Home » One more thing…


One more thing… — 52 Comments

  1. Desperation is the reason for the delay. If this is all they got they got nothing. Yep the aim is to reinforce the Obama meme of Mitt as a rich guy who’s going to take away your government cheese. But they’ve played that line out. Mitt, ever polite, did not disparage the 47% he just said he would have trouble convincing them to vote for him. WOW what a gaffe!

    On the Palestinians not wanting peace with Israel, I’m guessing 70% of the US thinks the same thing.

  2. The press, being lewinskys, are trying desperately to make their “Oooh! Shiny!” trick work like it did in ’08.

  3. The general thrust of Romney’s remarks are sound in that many people are dependent on the government, but his numbers are a bit off. There are lots of low income people, especially retirees, who pay little tax but are willing to vote conservative. Romney needs to go after them, not write them off. There are also lots of people who would prefer a job to welfare and food stamps. Those people should be reached out to.

    Romney is a lousy politician.

  4. I guess my distraction post didnt stop the distraction.

    Chinese General: Prepare for Combat with Japan…

    Ships from 30 nations sweep mines in Persian Gulf in warning to Tehran…


    Analyst: Fed’s ‘QE-Infinity’ Will Push Gold Up to $2,400…

    China’s most powerful military leader, in an unusual public statement, last week ordered military forces to prepare for combat, as Chinese warships deployed to waters near disputed islands and anti-Japan protests throughout the country turned violent.

    you have troops massing in many areas.

    hey! if japan and china go at it, do you think the US has to come in to help? which side?

    what will happen to the election if so, will Obama suspend it according to the EOs that he did just prior to this, just as they opened up the consulate this year just in time for them to kill the ambassador (after anally raping him – of did they leave that part out? ).

  5. just in case no one wants to look it up
    japan IS an ally

    Panetta repeated the U.S. position that it is neutral in the dispute over Japan’s Senkaku islands, a small chain of islets located south of Okinawa and north of Taiwan. But he also reaffirmed the U.S. defense commitment to Japan, a treaty ally.

    “We stand by our treaty obligations,” Panetta said, echoing a similar commitment made during a 2010 standoff between Beijing and Tokyo over the Senkakus. ”They’re longstanding, and that has not changed.”

    on another note, Obama is considering releasing the blind sheik to Egypt.

  6. I guess we’ll see if Mitt is a RINO or not. If he gets defensive instead of going on attack, that is a sign he is just another establishment Republican bowing to the ‘reality’ of a leftist dominated press. If he is confident in his views and is able to articulate his vision he will persuade a lot of fence sitters. Be bold. Be confident.

  7. “Mr. Frank Says:”

    “There are lots of low income people, especially retirees, who pay little tax but are willing to vote conservative. Romney needs to go after them, not write them off. There are also lots of people who would prefer a job to welfare and food stamps. Those people should be reached out to.”

    I agree 100%. What’s more, our gov’t overlords are trying to make taking assistance as painless as possible. I believe it was an article I read in AT sometime back about how they are breaking down the traditional resistance of the Appalachian peoples first with programs offering seeds and seedlings and then coming back with justification for taking food stamps. They are trying to break our spirit of Independence. I positively despise what they are doing. Romney can and should appeal to their better nature.

  8. Steve,

    the latest reports seem to indicate the Romney is standing by his statement, and certainly has not apologized. This could be a defining moment, when the press thought “Gotcha!” and Romney turns it right back on them.

    “lewinskys”… gotta love that term.

  9. I’m seeing reports on other blogs of a poll taken by CNBC (!?) showing that over 70% of those polled agree with Romney. I hope that’s accurate. I think it is.

  10. There is inaccuracy in Romney’s comments, as some % of the people not paying income taxes or receiving government aid are conservative.

    Many seniors and laid off people are not happy about seeing another 4 years of Obama.

    I do agree that generally speaking Obama supporters have an entitlement mentality, and these people can’t be reached. The Obama supporters that can be reached are moderates or low information voters who were snookered in 2008.

  11. Quibble quibble. Did Mitt say anything that was not true?
    Are we a bunch of would-be campaign managers and handlers?

