Home » What’s next for the Republicans and Obamacare?


What’s next for the Republicans and Obamacare? — 8 Comments

  1. An excellent essay. Now, if we could just get all voters to take five minutes to read it, maybe a Republican Senate and WH would be assured come November. The task is to boil his points down to less than one minute sound bites that a fifth grader can understand. Let’s hope the RNC and Romney can do it.

  2. As J.J. points out, it’s tough to boil down a 2000+ page bill loaded with negatives to a few sound bites and bumper stickers. The RNC and Romney are going to have to come up with a handful of themes and then hit them over and over. Something like the federal government is taking over the entire healthcare system, your doctor will be working for the government, it’s going to cost you and your children lots of money, it’s going to cause lots of people to lose their jobs, and decisions about ending your life will be in the hands of government.

  3. Agreed. The biggest point Romney [we] need to drive home REPEATEDLY is that this law is not just a tax on “the wealthy”. That, EVERYONE is going to see their taxes go up in one way or another.

  4. I predict: Romney in WH, Dem Senate, Rep House. Romney can give every state a waiver and it will take another 4 years to really root the thing out.

    But not every Dem senator likes Obamacare- just ask Senator Manchin. With 49, you only need two defectors.

  5. SENATOR MANCHIN may not like Obamacare; however, he VOTED AGAINST THE HOUSE’S REPEAL BILL proving he cannot be expected to defend West Virginians from the many adverse impacts of Obamacare. If the citizens of WV vote for Manchin, they deserve what he votes for!

  6. The linked article skips around the CORE essential in the modern age: that one’s income is NOT reflected in Gross Wages, per a W-2.

    The true cost of your labor to your employer is also your true income. Should you fail/ underproduce — you are on the ‘bubble’ and will be cut loose at some point in the near future.

    That the nanny state is grabbing a staggering fraction of your wages — above the line — above the published W-2 nominal figure — is the real story of modern politics.

    Until they become employers, themselves, even the above average Joe wildly underestimates the above-the-line income redirection. For lower status, lower paying jobs this overburden runs as high as 100%. !

    ( Workman’s Comp functions as a tax in every way — and in some trades it’s in orbit )( roofers )


    The loss of wage-profits is hammering employment.

    ( Wage-profits = that income made by the EMPLOYER as a direct result of putting someone on the payroll. WWII was famed for cost-plus contracts. These are the extreme example of wage-profiting engines. Lest we forget, unemployment collapsed in that environment. )

    0bamanomics is the inverse of FDR.


    My sister markets HMO services.

    I asked her: “Now that 0bamaCare mandates purchase who’ll need a marketing arm?”


  7. From the Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama comes a special tomorrow wid:

    Herman Cain, Sheriff Joe, Janine Turner, Dick Morris.

    Phyliss Schlafly, Wayne Root, Joe the Plumber, Melanie Morgan, Jackie Mason (The Great Jackie Mason).

    Alveda King, Amy Kremer, Joe Milller, Dr. Gina Loudon (The Great Dr. Gina Loudon), Jedidiah Bila, Judson Phillips, Lloyd Brown, Victoria Jackson, Deroy Murdock, Debbie Lee, William Gheen.

    Ryan Mauro, Teri Cristoph, Pamela Gellar, Jason Mattera, Dr. Melissa Clouthier, Pat Dollard, Tabitha Hale, Eric Odom, Danny Tarkanian, Terresa Monroe Hamilton, Ali Akbar, David Codrea, Ted Cruz, and Dan Riehl.


    Watch it. Fool.

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