Home » Predictably enough, the left…


Predictably enough, the left… — 8 Comments

  1. The progress of the Progressive: from Six Million Dollar Man to the Two Billion Dollar Spartacus. I suppose this is what they mean by being for the poor — promoting it.

    And speaking of Penn, Stone, Galloway, et al. — why is there never a South American Death Squad around when you need one?

  2. Chavez does not rest in peace. Despite its resources, Venezuela is suffering from Chavez’s policies with an annual inflation rate above 20% and another, recent currency devaluation. It will be ‘interesting’ to see how this unfolds.

  3. Chavez programs to help the poor resulted in him becoming a billionaire. Coincidence?

    Most countries that have nationalized their oil industries don’t use the money to create new wealth and jobs for their citizens. Most are run by dictators who siphon off the lion’s share and throw some alms to the peasants while claiming to be their champions. Venzuela was a prime example. Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Iran, Iraq, and Brunei are others. Norway is the one country I can think of that has used oil wealth to improve the lot of most of their citizens.

    So, Chavez was not unique. He was following a well trodden path. The question is, “What next for Venezuela?” Probably more of the same. Sigh!

  4. 2 billion isnt a bad take for 14 year’s worth of dictating. Socialist dictator is apparently a very lucrative business. except for the poor socialist citizens. I might consider the job, except I would have to hang out with Sean Penn, Jimmy Carter, and similar unsavory fellows.

  5. “I might consider the job, except I would have to hang out with Sean Penn, Jimmy Carter, and similar unsavory fellows.”

    Nah, as supreme dictator who could easily convince them to transfer their wealth to your Cayman account and then feed their annoying asses to your pet alligators.

  6. “There is a level of cowardice lower than the conformist: The fashionable non-Conformist.”

    Ayn Rand…

    Can we hear it for Sean, Oliver, Endless Lib-Lefty Hordes..?

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