Home » David Horowitz: come back to tell you all


David Horowitz: come back to tell you all — 16 Comments

  1. I believe I have read every book that David Horowitz has written, beginning with his autobiography “Radical Son”. He is a treasure trove of information and a fine mind with a clear writing style. He is easy to read, yet the subjects he deals with are by no means light.

    David knows all the players on the left (before they reinvented themselves as the “new left”), indeed he was personally acquainted with many of them and knows tales they prefer not be told.

    I urge everyone to read “Destructive Generation” about the societal devastation that was born in the 1960s. David is an old man now, and I fear he is feeling his mortality. He is an agnostic, but I wish him Godspeed.

  2. I wonder if the title is a reference to “the Black Book of Communism?”
    That was an informative read.

  3. I’ll probably read this, too. I may be one of those “conservatives who failed to understand the malignancy of the forces mobilized against them,” because the lefties I know now are all nice people who want nice things to happen, and have no more desire to establish a totalitarian state than I do. But these aren’t the people he’s talking about–they may be useful idiots, but they’re not malicious. I have to think back to the few very serious leftists I knew in the ’60s to remind myself. I think a lot of those people got over it, but if I try to imagine what they would be like if they didn’t, I begin to get the idea.

    I had thought of Horowitz as a sort of gadfly/bombthrower, which of course at one level he is, but when I finally got around to reading Radical Son I found out that he was much more. Originally skeptical of the jacket blurb comparing it to Whittaker Chambers’ Witness, I changed my mind–it is very much worthy of the comparison. Horowitz is a serious thinker and a fine writer who goes deep. I strongly recommend his philosophical meditation A Point In Time. He’s an agnostic/atheist and I’m a Catholic, but he really gets to the heart of the matter.

  4. “the lefties I know now are all nice people who want nice things to happen, and have no more desire to establish a totalitarian state than I do. But these aren’t the people he’s talking about—they may be useful idiots, but they’re not malicious.”

    Sadly, these people don’t realize the nature of their leadership either. They will be thrown under the bus when it becomes convenient.

  5. “Sadly, these people don’t realize the nature of their leadership either. They will be thrown under the bus when it becomes convenient.”

    Heh. Yep. “White hispanic” George Zimmerman was one Obama supporter thrown under the bus. The left is always willing to eat its own.

  6. Horowitz has done and continues to do great work in exposing the left but his joining Ron Radosh’s vendetta against Diana West is very disappointing and disturbing.

  7. He decapitalizes the Left because….?

    Makes the “New Left” stand out more, was that a small rule they implemented in the day?

  8. Ripple wrote:

    “…but his joining Ron Radosh’s vendetta against Diana West is very disappointing and disturbing.”

    Yeah, what is behind that particular flame war? I have not read Ms. West’s book, but saw a lengthy interview of her (maybe by Ginnie Thomas over at The Daily Caller?). She did not sound like the lunatic that she’s been made out to be.

    Someone (can’t remember where I saw this) has recently opined that Horowitz and Radosh believe her theory (about the extent to which the USSR commies infiltrated and influenced the USA) is at heart anti-Semitic. I didn’t get that from the interview I saw. She has clearly done something to enrage them.

    Anyone have the inside dope on this?

  9. Horowitz and Radosh’s beef with Ms. West is her sloppy research and that she is not bringing anything new to the table as well as misrepresenting long held well researched opinions.

    One can read the entirety of the exchange at Horowitz’ Frontpage Magazine.

    Ms. West does not acquit herself.

  10. Most good-hearted, moral people naturally tend to believe that everyone else is pretty much just like them, and find it extremely hard to envisions people imbued with the kind of hatred, malevolence, and lack of morality that many Leftists exhibit.

    So, the evidence can be found in many sources, including Horowitz’ books, but it isn’t sought out and certainly not believed.

  11. A valuable insight from Horowitz’s pamphlet, “Barack Obama’s Rules For Revolution.”

    “What they had – and still have – is a vague idea of the kingdom of heaven they propose to create, in Marx’s case ‘the kingdom of freedom,’ in Alinsky’s ‘the open society,’ in the case of the current left, ‘social justice.’ These ideas are sentimental and seductive enough to persuade their followers that it is all right to commit fraud, mayhem and murder -usually in epic doses – to enter the promised land. But otherwise, revolutionaries never spend two seconds thinking about how to make an actual society work. How to keep people from committing crimes against each other; how to get them to put their shoulder to the wheel; how to provide incentives that will motivate individuals to create wealth.”

