Home » Hillary, the VP spot, and that bucket of warm whatever (is she better off with Obama or without him?)


Hillary, the VP spot, and that bucket of warm whatever (is she better off with Obama or without him?) — 30 Comments

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  2. There is not a chance of Hillary Clinton being named as Obonga’s running mate. Mrs. O hates Hillary and has told her husband that under no circumstances is that woman to be his VP. Michelle O is a very strong, aggressive personality and the rumor is that she wears the pants in that family. Michelle O is also very politically powerful and exerts great influence over her husband, as he seems to put her counsel above all others.

  3. It makes no sense for Hillary to accept the VP spot; there is nothing in it for her future. If Obama is elected and runs even a moderately successful administration his chances of being re-elected in 2012 would be high. If Obama’s administration would be a disaster, his VP would have no hope of running a successful campaign in 2012 even if Obam did not run. Her best option is to hope for a McCain victory which would make her candidacy in 2012 an attractive “I told you so” run.

  4. Hillary could run for NY governor. The current office holder after the departure of Eliot ‘client 9’ spitzer is not likely to win reelection. Bloomberg will probably run, but Hillary stands a good chance.

    Being governor will give her some real experience for good or bad and remove the taint of tagging along behind bill (or Obama)

  5. I agree with the other commenters, but if she runs, I bet Stand By Your Man will hit the charts again.

  6. Even a decisive win for Hillary today in both South Dakota and Montana–which is unlikely, but which could cause the super delegates to think twice about Obama–might not save her Presidential aspirations.

    No, but I will bet a bottom dollar that she knows about the video of Michelle Obama and Farrakhan, and probably has known for a while. Her “assassination” comment may be a “duping delight” display of knowing that politically he may be dead before the end of the month.

    The opposition would tactically want to wait. Let Obama have the party place as candidate, show the video, collect the prize. Obama would not want it to come out ever. And Hillary would want it to come out now, have it kill Obama politically, and then step to the podium.

    I now believe that that’s why she flubbed the assassination word, because they had been talking about political assassination of the reputation kind.

    Hillary’s goose appears to be cooked. The fat lady is starting to practice her scales. The writing’s on the wall.

    Is it? If that video is real, and comes out… (Others are now saying they saw it, and there is some leeks of the kinds of words being said. If it doesn’t exist with all that stuff, I will be amazed), then Hillary is on top as the only contender.

    It’s my belief that Hillary has known about the video for a while. Unlike Obama, she has a lot more real connections in the government and so her connections and such would let her know. Same would be true of McCain. Obama would be the odd duck out, and would be the one to forget all the posturing they did to create a leftist base of radicals that was not under the control of the Daly machine.

    Her behavior didn’t make sense till the video news started making rounds.

    The Vice-Presidency is an office in which it’s best if a person has a natural bent for being subservient and playing second fiddle.

    Which is why things with vice presidents in the past were different. Many of the presidents and vice presidents of the past were military men. Military men learn how to lead by first learning to serve.

    So the assertion to having to have a natural bent for being subservient is only a modern view that comes from feminist power politics where everything in the gender/class struggle is about power and who is on top.

    Read about Elizabeth. You will find that if it weren’t for a small group of men totally dedicated to the office of the crown, unlike today, she would never have had her office. She had plots all around her, but the men around her knew that they would be more by being less.

    Leftism lets everyone believe that if they side with the game, they all will live like kings.
    Leftism says we are all victims of each other.

    Old western Judeo Christian culture said there was to be a time and a place for everything. That great men (and women) were everywhere and in the most unlikely places, not just in the highest offices of government.

    It’s a fool that thinks that such an office is a second fiddle place. it comes from the pitcher syndrome where everyone believes that everything happens because of the pitcher. Not the catcher, the fielders, the guys on base, etc…

    The more we become collectivized, the more we need to have the top place to not be a nothing in a mass. The more we are individuals, the more we are important parts in a complex machine that cant do without us.

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    What I find interesting as to the tape that is now being claimed to be a hoax, is that hoaxes don’t have this weirdness about it.

    The left says it’s a hoax (see: gay wired), OR it gives a “plausible” reason that what she says isn’t “whitey”, but “why’d he”.

    The whole thing is very interesting to watch.

    Bob Beckel and the Mighty Big Shoe

    Democratic strategist Bob Beckel appeared on Fox & Friends this morning and dropped a bombshell. Beckel says he believes a “shoe will drop” as early as tomorrow, and that it involves Michelle Obama. This will, he says, be “significantly” bigger than the earlier college-thesis issue, which implies that the supposed “whitey” video exists.

    (The college thesis issue was Hillarie’s paper at Wellesley)

    And other words is that the republicans don’t have it, so many are thinking it’s a Clinton thing.

    No one can figure if this is real or not… but its got a sticking power (as noted in the news video) that makes people pay attention when normally they wouldn’t. so he thinks that whoever is doing this knows and is orchestrating it.