    There are so many out there that are happy to get theirs, the country’s and their fellow citizens’ welfare being totally secondary.

    One of my friends is tired of working; he owns a small garage in which expensive imports are fixed. A poor manager (whose fault is that?), he is selling out at minimal profit because he’s “tired of it” and has just been granted SS Disability at age 62 because he has a painful foot.

  12. “… he is selling out at minimal profit because he’s “tired of it” and has just been granted SS Disability at age 62 because he has a painful foot.”

    I have a painful arthritic knee, a painful arthritic thumb, a sometimes painful lower back, tinnitus and hearing loss in one ear; alas I have not a painful foot or else I too would apply for disability. 😉 Your friend is just another willing ‘victim’ in addition to being a poor manager. How sad for his dignity, should he have any left.


  13. Meh…

    In all honesty has he said something that’s not part of the conservative belief system? Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, etc, etc, have all made similar illusions. I just don’t see the horribleness in what he said.

    Maybe one can ague his numbers a few percentage points or that he was unnecessarily pessimistic in his assessment. However, he was giving what is essentially a sales pitch where the 47% number is intended to motivate a donor’s money from their wallet.

    But as a matter of policy isn’t what he said a core motivation behind Welfare Reform?

  14. Don Carlos, tell your friend to hire a business manager, let them manage it and get some income from it.. duh.

    sell it? get on disability? hire a manager… if the manager does real well, it will pay their salary and then some. then he isnt working, and not on disability…


  15. Who knows,maybe this will backfire and some Jewish voters will see Romney in a better light
    because of his Palestinian comments.I can hope.

  16. I work in a grocery store in an affluent neighborhood. Seriously, celebrities shop at this store. On any given day however, the number of customers paying with EBT cards (i.e. food stamps) is shocking. They are invariably young (under 30) and often able bodied males (at least they appear to be fully capable of doing some sort of manual labor). And then there are the guys who accompanied by young women carrying babies and holding toddlers by the hand, nobody wearing wedding rings.

    And I ask myself, how the heck do so many of these people end up living on welfare? The answer is, it’s EASY to get–California constantly advertises on the radio and TV how easy it is to get food stamps. This state’s government–a completely Democrat controlled one– WANTS to increase food stamp usage.


    If I took a survey in my grocery store, how many of the EBT users would be voting for Obama? I’d bet all of them. And I’m certain the one I helped today who was wearing a brand new “Hope and Change” t-shirt isn’t voting for Romney.

    Romney spoke nothing but the truth. The sick fact is that we’ve got a ridiculously large percentage of the adult population dependent upon the government, and they have zero motivation to change their dependency. They’ll vote for the one who promises to continue providing for them.

  17. I just don’t see the horribleness in what he said.

    Of course not… your not modeling the mind of the offended, your pretending the offended are like you and you cant see why they are offended.

    this is why i have said endlessly that you have to read them, to understand them. they have built up THEIR reality on a different set of tenets, beliefs, and principals than you. that results in a mind that makes different choices, conclusions and so on.

    now… without knowing those tenets, beliefs, and such in a REAL way (not in a sophomoric way the left pretends to tell you what the not left are about as a monolithic something bad).

    when people say you have to get into anothers mind, they dont mean that you replace it with yours.

    ie. the game is to think like them to figure out what choices they would make, not imagine your where they are and make the choices you would make.

    this is why a huge number of people here and elsewhere don’t understand them, then call them crazy, etc. they turn their own confusion into underestimating their opposition as a way to save their ego from the failure of figuring it out. “i am not confused, or wrong, they are crazy”

    crazy people don’t win the presidency and sit on the verge of snagging the biggest brass ring in the history of the universe. in fact, calling the people that have gotten that far crazy, is really underestimating them a lot.

    “There is no greater danger than underestimating your opponent.” Lao Tzu

    Could THAT be why they are where they are? Yes.

    Master Tsun talks often about deception and therefore warns against being deceived by the enemy and underestimating their ability. ‘He who exercises no forethought but makes light of his opponents is sure to be captured by them.’ It’s important to properly assess your opponent without prejudice or assumption.

