Home » Obama forced to say something about Benghazi


Obama forced to say something about Benghazi — 45 Comments

  1. if the investigation into the Sept. 11 attack on the American compound in Libya finds that “there was a big breakdown, and somebody didn’t do their job, they’ll be held accountable.”

    If? IF?? He’s unsure?? There’s some doubt about this?

    Somebody sure as hell didn’t do his job, and God willing will be held accountable next week.

  2. After two weeks of lies and misdirection it becomes difficult to believe anything Obama and his administration says about Benghazi now.

  3. Barry misheard the old sports aphorism, and thought it was “the best defense is to take offense.”

  4. When you are caught in a lie you do one of two things.

    1. you own up
    2. you deny (take offense)

    Obama is choosing to take offense.

  5. “But the truth is that across the board, when this happened, my No. 1 priority was secure Americans, figure out what happened, bring those folks to justice.”

    His number one priority was to hit the campaign trail while refusing to use available resources to assist the besieged consulate. Killing as many of those folks attacking the consulate would have been justice.

    In Obama speak jihad terrorists are redefined as “folks”.

  6. In Obama speak jihad terrorists are redefined as “folks”.

    That verbal tic irritates me too. It’s so cutesy and contrived, something his handlers obviously taught him to say while they were grooming him (“be sure to refer to ‘folks’ all the time; the Americans love it. It makes you sound like one of them. Oh, and remember there are only 50 states. Got it?”)

    My wife and I contemplated having a drinking game in the second debate, taking a drink every time “Barry” said “folks,” but fortunately for our livers, we didn’t follow through.

  7. Not the first to repeat you, Neo, and I won’t be the last, but:

    “Well, you know what, President Obama? I take offense at your taking offense”

  8. Well, you know what, President Obama? I take offense at your taking offense”

    My reaction to his “taking offense:” “You’ll get over it.”

  9. He’s far too deeply into the lies now to stop. To use a boxing metaphor, all he can do now is duck and weave, hoping to last until the end of the fight and win on points. No shame, no remorse, the man’s a congenital liar. A disgrace to the office he holds.

  10. To the messiah, 4 dead in Benghazi is a “bump in the road”. While I can not agree with some of rickl’s recent posts about wanting “them dead” I do understand where the anger comes from; it comes from the outrageous behavior of the one who would halt the rise of the seas. Send them packing and let the verdict of history condemn them.

  11. General Ham as head of Africom received the same e-mails the White House received requesting help/support as the attack [on our consulate in Benghazi] was taking place. General Ham immediately had a rapid response unit ready and communicated to the Pentagon that he had a unit ready.

    General Ham then received the order to stand down. His response was to screw it, he was going to help anyhow. Within 30 seconds to a minute after making the move to respond, his second in command apprehended General Ham and told him that he was now relieved of his command.


  12. Interesting that he’s more offended at the accusation that he’s not been keeping the American public instead of the depiction that he is directly responsible for these murders through his inaction. I know, he’s doing this to redirect our attention from the most insidious part of this event: that he (likely) gave the orders to stand down, first to Woods & Doherty (abandoning 20+ people at the consulate in the face of terrorists), and then later abandoning Woods & Doherty after they saved the others and needed assistance.
    NO amount of outrage from Obama could possible trump the outrage we have for a president that is willing to sacrifice lives for the sake of – what? – appearance that Al-Qaeda no longer exists? Some secret arms deal for Syrian rebels negotiated between Stevens & the Turkish diplomat? Or maybe that the arms Obama provided to Libyan rebels ended up in AQ’s hands?

  13. Some days, for a few minutes, I have imagine every muslim country carpet bombed until the rubble bounces. Most days I imagine BHO gone, Pelosi and Waters in straight jackets frog marched to the nearest secure mental institution, and Reid, Schumer, and Durbin staked down in Chihuahua with scorpions stinging every square inch of their bodies.

    Imagine there are no statists. Its easy to do.

  14. He’s suggesting he gave an order and it wasn’t followed and, nearly a month and a half later, has no idea who that was?

    Also, what would faulty intelligence have to do with any of that? Either the intelligence leading up to the attacks or the intelligence during the attacks. Both seemed to be spot on, only that the specific attack wasn’t anticipated. Kind of like not predicting when a fire breaks out from a months long drought.

  15. The irony is that President Gutsy Call is now having to become President Sgt. Schultz. He has gone from the hands-on executive kicking down doors, with Seal Team Six timorously following him in, to lamely asserting “I know nothing!”

    C’mon, Barry, that ain’t gonna wash. We all saw the (BS) photo of you, Hillary & Co. watching the screen during the bin Laden takedown (maybe it was MNF; who knows?), so now claiming that you didn’t know nuttin’ about nuttin’ isn’t going to fly.

  16. “But the truth is…”

    Someone who is habitually honest never uses such a phrase. Conversely, an inveterate liar is compelled to routinely state variations of “I am telling the truth!”

