Home » Joan Rivers’ Heidi Klum joke: not so very funny, not so very knowledgeable


Joan Rivers’ Heidi Klum joke: not so very funny, not so very knowledgeable — 11 Comments

  1. That’s all we have left- transgressionist humor. What’s shocking is just how pedestrian these attempts are.

  2. When I first read it, I rolled my eyes. I don’t find her brand of humor humorous, but I was surprised that some people were shocked.

    To join the chorus – Juli B is my real first name and last initial. And I am flattered that my comment sparked its own post!

    I do feel that nearly everyone thinks of Jews as the only ones killed, but they were the ones so openly demonized.

  3. In her younger days, Joan Rivers was a very funny lady. Nowadays, she is only vulgar. Is this what all that plastic surgery does to your brain?

  4. My Uncle survived “Dora” the Kamp that built the V2/A4.

    His particular ‘detail’ was apparently confined to digging outer works — latrines and such.

    Every week it was the same routine: Tuesday was the day of replacements. None could be considered ‘fresh ones’ in the Shindler’s List sense, for his particular detail was the end of the line. Sort of a death pit squad + latrine duty.

    It was Kamp policy to beat more or less half of the new inductees to death every Tuesday — up close and personal — with the equivalent to a baseball bat. It was in this manner that the SS man could keep his crew in line and suitably limited in number.

    As a political prisoner, it was Kamp policy for my Uncle to receive blows every time a Jew was beaten. So he always spent Tuesday afternoon unconscious.

    Higher authority wanted him dead, quickly. However, higher authority also wanted those pits dug — and he was 50% of their collective digging power.

    Unlike the Jews, he was a USAAF serviceman — in good condition — before the SS worked their method on him. In contrast, all of the ‘new’ inductees were rejects from other Dora ‘details’ — this was the end of the line.

    Instantly after the Remagen bridge was captured his SS tormentor changed his tune 10,000% — and wanted to be his very best buddy.(!)

    He was such a mess by then that he’d reached the thousand-yard stare, more or less. He was back-shipped to Buchenwald — and was liberated while in the Kamp ‘hospital.’

    He was a bed ridden, skin and bones, inmate at that stage.

    The Medical Corps determined that he had PTSD. He spent the rest of his life within a short distance to VA hospitals.

    Schindler’s List seems mild compared to the demonic barbarities that he witnessed and experienced.


    For more shocking statistics read Bloodlands.

    ISBN 978-0-465-00239-9

    Neo: the bulk of the dead never even made it to the Kamps. (!)

    The Nazis and Communists were conducting genocide in the open fields and pine woods. Death by bullet (#1) vastly exceeded that by gas (#3) — even that by starvation. (#2)

    (Both tyrannies loved to force march victims without food or water until they died — on foot, by truck, by train — or in cages.)

  5. blert: I’m so sorry your uncle suffered so much.

    As far as the shootings go, most or all of the mass shootings by the Nazis occurred in Eastern Europe before the death camps really got going. For example, Babi Yar in Ukraine:

    The most notorious and the best documented of these massacres took place on September 29—30, 1941, wherein 33,771 Jews were killed in a single operation. The decision to kill all the Jews in Kiev was made by the military governor, Major-General Kurt Eberhard, the Police Commander for Army Group South, SS-Obergruppenfé¼hrer Friedrich Jeckeln, and the Einsatzgruppe C Commander Otto Rasch. It was carried out by Sonderkommando 4a soldiers, along with the aid of the SD and SS Police Battalions. The massacre was the largest single mass killing for which the Nazi regime and its collaborators were responsible during its campaign against the Soviet Union[1] and is considered to be “the largest single massacre in the history of the Holocaust”.

    Victims of other massacres at the site included thousands of Soviet POWs, communists, Gypsies (Romani people), Ukrainian nationalists and civilian hostages.

    Note the early date.

    After a while, the Nazis found that they could circumvent the problems they encountered at these sites by building the death camps. I seem to remember reading that after that the mass shootings were phased out.

    The Nazis had kept experimenting till they found a more efficient method of mass murder than the shootings.

  6. “The Nazis had kept experimenting till they found a more efficient method of mass murder than the shootings.”

    It wasn’t about efficiency so much as about keeping the SS men off the mental institutions. Despite the indoctrination they’d received to see those killings as no different than killing rats, the killers became madmen all too frequently. Goes to show how you can’t switch off the human soul (Genesis 1:27) even with the most intensive indoctrination. The new methods were devised with the purpose of having the mass-killing “out of sight, out of mind.”

    That’s also why I find the Beslan massacre so horrifying: It was up close and personal. The Chechen jihadists were probably on drugs, but still…

  7. Those ancient and isolated incidents that happened long ago, in places far away, by no means justifies citizens being allowed to own firearms – other than something like Jill Biden’s two slug shotgun, maybe….if you qualify for it, and are registered, and keep it locked away in a steel cabinet – in this country. Nobody (except the government, which is there to protect and take care of us) “needs” guns. The second amendment is so obsolete, since it only referred to muskets, and also we have the national guard as our militia now, and the second amendment is only there for raising a militia.

    After all, “everybody” knows that, the sort of thing like communist or fascist tyrranny “could never happen here.” To think otherwise makes you a paranoid nut. And also, because, well, shut up.

    (sarc ).

  8. It isn’t just that Joan Rivers’ comment is ignorant of actual historical facts; but, it is also because it is okay (according to some liberals, and truth be told some on the right-side as well) to mock certain groups. Germans are among those that it is okay to mock, along with white guys, rich folks, and any one else the left considers to be “not cool.”

    I could be rude back, and say, well, with a mouth like hers is it really anyone wonder that Joan’s husband killed himself?

  9. I used to like Joan Rivers, but her act has changed to this kind of mean-spirited material which I cannot stand.

    With this kind of remark, I refuse to watch anything she does anymore, and this should be a career-killer. It is sad when a brilliant comedienne has stooped so low that she will not recognize that this has gone too far.

  10. I find this a hair splitting exercise. Rivers claims her own family was a victim of the holocaust. Does that giver her the same social permission to joke on that subject as some black entertainers do similarly about their culture and kind? IDK, but it is revealing.
    You cannot enlarge the atrocities of the Nazi regime by adding a few million deaths to the usual number of around six million. They had far crossed every line of human decency long before the last death at their hands.
    Rivers’ joke didn’t rise to the level of high school trash talk, really.

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