    Politics is the womb in which war develops.
    Karl Von Clausewitz

    And in general why people wont learn to know with certainty and prefer to guess and chat?

    Although our intellect always longs for clarity and certainty, our nature often finds uncertainty fascinating.
    Karl Von Clausewitz

    To learn how it works is to end the fascination…

    This applies to stage magic too…

  18. This is all about a guaranteed annual income / negative income tax

    Cloward—Piven strategy

    called for overloading the U.S. public welfare system in order to precipitate a crisis that would lead to a replacement of the welfare system with a national system of a guaranteed annual income and thus an end to poverty”. Cloward and Piven were a married couple who were both professors at the Columbia University School of Social Work. The strategy was formulated in a May 1966 article in left-wing magazine The Nation titled “The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty”

    Poor People’s Campaign

    Organized by Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the Poor People’s Campaign was an effort to gain economic justice for poor people in the United States


    Income and housing were the main goals of the Poor People’s Campaign. The campaign would help the poor by dramatizing their needs, uniting all races under the commonality of hardship and presenting a plan to start to a solution.

    Under the “economic bill of rights,” the Poor People’s Campaign asked for the federal government to prioritize helping the poor with a $30 billion anti-poverty package that included a commitment to full employment, a guaranteed annual income measure and more low-income housing. The Poor People’s Campaign was part of the second phase of the civil rights movement.

    and where someone tells the world that this guaranteed income was something lots of presidents offered

    Not Your Father’s Republican Party

    or even involved pragmatic centrists like Richard Nixon (whose domestic program included a guaranteed annual income as welfare reform and a health care plan more liberal than the Obama one).

    Letter on Basic Income Handed to President Obama in Brazil

    The basic income is a progressive public policy that calls for a guaranteed annual income to be provided to all adults as a human right. As Bertrand Russell put it in 1918, “a certain small income, sufficient for necessities, should be secured for all, whether they work or not.”

    Popular in the US in the 1930s during Louisiana Governor Huey Long’s “Share the Wealth” campaign (which helped lead to the creation of Social Security), and as “guaranteed annual income” in the 1960s with the support of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and prominent economists such as John Kenneth Galbraith, the basic income is now making a comeback as the Great Recession lingers and economic inequality continues to grow.

    goes back to the 30s and before, who knew? (i did)
    and “share the wealth”… did obama say that?

    Obama’s Welfare Free Lunch
    By Stanley Kurtz

    The most important plank in the New Party’s platform was a guaranteed minimum income for all adults, regardless of whether they worked. In 1996, when Obama joined the party and gained its endorsement, candidates had to speak up in favor of the party platform to seal the deal. Obama also knew and had personally discussed the goals of the New Party with the party’s national leader, Joel Rogers, who was preoccupied with the guaranteed minimum income provision.

    n 2001, shortly after the New Party folded, Joel Rogers co-edited a book called What’s Wrong With A Free Lunch? The book featured a detailed proposal by a left-leaning policy wonk for a fixed monthly income for all citizens that would pointedly “not be conditional on any behavior or characteristic of the recipient.” This “free lunch” was openly touted as a heavily redistributive proposal, and placed in stark opposition to traditional American attitudes about the connection between work and welfare. This was the New Party’s guaranteed annual income plank come to life.

  19. “We may perhaps assume that, if people grow less superstitious, government will acquire the right to sterilize those who are not considered desirable as parents. This power will be used, at first, to diminish imbecility, a most desirable object. But probably, in time, opposition to the government will be taken to prove imbecility, so that rebels of all kinds will be sterilized. Epileptics, consumptives, dipsomaniacs and so on will gradually be included; in the end, there will be a tendency to include all who fail to pass the usual school examinations. The result will be to increase the average intelligence; in the long run, it may be greatly increased. But probably the effect upon really exceptional intelligence will be bad.

    Eugenics has, of course, more ambitious possibilities in a more distant future. It may aim not only at eliminating undesired types, but at increasing desired types. Moral standards may alter so as to make it possible for one man to be the sire of a vast progeny by many different mothers. … If eugenics reached the point where it could increase desired types, it would not be the types desired by present-day Eugenists that would be increased, but rather the type desired by the average official. Prime Ministers, Bishops, and others whom the State considers desirable might become the fathers of half the next generation. Whether this would be an improvement it is not for me to say, as I have no hope of ever becoming either a Bishop or a Prime Minister.