    Kind of explains Obamacare. The leftists really don’t have any idea how to get to the promised land except by compulsion at the point of a gun. (Government edict!) They have no concept of individual freedom and motivation – what it means for creation of wealth and a better life for most (not all) people. They are blind to the lessons of the egalitarian experiments of the past – which led only to death and equality of misery. Horowitz understands it and is trying to point it out to any who will listen. Unfortunately, not many do.

  12. The event which precipitated David Horowitz’s leaving the left was the murder of Betty Van Patter. Horowitz had recommended Betty Van Patter for a bookkeeping job with the Panthers. Shortly after she found some irregularities in the Panthers’ books, she disappeared. Her body was found a month later, in January 1975. After much investigation, her daughter Tamara Baltar decided that the Panthers had killed her.

    Denial about who killed her mother didn’t help Baltar in the early years. “I didn’t think my mother was murdered by the Black Panthers for nearly 10 years,” she said. “For me, this was a crime committed within my own community – the sub-community of the left,” said Baltar, now 56.
    “While I did not know a single Panther, everyone on the left in the Bay Area was part of a huge family back in the 1960s and 70s. I guess it’s tantamount to a family member committing murder, in a way,” she said.
    Looking back, it was Horowitz, a one-time Panther insider and former leftist writer turned conservative, who tried to tell her otherwise.
    “On the way to Betty’s (Van Patter) funeral, I said, ‘I think the Panthers killed your mother’ and Tamara said, ‘They’re good people.’ When you are in the left, you don’t see it,” said Horowitz, who introduced Van Patter to the Panthers and adds he has spent the last 32 years regretting it.
    “It derailed my life,” Horowitz said in a recent telephone interview from his Los Angeles home. “I had been a left-wing activist leader. I never did another (liberal) political thing after that. I realized that everything that I believed had led to that point where I got involved with this group of people and recruited Betty.”

    Recently a book on the history of the Black Panthers was published: Black against Empire: The History and Politics of the Black Panther Party . The book has no mention whatsoever of Betty Van Patter. A bookkeeper for the Black Panthers who was murdered? Rage against the Empire! Not. It is of note what the book says about David Horowitz.

    Accusations abound about Newton’s alleged criminal activities during this period. People agree on the specifics, and few of the accusations have been ferified: Newton eventually defeated every one of the major criminal charges in court. Some of the most widely touted accusations come from right-wing activists such as David Horowitz and Kate Coleman, who seek to vilify the Black Panther Party. Yet retrospective accounts from a range of sources add some credence to these accusations. [page 379]

    The assumption is made that because David Horowitz is a “right-wing activist,” that his charges against the Panthers should be dismissed. One is reminded of the propagandists who said that what Alexander Solzhenitsyn said about the Soviet Union and its gulags should be dismissed out of hand, because he was “anti-Soviet.” As Alexander Solzhenitsyn had good reason to be “anti-Soviet,” David Horowitz has a very good reason to be against the Panthers: the death of Betty Van Patter. The murder of Betty Van Patter, and what this said about the Panthers, is the main reason why David Horowitz left the left and became a “right wing activist.”

    The book cites Horowitz’s and Collier’s Destructive Generation in the bibliography, which discusses Betty Van Patter, so the authors cannot plead ignorance. Which in any event is not a good excuse for a college professor.


  13. Howoritz and Radosh’s behavior toward West has been thoroughly reprehensible. Rather than offering a rational rebuttal they have indulged in the lowest kind of name calling and censorship. It’s redolent of none other than the Left that they left.

  14. Wallo Dalbo :
    as the wise Jedi knight Yoda succinctly described your observation, “Hard to see, is the dark side, ummmm”

  15. Horowitz retains the personality of a man of the Left, long after he’s come to reject the politics. It’s both what makes him such a powerful ally as well as at times alien, even slightly repugnant. When he vilifies someone who strays from his Truth I suspect we’re catching a glimpse of a bygone, Leftist Horowitz. Still, the man of today remains a truly indispensable voice.

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