Did you know that John McCain’s running mate is actually George Bush?
And here we were thinking it was actually a trash-talking, spectacle-wearing, pregnancy-concealing, former beauty queen/sportcaster pistol-packin mama named Sarah Palin.
But no; it’s really George Bush [see link’s last paragraph for the revelation].
To be more precise, John McCain’s running mate is actually George Bush hidden in a Trojan Moose [see title of above link].
Perhaps this one?:
Or is it this one?
I’ve been noticing that, too, Obama thinks he is running against Bush. Guess he doesn’t realize Bush is out of office soon.
Especially rich that Huffington would call another woman a moose.
Hmm. It sounds like the Loony Left is seeing George Bush under every bed and in every closet.
A few days ago, I was in a waiting room where several people had started bashing Republicans and crying about the horrors of unemployment over six percent. After a few cycles of answering them with reason and receiving a rant on a different topic, one of them, unable to contain his frustration, said And you know who the biggest Jew of them all is?. Unwilling to believe without confirmation what I’d heard, I asked him to repeat the question. Before his wife could shush him, he blurted out George Bush!. Perhaps realizing that he had crossed a line, even with the other leftists in the room, he refused to repeat what he’d said, and I was left hoping that a couple of the others had had their belief system shaken a little.
But that’s better as a prayer than as a bet.
wanna see me pull a rabbit outta my hat?
I guess Sarah Palin is Dubya’s evil(er) twin sister. 😉
What if Bush has a few glasses of wine before his farewell speech, and turns into the most articulate, comfortable in his skin sumbitch we’ve seen since Tom Hanks?
I’ll probably develop Laura Bush derangement syndrome at that point. LOL
George Bush has never lost an election. If Obama wants to run against him, well . . .
There could be something to the allegation. Have you ever seen George Bush in the same room at the same time with Sarah Palin? I’m just saying.
What? Not one mention of the nefarious Dr. Rove?
I’m disappointed.
Probably this one, which is located (where else) in Moose Jaw:
Mac the Moose
and Obama is running on the failed policies of the old left…
http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/johann-hari/johann-hari-we-have-everything-to-fear-from-mccain-869681.html in his article in The Independent titled We have everything to fear from McCain
He raised vey serious point a bout McCain more closely US internal polices:
Then Johann H. added:
Finally Johann H. ended his article asking Americans this:
Btw, In June, Mrs. Palin told ministry students at her former church that in going to war with Iraq, the United States is “on a task that is from God,”, she echo Bush and his God mission made years ago about invading Iraq
I had a rather heated discussion yesterday with an Obamessiah supporter. And yes it’s true, according to said supporter, a McCain win would just be a continuation of all the failed policies of the Bush Administration (war, economy, i.e. everything!). Oh and McCain is old and might die soon and since Sarah Palin is totally unqualified, her VP status unacceptable, thus the Obamessiah can be the only logical choice. This all coming from an otherwise intelligent individual. Unfortunately, after a bit of time past in this discussion I realized further talk was a waste of time and had to walk away.
unable to contain his frustration, said And you know who the biggest Jew of them all is?.
This is looks very doubtable story ever heard…
US support for Israel continuous and strong so this not Bush matter as such it’s a complete successive US administrations whom were elected by Americans.
Truth: the point here is that an Obama supporter was reported as expressing an anti-Semitic sentiment, a report which I find entirely plausible.
Gringo, I got your point.
But for that guy who complains about unemployment he simply can gat paid USD20,000 and free education and healthcare if he enlist in US army so what his problem? What to do with Jews?
Tell me, where can I find Moose and Squirrel?
Mrs. Palin told ministry students at her former church that in going to war with Iraq, the United States is “on a task that is from God,”, she echo Bush and his God mission made years ago about invading Iraq
At which point can we come out and say that Dowdifications of quotes is lying? not surprising that someone posting as “Truth” isn’t all that true.
The first moose looks like it should be breathing fire and stompling a city into dust.
Truth, it happened. I’m almost glad it did; the Leftists saw one of their own nekkid, and it wasn’t a pretty sight.
“Truth, it happened. I’m almost glad it did; the Leftists saw one of their own nekkid, and it wasn’t a pretty sight.”
Recall that Truth is a semi-radical Muslim from a non-western country and the whole argument makes sense (and is also why you will never “win” this argument).
Truth isn’t a leftists either so don’t fall into that mistake – it’s just that much of our left currently mirrors those ideas so we tend to want to apply that label.
If you think your country news and media like Chicago Tribune publishing lies, don’t put your blames on me personally or trying to discredit my quote. instead come on presenting your evidences support your claims here.
There was article by Katha Pollitt titled “Ayatollah D’Souza” it’s very interesting reading. looks here very adaptable for some “Ayatollah” here who have wasting their time, wasting neoneo cyber space by diverting the discussion in ways serving for their self necessities just like ” Ayatollah” way with personal attack for no reasons without presenting their evidences to support their claims and telling us their side of story.
So go read “Ayatollah D’Souza” and get alive guys looks you are living in a world you just knew these words of Lefties, terrorists, Radical Muslim…….
looks the Sunday Schools educated you well that this grope of “Ayatollah” know nothing far from those above labels.
Have a happy days