Why were all the warning signs about Nidal Hasan ignored?
This is an outrage. An absolute outrage. Don’t read it if you don’t want to get very, very angry.
PC insanity run amok allowed Hasan to commit his crime—which could have been seen coming several miles away on a foggy day.
And it is a double outrage the way the surviving victims have been treated.
[NOTE: The fact that Nasan is planning to be his own attorney and to interrogate the witnesses, who will include his own victims, reminds me of the Colin Ferguson trial. Who’s Ferguson? The LIRR shooter:
During the course of his cross-examinations, Ferguson would refer to himself in the third person, most particularly asking the victims of the shooting “Did you see Colin Ferguson…” to which the witness would reply “I saw you shoot me.”
By the way, when I Googled Ferguson I discovered to my surprise that there’s another Colin Ferguson, a Canadian actor and comedian. This has nothing to do with anything, really, but I thought it interesting.]
I remember the trial of Ferguson well. It seemed obvious to me that he was delusional to the degree of bats$#it crazy.
His crime was the motivation of Carolyn McCarthy, who lost a family member in the attack, of New York to run for Congress. Somehow she, like most leftists, believes that making honest people helpless will render evil people harmless.
As far a the Military not seeing warning signs of Hassan, if you do not want to see, you will not look. Hassan’s story does not fit the “narrative”, therefore will not be reported reliably.
The military had better check him for a “Butt Bomb” before bringing him into the trials courtroom.
Now that I think about it … No, don’t check him.
Let him take out a bunch of incompetent officers.
“kill two birds with one stone” as the old saying goes.
( Personal Opinion )
Obama is going to give this nut a pardon or a rigged “get out of jail free” trial. Thats why they are so upset about him representing himself. Harder the hide the “fix”.
You realize of course that what you are advocating is a form of terrorism itself.
In organizations there are things which must not be said.
After the attack at Ft. Hood, Gen. Casey said, in part, that he hoped this didn’t affect diversity, which is our strength. Which is to say, if you see somebody with appalling professional performance and demonstrated Islamic nutcasery, the general doesn’t want to hear about it. Some time ago, the Army announced it was investigating nine officers who had been in a position to do something about Hasan. Letters in his file, bad OER, that sort of thing.
Bet the reason they didn’t act was the quite justifiable fear of accusations of islamophobia. I’ve seen that speculation on various military blogs.
Sort of related is the first two women who graduated from F14 flignt school. They did so with failing grades and when that became known, the Navy’s response was to try to find out who leaked it. A unit’s performance may be poor, but if it’s because women are not up to their part of the job, it’s professional suicide to say so.
Same thing with Muslims, as the Hasan case shows. You don’t have to be an Islamic nutcase to take advantage of this. If you don’t get what you want–good efficiency report, etc.–you can hint that you’re thinking of reporting somebody for islamophobia.
I, too, remember the Ferguson crime. Yes, he was indeed bats$#it crazy.
And talk about a racially motivated hate crime! But, the MSM down played that part of the story.
Wait for the same kind of nonsense with this crazy one.
The triple outrage is that this P/C happened within the military. The same military charged with the defense of this nation and its citizens.
Colin Ferguson is a boss actor. My wife and I love him on “Eureka”!
Also, Hasan should be turned over to the military. It was an act of war. Deal with him.
T, 3:47 pm — “The same military charged with the defense of this nation and its citizens.”
It’s already over. Stick a fork in.
@ neo-neocon
( Yes, my frustration was getting the best of me. )
When you have a bunch of sworn / oathed officers make a farce out of the the trial, there is a serious breakdown in the loyalty of the military. Being “PC” or following the law? Choosing the trust between enlisted and officers or political correctness? Questions that never should have needed to be asked.
Trust / Loyalty in the military is a “two way street”. It goes both ways. Those who don’t give it, never receive it.
The bond of trust between the enlisted / officers is really damaged by this.
Remember “Fragging” from Vietnam? The first thing you learn in military training should NOT be “kill your CO if you want to survive”.
Yet, that was common in the service at that time.
( Check the mortality rates of “butter bars” for Vietnam ).
