Home » Massachusetts’ loss is New Hampshire’s gain?


Massachusetts’ loss is New Hampshire’s gain? — 6 Comments

  1. Don’t tell Bob Wiley!

    I give you the catatonic Dr. Leo Marvin as just one example of the damage possible.

  2. Anyone ever wonder if electing Scott Brown to the Senate was an awful mistake in the first place? I mean, it was his election that gave us the rushed PPACA (Obamacare) in its final form, because the Dems no longer had a supermajority. Had he either not been elected, or at least not run on being the 40th vote against the PPACA, then maybe there would have been a chance to add a few amendments that might have helped kinda fix it…

  3. This would have been much less likely to happen in the days before the 17th Amendment, when state legislators selected Senators to represent the state’s interests.

  4. The Left had an early blow against independence with that. By tying Senators down to a democratic process of popular opinion, while still having the perks of being an elite cushioned from consequences, they struck a blow against the foundations of American stability.

    A lot of what the Left does or what they use, appear harmless until the activation process goes critical and moves into the Final Stage.

    The idea of a Leftist alliance existing even before the Soviet Union came to power, may seem ridiculous on the face. But one should never underestimate the Power of the Left.

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