all fairness i’m only 39 years old myself.

    But I do have a pair of cowboy boots that I have been wearing since the mid to late 90’s. I don’t mean just occasionally either. They are my “good boots” I wear to the store and to church. And back in my 2 stepping days, out to dance. They have been resoled once, but they desperately need it again.

    On the other hand, my truck has around 258,000 miles on it…

  10. There is a Vietnam vet I work with that wore his jungle boots from Vietnam for a while last year at work, till the boss paid for steel toed boots.

  11. Gringo Says:

    October 25th, 2009 at 12:46 pm

    RE: Pastrami sandwich in LA

    Where’s the beef? The LA sandwich is a bit thin compared to the Carnegie’s, near Central Park…

  12. My fashionista credentials are somewhere above nil and somewhere below minimal.

    That said, I read the Fug Girls daily, and once in a while I look in at Dancing Brave, kept by one of them as a personal blog. I have learned more than it is probably safe to admit.

  13. Back in 2004 I used to read Manolo religiously. Havent seen any really funny writing about celebrities since then.

    This fug yourself blog isn’t funny at all. Sorry. I know it’s subjective.

  14. Perfected democrat : If you consider Noo Yawk delis superior to those of LaLaLand, so be it. As I have only visited those two cities, I don’t have a dog in the fight. I was simply making information available.

    I have visited cousins in both cities, and prefer NYC. Walking the streets of NYC is entertainment enough, especially in a 1-2 mile radius around my cousin’s SoHo neighborhood.

  15. Manolo is funny, but after a while he gets old. For some reason, the Fug Girls don’t — even though, as Neo points out, they should, since they basically say the same thing over and over again. Somehow they keep finding hilariously new ways to say it. I don’t know how. It’s a mystery. But a funny one!

  16. Neo, I couldn’t agree with you more….Hate to admit it, but it’s one of the first things I look at every day on the Web. When I do, all my old addictions of former famous blogs fall away, to be replaced with a new one that’s funny, well-written and catty as hell. Best of all, they stay within the bounds of decency and good taste. In other words, they’re still fabulous without going to indecent means to get traffic and attention.

    Anyone who doesn’t get this is, well….jaded.

  17. One more thing: Go Fug Yourself is about 1,000% better than people who write endlessly about the demise of LGF, an obituary that has long since been written and been laid to rest.

  18. I love that while they wax eloquent on topics about which I’m completely without sense, they pretty much have similar… um… moral rules as mine: don’t wear stuff that takes away all mystery about whether you’re going commando, respect your naughty bits generally, test out your wardrobe choices to ensure that they reliably stay where you put them, employ your actual body in wearing clothes rather than the body you used to have or wish you had, try not to look permanently sad or angry without actually being sad or angry.

    I don’t always agree with them about the attractiveness of a “well played” entry, but I chalk that up to two things: my total ignorance of fashion, and the fact that I recognize my utter inability to look like Anne Hathaway on my very best day with somebody else dressing me. But I like to read them!

  19. Yeah, but… She is so darned cute. I wouldn’t say beautiful, but it could be there too. Heck, I would give her my coat so she has something to wear and take her wherever she needs to go after such a day. Then again, she could probably sell those rags for more than I make in a year?

    You know the world is upside down when the poor are fat, the rich thin, and trash is fashionable. I honestly doubt if that has ever been quite as true as today. Perhaps we deserve economic doom. Just a thought.

  20. Hey, guys are concerned with fashion. Even as I write I am wearing my “House of Commons Underwater Wrestling 1948” sweatshirt. I also have an Alan Trammell t-shirt.

    Of course, I also have a brown sweater I have had for quite a while and I like. I had it on when I ran into the parents of an old friend and the movies. His mother looked at the sweater and then said politely, “I see you’re still not married.”

    Meanwhile, I have a couple of suits that are twenty years old, still in good condition, and look fine. I don’t have to replace suits or shirts or coats because they’re last year’s model.

  21. Gringo Says:
    October 25th, 2009 at 5:30 pm
    “Perfected democrat : If you consider Noo Yawk delis superior…”

    I wasn’t necessarily saying that; other than your photo, I haven’t been in LA in about 40 years, was just pointing out that the sandwich portrayed looked like a “mama bear’s” portion, compared to the Carnegie’s “papa bear”. In fact, in Denver where I live, the New York Deli’s sandwich is thicker; but then bigger ain’t necessarily better, sometimes…

  22. Casting couch haute couture. For the woman who wants to look as disheveled climbing on to the casting couch as she will when she leaves.

  23. If you want to be made to laugh by Brits, look for the link to Helena Bonham Carter at Go Fug Yourself – or rent an Ealing Studios comedy. I recently laughed myself silly watching A Run for Your Money. Passport to Pimlico is hilarious too.

  24. Neo,

    I finally actually explored.

    You created a monster !

    I’ve now spent 5 hours of my life reading through and catching up on celebrity garb !

    Somebody help me ! I’m hooked !

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