    That only leaves potential “tin hat” possibilities. Like the state taping Farrakhan, and of course catching Michelle with it. Trinity is a huge place with enough money (15 million in your tax dollars), and has their own video records. But they wouldn’t go through the archives and then pick this out. The ones on youtube are when news coverage at the church occurred so news outlets found it by going through their tapes. That leaves only home videos, and state taping of radials speeches.

    So it may be that the details around the tape may be as oddly interesting as the potential tape itself.

    All of the musings on the state taping are just that, musings. They have no basis in fact other than musings.

    I guess we shall see in a short time…

  7. oh… if obama gets hillary, then mccain should run with condoleeza. i think in bridge thats a trump card.

  8. I was thinking today about a video I would make, if I did such things. I would start out with film clips and quotes from the Dems, starting maybe with JFK and going through all the candidates. They would be quotes dealing with the common man, how the party is for the working class. And I would show the candidates becoming less and less connected with those voters, ending with Obama’s “bitter” quote. I would end it with Joe Lieberman’s quote about how he didn’t leave the party.

    I think there are folks out there that have voted Democratic their entire lives and just might not do that this election. It would be great to show them just how much the party has changed.

  9. I dont know. I personally can’t see it. Not even if it means bringing in the Hillary female voting block. Has Hillary really hinted at this?

    I”ll tell you what; The Secret Service would have to perform a full body cavity search on the VP every time the two of them get between direct line of sight of each other.

  10. The other question is whether Hillary’s getting the VP slot would actually mollify her supporters. She’d still be getting pushed aside for the (as Hillary’s supporters see it), less accomplished but flashier and younger man.

    (I’d say younger and flashier, sure, but in accomplishments, it’s pretty much a dead heat.)

  11. Hillary might run as an Independent, I doubt she will run on the ticket with Obama, June will be an interesting month.

  12. Hillary will not accept the VP nomination. That might guarantee Obama’s election, which would mean she couldn’t run until 2016. Too late. She would be 69. Her only hope for running in 2012 is to have Obama lose in 2008.

    Regarding the tape. While many or even most doubt its existence, very few consider it implausible that Michelle Obama could once again have put her foot in her mouth. We all love to hear ourselves talk, but it appears that Michelle Obama loves to hear herself talk more than the average person does. She most likely said such a thing, most likely on many occasions. Perhaps she said such a thing as pillow talk to her husband. The only question is: can it be proved by tape?

  13. My alias/name says it all. The bush family are devout followers of Rev Moon. Search on google for Rev Moon, bush and messiah and you will see that it cannot be denied. Actual film on the site.

    As far as McCain goes – he is an unstable moron.

    McCain foes, allies address his temper


    PHOENIX —— While rising in the GOP presidential polls, Sen. John McCain is facing questions about what some Arizona political leaders view as his quick temper — and whether it might hinder him as president.

    In a front page article and separate editorial Sunday, The Arizona Republic said it wanted the nation to know about the “volcanic” temper McCain has unleashed on several top state officials.

    Those who have been on the receiving end of a McCain uproar include Republican Gov. Jane Hull, former Republican Gov. Rose Mofford and former Democratic Mayor Paul Johnson of Phoenix.

    Mrs. Hull, a supporter of GOP presidential front-runner George W. Bush, has acknowledged that her relationship with McCain has been cool and told an interviewer recently McCain “has to keep control” of his temper.

    A Hull spokesman, Francie Noyes, said Sunday the governor had no further comment on the matter of McCain’s temperament and that “she wants to move on to other things.”

    But the Arizona Republic, which endorsed McCain for each of his five congressional races but has not yet made an endorsement in the presidential race, was direct.

    It declared in an editorial:

    “If McCain is truly a serious contender for the presidency, it is time the rest of the nation learned about the John McCain we know in Arizona. There is also reason to seriously question whether he has the temperament, and the political approach and skills, we want in the next president of the United States.”


    John McCain’s Temper Preceded Vietnam



    I’ve seen John McCain’s temper



  14. Great post, Bush_is_a_moonie. I want the Iranians to know all about his instability, his nasty temper, and our military capabilities.

    Then – and only then – can we think about negotiating successfully with them.

  15. In addition to the “bucket” comment, I believe Garner also said the proper way to address a Vice-President was, “Your Superfluous Eminence”.

  16. > Can Hillary stomach being number two to Obama’s number one?

    I’d doubt it.

    > And can he stomach having the Clintons under him?

    I’d sooner be in a hole with a dozen pit vipers than have Hillary as my successor.

    I would not put it past her to have him assassinated just so she could take over and “heal the wounds” from the inevitable race riots that would result. Oh, and don’t plan on her letting up on the suspension of Habeas Corpus or the resumption of free elections, too quickly, either….

    If there is any major politico around who I think has the least desirable qualities to be PotUS it would be Hillary. Her arrogance of place, her lust for power, her lack of any grasp of what the Contitution is actually about was amply shown when she was First Lady (I use that last word very loosely), and she used the FBI (by what Constitutional power does she order the FBI to do *anything*, please?) to investigate her husband’s political enemies, compiling hundreds of dossiers.

