Home » The quest for violent images drives traffic


The quest for violent images drives traffic — 22 Comments

  1. once seen it cannot be unseen.

    Without hate engraved upon the heart, people find it difficult to utter the necessary resolve. Thus it is merely a reminder, one that cannot be forgotten, because if it could be, it loses its usefulness.

  2. I think this is a similar reason for “gawker” delays at accidents scenes on highways. People are looking for carnage, for whatever reason. It drives me up a wall to have bumper to bumper traffic on an Interstate and the reason is an accident on the other side of the divided highway.

  3. I watched it yesterday before it was taken down. My major motivation I think was ‘citizen detective’. I wanted to see if I could verify it’s authenticity with my limited knowledge of video compositing etc. I also wanted to see how bad it was for some reason. I think part of me wanted to have a better reason to hate these people. Not terribly rational to be sure. I have to say I was horrified by it at first, so the video had its intended effect. Later I became suspicious, as there is a cut in the video that lessons its potential horror somewhat. I wouldn’t have been surprised today if it had been declared an elaborate hoax. Sadly, that was not to be.

  4. Simon:

    I was really hoping it was a hoax, too. I thought it might be, especially if Foley was a Muslim sympathizer, and because there was a break in the action. I haven’t seen anything that indicates it was a hoax, though, so I must very reluctantly conclude it’s real.

  5. I read the anti American, pro terrorist statement they asked Foley to read. I also saw exerpts from his twitter account that seemed he was in sympathy with the terrorists. If he knew they were going to kill him, why would he want to die like a traitor? I would want to go out cursing Islam. He read a horrible anti American statement, instead.
    Why would that statment be his Mom’s proudest moment of her son?
    I did not see the video but it should be all over the news to show what Islam celebrates. The same way film of what the Germans did to 12 million people should have been shown and what the black thug did to the white policeman should be shown. The officer has his eye blown out and his bones crushed.

  6. Ymarsakar,
    I think it is called an orbital blowout. Eye did not fall out but the muscles around the eye take the space the the eyeball should occupy because the socket is crushed. Anyway you eye it, not something to be desired but you are right, I made it sound like it was shot out with a gun.
    Anyway, thank you. I always appreciate what you have to say. I should have been clear.

  7. I only wrote that, Kit, because my own training requires me to be able to mentally visualize attacks while looking at pictures of people whose eyes have been popped straight out of the socket. So the goey ness is leaking and the neural nerve is hanging off the hanging eyeball. So some people might get that impression too.

    It’s a de-sensitivity training, since it makes a significant difference how well my movements work due to visualization. If you are afraid to look at something because of X, Y, or Z, then your accuracy falls when moving in a high tension situation.

    But anyways, that should explain why I pick things like that out. Destroying the bone cavity around the eyes or on the internal pocket, vs dislocating the eyeball itself, requires significantly different methods and techniques of force. Thus I couldn’t ignore it even if I wanted to.

  8. Just seeing the still picture was enough for me. Religion of peace. They just have a funny way of showing it.

  9. Why would that statment be his Mom’s proudest moment of her son?

    As others have mentioned, other hostages killed by Islamo fascists and their Leftist enablers reacted a bit differently.

  10. Ymarsakar,
    My hat off to you. That is difficult training. I am glad you are on our side.

    And I need to be more clear and accurate with my descriptions.

    You are right that good cannot coexist with evil. Evil must be destroyed before it destroys us all.

  11. “once seen it cannot be unseen”

    Bingo. Just speaking for myself, seeing one beheading 12 years ago was enough to last me a lifetime.

    How many beheadings does one need to see in order to understand that we are facing a truly evil enemy?

    Each to his/her own, I guess (and Madam Defarge never did get tired of seeing them, did she?).

  12. I have no need to watch a jihad beheading to imagine the barbarism of isil. They want lots of hits, it reinforces their desire to commit further acts of barbarism to kowtow ‘infidels’ into submission. Do not feed the barbarians of allah.

  13. A lot of people watch stuff like this and think of themselves in the position of the victim. People like me are forced to think of ourselves as the predator or attacker, because victim habits are not generally considered a high mark for survival chances.

    I or we, whatever we means in this context, want to be on the side of the standing, and that often means the user of violence, not the one violence is getting done on.

    So flip the chessboard around, and look at how it is done from the viewpoint of the attacker. And I critique it, see how it can be done better, what flaws and weaknesses there are there.

    In US military convoys, it’s often less mentally stressful to think attacking rather than how to react to IEDs and ambushes. instead place yourself in the position of the attacker and think to yourself “if I was the enemy, how would I attack the convoy”. Then consider defenses after that.

    It helps greatly to learn about the enemy by watching how they do things and then replicating it. Then finding its flaws and improving upon it. It makes for easier contact engagements. Not everyone you face will be acting like people on videos, of course, but they will act a lot more like them than what the Democrat media or Hollywood tells you they will act.

  14. “once seen it cannot be unseen.”

    True, very true.

    Once, completely by accident (no pun intended) I looked out my commuter train window as we pulled into our station after a hour long wait. What I saw was the “aftermath” of someone who was hit by the train. Not at all a pretty sight. And I do wish that I had never seen it.

    As I walked toward the parking lot I was pulling complete strangers down from their perches (i.e. standing on top of benches, etc) trying to get a better view. Just saying, sorry, but, you do NOT want to see that as I gently tugged them down.

    I, for one, do not need to see the actual video of what these savages do to know that they are savages.

  15. I was once the first officer on scene at a motorcycle accident, where a drunken biker rode is Honda into a brand new tight barbed wire fence. It Vegimaticed him. I do not need to see the Foley video, nor do i want to see it.

  16. I did a search myself for those same words, and I found you, and I’m glad I did. You had a great separate post on why Foley may have made the statement he did. That’s what I wanted to watch. I agree that seeing the actual beheading is not what people should see and as for myself, I have seen similar and would pass on it. But, sadly, it is something that may need to be seen by many. As Spock said once, in order for good to beat evil, good needs to be very VERY strong.

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