    If we knew enough about heredity to determine, within limits, what sort of population we would have, the matter would of course be in the hands of State officials, presumably elderly medical men. Whether they would really be preferable to Nature I do not feel sure. I suspect that they would breed a subservient population, convenient to rulers but incapable of initiative.” Bertrand Russell

    nah.. it dont go back to sanger, and moses harmon and those things? does it? 🙂

  20. “… and thus an end to poverty..”

    😉 A fool’s dream. There shall always be those who live in poverty. Hundreds of billions live in poverty in China. Many live in poverty in the glorious revolution of blood drenched post-Che Cuba or in Hugo’s Venezuela. So it goes….

  21. Artfldgr, I wasn’t addressing my comments to the libs, I was addressing the fellow conservatives who have gotten their panties in a wad over the resulting MSM media storm.

    Dude, having been raised by two I know the liberal mind quite well, thank you very much.

  22. Neo said:
    “I’m wondering about the timing. If the video was made a full four months ago, why the release now?”
    Pretty much like the anti-muslim movie that was just used as a pretext.
    The media drives this.
    Oh, that was obvious wasn’t it?

  23. Leftists dedicate their lives to bringing us the socialist utopia, heaven on earth.

    Suppose they did. What would they do then? How would they imbue their lives with meaning if they achieved their goal?

    I used to think about this a lot when I was active in research. Suppose we scientists had conquered all problems in medicine, materials, and energy production. Then what purpose, if any, would we serve?

  24. O.B.-
    An answer to your question can be found in Rene Dubos’ “Mirage of Health”, a small book published maybe 60 yrs ago. Amazingly, it is still avail. on Amazon:

    It was transformative for me as a mere medical student.

    Artfldgr: Thanks for your marvelous history lesson. Mega-thanks! As to my friend the car guy, he is incapable of taking good advice despite my best efforts. He doesn’t know what he doesn’t know.

  25. Thanks, Don Carlos. I came up with several answers.

    The first, hopelessly prosaic, one is that the scenario will never obtain, so don’t worry about it. Mankind’s wants vastly exceed his means, and always will.

    The second was that conquering all disease would mean that that a-hole George Soros, inter alia, would be certain to live forever if anyone did. So the scenario is in fact undesirable.

    The third was that there’s more to life than … uh … life.

  26. Neo,

    Mark my words – Illinois was just flipped into the Romney column and that means Romney has WON the election.

    The Chicago teachers union deal with the city of Chicago I believe has awaken a sleeping giant.

    Not only did the Chicago Teachers Union win but they have made funding from the Illinois GENERAL FUND permanent and out of control.

    Chicago had to give up a 35 million dollar federal grant because they didn’t implement merit pay.

    Unbelievable but Illinois people outside of Chicago know what is going on – just like Chic fil a the coming tidal wave on Illinois means a sea change and a coloring of that state red.

    Red white and blue that is.

    I think Karen Lewis was a God send. Thank you Karen!! You are an angel ! You single handedly gave the election to Mitt

  27. Baklava: I have only followed that story on a surface level; not really familiar with the details. But do you know whether (a) most Illinois voters would be aware of those details, and (b) they would connect it with Obama’s policies, and not just consider it a local issue?

  28. It wasn’t the greatest remark, but I think the Obama administration has done more insulting of our intelligence than Romney’s remark insults anyone really. I doubt Romney would actually think or call people who have earned their retirment, “takers.”

    The problem is that his comment isn’t true in a civic sense- most people contribute something to our world. But it is very true in a fiscal sense. It doesn’t mean some people are worth less than others, but we’ve skewed our financial intake to a very small group of people while ever-expanding what the government pays out. It can’t work. I think people understand this and Romney needs to put it in those terms.

    It’s pretty clear he was pandering to some rich people and doing a little reverse class warfare. That’s OK, but it bit him. I think he needs to show to independents that he’s the one to right the fiscal problem and help the economy lift all boats, regardless of how much weight anyone is pulling.