  17. OOp. Sorry, both those links above, scroll up and read the blog entry, not (or not only) the comments…

  18. Warm spit is worth less than warm piss anyway; you can use the ammonia for something.

  19. Mrs. Clinton has to concede the race before any talk of cabinet or ticket slots can happen.


    She’s declared a holdiay for her troops. She’s still fundraising.

    The candidate isn’t the candidate until the votes are counted. In spite of media’s deepest desires, Mr. Obama has accomplished nothing except the promises of a bunch of individuals that they will vote for him.

    In Denver.

    At the end of the summer.

    That’s a long time. A news cycle is a long time in politics.

    This isn’t over. It will end in Denver.

  20. I’d have to agree that Obama/Clinton looks better on paper than in practice. I don’t see how either of them could look forward to the prospect … except for the reality that Obama is about the least qualified and most bizarre serious presidential candidate in our history. He needs all the help he can get.

  21. he Vice-Presidency is an office in which it’s best if a person has a natural bent for being subservient and playing second fiddle.

    But wait! Haven’t I been hearing for the last eight years that it is VP Cheney that’s running the country by pulling the puppet strings of the non-sentient, moron Bush? You know, it’s all for one and one for Halliburton? Wouldn’t that new reality work just as well with the all-knowing Clintons acting as puppeteers controlling the shallow Great Orator?

  22. I think she’s setting a trap for the poor little ninny. If he rejects her as VP, she can say, See? He can’t even unite the party. How can he unite the country? If he takes her as his running mate, then she has 4 years in which to upstage him at every turn. The more we see of Obama, the clearer it is that this won’t be hard.

  23. can we finally cut to the tape?

    clinton will not run with obama since it will not give her a presidency. if she is with him and he loses, she loses. if she is with him and his presidency sucks, she will lose… if its great, he gets another, and she will lose.

    she will foul him up with the greate tool of leftist envy that says, if i cant have it, no one can.

    this would then give mccain the lead, and in 4 years she is the front runner free and clear.

    no other option makes her come out as soon and ready with no millstones.

    that is except if the tape surfaces. then its no wait for 4 years, and she gets to try against mccain now.

  24. the most interesting thing is watching the back on forth on a tape that may or may not exist.

    no one actually knows yet, but the number of people on the left that are SURE its a hoax is incredible. they use all kinds of things that dont prove anything. like the fact that the tape may not have been at trinity but at the sheriton… as if using those words are different depending on where you are.

    this is starting to take on the feel of who shot JR.

    here is the link to hillbuzz

    The Michelle Obama Rant Tape was filmed between June 26th – July 1st 2004 in Chicago, IL at the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition Conference at Trinity United Church: specifically the Women’s Event.

    Michelle Obama appeared as a panelist alongside Mrs. Khadijah Farrakhan and Mrs. James Meeks.

    Bill Clinton spoke during the Conference, as did Bill Cosby and other speakers, but not at the panel Michelle attended.

    Michelle Obama spoke at the Women’s Event, but referenced Bill Clinton in her rant — his presence at the conference was the impetus for her raving, it seems.

    For about 30 minutes, Michelle Obama launched into a rant about the evils of America, and how America is to blame for the problems of Africa. Michelle personally blamed President Clinton for the deaths of millions of Africans and said America is responsible for the genocide of the Tutsis and other ethnic groups. She then launched into an attack on “whitey”, and talked about solutions to black on black crime in the realm of diverting those actions onto white America. Her rant was fueled by the crowd: they reacted strongly to what she said, so she got more passionate and enraged, and that’s when she completely loses it and says things that have made the mouths drop of everyone who’s seen this.

    The “tape” is a DVD that Trinity United sold on its website, and possibly offered free for download up until March 2008 when Trinity’s site was scrubbed and the DVDs were no longer offered for sale.

    This outburst happened just one month before the 2004 Democratic Convention, when Barack Obama delivered the keynote address.

    UPDATED: It seems really easy for Chicago local media, especially, to determine whether or not this is the right tape of Michelle Obama. All they need to do is pull the tape from this 2004 Conference (particularly the panel Michelle was on), which should be readily available (since this was a very large multi-day event). All a journalist needs to do is watch this tape: if this is not the right one, they’d know immediately and this issue would be debunked. But, logically, this seems to be the most likely source of the tape people have been talking about at NoQuarterUSA.net

    given that slick willy was there, they knew from the very start of this election that they had a trump card and were waiting to play it.

    Michelle Obama ‘Ghost Tape’ May not be a Mirage

    maybe someone should offer a prize for the first person that shows a cut scene from it.
    [if they want money for it, thats the reason it hasnt just come out. they would first sew up the exclusives and options and so on]

  25. here is an example of how the left is treating it.

    Michelle Obama and Uncle Joe: Forthcoming scoop from Larry Johnson

    while larry johnson is not the best source in the world, and why all of this is hanging in the air. whats interesting is the kind of McCarthy angle to it all.

    its starting to become surreal… as in salvador dali dropping acid and allowing you a peek.

    though the graphic replacing obamas head with stalin is interesing.

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