Home » Oh, those greedy, grasping insurance companies…


Oh, those greedy, grasping insurance companies… — 18 Comments

  1. Socialism has been a great success in Zimbabwe. After 30 years of socialist rule, everybody is now a millionaire. Of course, 1,000,000 ZWD is only worth about 10 USD, last time I checked.

  2. Reproducing the Volkish laws that ended the lives of the unprotected classes last century via Aktion T4…

    our people cant “get” equivalence
    they expect “equal” not equivalence

    so they do not see the reproduction of the equivalents of the neuremburg laws that restricted jobs, education, medical treatment to the Volk, and rationed and impinged upon the non volk…

    the “Nationalizers (Nazis)” are back…
    cause they never left…

    The German social insurance and health care system began in the 1880s under Bismarck. Ironically, it was part of Bismarck’s “anti-socialist” legislation, adopted under the theory that a little socialism would prevent the rise of a more virulent socialism.

    By the time of Weimar, German doctors had become accustomed to cooperating with the government in the provision of medical care. The reforms of the Weimar Republic following the medical crises of World War I included government policies to provide health care services to all citizens. Socially minded physicians placed great hope in a new health care system, calling for a single state agency to overcome fragmentation and the lack of influence of individual practitioners and local services

    Wish neo would make a tiny attempt to list out the parallels in equivalence and homages, and imitations

    the creativity, energy, and fundamental reforms found in social medicine during the Weimar Republic seem in retrospect a short and deceptive illusion. Medical reformers had wanted to counter the misery inherited from the first World War and the Second Empire on the basis of comprehensive disease prevention programs. In the few years available to the social reformers, they had remarkable success. But in connection with these reforms the doctor’s role changed from that of advocate, adviser, and partner of the patient to a partner of the state.

    With the world economic crisis of 1929, welfare state expenditures had to be reduced for housing, nutrition, support payments, recreation and rehabilitation, and maternal and child health. What remained of the humanistic goals of reform were state mechanisms for inspection and regulation of public health and medical practice. Economic efficiency became the major concern, and health care became primarily a question of cost-benefit analysis. Under the socialist policies of the period, this analysis was necessarily applied to the selection of strong persons, deemed worthy of support, and the elimination of weak and “unproductive” people. The scientific underpinning of cost-benefit analyses to political medical care was provided by the new fields of genetics and eugenics.


    Alfred Hoche, a neuropathologist (as Freud had been) and Karl Binding, a lawyer, published a pamphlet in 1922, The Sanctioning of the Destruction of Life Unworthy of Living. Binding relativized the legal and moral prohibition, “Thou shalt not kill,” and Hoche alternated between economic and medical arguments. Neurologists in Saxony formally discussed the topic, “Are Doctors Allowed to Kill?” A physician in Dresden pointed out “the contradiction that many persons (reformers) demand an end to the death penalty for crimes, but the same people are for putting imbeciles [sic] to death.” By the time the National Socialist Party came to power in Germany, the mentally ill and the mentally retarded had begun to be sterilized and to be subjected to euthanasia in large numbers in German government institutions.

    and so we copied all this almost exactly
    from the perversions of homosexuality in liberal behavior and theater of weimar, to the health care laws, to the nuremburg law copies, to gun control, and on wards.

    multiculturalism is basically – Blood and Soil
    as is protected classes = Volk.

    meaning white males = Jews
    (and jewish males are what?)

    oh well..

  3. Those who are not “approved”, will not be allowed outside to pasture. They will be sent to the slaughter house, led by the Judas goat.

  4. To leftists, a simplified response:

    If insurance companies are greedy now, weren’t they greedy before? And if they were greedy before, why couldn’t they pull this sort of crap? If they couldn’t pull this before, why can they pull it now?
    It seems Obamacare has enabled their greed. Good job, Obama!

    (Of course, all of this is specious…I just wanted to make an argument their tiny brains could understand)

  5. neo: “But Obama and his progressive supporters will almost undoubtedly use their stock response that any and all negative post-Obamacare changes are not the result of Obamacare itself but are instead opportunistic grabs by the insurance companies wishing to screw customers still further.”