  29. But yeah, I think they were sitting on this for a SOS moment. And the week after an Ambassador’s corpose was dragged through the streets of a country that Obama “liberated” was probably the time to use this, if not an Ace exactly, at least a Jack in the hole.

  30. If you want to know what things are like when people assume that the government will meet all their needs, visit a few Indian reservations in the west.

  31. It comes to my small mind that somehow conservatives are on the wrong side of the attitude, cluck clucking and outraging and not bugs bugsing enough. I hereby resolve, woof, woof, woo wooo woo woo woo wo wooo, to bare (what bear, big bear, boo bear, hagamar) the burden of outrage and respond with a light heart.

    Let them burn themselves out. I’ve got diapers to change.


  32. If you want to know what things are like when people assume that the government will meet all their needs, visit a few Indian reservations in the west.

    Excellent point.

  33. Thanks for the Reagan link, parker. Such wisdom.

    Ronald Reagan was also a wealthy man. Few even mentioned it in those days because of the Kennedy legacy. Kennedy was super rich, and beloved by the dems. ‘Twould have been a bit of hypocrisy to demonize another wealthy man so soon after Camelot. And Reagan would have been quick to point it out. No, they demonized Reagan for his “impossible” fiscal policies that would plunge the country into depression and his “outrageous, warmongering” ideas of confronting the the Sovet Union. Calling the USSR an Evil Empire gave the left the vapors. Now, of course, we cannot name the enemy or the tactics they are using to try to defeat us. Reagan told us to look at reality and “trust but verify.” We are doing neither.

    It is difficult to explain the fiscal facts to voters in simple slogans. My motto is to always ask a progressive where the government gets its money. They always say, “Taxes.” But then, when you ask them where the tax money comes from, the light slowly dawns – “Oh no, wages and profits.” They don’t like to admit it, but unless the economy does well, a big spending government gets itself into just the situation we find ourselves in now.

    What can we do? Cut government spending and increase economic activity. How do you increase economic activity? The lowest reasonable tax rates; certainty that the tax rates will be stable; less government (especially EPA) regulation; more encouragement of wealth building (mining, oil & gas dilling, logging, farming, manufacturing, etc.); and reasonably-priced, secure energy supplies.

    Romney is advocating all those things, but the MSM ignores his message, complains that he has no specifics, and keeps attacking him for remarks that are not nearly as divisive or perniciously prevaricative as the President.

  34. ‘Twould have been a bit of hypocrisy to demonize another wealthy man so soon after Camelot.

    And that would stop them?

  35. OC asks, “And that would stop them?”

    Well, as you no doubt remember, Reagan was not one to suffer fools lightly. They knew they needed to make him “scary” ala Barry Goldwater.

    We’ve come a long way on the trail of demonization of the rich in just the last 3 1/2 years. Obama has attacked them every time he gives a speech. He uses the meme so often I’m surprised that anyone even notices. But then maybe envy is a big deal among those who see government as the solution.

    Romney gets to defend his remarks here: (H/T Instapundit) PUNCHING BACK TWICE AS HARD: Romney Defends Leaked Comments, Hits Obama For 1998 “Redistribution” Line. http://tinyurl.com/9z42r63

  36. If people are curious enough to watch the whole thing, and they are at all open-minded and curious about Romney, they might be pleasantly surprised, and he really does make a good case for himself and the American dream.

    This actually COULD work to our benefit. “I was born with a silver spoon which is the greatest gift you could have — I was born in America.”

    He did joke about being Latino, then got in a little did about ersatz Indian Elizabeth Warren. Pointed out that dad George didn’t even have a college degree but became an auto executive and then Governor of Michigan. Says he and Anne earned every cent they have: they didn’t take an inheritance from George.

    Mother Jones has the whole thing on the net. And it’s running right this minute on CSPAN, for you night owls.

  37. Now (12:40) he’s taking questions. One man is saying, “you should tell the audience during the debate, ‘If you vote to reelect Barack Obama, you’re voting to bankrupt the United States.'”

