Home » One more reason to buy a Sodastream


One more reason to buy a Sodastream — 9 Comments

  1. we used to have the ole seltzer man..
    ie charged seltzer for the week

    mixing ur own is old!!!!!

  2. There’s a word for people like Rona Martin. It rhymes with…no, I’m being too blunt.

  3. I tried the Sodastream but my wife complained the carbonation wasn’t strong enough for her. I did follow the directions, I used cold water, etc, but my wife was right, the carbonation just wasn’t that strong.

    Even if it had worked, it wouldn’t have been as convenient as the solution I have now: a 5 gallon metal tank supplying a faucet which lasts about 2 weeks between refills.

  4. Philip Ngai: I like strong carbonation, and I find it plenty strong enough. I give it one extra push.

  5. I picked on up before Christmas. I’ve had some doubts about the upfront costs and now feel better that I supported an Israeli business. The cost issue is working itself out as I find my drinking of soda water increasing. I’ve a habit for soda with a drop or two of Angostura bitters.

    Buying prepackaged either meant buying 2 liter then having flat soda after the first day or spending even more and having more trash buying smaller portions. Now, I only have to keep in mind the carbonator exchange and not have to deal with empty containers.

    I first heard of Sodastream on a website called The former chef. The host cooked up some of her own syrup concoctions. How cool is that, your own blend of spices? Should you feel inspired.

    How good were the Sodastream Super Bowl commercials. Especially the one banned by NBC for being to mean to Coke and Pepsi. Who doesn’t love exploding bottles?

  6. Name anything connected to Israel or Jews and I can tell you why, according to the Left, it is a bad thing.

    It’s almost as if there is another motive at work!

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