    Barack Obama, the Prevaricator in Chief.

  17. Well well, he’s made it official the intel community is going to be found guilty. We’ll see how that works out for him. They’ve already put a shot or two across his bow. They are experienced infighters ( CIA and State career people) and they ain’t gonna take the fall for this one.

  18. He’s suggesting he gave an order and it wasn’t followed and, nearly a month and a half later, has no idea who that was?

    Never mind faulty intelligence, that’s faulty management right therre. If you give an order and it isn’t carried out, it should be someone’s ass. And if you delegate finding out who’s responsible, and a month and a half later he hasn’t reported back, it’s HIS ass first, then you order someone else to get to the bottom of the matter, and you want his report yesterday.

  19. Poor Barry, his pathetic excuses do not matter in the long run. Either defeated 11/6 or re-elected, Benghazi is a flaming tire around his neck. This will haunt him until the end of his days. It will seriously affect the up front money he receives for his 3rd memoir and the fees he receives on the post-ex president lecture circuit.


    Days are numbered down to precious few.

  20. Ref Curtis’s comment on October 29th, 2012 at 9:44 pm
    “The Ruskies are investigating the arms deals to the Syrian Mujaheddin”
    = = = = =
    Canada Free Press had an article 10/28 titled “The hidden real truth about Benghazi”
    which made the astounding assertion that “upwards of 40 million tons of weapons and arms were shipped out of Libya to Syria”, along with lots more scary info. It concludes: “… it is obvious that we are at the precipice of World War III. Putin himself stated as much, noting that WW III will not start in Iran but Syria, his own “red line in the sand.” ”

    O. M. G.

    = = = = =

    {I vaguely recall that about a year ago, somebody said that Obama has been “focused like a laser” on “making sure the Middle East is ready for the New Caliphate”. Find that guy!!! He’s a prophet…}

  21. @Occam’s Beard October 29th, 2012 at 8:25 pm
    The irony is that President Gutsy Call is now having to become President Sgt. Schultz.

    Okay. That cracked me up, OB.

  22. Obama and the Left are harbingers of chaos and destruction, and on top of that, ruthless evil slave masters to boot.

    What else is new? People expected something else from them? Really.

  23. Hurricane Sandy: Tomb of the unknown soldier

    My dedication to this sacred duty is total and wholehearted. In the responsibility bestowed on me never will I falter. And with dignity and perseverance my standard will remain perfection. Through the years of diligence and praise and the discomfort of the elements, I will walk my tour in humble reverence to the best of my ability. It is he who commands the respect I protect. His bravery that made us so proud. Surrounded by well meaning crowds by day alone in the thoughtful peace of night, this soldier will in honored glory rest under my eternal vigilance. Sentinels Creed

    space does not permit me more facts

    Guards are changed every thirty minutes, twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year.

    They must commit 2 years of life to guard the tomb, live in a barracks under the tomb, and cannot drink any alcohol on or off duty FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES. They cannot swear in public FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES and cannot disgrace the uniform {fighting} or the tomb in any way.

    The reason this is blowing up on Obama is that the reputation that the various armed services and groups within have was and is earned and is real, not given and is a surface image presented upon the granting of the position.

    So far i guess no one realizes that we just lost a 4 star general who stood up for what was right, and that was and is an illustration of what would happen if orders were given and the officers chose to act on conscience and so forth refusing them. So much for the idea that the military wont do what is ordered. we just learned what will happen, and it didn’t even catch many’s attention.

    TRR: General at center of Benghazi-gate controversy retiring

    General Carter F. Ham, the Combatant Commander of Africa Command (AFRICOM) and a key figure in the Benghazi-gate controversy, is leaving the Army. On October 18, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta had announced that General Ham would be succeeded at AFRICOM by General David Rodriguez. Later speculation tied this decision to the fallout from the September 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi that killed four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens. However on Monday October 29 a defense official told The Washington Times that “the decision [to leave AFRICOM] was made by General Ham. He ably served the nation for nearly forty years and retires after a distinguished career.”

  24. “‘The irony is that President Gutsy Call is now having to become President Sgt. Schultz.’

    Okay. That cracked me up, OB.”

    Me too. Then I had to stop and wonder how old you had to be for it to be intelligible so that you’d crack up!!

    Do young people today have even the slightest idea who Sgt. Shultz was or why that’s funny?

  25. “So much for the idea that the military wont do what is ordered. we just learned what will happen, and it didn’t even catch many’s attention.”


    It seems like there’s always _somebody_ willing, no matter how unacceptable to moral men.

    So…what happens? If the honorable men leave, who’s left? and what hope do we have?

  26. This is only a problem because Mitt brought it up! ONLY!! BECAUSE!!!!!

    parker: not if the lap dog media can keep covering for him.