    Mitt: “Who’s giving us a trillion dollars? Nobody — we’re just making it up!” (QE3)

  38. Dang, y’all, this is fascinating. Do go see the video on CSPAN’s website. (It’s also obvious that the little weasel sneaked in his camera: it’s on the buffet table half-hiding between glass vases.)

  39. Pain, not angry, is power,
    for when love must die,
    to pass the mortal bonds,
    pain keeps Nature’s love alive.

    Life shall not stop strivers
    who accepted many stabs
    who countered the doubters
    with courage and prayers.

    To end right; to make well:
    Each had a gift he gave.

    Each of us is equal
    And has a life to save.

  40. Comes the breath. I have arrived.
    The scene is breath taking.

    On leaves golden bowed,
    the Earth ever creating
    before the King, open awed.

    Heaven’s portals full of grace
    does not admit the race
    which undefined yet defiled
    the image of God’s face.

    We see their nothingness.

    Need to find a place.
    Guide us to Your face,

    and make us live

  41. Obama doesn’t attend many intelligence briefings, Obama’s Mid-East policies have failed, US ambassador and others are killed by angry mob, gas is close to or over $4.00 per gallon, unemployment is seriously high . . .


    Yep, it is about the timing. And, yes, we can expect a lot more “squirrels” before November.

  42. by the way… to read the news is to read several full pages of attacking Romney with nothing about Obama. with such are Photoshopped illustrative images that turn romni into emett kelly, complete with tear (from an old movie). and so on.. WHAT KIND IF NEWS IS THAT? they are even adding talking balloons with smart comments the people never said!

    the feminine idea that news should be pleasant making it more like entertainment and gossip has really improved society.

    a few headlines to jog the mind into realizig that the elections fix is in. if a newspaper can run 4-5 full page screeds by mike lupica, and so on… all coordinated to sound the same, so it seems they are telling the truth… then there is no way that Romni can win.

    OBAMA is not paying for 5 full pages of that kind of stuff… and romni would have to pay for 5 full pages to just be on similar footing.

    ie… such a spread would cost over half a million… but its free!!!

  43. the headlines i promised..
    [and farther down, remember a power not exercised but able, still is a power!!!!!!!!!!!]

    French mag runs drawing of Mohammad naked; riot police stand guard…

    Report: 4 injured in Paris explosion at kosher store…


    Beijing demonstrators damage US ambassador’s car…

    Beijing hints at bond attack on Japan…

    Fake gold bars turn up in Manhattan…

    ‘Homeland Security’ Purchases 200 Million More Rounds of Ammunition…


    NYC Proposes Legislation Labeling ‘Subway Grinders’ As Sex Offenders…
    [so basically when its crowded – DONT let the women in!!!!!!! if you do, you may go to jail if she decides to be vengeful. meanwhile, what ever happened to the word Froterism? a grinder is a sandwhich. personally i am looking to make very think plastic cups for men. then they can wear them in their underwear. when arrested, they can show that the hard shell prevents them from the act they are accused of. (those that actually comit the act, are not the point of my point)]

    Putin on Romney: At Least He’s Direct…

    Japan has pulled its companies out of china
    military ships have been placed near the islands in question.

    and there are lots of other things..

    including the recent article wondering if obama will let the election continue!!!

    and before someone says… he wont do that, it would cause craziness… i would urge you to think again. crazyness benefits him in sucha situation, and the harm caused he dont care about (Despite you do). remember his mentors were perfectly willing to kill off about 25 million americans. so riots and things that do that, no problme. it just makes it easier.

    Will Obama Become a Lame Duck?

    some highlights

    Obama signed Executive Order 13618 on July 6, 2012, giving him control, through the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), over private communications in the event of a “national emergency.” The problem is that nowhere in Executive Order 13618 is the term “national emergency” ever defined, either succinctly or abstractly.

    By Executive Order 13618, DHS has the power to “prioritize” “government communications over privately owned telephone and Internet systems in emergencies.”