Or better yet, talk to some Vietnam Vets if you can get them drunk enough to “talk”. They usually don’t want to talk about it at all.
The enlisted should not be looking over their shoulders for “radical” officers.
If they won’t “fix the problem”, someone else will or will attempt too. That is a side effect of ignoring “radical” officers in the officer core. It needs to be taken care of before it hits the “critical mass” stage.
And who does the “law” dictate the military being loyal to? The politicians need to remember that before they toss out the “law”. Without that “law”, the politicians have no legal power or position to exert control over the military.
The officer core still does not trust enlisted with ammo for their weapons for that very reason ( i.e. “Fragging” ). Plenty of current examples if you ask around the services ( talk to the infantry / armor types ).
Outrage followed by more outrage – that this was found to be a case of workplace violence.
We no longer live in a sane country.
The truth is the first sacrifice upon ideology’s altar.
Personal and professional reputations are the second sacrifices upon ideology’s altar.
Actual lives are the third sacrifice upon ideology’s altar.
Liberty is the final sacrifice upon ideology’s altar.
This was all reported shortly after the incident, to which most of the country simply yawned. Workplace violence said Leon Panetta.
Why they didn’t finish the job and administered first aid to him is beyond me. If I were the cop who shot him, I would have emptied the magazine.
Islam is a protected class/religion…didn’t you get the memo Neo?
According to the obama administration, only conservatives and Christians are labelled as terrorists.
You see where this is going right?
The coup is complete. Now what does obama do with all those evil, nasty conservatives?
Why label all of them as terrorists of course. It opens up all kinds of possibilities for obama’s final solution.
NH was a member of the protected class. How else can shouting Allahu Akbar as dozens are slaughtered be construed as “work place violence”? All your data belong to NSA, unless you’re a member of the protected class in which case all your data is protected from scrutiny.
We have long taken it for granted that the military is largely made up of patriots and people of faith, who are mostly conservative and dedicated to upholding the Constitution and the American way. Some of us have held out hope that in an extreme situation, they would act to remove political leaders who have violated their oaths and become tyrants.
The Obamunists know this, and have been working to drive true patriots out of the military by a variety of methods. I have long been concerned that recruitment and retention would plummet, and they will be replaced by people who are more sympathetic to the leftist, statist agenda.
I don’t have first-hand knowledge, but I have read of such things as labeling Christians as extremists, and attacking morale and unit cohesion by embracing Islam and homosexuals. I’ve heard that some soldiers and officers are being asked if they are willing to fire on American civilians if so ordered. Apparently, there was a purge of senior officers after Benghazi.
Every successful dictator has taken steps to ensure that the armed forces are loyal to him personally, rather than to the nation as a whole.
If the military has indeed been “turned”, we are in very grave danger.
The truth about Islam and its nature, history, strategies and tactics, and objectives is all very readily available if you just do a little research and reading, and use some common sense to filter and test what you find.
Get inexpensive, reliable, readable paperback copies of the three fundamental texts of Islam from the Center for Political Islam, look at Andrew G. Bostom, M.D.’s excellent, comprehensive compilation of mostly Muslim primary sources, written by Muslim Imams, Ideologues, Jurists, and Jihadis describing, in their own words, and in detail (colossal, bragging body counts included), their 1,400 years of virtually continuous Jihad against any and all unbelievers and, their motives for that Jihad titled, “The Legacy of Jihad,” and, finally, check out “The Religion of Peace.com” website for a daily, updated estimate of the number and horrific details of worldwide Jihadi attacks since 9/11 (as of this hour around 21,366, and always climbing).
However, from the current politically correct atmosphere–the Administration, and MSM, and various writers and academics continuously screaming “The Religion of Peace,””The Religion of Peace,” to drown out any other voices, and the state of play, it appears that far too many people either just accept the “official version,“ will not make the effort and/or really, really don’t want to, for fear of what they will find if they do, and the reevaluations and the choices that knowledge will force them to confront and to make.
Above should be “…from The Center for the Study of Political Islam (CSPI).”