  27. This. From former CincPac.

    Having been in a number of similar situations, I know you have to have the courage to do what’s right and take immediate action. Obviously, that courage was lacking for Benghazi. The safety of your personnel always remains paramount. With all the technology and military capability we had in theater, for our leadership to have deliberately ignored the pleas for assistance is not only in incomprehensible, it is un-American.

    And this!!!

    Congressman Jason Chaffetz, Utah Republican, said that General Ham told him during a visit to Libya that he had never been asked to provide military support for the Americans under attack in Benghazi. Former United States Ambassador to the U.N. John R, Bolton also mentioned Mr. Chaffetz’s account, and contrasted it with Mr. Panetta’s statement that General Ham had been part of the team that made the decision not to send in forces. “General Ham has now been characterized in two obviously conflicting ways,” Mr. Bolton concluded. “Somebody ought to find out what he actually was saying on September the eleventh.”

    Ham is not just being replaced by the inept Rodriguez at Africom, but is “retiring” (sarc’ quotes fully intended). This already didn’t pass the smell test. Now the stench rises to the order of extreme olefactory insult.


    In high places.

    …and “debunked” my ass (that, for the benefit of any Huffpo trolls lurking in the background).

  28. @suek: October 30th, 2012 at 11:10 am …Then I had to stop and wonder how old you had to be for it to be intelligible so that you’d crack up!!

    Over sixty – and soon-to-be sixty-one – revolutions of the third planet around it’s G-class star.

    …and I almost included a note about how old you’d have to be to have adored the affable John Banner’s Sgt. Schultz character of Hogan’s Heroes.

    But my-oh-my: how apt and fitting for such as O’.

  29. Do young people today have even the slightest idea who Sgt. Shultz was or why that’s funny?

    Maybe they have seen it in syndication…?

    Nah, who am I kidding? We’re geezers, let’s face it.

  30. …gawd I loved that series.

    Geezer? Yep – I also watched (and loved) Phil Silvers’ Bilko!

    …Ernie cons the cons.

    Kind of in keeping with this administration. Romney is Bilko.

  31. re geezers

    My brother is a baseball coach at a college. On a visit, I observed a practice. My brother admonished a player to focus, b/c this was serious business: “This isn’t tiddlywinks!”

    Behind home plate, I started laughing. My brother looked at me, an unspoken “what?” Me: “These guys don’t know what tiddlywinks is!” My brother turns to a couple of players: “Do you guys know what tiddlywinks is?” Players: “No, coach.”

  32. gcotharn, I had a moment like that (in the 80s, no less) in academia when I asked one of my grad students the result of an experiment. She said she hadn’t calculated it yet. I handed her my circular slide rule and waited expectantly.

    She looked at it, and then at me, as though I’d just handed her a rabbit’s foot and asked her to calculate with that.

    I snatched the slide rule back (“Here – gimme that!”) and did the calculation myself.

    God I felt old.

  33. I rather like being the voice of doom here because it helps the optimists here deal with reality. For instance, has anyone noticed that since the Benghazi affair broke that Pres. Obama’s strongly approve ratings on Rasmussen have not only not declined but have improved?

    Obama will probably win the EV. We should therefore brace ourselves for hard, silly, mawkish and nauseating times ahead. I myself will make it a personal obligation to throw bits of rancid garbage and pig offal at people I think voted for Obama. All patriots should.

  34. Bob from VA,

    Even if BHO wins, which I strongly doubt will occur until it may occur, I can not see the republican controlled House failing to hold BHO’s feet to the fire on Benghazi. This is one that will not go away despite what the MSM wishes.

    I try to be realistic, take into account as much info as possible, and filter that through my experience. However, going into any situation I strive to envision a positive outcome. When the outcome is not positive I accept reality and resume thinking about a positive alternative.

    Go West old man. 😉

  35. Parker, I deal with the horrors of reality by conjuring up an even worse possible reality which eventually allows me to be pleasantly surprised when it does not come to pass. On the down side I have yet to be pleasantly surprised.

    As for Congress holding Obama’s feet to the fire, to what end? Will they prove that he is unfit to command a flea circus? That he is a neurotic imbecile with the worldview of a senile doped up hippie? A narcissist who believes the world conforms to his needs? All this was clear when he was elected. Perhaps congress can proclaim a National Narcissistic Delusions Holiday and then maybe some of his followers may start paying attention. I know, even if Congress did his followers would not take the hint.

    Go west? I’m already in west Nebraska. If I went further west I would die on the prairie.

  36. Love that “I’ve got a pretty good track record.” Also love that expression “folks” for terrorists, don’t you? (I seem to recall that George Bush spouted that particular euphemism once or twice, as well.)

    This annoys the hell out of me, too. With Bush, it was his customary way of talking. with Obama, I think he has deliberately adopted it as a way to sound less harsh. In both cases, they failed to stop themselves from using the term inappropriately (thought Obama seems to make the mistake more frequently than Bush did).

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