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What Obama <i>actually</i> meant by “If you like your…” — 11 Comments

  1. What Barry meant to say…will keep changing, just as the Communist Party Line did, and will be repeated by the lap dog media.

  2. It’s not working. Unlike the rest of his candidacy where people could project their best selves and ideas onto him and Obama stood there smiling, radiating in the projection, this was a very concrete, specific promise. The noose has been tied. Obama the Waxen Symbol is now melting in the heat of technocratic performance. Realize, he’s never had to perform before in his life. What had he ever delivered on in his life other than showing up?

  3. holmes:

    Whether it works or not depends on how practiced Americans (and the MSM) are in the art of doublethink, and how many are paying attention.

  4. POTUS circa 2010:

    “”If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period”

    Where the “period” means UNCONDITIONALLY, in common usage.
    POTUS circa 2013:

    ..what we said was you can keep it if it hasn’t changed since the law passed.

    Where he adds a condition whereas three years ago it was UNCONDITIONALLY.

    Which reminds me of the famous quote from Through the Looking Glass:

    “When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.”
    “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.”
    “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master – – that’s all.”

    And next year, when the POTUS is asked about “what we said was you can keep it if it hasn’t changed since the law passed,” he will probably give a different meaning.

    As Obama’s stances have shelf lives, so do the definitions of what he says.

  5. Obama’s words mean whatever he wishes them to mean, nothing more, nothing less.

    Drudge has three different stories by liberal rags taking Obama to task for lying, which is the most criticism I can recall of Obama from the left. I doubt that it’s the lying per se but that he was so unskillful at it.

    Now, he’s lying anew with historical revisionism but he’s on video so his new lies are easily exposed. And he’s verbally stumbling because he knows that people know that he’s lying again to try to cover up his previous lies.

    The low-info voter’s awareness can’t be shielded from this because it’s many of them whose insurance policies are being cancelled and/or premiums being raised.

    There’s also a ‘comfort zone’ factor with most people’s family doctor and losing their doctor will have an impact and, the vast majority of doctors are not going to support the meme that it’s the evil insurance companies fault.

    Obama and the left are trying to blame the insurance companies but Obama’s unequivocal, prior assurances put the lie to that meme.

    Either a) he repeatedly lied or b) he was duped by those more clever than himself or c) the democrats are completely incompetent. I pick A & C.

  6. Obama is at 39% approval today and his personal approval is dropping. I think people are catching on, and I think the response has been pretty feckless, if not even more damaging. He was the great liberal hope. I don’t want to get too exuberant because we’re kind of a dummed down nation, but he might have set back liberalism at least a decade. It gives us a fighting chance.

  7. I think back to Benghazi, when the administration told a big, wild, unnecessary lie. At the time I wondered why they couldn’t just stall and fudge and equivocate in the way that politicians usually do. In this case it’s a bigger and more consequential lie, and even wilder, because it’s a direct contradiction of what he was videotaped saying 29 times.
    He’s not getting away with it, and that would be a great satisfaction, if it weren’t for this woozy feeling that everything is spinning out of control.
    What the hell is going on?

  8. Neo- yes, I realized it was tongue-in-cheek. I was just adding another riff on the theme.

  9. I imagine if Mr. Obama had been our first President, history books would have recorded something like this about his voyage to adulthood.

    1. I cannot tell a lie. I didn’t chop down the cherry tree with my little hatchet.
    2. If there was a hatchet involved, it probably belonged to Jefferson. I don’t even own a damn hatchet.
    3. Regarding the video of me chopping down the cherry tree with my little hatchet, that is not really me.
    4. Even if it was, take a long look at the instrument I am wielding. Is that “a hatchet” or just a very small ax?
    5. Re the damage at the 4:27 mark. Do those cut marks look like they were made with “a hatchet?” I didn’t think so.
    6. Chainsaw.
    7. The sweeping pan at 10:04 reveals that the entire orchard has been leveled. So much for the “single tree” theory my opponents keep harping on.
    8. What I’ve said all along was that I didn’t chop down a single cherry tree with my little hatchet and I think the evidence bears me out.

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