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The returned — 14 Comments

  1. Mind control is an interesting topic. In some ways it is even more powerful and effective than WMDs, weapons of mass deception. Or weapons of mass destruction.

  2. ” For people who have been told for years that their family members don’t exist for them and perhaps have forgotten them, suddenly coming upon evidence to the contrary can be a ray of light that breaks through the darkness and gives people the strength to come forward.”

    Although the context is different, Bill Whittle had something similar to say. Knowing you are not alone can be the difference between acting to effect change and passively accepting things as they are.

  3. Well I know it wasn’t you who held me down
    Heaven knows it wasn’t you who set me free
    So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains
    And we never even know we have the key

    Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds Franklin D. Roosevelt

    We’re all our own prisons, we are each all our own wardens and we do our own time. I can’t judge anyone else. What other people do is not really my affair unless they approach me with it. Prison’s in your mind. Can’t you see I’m free? – Charles Manson

    Nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so – Shakespeare

    for those that don’t know the reference:

    What have you, my good friends, deserv’d at the hands of Fortune, that she sends you to prison hither?

    Prison, my lord?

    Denmark’s a prison.

    Then is the world one.

    A goodly one, in which there are many confines, wards, and dungeons, Denmark being one o’ th’ worst.

    We think not so, my lord.

    Why then ’tis none to you; for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. To me it is a prison.

  4. External control can feed through the body, soul, mind, or spirit.

    Thus the only way to shatter external control is to either close off the external ports, or cultivate an internal authority as strong and as worthy of obedience as any external authority/threat in existence.

    There’s a good reason why they don’t want kids finding this forbidden stuff and thinking about it, in public ed.

  5. While I didn’t follow the Elizabeth Smart story in the news much I did read her book recently; and I HIGHLY recommend it to all.

  6. “they say that nothing appeared on the surface to be unusual or wrong about the couple.”

    So sayeth the Obamacans and the people who like their friendly neighboring sociopaths.

    The judgment quality of the “average” person is worth about 2 spits in the pitoon.

    The highest levels of human knowledge are not unlocked to the working class nor the educated class.

  7. The Left has refined mind control using other inputs. Physical interrogation and insertion of mental memes via a physical access port, is the cruder form. It can restrain people, even though physically they are unrestrained.

    The Left mostly uses mental access to destroy or reconfigure memories, such that the person, now a slave, thinks they are free. But in all respects, mental and physical, their options are limited in a way they are not aware of.

  8. Her fear was reinforced by at least two incidents whereby she tried to get free — but was caught, and brutally punished.

    Such events cause one to no longer trust one’s perception of risk.

    More generally, the average Joe is not predisposed to become entangled with a young girl with an astounding story to tell.

    Instead, events devolve like some lousy B movie script from the 50’s.

    And then there’s the over all trauma.

    It’s been my experience that the worse the criminal behavior, the less likely the average Joe is willing to accept that it has been going on.

    BTW, this highlights another reason why illegal immigration is a travesty. The coyotes and many another plunder the illegals.

    The criminals are in the perfect position to shake down the undocumented workers.

    The classic is to threaten the immigrant’s family and other kin. The result is that the illegal immigrant engages in criminal activity to raise the cash demanded. Such crimes are committed under duress, but committed all the same.

  9. The criminals are in the perfect position to shake down the undocumented workers.

    AQ, if they had half a brain to learn Spanish, would already have bases across the Border and smuggling in VX< nukes, and other stuff via the tunnels. But because AQ is busy being armed by Hussein in Africa and the ME, they aren't too worried about that… yet.

    The rape-athons that go on during border crossings and human trafficking is intentional on the part of the Left. They wanted subdued, well behaved, slave workers in the US which they can control, to a degree higher than they have on black citizens.

  10. I had a friend who was in a very abusive relationship and stayed in it for way too long. One day, he pushed her down a flight of stairs and she wound up on the hospital. (It was in a public building and while no one witnessed it, they did hear it and find her. Had it just been him, she probably would not have wound up in the hospital.)

    Once in the hospital, all sorry of people visited her. She thought–because she was told this by the guy CONSTANTLY–that no one like her, no one cared about her, and really, she had no place to go. On the hospital, she realized this was all lies. Which gave her the courage to leave.

    Before I met her, I never really understood why people stay in abusive relationships. I understood after she told me her story.

    It’s not the same as a kidnap victim held prisoner for years. But my friend’s experience makes me understand better why a kidnap victim stays, or fails to escape. Their experience is similar, but to an even more depraved degree.

  11. While people here should already know this, I’ll repeat the very obvious.

    The Democrats scare women with their War on Women rhetoric, by picking on the fear of being raped and helpless. They convince women that if REpublicans win, Democrats will not be able to protect women from rape or unwanted pregnacies. That’s the leverage, the fear, that keeps the slaves in line. Because it isn’t enough to vote one’s conscience, one must vote against the Republicans in that scenario. One can’t merely take a pass and live one’s life under that kind of fear.

    In order to reinforce the fear of the punishment, Democrats help blacks and other criminals disarm the population, rape more women, and cause rape on campus to skyrocket due to drinking. With this, they can truly leverage women’s fear, because once a woman has been raped by one of the Left’s operations, that woman will have even more reason to stick to the Democrats that promise protection. Hence Stockholme S achieved. The chain that is invisible is set.

  12. Pingback:The Left’s War on Humanity: The Women Front | Sake White

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