Affirmative action (read quotas) for minorities and women is alive and well in the military. You don’t want to get out in front of that bus.
rickl – if true, the policy doesn’t seem to stand much chance. I don’t see a lot of non-patriots jumping up to volunteer for service, no matter how touchy-feely they make it. Those folks aren’t going to be recruited in significant numbers, and if they force out or make it unbearable for the patriots and traditional service types, they will have nobody in their PC military to hold luncheons with and discussing feelings of their enemies. The experiment will ultimately fail the first time they try to order a bunch of PC generals to action, and instead of acting, the generals call for a meeting to understand the enemy’s feelings. A couple of tragic military fiascos might be needed, but politicians will eventually do something if they are sufficiently embarrassed and about to get voted out.
Have you ever noticed that the Special Ops types (SEALS, Rangers, Green Berets, etc.) are overwhelmingly white males? That’s hard to fudge.
The Obama administration is attempting to drive anyone with conservative views out of the military by a variety of methods. My perception is that the US military hasn’t been turned, yet. I suspect that the ‘tipping point’ for the military will happen sometime during the next administration’s tenure. Since the Republican leadership is colluding with liberal PC, a republican administration will merely slow the process.
Do not underestimate the ability of the left to field an army ruthless and obedient enough to follow any order. Women cannot adequately perform in combat units so the standards will be lowered. 53% of sexual assaults in the military are against men. Conservatives and Christians are being identified as extremists. Christians are being court martialed for expressing religious belief. The immediate goal of the left is not to transform the military into a leftist organization but into a dysfunctional one, whose leadership’s allegiance is to a leftist administration, not to the Constitution.
They have already accomplished that in the very topmost echelons. Panetta, Dempsey, etc. would have resigned over Benghazi were that not the case.
The left’s ‘brownshirts’ are concentrated in the Dept. of Homeland Security. During her term, Homeland Security Chief Janet Napitalano was not idle.
I already heard about this kind of stuff a few days after the shooting.
General Casey himself said that diversity was more important than whomever may have died to some shooter.
To be honest, it’s not PC nor is it insanity. IT’s just an alliance between common interests: the Left and Islam.
Or did people think the Left was ignoring the military ,of all things, for now?
The US Navy has several admirals in the pocket of the Left, the rest are controlled by greed, ambition, and various other levers.
The US Army is incredibly large, thus there’s only a few people in it, for now mostly women who seek to use Democrat levers for promotion advantages. Or blacks like Powell. When offered a “deal” for political advantage and career promotion, they say “why not”. Thus certain segments of the US Army (such as the anti rape prevention power point measures, the boot camp training, and women career officer promotions) are entirely under the Left’s sphere of influence, but a vast majority of the US Army is left untouched. Too many people, too high a resistance to slavery.
The US Marines are the most pristine, hardest branch to infiltrate.
The Air Force… might as well consider that entire branch gone, as far as I estimate.
The Left doesn’t need to turn the majority of the grunts, operators, or what not. They just need to get the officers, who are more liable to get “bank loans” and other “deals” from Democrat pols.
After all, Obama was elected the Commander in Chief and does anyone think a majority of Americans are Leftists or support Leftist ethics and policies?
You don’t need to make an entire organization into slaves. Just get the peeps at the top and those guys will take care of it for you.
When Obama commands, America obeys. Doesn’t matter if a majority supports him, doesn’t even matter if anyone voted for him. They obey.
In the military… people will be “obeying” a lot more than civilians realize.
Just as an example. It’s relatively easy to get Air Force officers and pilots to drop bombs and FAE munitions inside the United States of America, on political rallies and what not.
All you have to do is to have their officers give them fake targeting information, say the target is a “terrorist haven” or “gathering of proven terrorists” and fly them out there. The pilot themselves won’t even be able to see the faces of the people he is incinerating.
Any more than that pilot saw a Chinese face and then dropped the bomb on their embassy.
Air Force pilots obey orders. They don’t see their targets. Understand what that means?
It’ll be an unfortunate “accident” like Benghazi and the crash of Seal Team Six. An unfortunate accident, that they won’t care to talk about.