    Never realizing, of course, that their logic is twisted. Should not the geniuses that wrote the O’care law and regs not have written them in such a way as to steer around the greedy insurance companies? If not, why not? The mental gymnastics required to place blame on anyone or anything but the dems and the administration are truly Olympian in their execution. Their hope is that, if they keep calling this wretched dog a cute little pony, eventually the majority will believe it’s a pony.

  6. J.J.

    That was also my point.

    Everyone knows the left hates insurance companies. If Obamacare didn’t take their greed into account, it is another example of incompetence.

    Some of the disingenuous left will know that it’s OK, because Obamacare was designed to eventually destroy the insurance industry. The well-meaning but naive left will be dispirited…you see, they weren’t invited to the conspiracy meetings.

    This reminds me of the very great damage done to the left’s psyche when the Hitler-Stalin pact was revealed.

  7. “We can not afford to keep everyone alive and well fed, etc. forever no matter what.” – Michael Kaiser

    This type of response galls me, not so much because of the callousness – we’ve seen this on other topics before – but because of the built-in assumption that “we” are paying for care, and therefore “we” will just have to make those tough decisions for you.

    Edie isn’t looking for a handout, a bailout, or for someone to keep her alive an well-fed, thank you very much! All she wants is to continue purchasing her plan that becomes illegal to offer in 2014 thanks to Obamacare.

    And I would imagine Mr. Kaiser would also be just as unsympathetic to say, a 60 year old who would prefer to pay less money for a plan that isn’t larded up with unnecessary coverage like maternity care. Because we can be forced to buy something we do not want or may not need, yet “we” can choose to let someone else die.

  8. The ultimate irony is that the nasty little commenter to the WSJ article probably threw pebbles at Sarah Palin when she predicted death panels.

    As I toddle toward my 80th year, I am sensitive to the subject. I could probably accept that maybe society has the right to pull the plug for the common good if that is the way we want to go. But, if we are going to go that route, we need to be up front about it. There should be an open declaration that our government and other involved institutions will fund no treatment, other than possibly easing pain (or maybe not), for anyone over the age of xx; no exceptions for politicians, celebrities, or those whose contributions are now considered worthy of merit (geriatric Supreme Court Justices?).

    Politicians should run on that premise. Prior to the cut-off, no restrictions. Of course there would be some inequalities in the crap shoot of life; because some could survive without treatment longer than others. So, maybe the next step would be mandatory euthanasia at a certain age so that old folks don’t continue to take up space and resources. How about it?

  9. If 2014 doesn’t turn out well, I’m afraid the response will be widespread tax-dodging ala Greece.

  10. “So, maybe the next step would be mandatory euthanasia at a certain age so that old folks don’t continue to take up space and resources. How about it?”

    UK’s NHS already has that: Liverpool Care Pathway. The doctors don’t even have to consult or inform you or your family. Apparently NHS even set up an incentive program (cash rewards) in order to get hospitals to meet or exceed LCP quotas.

  11. There is a tiny glitch ( a now PC-approved word!) in Neo’s article. The Patient had Stage IV GALLBLADDER cancer, not BLADDER cancer. Both are extremely bad, extremely advanced in their respective Stage 4s, and statistically quite lethal, with a great deal of suffering, like being on the rack.
    Of the two, Gallbladder cancer is far more rare, directly invades things that make us work (liver, upper small bowel) and is harder to treat, even palliatively.

  12. Be careful Michael Kaiser, you, too, could get cancer and if you do, you will beg that someone with more humanity than yourself makes the decision of what your mean, small life is worth in dollars and cents. If we judge by kindness, you are already a dead man.
    Edie bought her policy and paid her premiums. She deserves good care. My heart goes out to her.

    Let obama, his “wife” and their offspring be forced to sign up for these exchanges. He exemped himself because he knows it is a lousy trap meant to ensnare us in a totalitarian scheme.

    We are the little people that he despises. I have learned from this forum that communists come in two flavors, those who want power over us and all our hard earned money and those who live in la la land and think that communism is for the common good. Obama is definitely the kind that wants power over us, our money and endless luxuries.