    [in this case, prioritize means SEIZE]

    The previous orders did not give DHS those authorities over private and commercial networks. … That’s a new authority. This should have been done by Congress, so there could have been proper debate about it. This is not authority that should be granted by executive order. – EPIC lawyer Amie Stephanovich

    Under Executive Order 13618, Obama can say that any news not favorable to him is subversive, that it provokes the peace achieved by his declaration of a national emergency, and have it removed.

    On July 24, 2011, by Executive Order 13581, I declared a national emergency pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act to deal with the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy and economy of the United States constituted by the activities of significant transnational criminal organizations.

    Executive Order 13617 the Russian Federation continues to constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States, and hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.”

    so he has declared national emergency several times in different ways. that way, if someone says that X emergency doesn’t count, the has a few more that do.

    Obama signed, on March 22, 2012, Executive Order 13603 claims powers in peacetime and in times of national emergency to take control of the U.S. economy for the “national defense,” and to control the distribution of any material “in the civilian market.” The problem here is that arms are distributed in the civilian market. Executive Order 13603 makes “it easier for law enforcement agencies … to seize the lawful weapons of US citizens without arresting the weapon’s owner or offering them any semblance of due process.”

    ah. so the gun registrations are going to be used for the same reason as in germany. to prevent the scapegoats (white males including jewish males) from defending themselves or opposing the state..

    last time that was done it was a catastrophe.
    actually, it was a SHOAH…
    So this must be SHOAH II

    [and before comments come in and so on, just note one thing. wouldn’t it be better if the power to have a SHOAH didn’t exist at all? rather than just rely on the goodwill of a leader]

    Does his signing of Executive Order 13603 have anything to do with the government’s “accidental order” of millions of rounds of ammunition?

    of which there is another order large enough just made to put a bullet in every Americans head… actually add them all up, and they have enough to shoot everyone in the US 10 times over. (the waste of ammunition was the reason for the pragmatic ovens and gas chambers. bullets were too expensive)

    What’s worse is that Obama himself is not the author of [all] these executive orders.

  44. Dr.Jacobson has a new post this a.m. at his blog(LegalInsurrection.com)with more details and questions on the Mother Jones/David Corn matter.

    The video was snipped-pruned-absented-etc. Corn, late of The Nation(Pravda)is a Marxist Twit. This nonsense reminds me of Leninist doctoring of photos & lying poster-paintings of Bolshevik events. Yep, old Joe Stalin was greeting Comrade Lenin at the Smolny in that famous…faux..fictional scene from Soviet Histoey. OOoops…Joe was outta town at the time, etc.endlessly…

  45. Hotair is running an article that points out that about 2 minutes of Romney’s speech was cut, so MJ et al have not released the full clip. A bit of hypocracy from the left again, and possibly a hit on Romney.

  46. “the feminine idea that news should be pleasant making it more like entertainment and gossip has really improved society.”

    That’s not feminine; that’s a sound business decision that people have made to sell newspapers since what? The ’20s at least! Gossip and sports are the big draws. Ever think that the buffoonish/cartoonish commentary on TV sounds like the rah-rah of sports commentary, complete with cheering on Our Guy while boo-hissing The Other Team? Check out how many local markets have anchors or writers that started in sports and moved to op-ed.

    It’s the same reason that Fox male reporters are dressed in suitcoats and ties, but the female reporters are dressed like it’s a summer cocktail party: male viewers like it. I imagine that Rachel Maddow, conversely, is considered easy-on-the-eyes to a certain demographic.

    The big trigger for this started not here, but in England, where some news couldn’t be reported (e.g. during the Alar investigation, they could write about crops in India but not in their own backyard). Publishers found that the “filler” human interest stories – such as those about sports stars – drew readers. And then came Rupert Murdoch’s Page Three Girls, which not only enticed male readers to pick up the paper, but then created a buzz which could be maintained by writing about the girls. (Look at, for example, Samantha Fox who managed to stretch her fame into a musical/entertainment career and was featured in many, many “soft news” reports that ran in serious papers.)

    Look at the nature of the “attacks” on the Romneys (or the Obamas for that matter) and for every “hard news” story there seem to be two that read like a celebrity exposé. For example the fascination with clothes (and their cost), commentary on their athletic prowess, which rich/powerful celebs are in their crowd, etc.

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