  13. The great and damning sin in Edie’s story is often glossed over.

    One of the problems with the current (or should I say former) health insurance industry is the govt meddling which prohibited inter-state sales of policies. Now, not only has Obamacare not solved that problem, but it has exacerbated it by making health insurance a county-by-county fiefdom. I read a story about a Philadelphia-area couple who can no longer use the doctors with whom they have a decades-long relationship because their physicians are in Delaware (a double Obamacare sin, out of county AND out of state).

    “In theory there’s no difference between theory and practice. In practice . . . .”

  14. Don Carlos:

    Thanks, I will fix. Careless error of mine.

    I actually knew someone who had gallbladder cancer and died of it in the 1990s (although he survived for many more years than expected). I remember at the time hearing how rare his case was.

  15. Socialized medicine — European style — always cuts off such expensive — and ultimately futile — medical interventions.

    This is buried in the back pages of regulations and budgets.

    Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel has pushed this forward as THE way to square up the national medical budget — going back years and years.

    It’s a difficult calculus, for such massive expenditures DO task the medical community.

    When a patient is limited to their own resources, it’s impossible to shift the economic burden to the larger society.

    We no longer abide by that restriction. Via the intermediation of insurance companies, it’s not uncommon for cancer patients to run up staggering bills even as the prospect of cure drives to zero.

    This tendency is enabled to the limit with complete socialization of medical provision.

    And in every nation, in one guise or another, death panels are empowered to play God — and jerk the plug.

    While, at first, the process is pitched as being required for the financial viability, nay stability, of the system — without a doubt it progresses down from the extremes to the banal.

    In too short a time, just being bedridden is cause enough to pull your plug. This has already been exposed in Britain. The administrators were being given kickbacks for terminating grandma! They did so by the tens of thousands per month!

    We’re talking about elderly patients that were merely bedridden. The challenges of drinking fluids and bed pans were too much for the State.

    I can’t imagine how America could not fail to fall into the same moral rut once the corrosive effects of 0-care cut deep.

    Lest we forget, socialized medicine does not allow torts. The State shall not be sued.

    0-care is a travesty of privacy, of coercive power, of crony capitalism, of cynical politics.

    It can’t be made to run on time — i.e. by years end.

    It’s chasing away the physicians. It’s a moral insult to their profession.

    And, no one can explain to me where all of the additional premia are going to. It would seem that we are expected to sign up for policies that actually can’t pay out; that our destiny is to queue up forever. — The latter THE common trait across all socialized medical schemes.

    I don’t think even the insurance industry can correctly price these new policies. Just too many variables are in extreme flux.

    The President constantly pitches subsidies — but where exactly is THAT money coming from?

    Am I to believe that the insurance industry is now a branch of the IRS — collecting funds that get shunted over so that some taxpayers get subsidies?

    It all smacks of un-Constitutionality.

    Is the IRS being used to collect insurance premia?

    It’s a hairball.

    I’ve not seen anyone address this bizarro mechanism.

    Is it the case that the subsidies are merely a round about mechanism for rigged prices based upon how the PREVIOUS years income tax return was filed?

    What happens when incomes rise and fall, when people lose their jobs?

    It’s a hairball.

  16. SWAT teams have been used to collect student debt.

    It won’t be long now before the death squads are unleashed on uncooperative citizens that aren’t “paying their fair share”.

  17. Great. You can ALWAYS find a one of to prove a point. As Republicans are fond of doing, they swing out a heart warming story or heart wrenching one in a lame attempt to counter the very intuitive idea of universal coverage.

    And no, you were not truly a Democrat. People don’t change that much. A registered one maybe, but one in spirit, never.

  18. SWAT teams have been used to collect student debt.

    It won’t be long now before the death squads are unleashed on uncooperative citizens that aren’t “paying their fair share”.


    You’d like to believe that wouldn’t you? But it’s not true. It was to arrest an individual committing student loan fraud. Why do folks willfully misrepresent facts?

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